Equity Crowdfunding: The Complete Guide for Startups and Growing Companies
Raise Money & Gain Exposure At The Same Time!Tired of fruitless pitch meetings with investors and the limitations of trying to grow a business through bootstrapping?Equity crowdfunding is a new, fresh alternative to Silicon Valley venture capital. Hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars, can be raised by offering shares in your startup to members of the public.Gaining marketing exposure and raising business funding are #1 and #2 on the priority list for many entrepreneurs. But they were always separate activities - first raise the money, then spend it on marketing. Until now!A New Hybrid of Venture Capital & Kickstarter.Equity crowdfunding is a new form of investment banking for startups, small business and new business, enabled by advances in fintech.The entrepreneurs set their own offer terms, retain their company culture, and bring on dozens, or even hundreds of shareholders and gain all the promotional benefits that come with a larger 'crowd'.And unlike the
Absolutely stunning and flawless. Promoted to one of my all-time favorite books. I've no clue how the author wrote this, but it is absolutely incredible.