Best career options after PhD in Rajasthan
It is a myth that after PhD one can become only a professor at college/ university. It is true that you can choose to pursue a career in teaching through becoming a professor but the career options after completing PhD goes beyond academia. The demand for PhD holders has been increasing drastically across the world; therefore, a lot of people have started pursuing a PhD in their respective field of study in masters. In the time of the fastchanging world, the PhD holders are being offered jobs in the field of writing, research, investment banking, law and many more. In PhD, you learn in-depth research and the ability to solve key problems with exceptional analytical skills. Nowadays, almost in every sector, professional with such quality is in demand. Companies offer a huge amount of salary package to PhD holders. A PhD holder can also make a career in the field of Research, Finance and Public Service. Best career options after completing PhD in Rajasthan Many reputed universities/colleges in Rajasthan state offer PhD in various subjects. The students who pursue PhD from the universities/colleges in Rajasthan state have plenty of option to make an attractive career in their respective field of study. Since the PhD does not have any limitation, a PhD holder can be found everywhere, they can make a career from the financial sector to the public sector. In general, after PhD, one can pursue a career in the field of teaching, Industrial R&D Lab professionals and Start-ups mentors. Most of the industrial research and development programs are entrusted to the dedicated PhD groups who are involved in research activities and designing new products. The salary structure of this PhD is always higher than that of any other graduates with rich experience. Some of the popular PhD specializations along-with the job sectors are listed below:
PhD Subjects
Area of work
PhD in English Literature
College Professor
PhD in Linguistics
Public sector and science communication
PhD in Pharmacy
Medical research centres
PhD in Chemistry
Analyst in Chemical research centres and laboratories
PhD in Geology
Head of the service in Geological centres
PhD in Law
Advisory positions in Government sectors
PhD in Biology
Science Writing
PhD in Nutrition
Scientific Advisor
PhD in Biochemistry
Patent Lawyer
PhD in Molecular Biology
Medical research and development centres
Best PhD University in Jaipur JK Lakshmipat University, also popular as JKLU, does not require an introduction in Jaipur since it’s the best university in Jaipur. JKLU is faster establishing itself among the top universities not only in Jaipur but Rajasthan state. JKLU offers PhD program in a combination of lecture courses, laboratory courses, design courses, Self-Study Courses, and Minor Project. PhD Program Eligibility & Duration The total duration of the PhD program varies at different universities. The candidates who have completed a master’s degree or equivalent in relevant subject from a recognized University/College in India or abroad securing with more than 55% marks or 5.5/10 CGPA in aggregate at are eligible to apply for PhD admission. However, in the case of SC/ST candidates, the minimum marks required for admission shall be relaxed.