Rapid weight loss secrets

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Rapid Weight Loss Secrets

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©Copyright - Glenn Post - Getfitgold.com - all rights reserved worldwide.

About Glenn Post

Glenn Post is the owner and manager of several successful fitness, exercise, weight loss, and health oriented websites promoting popular weight control and health supplement products. He has helped thousands of people all around the world in their health and fitness journey by providing and up to date fitness and weight loss articles and products.

Introduction If you are serious about your health and doing the very best you can to change your life then congratulations on making the very first step to a healthier you by downloading and reading this eBook.

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ŠCopyright - Glenn Post - Getfitgold.com - all rights reserved worldwide.

Content A healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be hard to achieve. It just requires some modification of bad habits into healthier ones. Below is a list of some healthy lifestyle suggestions to help get you started. Once you commence, you will be able to come up with more healthy choices on your own that will continue to work for you in the following weeks, months, and years.  The most crucial thing is to eat lean healthy meals that can easily replace poor diet choices. Eat more fruits and vegetables and cut down on high sugar processed foods. As well as healthier choices, the foods should be highly nutritious and sustaining.  The 2nd matter to consider are adequate essential vitamins and minerals to assist your body in functioning correctly. These may have been lacking in your diet in previous unhealthy choices.  The 3rd tip is to leave all your unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, illicit drugs, chewing tobacco, and other harmful toxins out of your life. You are in charge of your health and living a healthier lifestyle by quitting these will certainly be a good start.  The 4th thing to exercise as exercise decreases the stress hormones such as cortisol and increases endorphins which are the body’s natural feel good chemicals.  Along with moderate exercise, the 5th tip is making sure you undertake regular health checks with your doctor. This is very important in women due to the rising risk of heart attack. Men should also see a doctor every 2-3 years to ensure there are no major health issues building.  The 6th is to surround yourself with a strong network or support group of people who will be there for you and support you in changing to a healthy lifestyle.  The 7th tip is to have fun and enjoy life with family and friends. ©Copyright - Glenn Post - Getfitgold.com - all rights reserved worldwide.

 The 8th tip is to create a nice balance between work and play as stress is a big contributor to the release of cortisol which will undermine your progress.  The final tips are to recognise that you are an individual who loves what you do. If you can acknowledge your own strengths and weaknesses, you will have a greater chance of success at everything you do. Start with these healthy lifestyle tips and see the changes in your attitude and get-up-and-go in the next few weeks. You should feel more active, motivated, and positive.

Preparing healthy meals at home is perhaps the simplest way of trimming your tummy fat as you know everything that's going into your body because you control the food. Preparing your own meals can also help with the budget as buying food in bulk is often cheaper.

Experiment with new and exciting healthy food choices to add variety to your diet. Healthy food doesn't always have to taste like cardboard.

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More News On Weight Loss Keep Exercise Motivated We need to keep active to stay healthy but with a busy lifestyle it’s often hard to keep on track.

The trick to sticking to an exercise program is making it a habit. According to Phillippa Lally, a health psychology researcher at University College London, it takes approximately a 12-week period for a habit to form. In her study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, Lally and her ŠCopyright - Glenn Post - Getfitgold.com - all rights reserved worldwide.

research team decided to figure out just how long it took for someone to form a habit. So if you intend to keep up with your routine, and not over-think it, set a regular time and then just do it. After 12 weeks the whole process will become automatic. Of course there may be times when you just won't feel like exercising at all. This does happen but to maintain motivation you can adopt a few strategies to help overcome the lack of motivation. Here are a few hints and tips:  Pick an exercise activity you are comfortable doing well – and able afford. Don’t take up a sport if the costs will add additional stress to the budget.  Ensure you can exercise close to work or home to avoid travel delays and stress.  Set yourself realistic goals and don't set yourself up for failure. Don’t make promises to yourself you can't keep and set achievable goals. Research has shown that you don’t have to lose weight to gain health benefits.  Start exercising at a level you are comfortable with if you are out of shape. You can gradually increase your level of exertion as you gain in strength and confidence.  Set yourself exercise appointments as clear and definite timeframes and follow through on the commitment. 

Make your exercise appointments a priority for yourself. Do your exercise first and other activities later.

 Track your progress. Mark off days when you exercise and reward yourself for achieving goals but don't over do it and undermine your good work to date.  Find a "buddy" to share the activity with. That way you can motivate each other and keep on track.

©Copyright - Glenn Post - Getfitgold.com - all rights reserved worldwide.

Avoid Stagnating  Set achievable challenges and continually review your goals as you gain strength and stamina.  Give yourself a selection of activities to avoid the same routine and work different sets of muscles.  Join in on group activities and gain inspired by other peoples enthusiasm and energy  If you have the budget, invest in workout gear and new equipment to keep challenging yourself.

Don't forget to visit with your medical practitioner before taking up a new exercise program particularly if you are overweight, over 40 or have medical conditions.

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©Copyright - Glenn Post - Getfitgold.com - all rights reserved worldwide.

Click Here To Access The Venus Weight Loss System

ŠCopyright - Glenn Post - Getfitgold.com - all rights reserved worldwide.

More News On Weight Loss Why Nuts Don’t Make You Fat The Sydney Morning Herald reports that despite the fact that nuts are delicious, Australia's national consumption seems to be only limited to party snacks. Only around 2 per cent of Australians are consuming nuts on a daily basis. Lisa Yates, a dietician with Nuts for Life (an industry organisation), thinks this is because nuts are loaded with fat. But studies have shown that regular nut-eaters don’t seem to gain weight, in fact Weight Watchers has recommended eating a handful of unsalted nuts between meals due to their protein content and fibre helping to quell hunger cravings. These little nature's gifts of goodness are loaded with antioxidants and have other health benefits they deliver as well. Research has suggested that consuming 30 grams of nuts 5 times a week can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 50 per cent !!!, reduce blood pressure, and prevent LDL (bad) cholesterol from sticking to the arterial walls. Eating nuts is also linked to lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes and control in those who already have diabetes.

Using Your Muscles According to research findings, exercises that make you use your muscles, like strength training, provide greater health benefits, the Sydney Morning Herald website reports. Rob Newton, Foundation Professor of Exercise and Sports Science at Western Australia’s Edith Cowan University stated "One of the most compelling findings of recent years is that muscles are actually a huge secretaory organ and when we exercise them they release hormone-like chemicals that have a major influence on every system of the body" He also stated that “Some types of exercise, including strength training, also produce a surge of the hormone testosterone which helps sharpen thinking and memory” Mr. Newton then went on to explain that exercising was like a pill that boosts energy, strength and improves resistance to disease, he says – and if we want to reduce the risk of inactivity-driven diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s, we need a regular dose all the way from childhood to old age. He also commented on bone health and stated that the prime time for bone growth was with children between 5-12, age 20-50 was to boost performance, 50-65 was disease proofing and 60+ was getting considerable traction with the strength training improving in this age group. ©Copyright - Glenn Post - Getfitgold.com - all rights reserved worldwide.

Some Useful Links http://www.weightwatchers.com.au http://www.diabetes.org http://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/diet-and-fitness http://www.dietlowcalorie.com http://www.getfitgold.com

ŠCopyright - Glenn Post - Getfitgold.com - all rights reserved worldwide.

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