Sharing the Harvest in Winnipeg

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Sharing the Harvest in

Winnipeg, Manitoba A Guide to Harvesting and Sharing Backyard Fruit

Table of Contents  Introduction Harvesting Ideas Harvesting Tips Donating Etiquette Where to Donate Benefits of Harvesting & Sharing Fruit Map of Winnipeg Food Charities Organizations Agape Table Forward House Ministries North End Food Security Network Resource Assistance for Youth Union Gospel Mission Salvation Army Booth Centre Siloam Mission Teen Challenge Winnipeg Harvest

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This Guide is made possible thanks to the support and funding from: MAFRA (Manitoba Alternative Food Research Alliance) CHEF (Canadian Home Economics Foundation) Fruit Share and all its wonderful, hard working volunteers.

We welcome you to share this resource with others, but please be considerate and always provide a link and credit to Getty Stewart and Fruit Share. Want to make a version of this document for your community? Email for a Word file that you can adapt. Written by Getty Stewart, PHEc

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There’s something magical about clusters of beautiful, fragrant blossoms broadcasting the arrival of spring. As we take in their sight and smell we think of long, warm and sunny days ahead. Their arrival is a welcomed sight. Only later, when those same branches are bearing ripe, heavy fruit and pollinating bees turn to hoards of angry, drunken wasps does the magnitude of all those blossoms set in. Sometimes, that beautiful bounty turns into a messy burden. But, it doesn’t have to be. Help is available. You just have to ask. A little boy was having difficulty lifting a heavy stone. His father came along just then. Noting the boy's failure, he asked, "Are you using all your strength?" "Yes, I am," the little boy said impatiently. "No, you are not," the father answered. "I am right here just waiting, and you haven't asked me to help you." Author Unknown

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Harvesting Ideas If you aren’t able to harvest your own fruit, here are some creative ideas for getting others to help you and ensure your fruit is put to good use. When given the opportunity, people are happy to help. And, when you add a basket of fruit, they’ll be sure to say YES! 

Host a picking party. Picking is much more fun when there are several people doing it together. Serve some ice tea and a tray of cookies and you’re guaranteed to have a good time. Encourage the group to pick an extra bag for a neighbour down the street who might not be as agile but would appreciate some fresh fruit. It’s a great way to build positive relationships with your neighbours. Call a fruit picking group like Fruit Share to come harvest your fruit for you. These non-profit organizations will send a team of volunteers to pick your fruit. Most share the fruit local food charities. Hire a neighbourhood teenager to harvest your fruit for you. If you don’t know who to call, ask your community centre for a list of neighbourhood babysitters or dog walkers. These keen, young individuals might consider adding fruit picking to their repertoire of services offered. The money you spend will be well worth it! Post a notice at your local garden club, church or community centre stating you have delicious, free fruit available for picking. Put a classified ad in your community paper or online at places like Kijiji or your community Buy and Sell. There are a lot of people who welcome the opportunity to get fresh, local fruit.

Fruit Share

Fruit Picking Groups Picking groups are becoming more common, call a food bank or volunteer centre to see if there’s a group in your community. Here are some groups in Canada that have been operating for several years. Vancouver, BC Fruit Tree Project Victoria, BC Fruit Tree Project Calgary, AB Calgary Harvest Edmonton, AB Operation Fruit Rescue Winnipeg, MB Fruit Share Toronto, ON Not Far From The Tree

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Ask vendors at your local Farmers’ Market if they would be interested in picking your fruit. Those

Ask a local community group to pick your fruit. For example the Boys and Girls Club, Scouts

that sell homemade preserves or fresh produce might be eager to make good use of your fruit.

Canada, Brownies, school groups, etc. Call them and suggest they could donate the fruti to a local food charity or use the fruit for their own fundraising purposes by having a temporary fruit stand.

Call a neighbourhood revival corporation, community garden club or another food group that offers food preserving workshops. These groups may appreciate free fruit for their workshops.

Call a local Hutterite Colony to see if they’d be interested in picking your fruit. A listing of Hutterite Colonies in the prairies can be found at http://www.hutterites.orgunder the Hutterite Directory.

Fruit Share volunteers harvesting apples. Photo by Mike Deal, Winnipeg, MB

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Harvesting Tips If you are able to assemble a picking crew to help harvest your bounty, here are a couple of harvesting tips to consider. 

Before picking, rake up any fruit that may be lying on the ground so that you can keep it separate from the fresh fruit you pick. Fallen fruit is at risk of contamination and should be composted.

Inevitably, some fruit will fall to the ground while you’re picking. This fruit may end up with cracked or bruised skin. Before using this fruit, consider the conditions of the ground it fell on. If you have any reservations, compost it. If you’d like to use this fruit, do it as soon as possible after picking and consider a high heat process to kill any possible bacteria.

Try to pick fruit with the stem attached to extend the storage life of the fruit.

As much as possible, use two hands when harvesting fruit. Use one hand to hold the branch close to the fruit and the other to gently twist and roll the fruit up towards the stem. When using just one hand to “yank” the fruit, you may damage the tree and threaten next year’s crop.

For difficult to reach fruit, use a fruit picker designed for that purpose rather than attempting deathdefying climbing acts.

Bruised fruit will spoil much faster than intact fruit. Keep heavily bruised or broken fruit separate. A rotten apple really does spoil the barrel!

Shaking trees is a technique that should only be used at the very end when all the reachable fruit has been harvested. If you do choose to shake the tree, have a team of people hold a very large bed sheet underneath the tree. It’s fun to see how many they can catch and how many land on their heads! Remember to keep bruised or broken fruit separate and to use it right away.

Place picked fruit in cardboard boxes rather than plastic bags. Boxes will allow better movement of air and extends storage life.

Store fruit in a cool, dark place and check it frequently for signs of spoiling. If you’re planning on sharing your fruit with others it’s best to so as soon as possible.

Remember to have fun! Spread out a picnic blanket and have some snacks to make the harvest enjoyable and memorable.

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Donating Etiquette If you are planning on donating your fruit to a local charity, here is some general food donating etiquette for you to consider. 

Deliver fruit as soon after harvesting as possible.

Call the organization to determine their ability to accept your donation, to determine the exact drop off location and the best time to deliver your fruit. Due to each organization’s unique circumstances, each one has slightly different procedures and capablilities.

Only donate fruit that you would consider eating yourself. Fallen fruit, overly ripe fruit or heavily bruised fruit should be composted, not donated.

Choose clean, dry boxes, cloth bags or containers to transport fruit with as little bruising or bumping as possible.

Fruit should not be washed before donating. It will store better if it does not have moisture on it and organizations will wash it anyway.

Homemade preserves and baked goods should be dated and labeled with ingredient lists. Not all organizations will accept homemade products.

Most provinces have a provincial food donation act that protects food donors from any liability when Delivering apples to a food charity. making donations in good faith. These acts are designed to encourage individuals and organizations to make non-profitable food donations.

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Where to Donate There are many individuals and organizations who would welcome a basket, bag or handful of fresh, local fruit. Here are some to consider: 

Food banks. A food bank is a centralized clearing house which collects food (which would otherwise be wasted) from available sources and distributes it to a number of agencies that feed the hungry. For a listing of food banks in your community visit Food Banks Canada at

Soup kitchens. A soup kitchen is an establishment which offers meals to the needy for free or at very low cost. It may or may not be tied to a religious organization. To find soup kitchens in your community do a web search with this term “community name soup kitchens” or call a Food Bank in your area which may supply some of the food used by local soup kitchens.

Food Programs. Check your community newspapers or call your community development organization to find out what food programs are offered in your neighbourhood that could use fresh produce. It may be a seniors cooking class, a nursery school breakfast program or a preserving workshop offered by a local food group.

Seniors Residences. At Fruit Share we shared a lot of fruit with seniors by simply delivering a box of fresh, crisp fruit to their apartment complex with a note encouraging them to share in the bounty. They welcomed the fruit and the opportunity to recall fond memories and recreate the recipes they grew up with.

Schools, Daycares and Nursery Schools. Kids love experimenting, baking, cooking and exploring new things. Why not offer your fruit to a local school, daycare or nursery school. Teachers and day care workers have great imagination and will come up with creative ways to turn your fruit into a fun, delicious educational experience.

These are just the beginning, use your imagination and talk to your friends and neighbours about who else in your community could benefit from your bounty.

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Benefits of Harvesting & Sharing Fruit Perhaps you’re wondering if you could just leave the fruit and avoid harvesting it all together. It certainly is an option, but here’s a list of reasons why it is better to find a way to harvest your fruit than to let it rot on the tree.  Enjoy delicious, tasty fruit that you grew yourself. Nothing tastes as great as the things you grow yourself.  Join the trend of eating local! Take advantage of free, local, nutritious and organic food (assuming you haven’t used any chemicals).  Try out new recipes and preserving techniques. The sweet/tart combination of our prairie fruit is the envy of many chefs and provides so many delicious options.  Experience the exhilaration of sharing your bounty with others. In Canada, there are over 850,000 people per month (Foodbanks Canada, Hunger Facts 2010) who use food banks. You can help!  Reduce pest problems in your yard. Wasps, squirrels, racoons, mice and other critters are drawn by the smell and taste of over ripe fruit. To avoid run-ins with these critters, harvest your fruit as it ripens.  Reduce the mess of dropped fruit in your yard. Sooner or later that fruit is coming off your tree! To avoid a squishy, gooey mess under your feet, pick it before it drops.  Lighten the load on your fruit trees. Some years can be especially bountiful and tree branches can buckle under the weight of too much fruit. Keep your fruit trees strong and healthy by reducing the stress of too much fruit.  Reduce the chance of disease in your fruit trees. Ripe fruit may attract fungus, worms or disease that may overwinter in your trees and cause damage to future fruit crops.

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Map of Winnipeg Charities A map of Winnipeg organizations that accept fresh fruit and vegetable donations.

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Agape Table Forward House Ministries North End Food Security Network RAY - Resource Assistance for Youth Salvation Army Booth Centre Siloam Mission Teen Challenge Union Gospel Mission Winnipeg Harvest

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Organizations Agape Table Agape Table is committed to providing a community-based program, nourishing the body, mind, and spirit of our guests in a cost effective and financially responsible manner. Agape uses donated fruit to prepare meals for guests from Monday to Friday.

Street Address: 175 Colony Street Phone: 204-783-6369 Website:

Contact Information


Donations Accepted

Apples, apricots, berries, crab apples, grapes, sour cherries, plums

Other Food Items

Homemade preserves (dated & labeled with ingredient list), juice (100% fruit), sugar, coffee whitener, peanut butter, commercial sized cans of beans, pasta, garden vegetables.

Non-Food Items

Soap, toothbrushes, used clothes, feminine hygiene products


Donation Logistics

Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm


175 Colony Street  attached to All Saints’ Anglican Church  knock on door  park in loading zone outside front door Agape has limited refrigeration space and cannot store perishables over the weekend. Therefore, please make perishable food donations at the beginning of the week. Someone will always be there to accept donations between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm Monday to Wednesday, simply knock on the door and someone will assist you.

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Forward House Ministries Forward House is a Christian home for men and children who are trying to get their lives back on track. Forward House operates five houses in a row and uses donated fruit to prepare meals for 40 people three times a day, every day.

Street Address: 407 Chalmers Avenue (main house) Phone: 204-471-1244 Website:


Contact Information

Donations Accepted

Apples, apricots, berries, grapes, plums

Other Food Items

Homemade preserves (dated & labeled with ingredient list), frozen fruit (dated & labeled), homebaked products (dated & labeled with ingredient list) garden vegetables and any other food items.

Non-Food Items

Men’s personal hygiene products


Donation Logistics

Monday to Sunday from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm


 Back door of 407 Chalmers Avenue  Parking available at the back

Special Notes

Forward House has walk-in freezers and coolers that always have space for donated perishables. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always welcome.

North End Food Security Network

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The North End Food Security Network's goal is to improve Food Security in Winnipeg’s North End through capacity building initiatives. Programs include improving cooking skills sessions, community gardens, a grocery shuttle service, a Main Street Farmers’ Market during the summer and other food security workshops and information sharing. The North End Food Security Network uses donated fruit to prepare meals, to give to over 250 partner organizations or to include in good food boxes distributed to low income families.

Street Address: 509 Selkirk Avenue Phone: 204-927-2342 Website:


Contact Information

Donations Accepted

Apples, apricots, berries, crab apples, grapes, rhubarb, sour cherries, plums

Other Food Items

Garden vegetables


Donation Logistics

Monday to Wednesday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm


 Front entrance at 509 Selkirk Avenue  Meter parking available on front street

Special Notes

Please phone 927-2342 a minimum of 24 hours in advance to either arrange another drop off location or to have partners pick up donations as quickly as possible. Cannot accept heavily bruised fruit or homemade products. Cannot accept more than thirty pounds of fruit per donation due to lack of cold storage space.

Resource Assistance for Youth

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Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY) is a non-profit street-level agency working with street-entrenched and homeless youth up to the age of 29. It provides youth with what they need, on their terms, to better their lives by being the crucial link between street-entrenched youth and much-needed support services. RaY uses donated fruit to prepare meals and fill food hampers.

Contact Information

Street Address: 125 Sherbrook Street Phone: 204-783-5617 Website:

Donations Accepted


Apples, apricots, berries, crab apples, grapes, rhubarb, sour cherries, plums

Other Food Items

Homemade preserves (dated & labeled with ingredient list), frozen fruit (dated & labeled), homebaked products (dated & labeled with ingredient list), garden vegetables.

Non-Food Items

new toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, new soap, other toiletries (razors, shaving cream, sewing kits, etc.), used clothes, backpacks, sleeping bags


Donation Logistics

Monday to Thursday 10:00 am to noon (flexible, please call for other times)


125 Sherbrook Street ďƒ use front door next to a colourful elevator ďƒ parking lot available

Special Notes

Please phone ahead to 783-5617.

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Union Gospel Mission The Union Gospel Mission is a non-profit evangelical, nondenominational Gospel Rescue Mission. Our Purpose is to carry on without financial gain to its members, Christcentered programs for the addicted and the poor men, women and children of Manitoba. Union Gospel Mission uses donated fruit to prepare meals, fill food hampers and process for future use.

Contact Information

Street Address: 320 Princess Street Phone: 204-943-9904 Website:


Donations Accepted

Apples, apricots, berries, crab apples, grapes, rhubarb, sour cherries, plums

Other Food Items

Homemade preserves (dated & labeled with ingredient list), frozen fruit (dated & labeled), homebaked goods (dated & labeled with ingredient list), garden vegetables.

Non-Food Items

For a list of other items currently accepted and needed visit the food and clothing page at Gospel Mission.


Donation Logistics

Monday to Sunday 7:00 am to 9:00 pm


320 Princess Street  Northwest corner of Henry and Princess  Knock on front or back door  parking lot available

Special Notes

Please phone 943-9904 to let them know what type and what quantity of fruit you are donating.

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Salvation Army – Booth Centre The Salvation Army Booth Centre provides transitional housing. The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world. The Salvation Army Booth Centre uses donated fruit to prepare meals.

Contact Information

Street Address: 180 Henry Avenue

Phone: 204-946-9400 Website:


Donations Accepted

Apples, berries, crab apples, grapes, rhubarb, sour cherries

Other Food Items Vegetables

Non-Food Items

Toiletries, blankets, pillows


Donation Logistics

Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm


 Loading dock in the back lane on the south side of 180 Henry  Parking by the dock while unloading  Phone 946-9400 for access

Special Notes

Please phone 946-9400 to ensure food being donated can be used. The Centre is unable to accept homemade products.

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Siloam Mission Siloam Mission is a Christian humanitarian agency offering programs and services at no charge to those experiencing homelessness. Siloam Mission alleviates the hardships of the poor and homeless, assists in transitioning them into self-sufficient and generous lifestyles and advocates nationwide on their behalf. Siloam Mission uses donated fruit to prepare meals and fill food hampers.

Contact Information

Street Address: 300 Princess Street Phone: 204-956-4344 Website:


Donations Accepted

Apples, berries, crab apples, grapes, rhubarb, apricots, plums

Other Food Items

Homemade preserves (dated & labeled with ingredient list), frozen fruit (dated & labeled), home baked products (dated & labeled with ingredient list) garden vegetables, other fruits.

Non-Food Items

Men’s and women’s clothes, shoes, backpacks, socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving cream, razors


Donation Logistics

Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Evenings & weekends 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm


 Front door at 300 Princess Street  Parking available on Princess Street

Special Notes

Please phone ahead at 956-4344. Dial the kitchen extension after hours. Cannot accept heavily bruised fruit.

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Teen Challenge Teen Challenge is a 12-month, faith-based, residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. The program has a strong faith-based approach and offers spiritual, academic and vocational training that helps equip individuals to return to society as responsible citizens. Teen Challenge uses donated fruit to prepare meals, fill food hampers, share with other organizations, and process for future use.

Contact Information

Street Address: 414 Edmonton Street Phone: 949-9484 ext. 2011 Website:


Donations Accepted

Apples, apricots, berries, crab apples, grapes, rhubarb, sour cherries, plums

Other Food Items

Homemade preserves (dated & labeled with ingredient list), frozen fruit (dated & labeled), homebaked products (dated & labeled with ingredient list) garden vegetables, fresh or frozen meat (labeled & dated).

Non-Food Items

Men's clothing and personal hygiene products, bedding, towels, mugs and cutlery


Donation Logistics

Monday to Saturday 7:00 am to 9:00 pm


414 Edmonton Street  use back door  park in back lane by door while unloading  ring buzzer (high on a silver pad on the red brick wall)

Special Notes

Please phone ahead to 949-9484 ext. 2011 or try Mike at 232-2905 or Jane at 688-7605. Cannot accept heavily bruised fruit. Teen Challenge has a freezer and refrigerator for storing perishable food.

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Winnipeg Harvest Winnipeg Harvest is a non-profit, community-based organization. They are committed to providing food to people who struggle to feed themselves and their families. They are also committed to maximizing public awareness of hunger while working towards long-term solutions to hunger and poverty. Winnipeg Harvest uses donated fruit to prepare meals, fill food hampers and share with other organizations.

Street Address: 1085 Winnipeg Avenue Phone: 204-982-3663 Website:


Contact Information

Donations Accepted

Apples, apricots, berries, crab apples, grapes, rhubarb, sour cherries, plums

Other Food Items

frozen fruit (dated & labeled), garden vegetables, commercial canned, frozen and dry goods. For a list of top food items currently needed visit the list of most wanted items at Winnipeg Harvest.

Non-Food Items none


Donation Logistics

Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm


ďƒ Front door of 1085 Winnipeg Avenue for donations under 30 pounds ďƒ Loading dock at back of 1085 Winnipeg Avenue for large donations

Special Notes

Please phone 982-3663 to indicate the type and quantity of fruit you have to ensure someone will be able to assist you with unloading.

Thank you for sharing!

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