Be a Franchisee And Own a Women’s Fitness Center in Indiana and Tennessee
Today, there are women’s fitness center available across the US. Get In Shape For Women (GISFW) is a reputed fitness center with locations across the US . GISFW has women’s fitness center in Indiana, Tennessee and many other parts of the US. There is a total commitment visible here. The GISFW management has a program; it also has a vision, a purpose and core values. All these are followed meticulously by the entire group.
Highest Standards
The principle behind the women’s fitness center in Tennessee or Indiana is just the same. It is to set the highest standards seen anywhere. The training program is highly disciplined, irrespective of whether it is weight training or Cardio workout sessions or nutrition. There is a sense of accountability that has to be rigidly followed by all women taking the program so that one is held accountable for physical standards that have been set to be achieved.
Empower Women Through Body Transformation
The ideals set to be followed are very high indeed. The purpose GISFW is essentially to empower women through body transformation. Once the women have reached that state of fitness, they are helped to take on a franchise in a state and city of their choice. The mission of the management is to open 5000 worldwide locations by 2036 by developing the best fitness franchise model in the world. The core values of GISFW is to treat all customers as a part of its extended family. The group has a passion for health & fitness and believes in the power of positivity.
There are three levels in the program offered at GISFW.
In the first part, you will be burning roughly 2000 calories every week. The cardiovascular training in the second part will involve your certified personal trainer helping you follow interval training. This form of training not only helps you accelerate fat and calorie burning but also lowers blood pressure and the heart rate besides increasing good cholesterol and getting you and your heart into shape. In this phase you will be burning 600 calories each week. The third part consists of nutrition wherein each trainee will be taught what, when and how much to eat. You will have 6 balanced meals each day, 6 days per week. The seventh day is free day when one can eat whatever one wants. Accountability is the summation phase wherein you will be held accountable for your progress toward the fitness goal that has been set by you.
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