The Excellence of Women’s Fitness Center in Tennessee The Excellence of Women’s Fitness Center in Tennessee There is chain of women’s fitness centers all over the US. There is a women’s fitness center in Tennessee, in California, Minnesota and Florida. All these women’s fitness centers are run in exactly the same way. The franchise model is used in running these fitness centers. The aim of the management is to have 5000 such fitness centers in the world by 2036. The management desires that this franchise model should be of global standard.
You Too Can Benefit
You can also be a franchisee of a women’s fitness center in Tennessee or elsewhere. You need to be dedicated to helping women achieve their fitness goals. You will be provided everything you need to succeed. The purpose of the chain is to empower women through body transformation. All personal trainers are committed and have a passion for health and fitness. There is a sense of dedication among all members in the chain of fitness centers.
The Important Parts of The Fitness Program The fitness program for women is in four parts. In the first part is the weight training. In this all participants are expected to burn around 2000 calories each week. This huge calorie burning is due to weight training and the body’s metabolic response. The second part of the program is cardio vascular training. In this part the personal trainer will introduce you to interval training. Interval training cardio helps
Accelerate fat and calorie burning Burn around 600 calories each week Lowering blood pressure and heart rate Increasing good cholesterol and Getting your heart into shape. Nutrition program is the third part.
In this all participants are taught: What to eat How much to eat and When to eat. Accountability is the last part of the program. In this you will be held accountable for your progress toward fitness goals you had set.
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