Digital Insurance: Business Innovation in the Post-Crisis Era
In the unsettled atmosphere of the post-financial crisis years, insurance firms are forced to cope with changing market dynamics and socioeconomic factors, while at the same time attempting to increase revenue and reduce costs. Firms will need to adapt quickly to the changing environment and embrace innovative methods to remain competitive. However, insurance companies have traditionally taken a cautious approach to innovation.This book explores the ways in which the adoption of new paradigms, processes, and technologies can lead to greater revenue, cost efficiency and control, as well as improved business agility in the insurance industry. The author argues that insurance companies should actively embrace digital insurance to make processes and services lean, automated and multi-channeled. Indeed, they will soon be forced to, as the industry is experiencing growing participation from new organizations such as banks, telecommunication organizations and merchants. In this book, the
Absolutely stunning and flawless. Promoted to one of my all-time favorite books. I've no clue how the author wrote this, but it is absolutely incredible.