Finding Your Money's Greater Purpose: How to Make Your Legacy Count
Become a Money-Savvy Philanthropist And Get More Out Of Giving Back Each of us holds the power to make a lasting, positive mark on this world with our time and resources. Finding Your Money s Greater Purpose reveals proven strategies that will give you the confidence and clarity to benefit yourself, your family, and the causes, institutions, and charitable organizations that you care about most. Whether you are on the board of a charitable organization or you simply want to make a lasting difference in your community, longtime financial planner Patrick Renn s financial tools, techniques, ideas, and solutions will help you discover just how big of a positive impact you can make long into the future. Pat Renn has devoted his life s work to helping people manage their financial resources. Early on, Pat realized this required more than just helping people invest responsibly; the greater challenge was to help them make the right decisions about using their resources for their own benefit,
Absolutely stunning and flawless. Promoted to one of my all-time favorite books. I've no clue how the author wrote this, but it is absolutely incredible.