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Mediation: An A-Z Guide

Don't know your BATNA from your WATNA from your ZOPA? Think PATNA is a type of rice? Not sure what Cellar Blindness is? Or what FDRs/DI Ps/ LIPs are? Mediation: An A-Z Guide tells you, distilling practical information, informed comment and useful advice and tips. Over 500 entries provide curated information on practical mediation topics guiding you through the thicket of mediation jargon.Mediation: An A-Z Guide ensures you have no need to feel nervous about mediation because you: will understand what is being said will have the knowledge and confidence to use the buzz wordsWhether you are a mediator, a representative, a client, a lawyer or a nonlawyer you will find what you are looking for.Portable and practical and with an easy-to-read, punchy style and user-friendly format this is more than just a dictionary. Entries follow the same pattern: Topic Heading Definition Comment In practice - bullet points nail the everyday application of the topic See also - for internal cross

Absolutely stunning and flawless. Promoted to one of my all-time favorite books. I've no clue how the author wrote this, but it is absolutely incredible.

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