The Mechanics of Optimism: Mining Companies, Technology, and the Hot Spring Gold Rush, Montana Territory, 1864-1868
For every successful mining district celebrated in history, there were failed dozens whose stories have been largely forgotten. This book fills a void by documenting, in rare detail, the boom-bust cycle of Hot Spring District, a mid-1860s Montana gold camp that didn't pay, despite early predictions of a bonanza. developed and financed during and after the Civil War, and how men, primarily Easterners with scant knowledge of mining, were willing to invest large sums in gold mines that promised quick and lucrative returns. Safford explains how these mining companies were organised and underwritten, and why a little-known district in southwestern Montana was chosen as a centre of operations. What were the businessmen involved in these ventures thinking? Why didn't new mining technology triumph as predicted? Why did their financial strategies fail to produce lavish profits? Relying on extensive primary sources, Safford answers these and other questions while reminding the reader that the
Absolutely stunning and flawless. Promoted to one of my all-time favorite books. I've no clue how the author wrote this, but it is absolutely incredible.