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Get South

Get South is a free guidebook that has all the secret traveller knowledge of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay... including freebies and discounts! We provide an easy-to-understand, useful and up-to-date guidebook to assist foreign visitors in planning their visit to South America, and best of all, it’s FREE!


8. Chile 13º edition

January 11, 2012

Get South 12º edition

September 17, 2011

8. Chile 12º edition

September 7, 2011

8. Chile

January 8, 2011

9. Uruguay

January 8, 2011

0. Cover & Colour Pages

September 7, 2010

6. Argentina North Region

September 4, 2010

8. Chile

September 4, 2010

9. Uruguay

September 4, 2010

0. Cover pages

September 4, 2010

10. Back cover pages

September 4, 2010