1 minute read
Keeping It Traditional: Australian Christmas Pudding
Recipe by Juliet Kennedy
This is really my Mum’s contribution because when I think of Christmas, I think of her, and I think of Australian Christmas Pudding.
Makes 15-20 servings
Photography by Kenyan Library
• 55g raisins or sultanas
• 55g Glace cherries chopped
• 55g chopped nuts, walnuts, macadamias, etc
• 2 tbsp strong black coffee
• 110g dark (70%) chocolate
• 55g icing sugar
• 1 tsp ground cinnamon
• 1-pint double cream
• 2 egg whites stiffly beaten
1. Put raisins, cherries, nuts and coffee liqueur into a jar. Cover tightly and leave overnight in a cool place to soak. The liquid should then have been absorbed.
2. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie. Sift together the sugar and cinnamon. Whisk the cream in a large bowl, gradually adding the sugar mixture. When cream stands in peaks, fold in chocolate, stiffly beaten egg whites, fruit and nuts. Pour into 3-pint plastic pudding basin or bombe mould. Cover and freeze overnight.
3. When ready to serve, wrap a small towel which has been dipped in boiling water and wrung out, around the basin for a few moments to loosen the pudding. Slide onto a wet plate and decorate with holly. Serve immediately.