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Our Chinese business developer Yang Yunfeng: “I am proud to be part of the team
from GD Update 1 2020
by Royal GD
At Royal GD, we always try to find ways to share our knowledge, despite the various language barriers we encounter. And that’s why we ask people to speak on our behalf. One of them is David (Yang, Yunfeng). We’re pleased to introduce him as our Chinese business developer.
After studying English at the Tianjin Foreign Studies University, David worked for several government departments and in the private sector. In early 2004, he received an offer from the China Animal Agriculture Association (CAAA) to come work for them. “I hesitated for nearly two weeks, since I didn’t know what animal agriculture was about and what I could mean for the industry,” David tells us. “Luckily, one day I had a chance to visit my friend’s father, who ran a small feed mill and chicken farm. This changed my vision and gave me a clear picture of animal husbandry, and made me see how important food security is to us all.”
Always in for new challenges
David served the animal agriculture sector, as well as the related scientific field, for a number of years, when he became the deputy secretary general of the Beijing Egg Industry Association in 2017. In this position, he is responsible for international communications, government affairs, market access and policies. A job in which he can fulfil a lot of his interests, but a new challenge every now and then is never a bad idea, he states. “So
Name: Yang, Yunfeng From: Tianjin Occupation: Deputy secretary general at Beijing Egg Industry Association
when my former colleague at CAAA sent me a message from Jarno Smit in which he provided a position vacancy for Chinese business development, I knew that was a challenge I would like to seize with both hands,” he explains. GD is well known in China for its lab capacity and capabilities. “It was without any doubt that I sent my CV and applied for the position.”
When he was selected to ful l this position, Jan Willem de Vries contacted him and they talked a lot over WeChat and email. “We spoke about my background and he gave me all the information I needed to know about GD and my role as business developer in China.” David is now the project coordinator for GD in China. “I’m currently searching for business partners and telling Chinese customers about the GD vision. Besides that, I also try to collaborate in training programmes both in China and in the Netherlands.”
Using each other’s knowledge
Working with foreign representatives is very valuable for GD. No one knows a country better than its inhabitants. David agrees with this. “It’s always a great idea to join forces. I have a broader understanding of Chinese politics, culture, laws and business practices. Chinese locals easily identify what the Chinese need and what their concerns and challenges are. And I’m proud to be part of the team.”
If you would like to contact David, please email Jan Willem de Vries, Business Development manager, at JW.deVries@gdanimalhealth.com.
在荷兰皇家GD动物保健公司,尽管我们会遇到各种语言障碍,我 们总是寻找各种方式分享我们的知识。这就是为什么我会邀请一 些同事谈谈他们的工作。其中之一就是David (杨蕴峰),作为负 责中国业务开发的代表,我们很高兴对他做一介绍。
自从天津外国语大学英文专业毕业后,David 分别在政府及私营部 门工作。2004年初,他收到了来自中国畜牧业协会(CAAA)的工作邀 请,“我犹豫了差不多两周的时间,因为我一点也不了解畜牧 业,也不懂得畜牧业意味着什么,” David告诉我们说。“幸运的 是,有一天和朋友一起去拜访他父亲,他的父亲经营着一家小饲 料厂和养鸡场。这次拜访改变了我的认知,对畜牧业有了非常清 晰的认识,同时也让我认识到粮食安全对我们所有百姓是多么的 重要。“
随时准备迎接挑战 David在2017年任职北京禽蛋协会副秘书长之前,多年一直在畜牧 行业工作,他现在主要负责国际交流、政府事务、市场准入、政 策。一个充满了很多乐趣的工作,但偶尔迎接一些新的挑战也是 一个不错的主意。他说:“中国畜牧业协会的原同事转发给我一 个来自Jarno Smit关于中国业务开发的一个职位的招聘信息后,我 意识到,这是个新的挑战,但我会满怀信心去抓住它,他解释 说,GD的实验室的能力建设和水平在中国有着很高的知名度,没 有任何迟疑,就把我的简历发过去了,申请了该职位 。”
当他被筛选担任这个职务的时候,Jan Willem de Vries 和他通过微 信和邮件交流了很多。“我分享了我的工作经历,他提供给了我 很多GD一些资料,以及作为负责中国业务开发未来需要做的一些 工作。”“目前我正在寻找业务伙伴并和中国客户分享GD的愿 景。接下来,我将分别就一些在中国及荷兰的培训项目与中国客 户进行合作。”
充分发挥各自的优势 对GD来说,和国外的代表合作非常具有价值。没有任何人比自己 更了解自己的国家。David完全赞同。“优势互补绝对是一个很棒 的做法,我对中国的政治、文化、法律和商业模式有着广泛的认 知。本地的中国人更容易识别中国的所需、他们所关心的问题及 面临的挑战,我很骄傲我是团队的一份子。”
如果您想和David联系,请发邮件给商务开发经理Jan Willem de Vries,邮件地址是: JW.deVries@gdanimalhealth.com.