2 minute read
Pathogens don’t care about borders. This has become ever more apparent in the worldwide outbreak of avian in uenza in the past months. Viruses and bacteria spread either through wildlife or international transport of live animals or food products. Hence the importance of the animal health surveillance program in The Netherlands, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year (page 5).
However, as the spread of diseases won’t stop at the border, neither do we. GD is part of a large number of international consortia studying animal health and disease, like the Cost action SOUND control (page 4). Recently, we stood at the basis of a pan-european consortium on studying Q-fever and the pathogens causing this disease. Read more about how this con sortium came to be and what it aims to achieve on page 8 and 9. And by working with local distributors we try to bring our expertise, products and services even beyond Europe. Our newest distributor in Asia is introduced on page 6 and 7. So regardless of where you are located, GD would like to be your partner. Either through providing our products or services to you or through collaborating on one of our innovative projects.
To get a sneak preview of what kind of innovative projects we work on, fast forward to page 10 to read about our Ethometer. This project is an excellent example of how we combine our years of expertise in monitoring and managing animal disease with the latest technological developments in the eld. All together this edition of Update should give you an idea of GD’s cross-border research and innovation, all focused on decreasing the burden of animal disease, worldwide.
Berend Oosterhuis, Director of Contract Research & Consulting
If you want to know more about what GD can do for you, please contact one of our staff members, responsible for international sales:
Wim Kieftenbeld Head Business Development w.kieftenbeld@ gdanimalhealth.com
Annemiek Kolkman
Area sales manager a.kolkman@ gdanimalhealth.com
Jarno Smit
Area sales manager GD Academy j.smit@gdanimalhealth.com
Mattheus Hekman
Area sales manager m.hekman@ gdanimalhealth.com
Sebastiaan Bierma Area sales manager s.bierma@ gdanimalhealth.com
Anna Romanova
Area sales manager a.romanova@ gdanimalhealth.com
Tetiana Kopniak
Area sales manager t.kopniak@ gdanimalhealth.com
Berend Oosterhuis Director of Contract Research & Consulting b.oosterhuis@gddiergezondheid.nl
Eveline Peereboom Business manager e.peereboom@ gdanimalhealth.com
Fanny Nieuwenhuis Senior account manager f.nieuwenhuis@ gdanimalhealth.com
Ellen Koetsier Sales support support@gdanimalhealth. com in ‘t Veld Sales support support@gdanimalhealth.com
Janine Boertien Sales support support@gdanimalhealth. com
Nanda Pastoor Coordinator GD Academy GDAcademy@ gdanimalhealth.com
25, 7418 EW Deventer, the Netherlands
04 SOUND control: need for output-based surveillance
05 Twenty years of monitoring in the Netherlands. Heading for a healthy future together
06 Meeting the needs and expectations of local customers together
08 Consortium gets to work ok mapping instigators of Q fever
10 Ethometer: monitoring animal behaviour
11 News & communications
12 GD Specialist: Robert Jan Molenaar
Inge Santman, veterinary epidemiologist