ZAGOTT Mr. Gott’s Sixth Grade Class Reviews Restaurants, Movies, and Commercials
ZAGOTT During the months of January and February, sixth graders devoted the bulk of their Writing Workshop time to writing reviews. We began by reviewing our favorite and least favorite movies; we continued by reviewing restaurants; and we concluded by reviewing commercials, especially those featured during this year’s Super Bowl. All reviews in this guide were written and edited entirely by students. Writing a review forces an author to do two important things: approach the world from a critical perspective and develop a unique voice. The best reviewers are those whose work demonstrates a level of consistency and an engagement with the material they are reviewing. Our Zagott Guide is divided into three sections:
I. Movie Reviews II. Restaurant Reviews III. Commercial Reviews We invite you to consult our review guide to discover great places to eat, great movies to watch (or horrible movies to avoid), and whether or not a commercial was successful in selling a product (or—more often—a way of life). ! !
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—Mr. Gott’s Sixth Grade Class
Movie Reviews
Restaurant Reviews
Commercial Reviews