Building Kazakhstan’s Green Growth Pathway GGGI-EBRD Partnership with Kazakhstan
Global Green Growth Institute
< KNGGP Launching Event (May 19, Astana Kazakhstan) >
I. Background Kazakhstan • Strong commitment to Green Growth • Strategic location between Europe and Asia
GGGI’s cooperation model with MDBs • Strategic Partnership with EBRD in central Asia
Cancun, Mexico December, 2010
Donor countries’ Cooperation • Strong support from Korean government - 1st non-European Country to chair EBRD Annual meeting
II. Why this project is important 1. Landmark project : Model of Green Growth in Central Asia Quantity oriented, Fossil-fuel intensive “BROWN” growth
Quality oriented, Balanced and Sustainable “GREEN” growth
2. Cooperation model of Global Partnership - The Largest T/A partnership project with external institute in EBRD history (€ 1.5 million) - Actual case of disseminating green growth - Capacity-building and knowledge sharing Experience - Possibility of follow-up projects financed by multiple donors
3. Strategic Partnership with Kazakhstan - Connecting Europe and Asia-Pacific - Astana Green Bridge Initiative(New GREEN silk road)
III. Kazakhstan National Green Growth Plan 1. Comprehensive Green Growth Plan Background 1. Strong economic growth based on sound policies and commodity exports 2. But, Kazakhstan’s fragile ecology (semi-desert geography) makes it vulnerable to climate change
3. And Kazakhstan lacks adequate water resources while new sources of energy are needed to support continued and sustainable growth Objective 1. In partnership with EBRD & Kazakhstan Government - promote, support and develop a comprehensive national green growth plan:
Support Government’s efforts in design and reform of policy framework for green growth & institutional and regulatory infrastructure Create measures for capacity-building, skills and knowledge transfer
2. Water & Energy are priority sectors for work under KNGGP
3. Integrate and facilitate Kazakhstan’s efforts to achieve existing development goals 4
III. Kazakhstan National Green Growth Plan 2. National Water Sector Development Program Establishing a comprehensive Master Plan: 1. Analyze current conditions by sub-sector (especially drinking water and sewage) focusing on mapping of current & new sources of water and identifying supply-demand gaps 2. Make precise recommendations including institutional, legislative and regulatory changes in consultation with major stakeholders and; 3. Formulate practical steps to enhance organizational efficiency & transparency in order to promote public-private partnerships, private sector participation & commercial viability
4. Develop a National Water Sector Development Program in close coordination with stakeholders and formulate final recommendations
III. Kazakhstan National Green Growth Plan 3. National Sustainable Energy Plan Promoting sustainable energy and energy efficiency:
1. Develop a Renewable Energy Action Plan covering electricity, heat and transport sector 2. Support the Government’s efforts in creating a National Energy Efficiency Strategy focusing on legal and institutional framework 3. Assist development of Plan on Modernization and Development of Housing focusing on enhancing energy efficiency 4. Energy sector work will integrate EBRD’s existing initiatives with Kazakhstan, particularly under the Sustainable Energy Action Plan 5. GGGI’s work will be conducted in close coordination with relevant Government agencies and other key stakeholders