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p o l i c y Foreward



As an organisation, with every passing year, Għaqda Studenti TalLiġi has continued to grow and expand. This has made it possible for us to take on new initiatives, tackle different subjects and strengthen our relevance both locally and internationally.

Our main objectives have always been to include as many law stu dents as possible in the organisation, increase the overall participation of law students and make opportunities available that will in turn help them in their studies, future careers and in society as a whole. This work has helped students gain something more than just the normal day to day University academic life. As students, we should all be pro-active, and we should appreciate that we are in an incredible position where we are actively encouraged to ask ques tions others may perhaps fear to ask, and therefore ultimately instilling further discussion and debate nationally.

When different policy issues are brought to the table for discussion, one should not consider students as simply one of the many stake holder, rather, students are to be consulted in these discussions because our opinion should and does matter, both as present citizens and as future leaders of our nation. Student and voluntary organisa tions are at the forefront of all this:

As a generation, we must appreciate all the opportunities that we have been given and respect all the hardships that our previous gen erations have gone through to make our lives a little bit better. In return, let us create debate and put forward the policy issues affecting of our society and future generations. Let us be pro-active!

As an organisation, as students and as active member of society we will not shy away from our role to put forward issues that may not always be favourable or ones that people may fear to bring up be cause of the stigma surrounding them. It is therefore our duty to listen, to keep an open mind, to respect the opinion of each and every person and to ultimately educate and act!

In conclusion, it is with great pride that we present our policy pa per on Euthanasia. I would personally like to thank and congratulate Lara on her work and leadership as Policy Officer. A heartfelt

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