Confirmation Formation Programme From Advent to Pentecost: 2015/2016
St. Thomas of Canterbury School of Formation
Address: St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Parish, 59 Burgate, Canterbury, CT1 2HJ Email: Phone number: 01227462896
St. Thomas of Canterbury School of Formation
Confirmation Formation Programme From Advent to Pentecost: 2015/2016
Address: St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Church, 59 Burgate, Canterbury, CT1 2HJ Email: Phone number: 01227462896
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Wisdom. Understanding. Counsel. Fortitude. Knowledge. Piety. Fear of the Lord.
THE TWELVE FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Cf. Galatians 5: 22-23 and Catechism of the Catholic Church 1832)
Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Generosity. Gentleness. Faithfulness. Modesty. Self Control. Charity.
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Before we begin My dear 2015/2016 Confirmation Candidates, Yesterday evening, as I weaved my way through the excited tourists on the High Street, my attention was drawn to a group of friends on the other side of the road. One of them was actually one of those confirmed this year from our parish community. I watched attentively as she left her friends, for a while, to help someone in need. An elderly man in his wheelchair had dropped what I think looked like a spectacles case. She picked it up, charged after him, and with a warm smile, she handed the case back to the stranger. You also will be familiar with such gestures of kindness, but it is worth mentioning and commending. In just one single little act of kindness, she was able to put into practice some of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. From the Pulpit of the street, she preached the gospel of Christ, without words. I start with a sense of deep, profound gratitude to all those who were confirmed this year as they have been the pioneers of this new formation programme for Confirmation in our parish. The 2015 programme format was something of an experiment and they took it in their stride. We gave them the opportunity to feel confident, sometimes by allowing them to take up tasks with very little prior notice. Because of all those confirmed in 2015, we have learnt what we can do differently in this new formation year, and what we should build for the future. Thank you all.
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Welcome Welcome to your Confirmation Formation Programme for 2015/2016. Thank you for coming forward to make this preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. You are doing the right thing. Please God, on Pentecost Sunday15th May 2016, you will be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The practice of virtue, enabled by the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, will bring you to the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit. During the Confirmation, the Bishop will say this prayer: All-powerful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, by water and the Holy Spirit you freed your sons and daughters from sin and gave them new life. Send your Holy Spirit upon them to be their helper and guide. Give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of right judgement and courage, the spirit of knowledge and reverence. Fill them with the spirit of wonder and awe in your presence. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
This prayer begins the new life in Christ which you are invited to lead. There is the impression that after Confirmation a number of young Catholics, at least here in this country, make an exodus from the Church in large numbers. Simply put: they stop attending Mass, no longer participating in the life of the Church or identifying themselves as Catholics. Some lose their faith and only a reduced number return when it is time to start a family. I pray that this may not be the case with you. The good news is: those who were confirmed this year are now taking active roles in the Church. The parish website is maintained by them; some are in the choir; some are now readers, some now help with the Children’s Liturgy and others have joined the Altar servers. It is also worth mentioning that those who were confirmed in previous years in this parish are very much part of the parish community in an active way. We have a lot to be grateful for here in Canterbury. Due to the success of this year, we are going to build on the practical programme. It will be a formation, not simply a process which you will Page 4 of 26
complete. You will live the very experience and be prepared to take up the role of discipleship in whatever community you find yourself. For the confirmation process, we will be using the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church (YOUCAT), YOUCAT Confirmation Book and the Youth Bible, amongst others. Your formation programme is going to follow the Church’s Liturgical Calendar, which runs from Advent to Pentecost. Because the preparation to become a disciple of the Lord takes a life time, the confirmation process is meant to open your eyes to a new world of faith. That is why, during this course, you will learn about your faith independently. Remember, it is your journey in Faith. Your Catechists and facilitators will take you through the Sacred Scripture and the tradition of the Church. You will get to know the teachings of the Church and you will be well informed on the unadulterated deposit of faith handed down by our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. We will take you through the rituals of the Church, the beauty of her teaching and also, where to access the best materials to help you grow in your faith. You can ask all the big questions. You will be creative and imaginative. You will come up with brilliant ideas. At the end of the course you will have gone through an experience that will stay with you for a life time. But, you will have to do the work. You will have to make sacrifices. You will have to remember that this Sacrament is a once in a life time experience, so it will be worth any sacrifice you must make to follow the course.
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You will have to decide to learn and you must be open to new understandings. We encourage you to attend all the sessions and when possible, the optional sessions. You will bring new ideas that the Church will treasure. And after your course and Confirmation, you will be prepared to take leadership roles in the Church. The most important part of the course will be to attend Mass. Remember, Prayer is like Oxygen to us. Without prayer we can do nothing. You will nurture a friendship with Jesus and speak freely with him as your dear friend in a heart to heart conversation. Praying will become something you enjoy doing. You will come to appreciate that it is a very positive thing to be a Catholic and a person of faith. One week we will look at the materials then, you will be provided with homework to read on your own. On alternate weeks, we will discuss the materials and have a peer review. We will also have a number of social events built into the programme. Your parents will also have the opportunity to have some formation in a session led by our Parish Priest, Canon Anthony Charlton. In addition, you will have visiting facilitators who will come to speak with you. Ask them plenty of questions. Never be afraid to ask, there are no silly questions. During this formation year, you will make a pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral as guests of Dean Robert Willis and you will join him at Evensong and after the liturgy, he will take you on a journey around the Cathedral. Ask him lots of questions and go with a prayer. You will also go on a Retreat to the Catholic Youth Centre in Whitstable. I promise you, it is an exciting event. Do not miss it. Apart from the many spiritual events, there is a nice sea side walk, bowling, etc. Page 6 of 26
The parish community is with you. We will walk with you. We are praying for you. Canon Anthony Charlton sends his best wishes as you begin your journey in faith. During the course of your Confirmation, I pray that you will be inspired to create something new. On the last day of the course, all of the candidates will paint an expression of his or her faith on one canvas. This painting will represent your Confirmation as the Candidates of 2016. I believe so much in you. I strongly believe that when a leader leads well by serving those entrusted to his or her care, those being led should become even better leaders than him or her. At the end of this course, I pray that you may become better Catechists yourselves and will be able to teach others coming after you. Who knows, some of you may even create another confirmation process someday that will impact greatly in the lives of many. My prayer for you is that, from today, the song that will echo in your heart will be: I rejoiced when I heard them say: “let us go to God’s house”. Psalms 121 [122] v. 1
With prayers, Fr. Valentine Erhahon 15 August 2015 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Confirmation House Groups Each confirmation candidate belongs to a particular House Group. The Houses members are rotated every month. The Coordinators are the house leaders of the house groups. House Wisdom (Reading at Mass) House Leader: Steven Williams
House Understanding (Welcoming at Mass) House Leader: Isy Mead
House Counsel (Offertory collection) House Leader: Linda Scott
House Fortitude (Bring the Gifts at Mass) House Leader: Felicity Tasker
House Knowledge (Sacristan at Mass) House Leader: Joe Murphy
House Piety (Serving for Mass) House Leader: Andrew Pullicino
House Fear of the Lord (Prepare and deliver reflections at Mass) House Leader: Fr. Valentine Erhahon
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Confirmation Team Formation Coordinator: Father Valentine Erhahon -
To oversee the entire Formation Programme Delegate each role and coordinate the entire programme Organise DBS for new catechists Organise training for catechists In partnership with the team, to create a formation programme for each formation year Record-keeping: in partnership with the team, to ensure the Confirmation records are up-to-date in the Parish Archive. Before Confirmation, in partnership with the Administrative coordinator to be in communication with all Confirmation candidates and their families. After Confirmation, in partnership with the secretariat coordinator, to complete the certificates and ensure that they are signed by the Bishop To update the Confirmation Register Copies of the certificates to be made for the records of this parish and to be sent to the home parishes of candidates who are not from this parish. Confirmation record slips to be saved in the Parish Archive. Details to be entered into baptism & confirmation registers. All documents to be filed in the Parish archive office. Thank you card to be sent to the Bishop. In partnership with the Catechetical coordinator, to organise and teach the delegated sessions for the confirmation programme. Immediately after the Confirmation, to call for a Team meeting review of the programme and to prepare for the next formation year In partnership with the team, to organise the painting session.
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Secretariat Coordinator: Isy Mead -
In partnership with formation coordinator: she is to decide the content and draw up the confirmation programme for each formation year. Take the minutes of the meetings In partnership with the Catechetical Coordinator she is to maintain and update the Google-group page. To teach the delegated sessions for the confirmation In partnership with the team, she is to organise the Parent’s Wine Tasting and Pizza baking
Catechetical Coordinator: Joe Murphy -
In partnership with the team, he is the Chief Catechist of the Confirmation Programme this year To teach each session To delegate other Catechists to teach the formation programme To invite Speakers for the Apologetics In partnership with the team, he is to organise the confirmation garden party
Administrative Coordinator: Steven Williams -
In partnership with the team, he is to publicise the programme each formation year around the Canterbury Parish: in schools, colleges and the Church. Liaise with the Head Teachers and Chaplains in the schools and colleges Speak in Schools and Colleges about confirmation Send Forms to the schools before each formation year and at the middle of the formation year Database to be compiled and candidates e-mailed to send forms to complete and return online. Networking with all other parish groups Keep a comprehensive data base of all the confirmation application Page 10 of 26
In partnership with the team, he is to organise the Retreat to St. Vincent Youth Centre Whitstable To teach the delegated sessions for the confirmation
Financial Coordinator: Linda Scott -
In partnership with other coordinators, she is coordinate the expenditures for the confirmation programme - Expenses are: Catechist training - parish to pay Confirmation programme: Items given to candidates are: A St.Thomas Confirmation School of Faith Formation Pack - A type of bag to be sourced and printed with STC logo and marked “St. Thomas Confirmation School of faith Formation Pack”. Needs an insert that candidates can write their names on. Each Bag will contain: Catholic Youth Bible, rosary, simple prayer book, Youcat books, pen & notebook. - Whitstable Retreat - Parents pay £50 per person - Further costs - printing the confirmation booklets, thank you cards, Wine and Cheese for the Parents do, Mothers’ Day treats, pizzas for the rough sleepers, etc All book purchases must be purchased through the shop to attract discount - To teach the delegated sessions for the confirmation - In partnership with the team, she is to organise the Mothering Sunday Event Event Coordinator: Felicity Tasker -
In partnership with the team, she is responsible for all social events In partnership with the team, she is to organise the November Confirmation Social for the New Candidates and those who were confirmed in 2015. To teach the delegated sessions for the confirmation
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Liturgical Coordinator: Andrew Pullicino
In partnership with the team, his primary responsibility is to be in charge of the Altar Servers at Mass.
Young Mentors for Confirmation 2015/2016 Alex John Celia Pullicino
Associate Moderators: Mary McGillie, Canterbury Mary McGeary, Canterbury Tobi Lees, OP, Blackfriars, Oxford Stephens Rodgers OSB. (Obl) Professor Patrick Pullicino, Neurologist, K&C Hospital Rebekah Mahon, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury Dr. Luke Lavan, Project Director, Visualising the Late Antique City, Kent Dr. Miles, Canterbury
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All young people in the Parish who are already confirmed, are invited to participate in a young people’s Award Mentoring Programme. What is involved? If you have already been Confirmed, you are welcome to attend some, or all, of the current Confirmation sessions where you can help as young mentors of those preparing for Confirmation. You will be paired with the Coordinators where you will have a chance to learn by rotating between: Formation, Secretariat, Catechetical, Administrative, Financial, Liturgical and Events. This scheme will help you to use your skills and discover new talents. It will help you take up a leadership role. On Confirmation day, each year, all young people who participate in this mentoring programme will be awarded the St. Thomas of Canterbury Young Mentors Award. Just think of it: Before you even turn 18 years of age, you already have a nice work experience in your CV. Awesome!
To sign up, send an email to:
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Da Silva
Ting Ka Maria
de Vitry d’ Avaucourt
Kiren Joseph
Milen Cyriac
João Lucas
de Vitry d’ Avaucourt
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Confirmation Monthly Schedule Confirmation Formation is primarily about the Catechetical Formation held in the Parish Hall and the Active Participation at Mass in the Church Each session takes place on a Saturday Evening It begins at 4:30pm and break at 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm (light refreshments may be provided at 4.30pm, but may not exceed 5pm, in other to respect the one hour Eucharistic Fast) Due to an hour Eucharistic Fast before Mass, when provided, refreshments will be at 4.30pm. During the Mass, the confirmation candidates will take active roles as readers, servers, welcomers, ushers, and lots more Attendance and participating at Mass is a key part of the formation Confirmation session ends each Sunday after the Mass The dates in Blue are compulsory The options sessions are not compulsory, they are meant to give some social events to those who may not be able to go away during the half term
During the formation year, the Priest usually visits each candidates in their home. During this short visit, the Priest is able to pray with the family and get to follow up on the progress of the programme If you would like a Priest to visit you at home, please arrange a visit with him
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OCTOBER Saturday 10th. 10.30am to 2pm: (First Session) Catechist Formation Course in the hall for all Catechists in the Parish
Monday 12th: 7.30pm to 8.30pm Confirmation Candidates Parents Meeting with Wine Tasting and Cheese
Monday 19th. 7.30pm to 8.30pm: (Second Session) Catechist Formation Course in the hall, for all Catechist in the Parish
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NOVEMBER Monday 2nd. 7.30pm to 8.30pm: (Third Session) Catechist Formation Course in the hall, for all Catechist in the Parish
Monday 9th. 7.30pm to 8.30pm: (Fourth Session) Catechist Formation Course in the hall, for all Catechist in the Parish
Sunday 15th: 6pm Mass: (Choir: Children from Junior Kings School, Sturry) Awarding of Certificates to the Confirmation Catechists 7pm to 8pm: Confirmation Musical Social Event for the New Candidates and those who were confirmed in 2015.
SATURDAY 28th: (Led by Fr. Valentine) 1st session (1st week of advent) Parish Hall Begin: 4:30pm. Break: 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6PM (Candidates paint and decorating Jesse Tree at this session) TOPIC: WHICH WAY AM I GOING? THE WAY OF CHRIST YOUCAT Confirmation Book Pages 8-23 1: Getting started - The point of Confirmation 2: What we can know about God
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DECEMBER SATURDAY 5th:(Led by Joe) 2nd session (2nd week of advent) Parish Hall Begin: 4:30pm. Break: 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm. TOPIC: THE CHURCH, ONE FAMILY - OUR CREED, WHAT WE BELIEVE YOUCAT Confirmation Book Pages 24-29 3: Why the world is broken - The story of your life: looking back, looking ahead
We wish you a Blessed Christmas & A very Happy New Year Remember to attend Mass during the Christmas session Especially the Christmas Vigil Mass on 24th and Christmas Day Mass on 25th There is also a Vigil Mass on the 31st of December at 11pm to cross into the New Year 2016 And a New Year Day Mass on 1st of January 2016 Sunday 3rd: The Epiphany of the Lord
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JANUARY SATURDAY 9th: (Led by Dr. Luke Lavan, Project Director, Visualising the Late Antique City, University of Kent; Marie Curie Fellowship, Paris: 2015-2017) 3rd session (The Baptism of the Lord) Parish Hall Begin: 4:30pm. Break: 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm. TOPIC: Apologetics: The Church and History/Archaeology
SATURDAY 16TH: (Led by Dr. Miles)
4th session (2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time) Parish Hall Begin: 4:30pm. Break: 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm. TOPIC: Apologetics: Relationship with Faith and Science
SATURDAY 23RD: (Led by Isy) 5th session (3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time) Parish Hall Begin: 4:30pm. Break: 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm. TOPIC: WE CELEBRATE: THE EUCHARIST, LITURGY, SACRAMENTS Prayer: The Holy Mass and other types of prayer
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JANUARY Friday 29th - Sunday 31st RETREAT WEEKEND AT ST. VINCENT YOUTH CENTRE, WHITSTABLE All candidates are expected to attend, it is compulsory It cost £50 per person St. Vincent’s Centre is the Southwark Diocesan Youth Retreat Centre. Time spent at the centre is led by the programme staff and peer ministry team who work alongside visiting chaplains, catechists, teachers and youth workers. Programmes include large and small group work, discussion, creative arts, prayer, liturgy, Mass, social time and a chance to enjoy the beach. (Accompanied by Steven, Linda, Felicity, Isy and Joe)
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FEBRUARY SATURDAY 6th: (Led by Steven) 6th session (5th Sunday in Ordinary Time) Parish Hall Begin: 4:30pm. Break: 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm. TOPIC: ROLE MODELS. THE SAINTS AND MARTYERS YOUCAT Confirmation Book Pages 30-45: 4: Jesus more than a Mere Man 5: Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
LENTEN SEASON WEDNESDAY 10TH: Remember to attend Mass on ASH WEDNESDAY SATURDAY 13th: (Led by Joe) (1st Sunday of Lent ) 5pm: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with praise and worship 6pm: Mass SATURDAY 20th: (Led by Fr. Emilio Sierra Garcia, Archdiocese of Madrid, Spain) (2nd Sunday of Lent ) 5pm: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6pm: Mass SATURDAY 27th: JOINT SESSION OF PARENTS AND CANDIDATES 7th session (3rd Sunday of Lent ) Begin at 4.30PM
Break: 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm. TOPIC: Confession: How to go to confession Confirmation Candidates in Hall - Led by Father Valentine TOPIC: The Church as a Family Parents in the Church - Led by Canon Anthony Page 21 of 26
MARCH SATURDAY 5TH: (Led by Linda, Isy and Felicity) JOINT SESSION OF PARENTS AND CANDIDATES IN Parish Hall 8th session (4rd Sunday of Lent ) Mothering Sunday
Begin: 4:30pm Break: 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm. TOPIC: The Blessed Virgin Mary - The Church as Mother
SATURDAY 12th: (Led by Linda) 9th session (5th Sunday of Lent ) Begin: 4:30pm
Topic: Lead the stations of the Cross Break: 5pm to veil the Cross that will be unveiled on Good Friday. Mass at 6:00pm
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HOLY WEEK SATURDAY 19th: (Led by Felicity) 10th session - (Palm Sunday) Begin: 4:30pm. Break: 5.30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm. Holy Week preparation (Procession from Garden to the Church AT 5.55PM) Topic: Vocation - Someone is calling you VOCATION YOUCAT Confirmation Book pages 46-55 No 6:The Comeback of Jesus … or the story of the Resurrection
THE HOLY PASCHAL TRIDUMM The celebration of the passion, death/burial and resurrection of Jesus 24th - Maundy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper one candidate to process in with the Chrism Oil at Mass (this is the same oil the candidates will be confirmed with on Pentecost Sunday) and one candidate’s feet will be washed during Mass 25th - Good Friday: All confirmation candidates are welcome to serve during the service 26th - Holy Saturday Vigil Mass: All confirmation candidates are welcome to serve during the Mass 27th- Easter Sunday: (11am Mass is offered for the intentions of the confirmation candidates & their families)
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APRIL Saturday 2rd: (Led by a Drummer: Steven Raman, London) From 7pm - 8pm: Parish Hall MUSICAL GIG ENTERTAINMENT
SATURDAY 9TH: 11th session (3rd Sunday of Easter) Parish Hall PILGRIMAGE TO CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL GUEST OF Rev. Robert Willis, Dean Canterbury Cathedral (Each house group leader with members of their house group make their way to the Cathedral) Arrive St Thomas at 2.45pm We go together to Canterbury Cathedral to meet with the Dean We join the Dean for Choral Evensong from 3.15pm-4pm From 4.30-5.30 Apologetics Return to Church at 5.45pm Mass at 6pm
SATURDAY 16th: (Led by Fr. Valentine and Joe) PAINTING SESSION 12th session (4th Sunday of Easter) Parish Hall Begin: 4:30pm Break: 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm. TOPIC: THE HOLY SPIRIT, PENTECOST AND THE GIFTS YOUCAT Confirmation Book. Pages 56 to 77 No 7: In Search of the Holy Spirit No 8: Prayer - Staying in Touch with the Living God
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SATURDAY 23RD: (Led by Linda and Isy) 13th session (5th Sunday of Easter) Parish Hall Begin: 4:30pm, Break: 5:30pm to prepare for Mass at 6:00pm. TOPIC: SCRIPTURE - THE BIBLE, TRADITION DOCUMENTS YOUCAT Confirmation Book. Pages 56 to 101 No 9: The Church - a Home for You No 10: Eucharist - The generosity of God No 11: Update! Confession!
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MAY SATURDAY 30: (Led by Fr. Valentine, Isy, Joe, Linda and Steven) 14th session (6th Sunday of Easter) In Church (Practice for Confirmation ceremony with Parents & Sponsors) Begin: 4.30pm TOPIC: BEFORE CONFIRMATION AND AFTER CONFIRMATION YOUCAT Confirmation Book. Pages 102 - 109 No 12: What happens in Confirmation?
Sunday 8th. 15th session (The Ascension of the Lord) In Church (Confession - Penitential Rite) Begin: 4.30pm
Sunday 15th: PENTECOST SUNDAY Mass of Confirmation AT 11AM Followed by Garden Party
Sunday 22nd: Going Forth Mass and Presentation of Certificates at 11am Followed by a group photograph at the end of mass
THE END OF THE 2015/2016 FORMATION YEAR Page 26 of 26