Your True Nature 2013 Ghost Ranch Catalog of Workshops

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Georgia O’Keeffe, Untitled (Purple Petunia), 1925. Oil on canvas, 7 1/4 x 7 1/4 in. Gift, The Burnett Foundation. © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum.

tA K E t i M E t O L O O ’ K

ExpEriEncE O’KEEffE’s Art & LEgAcy twO wAys: Visit the Museum Daily 10 AM – 5 pM • fridays until 7 pM 217 Johnson st., santa fe, nM • 505.946.1000 • Discover the georgia O’Keeffe Museum Home & studio, in Abiquiu, nM • tour reservations & information: 505.685.4539 & online at


ature Deficit Disorder is a term coined by author Richard Louv to describe the rising culture of children growing up without the crucial carefree and delightful experience of the outdoors. It so aptly applies to children, individuals, families and communities many times over. Think back to any of your own feelings of spiritual connectedness – where, when and with whom? If you’re like me, a connection to nature and a disconnection from the busyness of everyday life is key to those moments. This is also key to what we create for you at Ghost Ranch. This year, you’ll find more opportunities to heal your nature deficit disorder. Begin with one of our new weekend workshops. Then go for deep healing. Disconnect for one week of your Godgiven 52 this year and find God, your true self, the love of family and friends and the true meaning of our “nature” at Ghost Ranch. My teenage niece, Abby, came to Ghost Ranch for the first time in the summer of 2011, was back for Christmas 2011, and back for the summer of 2012, with many more trips planned. Exploring the hills, trails and waters was her favorite thing to do. Right up there with being in a diverse community of people unlike anything she had experienced before. The result, in her own words: “I want to be part of a church...I want to go to college and get a job helping people...I want to travel,” and one of my favorites, “I want to talk to people who live in different places and speak other languages.” I have no doubt that this young woman will make positive decisions for herself and will continue to be a blessing to others.

There’s a new precious life in my family, Brandon Anthony. I’m sure he will be “plugged in” to high tech all of his life, beginning with “his” frequent Skyping with his grandparents. He will be visiting the Ranch for the first time before he is even 6–months old. Like thousands in the wider Ghost Ranch family, it most likely will be the first of frequent experiences soaking in the magical light of the glorious New Mexico sky and colorful mesas, the allencompassing love of God and others, and the restoration of his soul. Embrace the connection, the beauty, the divine at Ghost Ranch.

In peace and service,

Debra Hepler Executive Director




Ghost Ranch is a place of magnificent natural beauty, comprising deep, multicolored canyons and bluffs, plains, grasslands and streams. Its rocks span 130 million years of ancient geological history, representing lakes, floodplains, and deserts. Its fossils illuminate the beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs in North America and provide a new paradigm in the world of paleontology. Its archaeological record predates adobe walls and kivas; its hearths and other sites date to 8,000 years ago. Its history includes Native Americans and Spanish, Mexican, French and Anglo immigrations, a rough and tumble ranching era, a dude ranch, visitors and residents such as Ansel Adams, Arthur Pack, Georgia O'Keeffe and Robert Oppenheimer and today is an education and retreat center operated by the Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.) which is welcoming to all. The landscape attracted first ancient people, for its resources, and later colonizers from other lands, including artists, adventurers and entrepreneurs who were attracted by the stunning beauty. Like O'Keeffe, they were at first oblivious to the geological and paleontological contexts of the sediments, and to the Spirit of the Creator, and were simply amazed by the stunning beauty. So many who come into contact with Ghost Ranch come to appreciate its myriad dimensions of beauty and spirituality.

C o v e r p h o t o by M a r k F e s g e n. Photo also appears on pages 1 and 4. Right photo by William Rogers; photo on page 3 by Carol Rogers – both from the calendar contest. Other photos from Ghost Ranch archives unless otherwise noted.





Index to 2013 program year....................................4

Activities & Services

Youth Activities.....................................................12 Service Corps Opportunities...................................13

Casa del Sol..............................................11 Featured Events

Astronomy Weekends................................... 15,17, 61 Fullness of Life Series.............................................16 Earth Day Celebration...........................................20

Theme Weeks

Alternative Spring Break....................................18,19 Spring & Fall Ministry Weeks............................. 21,58 Youth Week.........................................................28 Earth Honoring Faith.............................................29 Family Week.......................................................32 Festival of the Arts.................................................34 Discerning the Signs of the Times.............................37 John Philip & Ali Newell - Great Awakening Spirit......40 Creative Arts Festival............................................. 43 Southwest Traditions..............................................47 Young Adult Summer Sampler Week........................49 Stillpoint Spiritual Formation............................. 50, 61 Interim Ministry Training.........................................52 Fall Writing Festival...............................................57

Visiting Ghost Ranch

Registration................................................ Centerfold Lodging & Meals..................................................62 Travel Information.................................................66 Helpful Information................................................67 2013 WORKSHOPS



7/15–21, Bring Out Your Skills in Stained Glass.......................... 38


Olive Smith

This guide to the 2013 workshops is organized by subject. Under the subject, workshops are listed by date followed by the course title, instructor and page number. Casa del Sol workshops (lodging at CDS only) are designated with the sun symbol beside the title on workshop descsription pages. Fullness of Life Series workshops are designated by the blue moon symbol.

7/15–21, Stone Carving—The Next Level....................................... 38 Robin Keck

7/22–28, Spirit of Creativity in Stained Glass..................................... 42 Olive Smith

7/22–28, Stone Carving Sampler— Everybody Needs a Rock......... 42 Robin Keck

7/29–8/4, Mapmaking: The Art of the Personal Atlas.......................... 44


Guillermo Delgado

7/29–8/4, What a Relief This Is! Adventures in the Art of Relief Printmaking .............................................. 44

7/15–21, 9/30–10/6, Paleontology

Laura DeLind

at Ghost Ranch........................39, 54

8/5–11, Handcrafted Paper & Native American Design...................... 47

Alex Downs

7/22–28, 7/29-8/4 Indiana Jones Was Here! Archaeology at Ghost Ranch, Weeks 1 & 2..................... 42, 45

Rebecca Myers

8/12–18, Learning Outside the Classroom—Summer Sampler for Young Adults & Adults......................... 49

Cheryl Muceus | John Hayden Richard Binggeli | Maisie Morris

Pomona Hallenbeck

9/30–10/6, Geology of the Southwest. .............................................. 54

10/7–13, Creating Christmas in Glass.. .............................................. 56

Lincoln S. Hollister

Olive Smith

10/7-13, Peace in Action Through Printmaking & Written Word............ 56

ART 3/18–24, Fantasy Birdhouses..........19

Lynne Hubner

Calligraphy-Literally Letters

Tom Nichols

5/16–19, Breaking Creative Blocks & Accessing New Paths to Creativity.. .............................................. 24

6/17–23, Life Lines: Meditation through Calligraphy............................. 27

7/8–14, Catch The Color— Introduction to Stained Glass..... 34

6/17–23, Pointed Pen Variations in Calligraphy............................. 27

Pamela Paulsrud

Luanne Herman

Barbara Close

7/8–14, Exploring Modern Mosaics ............................................. 34

6/17–23, The Artist’s Book—Vessel for Word & Image........................ 27

Kathy Thaden

Annie B. Cicale

7/8–14, Stone Carving with Hand Tools ............................................. 35

6/17–23, Write, Paint & Draw........ 27 Nancy Culmone


Robin Keck

7/15–21, Peace Garden Seminar.... 38

3/11–24, Women & Silver Retreat: Creating, Learning & Sharing Two-Week Intensive................... 19

Tom Nichols

Judith Foster




7/8–14, Beginning Silversmithing.... 34 Judith Foster | Jamie Halpern

7/8–14, Creative Jewelry for Beaders.................................. 34 Crea Lynn

7/8–14, Fused Glass is Hot!........... 35 Olive Smith

7/15–21, Art of Bead Weaving: Right Angle Weave ......................... 38 Crea Lynn

7/15–21, Stone, Shell & Silver: Channel & Silver Inlay.............. 38

7/15–21, Pastel Intermediate Plein Air ............................................. 38 Susan Daughtery

7/22–28, Painting Sampler—Real Art for Non-Artists.......................... 41 Juliana Crownover | Susan Daughtery

7/29–8/4, A Date with Pomona— A Painting Class for Men........... 43 Pomona Hallenbeck

7/29–8/4, Plein Air Painting in the O'Keeffe Landscape.................. 44 Ann Painter

7/29–8/4, The Abstract Landscape.. 44

Judith Foster

7/22–28, Silversmithing Sampler— Contemporary Southwest Jewelry.41

Laura Young

Metal Arts

8/5–11, Put People in Your Paintings— Learning New Mexico Culture Through Art.............................. 47

3/11-17, Fire It Up Fountains! Fire & Water......................................18

8/5–11, Sketchbook—Ghost Ranch... 48

Bill Derrevere

Pomona Hallenbeck

Tom Nichols

Cynthia Padilla

7/8–14, 7/22–28, 7/29–8/4, Fire it Up! Metal Sculpture .............34,41, 43

8/5–11, Lessons from Georgia O'Keeffe's Art, Life, Landscape... 48

Tom Nichols | Connie Burkhart

8/5–11, The Art of Blacksmithing..... 47 Rene Zamora

Anna Koster

8/5–11, Spanish Colonial Art— Retablos of the Land.................. 48

Painting & Drawing

Juanito Jimenez

3/11–24, Immerse Yourself in Pastels Two-Week Intensive................... 19

8/26–9/1, Painting from the Inside Out. .............................................. 50 Pomona Hallenbeck

Susan Daughtery

3/22–24, 5/10–12, 9/27—29, Georgia O’Keeffe Artist & Writer Immersion. .................................. 19, 24, 52 Karen Butts | Kate Coleman

6/3-9, Field Sketching Ghost Ranch Flora & Fauna..........................26 Helen Byers | Janet Darrow

9/30–10/6, Abstract & Cold Wax... 52 Cindy Walton

9/30–10/6, Design It With Watercolor From the Corner........................ 53 Pomona Hallenbeck

9/30–10/6, Plein-Air Painting in the O'Keeffe Landscape.................. 53 Ann Painter

6/3-9, Watercolor Big & Bold..........26 Deborah Rubin

6/3-9, Mesa Magic—Capturing Landscape on Site .................... 26 Louise Minks

6/17-23, Still Life Drawing.............. 27

10/7–13, Awash with Gouache—It's Historical!................................ 55 Pomona Hallenbeck

10/7–13, Landscape Oil Painting with the Palette Knife........................ 55 Michelle Chrisman

Helen Byers

7/8–14, The Art of Pastels.............. 34

10/7–13, Pastels—Light & Color....... 55

Susan Daughtery

Susan Daughtery

7/8–14, Drawing as Meditation— Sharpening the Eye to See........ 34 Elizabeth Buckley

7/8–14, Off & Running—Let That Brush Go!........................................ 35 Pomona Hallenbeck

7/15–21, Intuitive Personal Expression—Advanced Watercolor..... 38

10/7–13, The Gift Must Always Move—Creating Legacy Story Documents & Ethical Wills......... 56 Bob Kanegis | Liz Mangual

Photography 7/22–28, Photography as Spiritual Practice—A Language of Faith...41 Richard Choe

Pomona Hallenbeck 2013 WORKSHOPS


7/29–8/4, It’s Elemental—Creating with Clay, Fire & Sunshine................ 43

2/18-24, Listen for God................. 15 Carol Ingells

Doug DeLind

3/1-3, Make the Time It Takes—A Women’s Weekend Retreat ........17

7/29–8/4, Low Tech Photography ─ Photograms & Plastic Cameras for Highly Creative Effects.............. 45

Kim Caird

4/12–14, Write to Soul in the Desert Writing as Spiritual Discipline.... 22

Kent Bowser

9/27–29, Fall Photography Fiesta..... 52

Lynne Hinton

4/15–21, Start Living Your Legacy.....23

9/30–10/6, Ansel Adams Photography. .............................................. 52

Janet Benjamin

Kent Bowser

5/2–5, 11/7-10, Invitation to Companionship.............................. 24, 60

9/30–10/6, Autumn Aglow—Digital Photography ........................... 53

Team of Companions


6/10–16, The Artist’s Personal Journey................................... 26

10/7–13, Leave Only Footprints—Take Only Photos (Autumn)................ 56

Louise Minks

John Hayden

6/17-23, World Tour Cooking Class..27


Jay Harris

3/11–24, Pottery—Two-Week Throwing Intensive.................... 19

6/24–30, Watercolor & St. John— A Spiritual Odyessy.................. 30

Barbara Campbell

Pomona Hallenbeck

7/8–14, Playing with Fire—Clay from Start to Finish........................... 35

7/8–14, The History and Practice of Spiritual Reading...................... 36

Barbara Campbell

James Findlay

7/15–21, Woodfiring Kiln............... 39

7/15–21, Surpassing the Visible— Spirituality & Abstraction........... 39

Barbara Campbell

Dorothea Osborn | Tim Cahill

7/22–28, Creating a Sacred Vessel.. 41 Barbara Campbell

7/29–8/4, Feeding the Body, Feeding the Soul—An Exploration into the Wholeness & Hope of Food....... 44

8/5–11, Southwest Traditions—Pottery.. .............................................. 48

Mark Zaineddin

Claire Crain

Textile Arts

8/2–4, Dreaming as Sacred Art...... 47 Lori Swick

7/8–14, Quilts from Sunbonnet Sue to Georgia O’Keeffe..................... 35

8/5–11, The Southwestern Mystique of Our Lady of Guadalupe............ 48

Karena Koeberle Wells

Lori Swick

7/8–14, Weaving Explorations........ 35 Suzanne Halvorson

8/12–19, Stillpoint—The Spiritual Journey.................................... 50

7/22–28, Quilting Sampler—Crazy About Crazy Quilting................ 41

Judith Favor | Ravi Verma Christopher McCauley

Judy Moore

8/22–25, Being Present to God's Presence: Creating Innerspace.... 50

7/29–8/4, Rug Hooking in the Great Outdoors................................. 44

Jim Heaney

Judy Moore

8/25–31, Mysticism & Desert Landscape............................... 50

7/29–8/4, Wearable Art ............... 44 Esther Schnur-Berlot

Margaret Guelker

8/5–11, Weaving the Southwest Way... .............................................. 47

9/9–15, Northern New Mexico Villages & Their Churches—A Watercolor Odyssey.................................. 51

Teresa Maestas

Pomona Hallenbeck

ca s a d el s ol

9/16–22, Christ & Creation: EcoSpirituality in Christian Context... 51

1/28-2/3, Walking the Sacred Way..15

Ken Cuthbertson

Wallace Ford




9/30–10/6, St. Francis: Icon Painting... .............................................. 53 Lewis Williams

7/1-7, Outdoor Adventures............. 33 Robb Carter

10/7–13, Journey Toward Wholeness...

7/1-7, Pottery—Bonding for Families.... ............................................. 33

10/14–20, Bereavement Retreat...... 59

11/15–17, Heartbeat of Gratitude—An Alternate Thanksgiving.............. 61

..................................................56 Valerie Brown Lily Myers Kaplan

Camilla Trujillo


10/28–11/3, Celebrations for Days of the Dead (Días de los Muertos)... 59 Helen Byers

H ealth & W holene s s


2/22-24, GOT PAIN? Yoga Therapy.16

3/11-16 & 3/17–22 Alternative Spring Break................................. 18, 19

4/12-14, GOT LIFT? Yoga & Body Image......................................22

Bert Scott

8/12–18, Learning Outside the Classroom—Summer Sampler for Young Adults & Adults......................... 49 Pomona Hallenbeck

Meta Chaya Hirschl

Meta Chaya Hirschl

6/3-9, Yoga—A Journey into Awareness & Peace....................................26 Nancy Wilkinson

7/8–14, Yoga for Well-Being............36 Jackie Ankerson

f am i ly & Y o u th 3/11-16 & 3/17–22 Alternative Spring Break................................. 18, 19 Bert Scott

6/17-23, 6/24–30, 7/1-7, 7/8–14, 7/15–21, 7/22–28, 7/29–8/4, Youth Activities-ages 3 to 6th grade ................. 28, 30, 37, 40, 43, 46 6/17-23, Youth Week for Middle School & High School ages...... 28 Claudio Carvalhaes

7/8–14, 7/15–21, 7/22–28, 7/29–8/4, Senior High Youth Initiative High School ages ...........37, 40, 43, 46 7/1-7, Art—A Canvas for Families.... 32 Pomona Hallenbeck

7/1-7, Beyond Words The Color of Prayer.................................... 32 Chuck Hoffman

7/1-7, Dinosaurs, Fossils & Fun........ 32 Alex Downs

7/1-7, Making Music as Families— Stomp Style............................. 33 Tom Zehnder | Tim Gibbs-Zehnder

7/1-7, Getting into the Great Outdoors—Nature & Families.... 33 Brandon Wert | Jodi Wert

7/1-7, In the Arms of a Story— Storytelling & Families.............. 33 Joe Hayes

7/15–21, Exploring From the Inside Out—Yoga & Summer................ 39 Jackie Ankerson

8/12–18, Close Encounters with Words—An Etymology Event... 49 Martha Yates

9/30–10/6, Open the Heart, Still the Mind....................................... 53 Susan Weber

11/8-10, GOT BREATH? Yoga & Asthma.................................... 60 Meta Chaya Hirschl

m i n i s try wee k s 4/8–13, A Sampler of Contemplative Prayer......................................21 Ken Cuthbertson

4/8–13, A Theology & Ministry of Place ...............................................21 Trey Hammond

4/8–13, Bridging Our Divides: Grounded in Parker Palmer’s Healing the Heart of Democracy...................21 Jeanette Baust

4/8–13, Journeys in the Wilderness..... ...............................................22 John Hayden | Nahum Ward-Lev

4/8–13,Sabbath Keeping—Feeding Our Holy Hunger.......................22 Annie Amstutz



4/8–13, Transformation—A GPS Approach to Your Congregation’s Future.......................................22

o u t d oor a d v ent u re s

Bill Tammeus

2/8-10, 3/8-10, 12/1-3 Expansive Skies─An Astronomy Weekend...... .................................... 15, 17, 61

4/8–13, Spirituality of Illness........... 22 Dorian McGlannan

Outdoor Adventure Staff

9/23—28, Interim Ministry Training.. 52

6/3-9, Leave Only Footprints—Take Only Photos..............................26

Interim Ministry Team

10/14–19, Christianity After Religion.... .............................................. 58

John Hayden

6/17-23, 8/12–18, Chama River Adventure—Writing Down the River. ........................................ 28, 49

Jeanette Baust

10/14–19, Journeys in the Wilderness. .............................................. 58

Steve Harris

John Hayden | Nahum Ward-Lev

6/24-30, Outdoor Adventures..........30

10/14–19, Heaven of the Heart: Creating a Space for Sacred Imagination.............................. 58

Robb Carter

7/8-14. 7/15–21, 9/30–10/6, 10/7–13, Streams of Living Water—Fly Fishing in Northern New Mexico............... ....................... 36, 39, 42, 54, 56

Chuck Hoffman | Peg Carlson-Hoffman

10/14–19, Hospitality & Hostility: The Sacraments & the Church in a Globalized World.................... 58

Tom Herman

7/29–8/4, Hiking, Writing & Yoga for Women .................................. 45

Claudio Carvalhaes

10/14–19, Money Matters—An Exploration of Faith & Finances........... 58

Dona Bolding | Joan Logghe Susan Weber

Drew Henry

9/30–10/6, Fall Colors Galore!....... 53

10/14–19, Setting Boundaries to Avoid Ministry Burnout....................... 59

John Hayden

10/7–13, Ancient Sites, Ancient Waters.................................... 56

Jim Hepler

10/14–19, Tales Worth Telling—Finding, Crafting & Telling the Stories You Want & Need to Tell........... 59

Martha Yates

10/7–13, Hiking Northern New Mexico .............................................. 56

Bob Kanegis | Liz Mangual

Nancy Shibley

10/16–20, Of the Wilds................. 59

Music & per f orm i ng art s

Annie Bloom

5/17–9, Bluegrass Camp.................24

s p i r i t u al i ty & rel i g i o u s s t u d i e s

7/8–14, The Ghost Ranch Chorale— Old Skins & New Wine..............36

2/8-10, Deepening Love—An Alternative Valentine’s Day Event........15

David Poole

7/15–21, Acting On Our Creativity...38

Judy Bierbaum

David Poole | Winona Poole

2/22-24, From Darkness into Light— Exploring Your Shadow..............16

7/22–28, Gospel Music with Pastor Todd & Linda............................ 42

Annie Bloom

Todd O'Neal | Linda O'Neal

3/8-10, The Celtic Soul—A Celtic Spirituality Weekend..................17

7/22–28, The Prayerful Harp—A Celtic Harp Adventure........................ 42

WinonaPoole | Gerry Aylward

Linda Larkin

4/8–13, Prayer, Pilgrimage & Healing.. .............................................. 21

7/29–8/4, Acting the Ten-Minute Play .............................................. 43

Jim Reale

Kate Snodgrass | Leslie Dillen

4/26-28, Blossoming into Fullness.....23

9/13-15, Music Festival....................51


Kelsea Habecker | Adonna.Rometo



5/2-5, Caring Circle Men’s Retreat.. .24 Terrell Piechowski

5/16-19, Roll Around Heaven......... .25

11/18–25, Stillpoint The Art Of Spiritual Direction ................................. 61 Stillpoint Team of Instructors

Jessica Maxwell

5/24-26, Journeys—The Story of Us...25 Adonna Rometo

6/3–9, Aging Well—Facing Life’s Changes...................................25 David VanArsdale | Ellen VanArsdale

6/24–30, Earth-Honoring Faith A Desert Faith for a Desert Time...29 Terry Tempest Williams William Brown | Talitha Arnold Larry Rasmussen

7/15–21, Discerning the Signs of the Times.....................................37 Serene Jones | David Little Erik Nicholson | Larry Rasmussen

7/15–21, High Desert Spiritual Quest .............................................39 Brandon Wert | Connie Burkhart

7/22–28, Great Creating Spirit.......40

peace & j u s t i ce 6/24–30, Peace in the Midst of Conflict: Learning Skills of Creative Conflict Intervention..... 30 Bob Evans | Alice Evans

s er v i ce 6/24–30, 7/1-7, 7/8–14, 7/15–21, 7/22–28, 7/29–8/4, 8/5–11, Service Corps.. 30, 33, 37, 39, 43, 48 Dennis Smith | Billie Rogers

6/24–30, 7/1-7, 7/15–21, 7/29–8/4, Youth Service Corps for Middle School & High School ages ............................ 30, 33, 40, 46 Youth Service Corps Staff

John Philip Newell | Ali Newell

7/29–8/4, Wisdom Begins with Wonder: Curiosity & Creativity... 45 Carol Stalcup

8/12–18, Time Trace—Visions of Home. .............................................. 49 Karen Kudebeh | Laurelyn Baker

8/26-9/1, Vision Quest Men's Retreat... .............................................. 50 Terrell Piechowski

9/20—22, Autumn Harvest—Season of Abundance.............................. 51 Lynne Hinton

9/30–10/6, SoulCollage® As a Spiritual Path— It's All in the Cards. .............................................. 54 Kathryn Kirby

10/3–6, Secrets of Soulful Marriage Retreat..................................... 55 Jim Sharon | Ruth Sharon

10/3–6, Praying with St Francis: Accessing his Essence............... 55 Jim Reale

11/14, Spiritual Friendship Circles.... 60 Christopher McCauley | Ravi Verma

11/15–17, A Seasoned Call—A Soul Retreat for Spiritual Directors...... 60 Christopher McCauley | Ravi Verma

s o u thwe s t 6/17-23, Archaeo-Astronomy in the American Southwest.................. 28 Ron Olowin

3/1-3, Spanish Refresher Weekend Beginner’s Level........................ .17 Sharon Franco | Margo Chavez

3/5–7, Earth Day Celebration...........20 Steve Harris | Jack Loeffler Rina Swintzell | Estevan Arellano

4/26-28, Spanish Refresher Weekend Intermediate Level......................23 Sharon Franco | Margo Chavez

7/8–14, History & Culture of the Southwest.................................36 Andrew Guiliford

7/8–14, Introduction to Southwest Literature..................................36 Stephanie Moran

7/29–8/4, Intensive Conversational Spanish, Two-Week Program...... 45 Sharon Franco | Margo Chavez

8/5–11, Southwest Sampler............. 48 TBA

9/16–22, The Spirit of Place—Earth Walks at Ghost Ranch............... 49 Doug Conwell



wr i t i ng 3/22–24, 5/10–12, 9/27—29, Georgia O’Keeffe Artist & Writer Immersion. .................................. 19, 24, 52

Shoulder to Shoulder

Karen Butts | Kate Coleman

4/12–14, Write to Soul in the Desert Writing as a Spiritual Discipline..... ............................................. 22


Lynne Hinton

6/17-23, 8/12–18, Chama River Adventure—Writing Down the River ........................................28, 49


Steve Harris

7/1-7, A Creative Plunge—Writing the Waves.............................. 33

This program is designed to

Joan Logghe

allow two or more groups from

7/29–8/4, Little Pictures, Little Stories... .............................................. 46

the same geographic area –

Carolyn Barford

who don’t know each other very

7/29–8/4, On the Street Where You Live—Place, People & Possibility.46

well – to spend a weekend or

Anita Skeen

more at Ghost Ranch... working

7/29–8/4, Where Truth is Told—the Art of Letter Writing........................ 46

in service, exploring in nature,

Jane Taylor

learning and sharing about one

9/30–10/6, An Unedited Heart— Poetry Alchemy........................ 54

another’s faith and practices – so that a new friendship can be

Joan Logghe

9/30–10/6, Poetry en Plein Air........ 54

formed, strengthened, and con-

Gladys Swan | Carol Merrill

tinued when you return home.

10/7–13, Leaving Notes for Strangers: The Art of Writing Poetry........... 57

So, who is a group in your city

Anita Skeen

10/7–13, This Land: Writing out of the Places We Know...................... 57

or neighborhood that you want to get to know better? Maybe

Jane Taylor

they don’t know Ghost Ranch,

10/7–13, Hanging by a Thread: Writing from Our Stories............ 57

but you do and together we can

Ina Hughs

create an invitation for them

10/7–13,, Pilgrimages—Mindful Travel Writing & Memoir..................... 57

to join you in an experience of

Catherine Watson

Shoulder to Shoulder.

10/7–13, Putting Faith in Your Short Story....................................... 57


Rilla Askew

10/7–13, Inspiring Young Writers— Creative Writing Support for Teachers.................................. 58

Contact Stephen Picha 505.685.4333, extension 4196








Located two miles from the main campus, Casa del Sol is a retreat house at Ghost Ranch dedicated to deeper spiritual contemplation. In 2013 many workshops which are conducive to small group work and contemplative space are being held at Casa del Sol. These workshops are designated with the sun symbol beside the title throughout workshop description pages. Ja n uary 28–february 3

Aug u st 2 – 4

Walking the Sacred Way G13CDS141

Dreaming as a Sacred Art G13CDS75W

F e br uary 18–24 Listen for God


M a r ch 1–3 Make the Time It Takes— A Women’s Weekend Retreat G13CDS24W Apr il 12–14 Write to Soul in the Desert— Writing as a Spiritual Discipline G13CDS42W Apr il 15–21 Start Living Your Legacy G13CDS431 M ay 2 – 5 & Novembe r 7 - 1 0 Invitation to Companionship G13CDS451 & G13CDS1121 Jun e 10–16 The Artists' Personal Journey G13CDS621 Jun e 17– 23

Aug u st 5 – 1 1 The Southwestern Mystique of Our Lady of Guadalupe G13CDS811 Aug u st 5 – 1 1 Stillpoint—The Spiritual Journey G13CDS821 Aug u st 2 2 – 2 5 Being Present to God's Presence: Creating Innerspace G13CDS83W Aug u st 2 5 – 3 1 Mysticism & Desert Landscape G13CDS841 SEPTEMBER 9 – 1 5 Northern New Mexico Villages & Their Churches—A Watercolor Odyssey G13CDS921 S e p t e m be r 1 6 – 2 2

Christ & Creation: Eco-Spirituality World Tour Cooking Class in Christian Context G13CDS931 G13CDS631 S e p t e m be r 3 0 - Oc t o b e r 6 Jun e 24–30 St. Francis: Icon Painting Watercolor & St. John—A Spiritual G13CDS1011 Odyssey G13CDS641 Oct o be r 1 4– 2 0 July 8 –14 Bereavement Retreat G13CDS1031 The History & Practice of Spiritual Reading G13CDS721 o c t o be r 2 8– no ve m b e r 3 July 2 9–Au gus t 4 Feeding the Body, Feeding the Soul— An Exploration into the Wholeness & Hope of Food G13CDS751

Celebrations for Days of the Dead (Días de los Muertos) G13CDS1111



Y o u th


Week s st a r t i ng J u n e 17 & e n ding August 1 1 No Youth Activities July 1-7 all will register in Family Week

Youth Activities Times: 9:00 a.m. to noon and 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

For 10th to 12th Graders Youth in grades 10-12 must enroll in one of the following: (1) One of our scheduled workshops

For children 3 years to 9th Grade


$100 per child for the entire week.

(2) Senior High Youth Initiative

While adults spend mornings and evenings immersed in a course of their choice, youth spend mornings and evenings experiencing all kinds of new things under the guidance of our trained staff. Some adult courses have afternoon or all-day schedules - please take note of this when registering and make arrangements for child care during these non-youth program times.

$150 per youth for the entire week.

Youth will join in service projects on and off the ranch, time to work with the younger children and time to work with the horses. There will also be activities which may include waterfront time, overnight camp-out and ropes courses. The times are more flexible than the regular youth activities and may include some afternoon hours.

Activity Themes include the following: Expressive Arts • Outdoor Adventure • The Cultural Gifts of northern New Mexico • Creating Community Among Diverse Groups • Environmental Stewardship • Peacemaking • Spirituality Activities and Discussions • Fun and Games

SPECIAL WEEKS: Week of June 17-23 In lieu of 7th-9th Grade Youth Activities and Senior High Youth Initiative, middle school and high school ages will be a part of Youth Week – see page 28. Week of June 24-30 In lieu of 7th-9th Grade Youth Activities and Senior High Youth Initiative, middle school and high school ages will be a part of Youth Service Corps – see page 30.

Free For children under 3 The Family Center is a safe, comfortable place for children under the age of three to play and rest. Child care is not provided. Spontaneous co-ops of parent and grandparents are often organized.






2 5 h o u rs o f se r vi c e wor k

New for 2013—free lodging and lunches (dorm-style lodging or campground)


n the summer prime weeks, Service Corps participants give 25 hours of service per week to Ghost Ranch in exchange for lodging (dorm-style housing or campground) and lunches. Registration is $75, which includes a Service Corps T-shirt. Meal Ticket price (for breakfasts and dinners) is $120.

Participants do light maintenance and construction, help maintain the grounds and trails, paint, and work in the dining hall, offices, housekeeping, the Trading Post, library, and museums. Ordinarily, participants enjoy working outdoors and are able to do a moderate amount of physical activity. Participants often work in small groups and form friendships while doing tasks that are very helpful to Ghost Ranch. If you have any extra hand or power tools at home and would like to donate them to Service Corps, please bring them with you, and you may want to bring your favorite work gloves. Two (2) shuttle drivers will be needed for each week (between ages 25-70). Please indicate when registering if you are interested in this Service Corp role. Campers can purchase breakfast or dinner tickets at Welcome Center (lunch tickets will be given out at Orientation). Note: Upgrade fees apply for semi-private or private housing. Participation is on a weekly basis from Monday to Sunday. No other course may be taken while in Service Corps.

Youth Service Corps Are you part of a youth group that is interested in performing meaningful mission work in Northern New Mexico? Join with other youth and young adults to share your talents, skills and desires for helping and meeting others in a beautiful and spirit-filled place like Ghost Ranch. Each week, youth groups will be working on meaningful projects both at the Ranch and in surrounding communities. In addition to the service performed, you will have the chance to meet new friends, learn about Northern New Mexico's unique culture and join in Ghost Ranch Outdoor Adventure and Spirituality offerings. Youth Service Corps 2013 weeks are: • June 24-30 • July 1-7 • July 15-21 • July 29-Aug 4

Contact the program staff (extension 4121) for more information.



WHILE YOU’RE HERE Disconnect from the busyness of your daily routine, and re-connect with your true nature. Due to our remote location, your cell phone may not work. Our rooms do not have phones, televisions or internet access. Free Wi-Fi is available in select locations, and a terminal with internet in the Trading Post Cafe. Georgia O’Keeffe Landscape Tours - Motorbus or Walking

Tour the landscape and see the actual scenes and locations of O’Keeffe’s paintings interwoven with stories of her fifty years at Ghost Ranch. Archaeology & Paleontology Museums and Site Tours

Learn the deep history of the Southwest region, from Triassic Period to rock shelter sites of the Gallina and other ancient tribes. Movies at Ghost Ranch Tour

A look at the sites of the long list of movies filmed at Ghost Ranch. Trail Rides

Ride horseback through the landscape made famous by O’Keeffe. We have a ride that will fit your experience and your adventure level. Body Work

In the spirit for “rest, re-creation, and renewal,” with the commitment of nationally certified, licensed massage therapists, the Ghost Ranch Bodywork Program helps promote health and wholeness. Raft the Rio Chama

With our rafting partner, Far Flung Adventures, explore the vivid landscapes of the Rio Chama. Funyaks available. Ropes Courses

Whether you want an adventure to encourage teamwork and problem solving, or to test your own personal limits, opportunities abound on our High or Low Ropes Adventure Courses. Hiking Trails

Ghost Ranch has three distinct trails. Hike through red rocks and hills, lush green areas of forest, past dinosaur quarries and atop mesas with incredible views. Library

Open 24 hours, this special place is a quiet, comfortable center located in an historic adobe building that was once home to the Robert Wood Johnson family (Johnson & Johnson), built for their stays at Ghost Ranch.




January J a n ua ry Start your New Year with January Term! A unique experience in an amazing setting to study a special subject for multiple weeks. Course credit possible. Non-credit students also welcome. 2014 Jan Term will be posted in early Spring, 2013.

January 28–february 3 Walking the Sacred Way


6 nights

$350 + lodging & meals Before creeds and the churches were formalized the early followers of Jesus were called the People of the Way. The communities formed in the first three generations of the Apostles and their descendants were shaped by their diverse experiences and their writings, yet all give testimony to the creative power of this new movement. How do we regain this sense of journey? How do we reclaim the Sacred in the midst of competing dualisms? Wallace Ford

F e brua ry 8 –1 0 Expansive Skies—An Astronomy Weekend with the New Moon G13O21W 2 nights $125+ lodging & meals While we can never bemoan the advent of electricity, we must recognize that with its infiltration in our lives, many have lost a connection to the night sky. Fortunately, it is readily available at Ghost Ranch. Come reorient yourself by soaking in the sea of stars that stare down upon the this "Land of Enchantment." We will also lace native spirituality and reflection throughout, giving a truly unique spiritual touch to our astrological musings. Outdoor Adventure Staff


February Deepening Love—An Alternative Valentine’s Day Event G13S21W 2 nights $125 + lodging & meals We all likely know what a deepening spiral of hate and violence looks like in our world. What then could our world look like if we lived from a deepening spiral of love with our Creator? with ourselves? with creation? with all our relations? When we experience deepening love with our Creator, WE TRANSFORM, and when we transform, so does the world around us. Judy Bierbaum

Feb r ua ry 18– 24 Listen for God


6 nights $360 + lodging & meals Perhaps the greatest gift we can give another is to truly listen to their story. Listening brings healing; listening brings hope. In our time together we will listen deeply to our inner voices. We will celebrate the wonder of God’s presence in all aspects of life with stories and silence, with music and movement, with laughter and perhaps some tears. We will have fun, rest and reflect. Carol Ingells

Photo above by Brian Spencer. Photo – calendar contest.



February Feb r uary 22– 24


From Darkness into Light— Exploring Your Shadow G13S23W 2 nights $125 + lodging & meals The dark days of winter continue, inviting us to look at the contrasts between light and dark, both within us and external to us. This weekend will focus on the shadows in the natural world as well as the shadows within ourselves. Through yoga, moonlight hikes, shadow photography, and more, we will delve into these dualities that exist both inside and out. Adonna Rometo

As the light of the sun reflects off the moon, the full moon invites us into the fullness of our life, while we embody the wholeness of who we are. Join us during these full moon gatherings, as we use yoga, art, journaling, drumming, story-telling, nature-walks and more to explore different aspects of our holistic selves. Look for this symbol. • February 22-24 From Darkness into Light— Exploring Your Shadow • April 26-28 Blossoming into Fullness • May 24-27 Journeys—The Story of Us • September 20-22 Autumn Harvest—Season of Abundance

Feb r uary 22– 24 GOT PAIN? Yoga Therapy G13H23W 2 nights $195 + lodging & meals Back problems, shoulder stiffness, aching knees or mental agitations? Yoga practices offer a veritable smorgasbord for working with all of our challenges. We begin with our inner landscape and return again and again to the radiant gemstone of our True Selves. We will apply principles of body mechanics and yoga poses, and introduction to our LIFT program for vibrant health (Look Inside For Truth). Meta Chaya Hirschl

• October 16-20 Of the Wilds




March M a rch 1 –3

Mar ch 8– 10

Make the Time It Takes— A Women’s Weekend Retreat G13CDS31W 2 nights $150 + lodging & meals Make The Time It Takes is a call to respond to Jesus’ invitation, “Come away to a desert place and rest awhile...” Are you ready to step away from your workaday world and create a space for rest, relaxation and renewal? You will have the opportunity to learn and experience contemplative practices, from centering prayer to Tai Chi Chih. Join us on this women’s retreat designed to nurture your spirit. Kim Caird

Expansive Skies—An Astronomy Weekend with the New Moon G13O31W 2 nights $125 + lodging & meals While we can never bemoan the advent of electricity, we must recognize that with its infiltration in our lives, many have lost a connection to the night sky. Fortunately, it is readily available at Ghost Ranch. Come reorient yourself by soaking in the sea of stars that stare down upon the this Land of Enchantment. We will also lace native spirituality and reflection throughout, giving a truly unique spiritual touch to our astrological musings. Outdoor Adventure Staff

Spanish Refresher Weekend— Beginner’s Level G13SW31W 2 nights $150 + lodging & meals A weekend refresher course in Spanish where small groups practice skills through structured oral activities and informal conversation. For the beginning refresher we encourage students with one year of Spanish study. The program is intensive, with morning, afternoon, evening sessions from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. Take advantage of the weekend refresher to prepare to join us if you can for the regular summer intensive course! Sharon Franco | Margo Chavez

The Celtic Soul—A Celtic Spirituality Weekend G13S31W 2 nights Adults: $125 + lodging & meals Youth: $50 + lodging & meals Come and experience a celebration of the Celtic soul! Whether or not you hail from the mists and bogs of Ireland, Scotland or Western Europe, at this time of the year everyone is a little bit Irish. We will welcome spring through music, dance and ceremony; we will open our hearts through poetry, story and song; and through the lens of Celtic spirituality we will connect with our own unique indigenous soul. Winona Poole | Gerry Aylward

Photo above by Theodore Eisenman; top photo on page 16 by Ven, second photo by Tatiana Van Iten – all from calendar contest. Photo at right © Ian Grant |



March Mar ch 1 1– 17

A lt e r nat i v e spring break

Fire It Up Fountains! Fire & Water G13A322 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Want a special water feature for your home that is unique...designed and built by you? This metal sculpture class will place emphasis on producing fountains, from tabletop to full-size, simple to exotic. Every student will have an opportunity to construct a fountain and/ or work on other sculptures using scrap metals. No prior welding experience is required. Class is limited to eight students age fourteen or older to enroll. Tom Nichols

M a rch 1 1 –1 6 (Monday -Saturday) & M a rch 1 7 – 2 2 (Sunday-Friday) Enjoy an alternative Spring Break in the unique cultural environment and spectacular high desert scenery of Northern New Mexico.

Open to groups & individuals package price of $350 includes workshop, dorm style lodging and meals

Celtic Spirituality & The Sacred Mirror G13S321 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals In the Celtic tradition the relationship between the people and the land is sacred; they belong to each other and are extensions of each other. This relationship forms a sacred mirror wherein the cycles and mysteries of life are reflected back to source. Life sees itself and witnesses it’s own beauty. In the process we are healed and made whole. Ghost Ranch provides a mystical setting in which to explore this relationship and reconnect with our own belonging. Through poetry, music, shared experience and most importantly, time alone on the land, we will have the opportunity to reawaken our senses and imagination and hear once more the voice of our own soul. Gerry Aylward

M a rc h 1 1 –1 6 Alternative Spring Break, Week 1 G13C321 5 nights $350 includes lodging & meals This week offers service projects on Ghost Ranch and in nearby Hispanic communities, with an exploration of cross-cultural experience and ecological themes. Time will also be spent exploring this vast landscape in the form of hikes and bonding with fellow university students on the high and low ropes course. Open to individuals and groups. Bert Scott & Team

Mar ch 1 1– 24 Two-Week Intensives

NOTE: You must take both weeks Participants of 2-week intensives will be housed in premium Mesa level lodging with private bath room. Special Package price for room, board, program tuition and materials' fee is $1,850.00 for double occupancy $2,350 for single occupancy




March M a rch 1 1 –2 4

Mar ch 17– 22

Two-Week Intensives─ see prior page for package information

Alternative Spring Break, Week 2 G13C331 5 nights $350 includes lodging & meals See page 18 for full description.

Pottery—Throwing Intensive G13A323 12 nights This two-week intensive course, intended for the beginning potter and for taking the intermediate potter to the next level, will allow time and space for understanding the nature of clay and all parts of the creating process. Course emphasis includes: preparing the clay and forming it using a potter’s wheel, exploring cylinders and open forms, trimming, finishing, as well as altering and texturizing. Reflection and discussion will also occur about the connection between the inner spirit of clay and our own inner spirits. Barbara Campbell Women & Silver Retreat: Creating, Learning & Sharing G13A324 12 nights This two-week intensive is designed to teach skills, but also to experience community and wisdom together. Days will be spent exploring ways to incorporate inlay, stone cutting, reticulation, mokume gane, gold leaf and other techniques into jewelry designs. Evenings will be spent processing the days and sharing life lessons and experiences with one another. Participants will have select weekend options which might include dinner off site, massage, soaking in hot springs, reading or working in the studio. Judith Foster

Mar ch 18– 24 Fantasy Birdhouses G13A331 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Create a castle for your kestrel! Together we will build homes for the birds of spring that serenade Ghost Ranch with their song. In this course, design, build and decorate elaborate birdhouses using recycled mixed media (wood, glass, metal & stone). Tom Nichols

Mar ch 22– 24 Georgia O’Keeffe Artist & Writer Immersion G13A33W 2 nights Package includes program, lodging & meals. $395.00 Double occupancy, shared bath $495.00 Single occupancy, shared bath $595.00 Single occupancy, private bath Spend a weekend at Ghost Ranch exploring, walking and painting in a restricted area of the ranch, in the same locations where Georgia O’Keeffe completed many of her finest paintings. Accommodations and “home base” will be at the Ranch’s Casa del Sol, a secluded retreat house located within sight of O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch home. Come absorb, learn and be inspired! Limited space available. Karen Butts │ Kate Coleman


from the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum

Immerse Yourself in Pastels G13A321 12 nights This two-week course provides pastelists with in-depth study of materials, techniques, color, composition, plein air and studio painting. Ghost Ranch in the springtime is ideal for this! Participants will be taught how to make their own pastels and painting surfaces. Discussions will be constructed to help students learn to evaluate their own work, to paint as they see and how to find inspiration. This class is for all levels. Susan Daughtery


April Ea r t h Da y Celebration a t G h o s t Ra n c h

organizations committed to environmental activism and preservation of indigenous culture.

A p r il 5 –7

Dr. Rina Swentzell earned her Ph.D.

"Water's for Cooperating Over" The arid Southwest generally, and New Mexico specifically, has been the scene of intense competition for resources. With today's news filled with stories of conflict over water- lawsuits and jurisdictional disputes, compromised water supplies, runaway development, drought and climate change, it is easy to accept the old canard that 'water's for fighting over.' But is it really?

in American Studies. She writes and lectures on the philosophical and cultural basis of the Pueblo world and its educational, artistic and architectural expressions. She acts as a consultant to a number of museums including Santa Fe's Institute of American Indian Arts and the Smithsonian, and was a visiting lecturer at both Yale and Oxford in 1996.

Estevan Arellano is a Northern New

Mexican poet, historian, farmer and journalist. In 2006 he translated and published “Ancient Agriculture,” a text originally written by Gabriel Alonso de Herrera in sixteenth century Spain which was brought to New Mexico. It continues to influence how agriculture is practiced.

Water’s for Cooperating Over G13SW41W 2 nights $150 + lodging & meals Student Rate: $75 + lodging & meals This program will examine historic instances in which societies have come together to share nature's most precious resource. Folklorist Jack Loeffler, Anthropologist Rina Swintzell, Historian Estevan Arellano will present stories which highlight such social systems, explode the myth of water conflict and point toward a future with 'just enough' water for human and nature's uses.

From the Mind and Heart of an American Indian Mystic: An Afternoon with Mr. Joseph Rael Following our Earth Day Conference, we are honored to welcome respected author, teacher, artist Joseph Rael for an afternoon lecture and conversation, concluding with a book-signing. Visit for more details as they become available.

Steve Harris describes his career as that of a "River Worker," centered on the Rio Grande as it courses through the desert Southwest. He is a river outfitter and guide, a river and flood rescue instructor to various local, state and federal agencies and a river conservation activist.

Joseph Rael is widely regarded as one of the great Native A merican holy men of our time. In 1983, Mr. Rael had the vision to build a Sound Peace chamber, a kivalike structure where people of all races might gather to chant and sing for world peace and to purify the earth and oceans. Mr. Rael is also the author of a number of books, including Beautiful Painted Arrow.

Jack Loeffler is an aural historian, writer, radio producer and sound collage artist. He founded both the Central Clearing House and Black Mesa Defense Fund,




April A p r il 8 –1 3 Prayer, Pilgrimage & Healing G13S428 5 nights $350 + lodging & meals This retreat is an open invitation to all those diagnosed with a serious or life threatening illness. We will explore a holistic approach to prayer culminating in a pilgrimage to the sacred church Santuario de Chimayo. Though the body may continue to feel the effects of an illness, the mind and heart, through faith, can influence the process of healing so we are able to continue our lives without the dis-ease of a disease. Jim Reale


A p r il 8 –1 3 & Oc tobe r 1 4 –19 “The harvest is plenty, but laborers are few…” Matt 9: 37 Ghost Ranch has a long tradition of supporting those in ministry ~ with rich respite and continuing education. In 2013, we will dedicate two special weeks to helping support those in all fields of ministry (ordained and lay). Arrival (Monday afternoon) and Departure (Saturday morning) have been established so that those in ministry can leave/return in time for their weekly Worship responsibilities. Some segments will involve the full group (plenaries – processing – Worship). Participants will also choose one focus class where they will receive approximately 20 hours of instruction/ experience to help them in their field of ministry.

Ap r il 8–1 3 Minist ry W eek A Sampler of Contemplative Prayer G13S424 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals This retreat will focus on the exploration of different methods of contemplative prayer such as lectio divina, praying with icons, walking meditation, breath and centering prayer, and so on, as participants together seek a deeper connection to the holy. Ken Cuthbertson A Theology & Ministry of Place G13S426 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals Our congregations are not just in a “location,” but are situated in a Godcreated, God-given and God-nurtured “place.” God invites us to take seriously serving the reign of Christ in a specific context, where we are called to love our neighbors, work for a just world and to incarnate community where we are. This seminar will explore a theology of place for your congregation and strategies for connecting your church and community. Trey Hammond Bridging Our Divides: Grounded in Parker Palmer’s Healing the Heart of Democracy G13S421 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals This class will use Parker Palmer’s newest book, Healing the Heart of Democracy as a foundational text. Intellectual engagement and spiritual reflection and centering are found in this hybrid offering. Sociology of religion and a theology of social change, provide personal insight, grounding, and collective hope. This course explores what is yet possible in our democracy and our world, despite our apparently insurmountable cultural, religious and political divides. Jeanette Baust

Come and receive a week of nourishment to help you so you in turn can help others. Photo on page 20 by Jean Stewart – calendar contest.



April A p r il 8 –1 3

Spirituality of Illness G13S425 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals Many authors of spirituality, from the ancient to the modern, have experienced illnesses and written about them from the point of view of the spiritual life. These writings provide inspiration for those who have dealt with a major illness and have tried to understand how their illness can empower them and bring them closer to God. Participants will discuss ways in which their illness or the illness of someone they know has changed them both physically and spiritually. Dorian McGlannan

M i n i stry We e k continued

Journeys in the Wilderness G13S422 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals We will hike in the beautiful regions in and around Ghost Ranch and study journey stories in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures as a means of exploring the metaphor of journey and wilderness in our own lives. You must be able to hike 4-6 miles over rugged, moderately steep terrain at elevations 6,500-11,000 feet. John Hayden │ Nahum Ward-Lev

Ap r il 12–14

Sabbath Keeping—Feeding Our Holy Hunger G13S423 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals Sabbath keeping is extinct among most 21st century Christians, lay leaders and pastors. In an age where we are bombarded with information, Sabbath can feed our impoverished souls and teach us to lead from our Source instead of culture. Come explore practices of prayer, worship and holy conversation to reclaim this important practice in your life and ministry. It’s not so much about rest as it is about facing your restlessness. Anita Amstutz

Write to Soul in the Desert: Writing as a Spiritual Discipline G13CDS42W 2 nights $150 + lodging & meals This course is a writing and spirituality course offering opportunities to reflect, consider and to write. Using the nonfiction essay as the primary tool, participants have the opportunity to be creative, contemplative and reflective. Lynne Hinton GOT LIFT? Yoga & Body Image G13H42W 2 nights $195 + lodging & meals As we are constantly bombarded with images and messages that we are not the right shape and size, it is often hard to hear our own truth. Through our LIFT program (Look Inside for Truth) we train the mind to move toward the thoughts that support and nourish our body image. We will LIFT ourselves with poses (asana), breathing (pranayama), hand dances (mudra), inner locks (bandha), building core strength and mantras (simple sounds and words). Meta Chaya Hirschl

Transformation—A GPS Approach to Your Congregation’s Future G13S427 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals Is your congregation dying? A pastor and an elder will share how they helped create a vision for their congregation that is bringing it new life. Using global positioning system (GPS) technology as a metaphor, they will help congregational leaders get ready to infuse new life into local churches. Bill Tammeus | Phil Rock




April A p r il 1 5 –2 1 Start Living Your Legacy


6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Once a person has found their mission and lives their best life, it most often results in making the world a better place. This class provides tools to explore what makes you who you are, what gives your life meaning and how to live richly and fully and in a way that you may be proud. This class is for anyone who wants to tap into their own uniqueness and begin to live their own legacy. Janet Benjamin

A p r il 2 6 –2 8 Spanish Refresher Weekend: Intermediate Level G13SW44W 2 nights $150 + lodging & meals A weekend refresher course in Spanish where small groups practice skills through structured oral activities and informal conversation. For the intermediate refresher we encourage students with 2-4 years of Spanish study. The program is intensive, with morning, afternoon, evening sessions from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. Take advantage of the weekend refresher to prepare to join us for the two-week summer intensive course! Sharon Franco │ Margo Chavez Blossoming into Fullness G13S44W 2 nights $125 + lodging & meals As the flowers burst open into fullness of bloom, we too are invited to blossom. This weekend event invites us to courageously unfurl the petals of our possibility and to become who we truly are. Plant these seeds within yourself and watch them surge open in growth through seed meditations, yoga, a moonrise hike, tai chi, and a night of dancing and drumming. Kelsea Habecker │ Adonna Rometo

Photo by Carol Rogers – calendar contest.



May May 10–12

M ay 2 –5

Georgia O’Keeffe Artist & Writer Immersion G13A51W 2 nights Includes program, lodging & meals. $395.00 Double occupancy, shared bath $495.00 Single occupancy, shared bath $595.00 Single occupancy, private bath Spend a weekend at Ghost Ranch exploring, walking and painting in a restricted area of the ranch, in the same locations where Georgia O’Keeffe completed many of her finest paintings. Accommodations and “home base” will be at the Ranch’s Casa del Sol, a secluded retreat house located within sight of O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch home. Come absorb, learn and be inspired! Limited space available. Karen Butts | Kate Coleman

Invitation to companionship a t c asa d e l s o l Invitation to Companionship G13CDS451 3 nights $150 + lodging & meals In the context of our spiritual journeys, what does it mean to be a “companion”? More specifically, what does it mean to be a Companion of Casa del Sol? We invite all “seekers,” as well as those already committed to our dispersed community, to experience and reflect together on the significance of companionship in 1) Prayer and Meditation; 2) Dialogue and Creativity; 3) Community and Hospitality; 4) Soul-Friending and Discernment; and 5) Training for Justice and Peace. Companion Team

may 15–19 b l u e g r ass c am p

save the date G13M521

4 nights Visit after January 1, 2013 for more details.

Caring Circle Men’s Retreat G13S451 3 nights $175 + lodging & meals This retreat is for men who desire to achieve a state of balance and harmony within self, family and support groups. The Caring Circle is a group practice designed to create authentic communication among members. This creates a non-corrosive environment of Love and Belonging, Freedom, Fun and Empowerment. In the process of learning these skills participants will experience a deep level of self-understanding, authentic relatedness to others and confidence to utilize the Caring Circle within their own lives. Terrell Piechowski


May 16–19 Breaking Creative Blocks & Accessing New Paths to Creativity G13A521 3 nights $175 + lodging & meals If you are an experienced artist or a complete beginner you can learn proven ways to overcome fears and open up your creative process in this workshop teaching exercises to get you seeing and thinking in new ways. Kate Barrere



May &June M ay 1 6 –1 9 Roll Around Heaven G13S521 3 nights $175 + lodging & meals Join Jessica Maxwell, author of the award-winning memoir, Roll Around Heaven, for a spiritual tune-up like none other. Explore stunning new evidence flooding in from pioneering brain scientists that the kingdom of heaven is within, and the glue of the universe really is love. RAH! Workshops restore faith, ignite hope, changes and even saves lives. You return home with well-tested tools to help keep “the mud off your headlights,” and stay anchored in deep Spirit. Jessica Maxwell

M ay 2 4 –2 6 Journeys—The Story of Us G13S53W 2 nights $125 + lodging & meals Celebrate the journey of your life! This weekend gathering offers opportunity to reflect on all that you’ve experienced and all that you are and to set intentions for all that you hope to do and be. Through outdoor journaling, a full moon labyrinth experience, hikes and yoga, explore your own story and see where your journey has led—and continues to lead—you. Adonna Rometo

Aging well

June 3– 9 Aging Well—Facing Life’s Changes G13S611 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals This course will explore the many issues facing senior adults today. The participants may be seniors, about to be seniors, or be clergy or seminary students who want more knowledge in ministry with seniors. Participants will be included in discussion, case studies, receive an exercise CD and information regarding resources and tools for Living Well, Managing Well. Participants will look at the tough questions that come with later life, from Medicare to assisted living to growing in one’s spirituality as the years progress. Come study the joys of being a senior— come away with the tools to age and live well or to help others do so. NOTE: This course will also be taken by seminarians as a way of preparing to minister to this populace in their home parishes. Scholarships are available. For an application form, see the expanded workshop description at David VanArsdale | Ellen VanArsdale

Photo above by Tatiana Van Iten; photo page 24 by Marlene Samuels – both from calendar contest.



June June 3–9

Leave Only Footprints—Take Only Photos (Summer) G13O611 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Join us for an outdoor adventure extraordinaire. Participants will learn about and use minimum impact (No Trace) ethics/practices as the group hikes to seldom-to-little-visited sites on Ghost Ranch and the neighboring National Forests. While wildflower and nature photography and sketching will be the focus, we will seek to appreciate the majesty and complexity of this land and it peoples and to examine our role as stewards of such rich resources. John Hayden

Field Sketching Ghost Ranch Flora & Fauna G13A611 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals The desert will be in bloom! Join us─an artist and a biologist─to identify and record its summer plants and creatures. On field trips and walks, hone your skills of observation and practice the art of nature journaling. Indoors, learn the basics of botanical illustration in watercolor. Daily demos and plenty of individual attention. All levels welcome. Helen Byers | Janet Darrow Mesa Magic—Capturing Landscape on Site G13A612 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Paint on site in the Ghost Ranch area, either in oils or acrylics. Develop your personal response and style as you explore the colors and shapes of the formations. Using a limited palette of colors, learn to mix color effectively and develop form with lovely shadows and values. Louise Minks

Pack Light, Be Light G13O612 6 nights $495 + lodging & meals This introductory backpacking seminar will offer classroom sessions on ultralight backpacking techniques and a three-day backpack trip in the great outdoors near Ghost Ranch. No backpacking experience necessary; participants should be able to carry a pack for up to three miles in a day, on fairly level terrain that may include short uphill segments. Embrace your own spirituality as you experience more of the “Magic Place.” Brian Johnson

Watercolor Big & Bold G13A613 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Learn techniques and theory to create wonderful colorful paintings in the land of enchantment. Techniques include dry brush, wet on wet, big brush and flat brush. Theory includes color, composition and more. Individual and group critiques. Both plein air and studio painting. Deborah Rubin

June 10– 16 The Artists' Personal Journey G13CDS621 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals Discover or restore your soul’s yearning through writing, painting and spiritual contemplation in a private retreat setting. Living and sharing meals together will provide space and time without distraction to bring focus, reflection and art expression. Led by an experienced spiritual retreat leader and professional artist, you will be encouraged to further develop your art form while learning and sharing with others. Louise Minks

Yoga—A Journey Into Awareness & Peace G13H611 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Through movement, breath and poetry, yoga will bring you more body awareness and peace of mind. Gentle Hatha Yoga is presented easily. If you can breathe, you can do yoga. The class begins with meditation and moves into yoga poses. Sun salutations are presented to get the blood moving and then the class ends with rest and poetry. Nancy Wilkinson




June J u n e 1 7 –2 3 L i t erally Le tter s A C allig raphy fest ival The Artist’s Book—Vessel for Word & Image G13A631 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals The artist’s book is a container designed to hold ideas. We set out to design a meaningful structure to house them, using drawing or painting media; we will focus primarily on watercolor. Traditional or contemporary, your book will be an expression of yourself. Annie B. Cicale Life Lines: Meditation through Calligraphy G13A632 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Using sacred geometry, we will design a template to create a portfolio of our own unique expression. A variety of tools and materials, music, sound and silence will accompany this exploration of our story, script, gesture and mark. Pamela Paulsrud Pointed Pen Variations in Calligraphy G13A633 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Explorations are boundless with the pointed pen. We will be taking a look at traditional Copperplate styles then go off the beaten path and try Uncial, Foundational and Versals. We will be exploring flourishes in many unique ways as well. Our outcome will be a book to contain all these practices. I always say, “If I could only have one pen on a desert would be my pointed pen!" Barbara Close Write, Paint & Draw at Ghost Ranch G13A634 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Express the majestic beauty of the Ranch with word, image, color, line and gesture on various papers. Create images using pen, brush, ink and colored media. Include your thoughts with handwriting or the calligraphy offered. Nancy Culmone

June 17 -23 Still-Life Drawing: Museum Artifacts & Bones G13A635 6 nights $360 + lodging & meals Discover the fun of still-life drawing! Our subjects will be treasures borrowed from the Ghost Ranch museums─Hispanic and Native American artifacts, dinosaur bones and more. Instruction covers classical drawing techniques in several media as well as composition, proportion and value. Daily demos, evening slide shows and plenty of one-on-one. All levels welcome! Helen Byers World Tour Cooking Class


6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Have a desire to travel the world from your kitchen? Curious about how dishes are made from other countries? Join Chef Jay Harris on this five-day course on global cuisine. By focusing on American, Asian, Latin, European and Middle Eastern flavors in cooking participants will have a full hands-on experience cooking, eating and learning about the cultures in the world that surrounds us. Jay Harris



June June 17-23

Ghost ranch

Archaeo-Astronomy in the American Southwest G13SW631 6 nights $425 + lodging & meals Explore the archaeo-astronomy of the Chaco culture in the American Southwest. This course provides an historical overview of the Pueblo culture and visits to important and relevant sites. Field trips to Chaco Canyon (at the summer solstice) and sites on and near Ghost Ranch will be central to the course. Ron Olowin | Tom Christian

youth week June 17 -23 Jesus—Who Do You Say That I Am? for Middle School & High School Ages G13YW631 6 nights $350 includes lodging & meals for chaperones and youth coming as a group & staying in dorm style lodging

Chama River Adventure: Writing Down the River G13SW634 6 nights $550 + lodging & meals This new workshop is an opportunity to explore the relationship of individuals and communities to nature through a close personal acquaintance with the Rio Chama. Rivers are a powerful metaphor for life, with its phases and flows of energy and its intimate connection to life forms and landscapes. Expert river runners, activists and scientists will set the stage for participants' personal explorations, guiding them toward deeper understanding of natural processes and human responses to nature. Steve Harris

$225 + lodging & meals for youth staying with their family. Jesus—we hear talk of him everywhere. But really, who was Jesus? How do we relate to this man who lived 2,000 years ago? Most importantly, what does he mean to us? In the beauty of the expansiveness of Ghost Ranch, we will explore together what the gospel says about Jesus. Through this exploration we will delve into ourselves as well, unraveling the mystery of who we are as people of Christ. Youth Week includes: • • • • • •

Youth Activities for Youth Ages 3 to 6th Grade G13YA631 6 nights $100 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description.

• • • • •

plenary sessions worship small groups back-home groups service day off the ranch low ropes and water-front challenge courses wetlands fire circles reflection times art, music, drama swimming & hiking

Claudio Carvalhaes, a theologian and artist, was born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he was ordained by the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil and served two different Presbyterian congregations in Sao Paulo. He has published articles, in English, Spanish and Portuguese, on the relation between globalization, immigration, multiculturalism and post-colonial theologies/liturgies, worship, arts and the Christian faith.





Photo by Ted C. Brummond

E arth - H onoring F aith Ea r t h - H o n o r i n g F ai t h S e r i e s

J u n e 2 4 –3 0 A Desert Faith for a Desert Time is sixth in a series of a ten-year commitment on the part of Ghost Ranch to Earth-Honoring Faith: A Song of Songs. The goal of the series is to construct justice-centered, Earth-Honoring, christianities that promote interfaith efforts on common earth issues.

A Desert Faith for a Desert Time G13S641 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals Life may have begun in Eden, but faith began in the desert. How are landscape and belonging joined, and how has God’s presence in living, fierce places been experienced? What is a desert faith for a time of global warming, and how do we shape a desert people when “the eyes of the future are looking back at us and are praying for us to see beyond our own time?” (Williams) Join one another for study and worship amid the mystical landscape and the red and gold mesas of Northern New Mexico’s high mountain desert.

Featuring: Larry Rasmussen is Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus, Union Theological Seminary. He is the organizer of Ghost Ranch’s decade project on EarthHonoring Faith and author of the awardwinning volume Earth Community, Earth Ethics. His most recent book with Oxford University Press is EarthHonoring Faith: Religious Ethics in a New Key.

Terry Tempest Williams author of

Refuge, Red: Passion and Patience in the Desert, and When Women Were Birds, is the Annie Clark Tanner Scholar in Environmental Humanities at the University of Utah. Tempest Williams has been called “a citizen writer,” a writer who speaks and speaks out eloquently on behalf of an ethical stance toward life. A naturalist and fierce advocate for freedom of speech, she has consistently shown us how environmental issues are social issues that ultimately become matters of justice.

William Brown is Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament and author of The Seven Pillars of Creation. Dr. Brown has abiding interests in the use of scripture in the life of the church and contemporary theological discourse, as well as in the ancient cultural contexts out of which scripture emerged. Specific interests include Psalms, wisdom literature, Pentateuch, Isaiah, history of ancient Israel and modern literary theory. Talitha Arnold is Senior Pastor of United Church of Santa Fe. She is author of Worship for Vital Congregations and a has a book in progress, A Desert Faith in a Time of Global Warming. The United Church of Santa Fe was awarded the “Arthur Tappan Award” by the United Church of Christ for its witness as a multicultural and just peace church. In 2010, Arnold was recognized as one of “Ten Who Make a Difference” by the Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper.



June J u n e 2 4 –3 0 Peace in the Midst of Conflict: Learning Skills of Creative Conflict Intervention G13PJ641 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals In our diverse world, conflict constantly surrounds us. Many react to the “other” with a sense of mistrust and fear. Unless we have people trained to be agents of reconciliation, the conflicts will increase. In the tranquil and healing setting of Ghost Ranch, this course is designed to equip people with the skills of conflict transformation, which can be applicable to the tensions they encounter in their families, religious congregations, communities and nations. Special attention will be given to issues related to interfaith and cross-cultural dialogue as well as those facing the Latino and Native populations of the Southwest.

Outdoor Adventures G13O641 6 nights $425 + lodging & meals Come participate in hiking, canoeing or kayaking and low and high ropes challenge courses. A day off Ranch will be spent rafting the waters of the Chama River. While all activities will be moderately physically demanding, no experience is necessary. Just bring your sense of adventure! Robb Carter

This course is in collaboration with Hartford Seminary (www. Academic credit is available from Hartford Seminary. Bob Evans | Alice Evans

Service Corps G13SC641 6 nights $75 + lodging & meals Participants work in service to the Ranch 5 hours a day. See page 13 for full details. Dennis Smith | Billie Rogers

Watercolor & St. John— A Spiritual Odyssey G13CDS641 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals Collaborations of artists, calligraphers and theologians throughout history have made it possible for us to experience the wonders of early spiritual awareness. The St. John’s Bible project first inspired at Ghost Ranch is a masterful recreation of artistic collaboration. This workshop will offer the opportunity to create your personal response to John, the disciple of love. With meditation, study and watercolor we will open the book of St. John to personal discovery, understanding and value. Daily demos, evening slide shows and plenty of oneon-one. All levels welcome! Pomona Hallenbeck


Youth Activities for Ages 3 to 6th Grade G13YA641 6 nights $100 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description. Youth Service Corps for Middle School & High School Ages G13YS641 6 nights $350 includes lodging & meals for chaperones and youth coming as a group and staying in dorm style lodging $225 + lodging & meals for youth staying with their family Youth groups and senior high-school individuals work on meaningful projects. See page 13 for full description. Youth Service Corps Staff



Offered June 24 through August 11

O pen st u dio & wellness Note: Open Studio and Wellness Team offerings are included in your workshop tuition fee or Rest and Recreation fee. During the primary weeks of our Summer Programming, we are excited to introduce two new aspects to enhance your Ghost Ranch Experience. These are ways that we are trying to support all of our guests’ mind, body and spirit experience.

OPEN STUDIO Open Studio Coordinator: Juliana Crownover

Upper Pavilion will serve as an Open Art Studio–allowing guests of all ages during the afternoon (typical non-class hours) to experience some of the following: • Place to paint, draw, use pastels and other mediums • See demos from art instructors of different techniques and mediums • Take on-site field trips to meet instructors/classes and to see what they are creating • Receive mini-teachings/lectures on many art themes/methods

Juliana’s philosophy: “I strive to create a balance that allows enough freedom so that participants can create their own art, and enough direction to ensure success. Aside from the end-goal of finished art, I think the process should be enjoyed, and I work hard to create an environment that allows for that creativity.”

• Sessions to help people prepare for their Coffeehouse (weekly talent show) offerings • Other surprises Note: Open Studio will be available to Rest and Recreation Guests in the morning.


Wellness Coordinator: Susan Weber

In an effort to enhance your overall health and well-being, the Wellness Team (Wellness Coordinator, Summer Nurse and Summer Chaplain) will offer some of the following: • Daily yoga offerings • Daily contemplative prayer • Mini-teachings/lectures on different health and spirituality topics • Guided hikes during each week • Other offerings



July fami ly


Someth i ng new 2 0 1 3 s ampler

Family Week provides rich opportunities for families of all shapes and sizes to enjoy time together in study, creative arts, play and adventure. Following the rich inter-generational worship at The Agape Center, families will join in one of eight available workshops. As a family choose five of the following workshops. Upon arrival you will be given a schedule of the order of activities you have been assigned for the week. Evenings include campfires, games, hikes, a musical concert, cookout, a parade and July 4th fireworks celebration (weather permitting).

J uly 1– 7

Beyond Words—The Color of Prayer G13F712 Too often we rely only on words, which have limits. Using art as prayer we are invited to explore the mystery of God from a place where there are no words. How might an intentional engagement with our imagination and spirituality lead us to see the divine in one another? By gathering a group of all ages we will seek to inspire one another in prayer and art to make a visible sign of invisible grace. Chuck Hoffman

Family Week G13F710 6 nights $115 per child + lodging & meals $275 per adult + lodging & meals Choose five (5) of the following eight daily workshops. The week is hosted by Sharon Edwards.

Art—A Canvas for Families G13F711 Family Practice with water color, crayons, pencils, sponges... with choices of fun materials we will make holiday place mats, place cards, colorful postcards, little pictures... your imagination at play. Try creating something uniquely yours. Materials will be provided. Come recover your childlike sense of free spirited play! Pomona Hallenbeck

Dinosaurs, Fossils & Fun G13F713 For young and old! Children and their accompanying grandparents/parents/ adults learn about rocks, fossils and dinosaurs at Ghost Ranch! Participants will make casts of fossils, explore the lab, tour the Paleontology Museum, and visit the famous Coelophysis Quarry. Alex Downs

Photo by Gayle Mavor– calendar contest.




July Making Music as Families— Stomp Style G13F714 Come sing songs together, create and perform a “Stomp” routine, learn musical concepts through play and have the opportunity to write a new song with professional transcription. No musical training or expertise required, but bring your ukulele if you have one! Even the little ones get involved! Tom Zehnder │ Tim Gibbs-Zehnder Getting into the Great Outdoors— Nature & Families G13F715 Just getting out the door can be daunting, much less planning a hike or a camping trip with kiddos. Scaling back expectations, focusing on the journey (instead of the destination) and listening to your child’s interest may be the key to enjoying the great outdoors as a family. Come engage casual conversation on these topics with other parents/ grandparents/caregivers as we take a short hike, explore a boulder field or play in the creek with our kids. Brandon Wert | Jodi Wert In the Arms of a Story— Storytelling & Families G13F716 Ever since language was invented, storytelling has been a way to strengthen and tighten the circle of the family and the community. A shared story is like an embrace that draws the listeners closer to the teller and binds them to one another. The Southwest’s foremost storyteller will help you nourish your own natural storytelling gifts, discover the treasure of stories that exist within your family, and learn new tales to enrich gatherings. Joe Hayes

Pottery—Bonding for Families G13F718 Family Week Pottery will engage the participants in basic clay handbuilding. Pinch-pot, Coil and Slab will be taught in a relaxed and inclusive manner. Each piece will be prepared for a primitive outdoor firing which will take place at week’s end. The local micaceous clay body lends itself to smoke clouds and fire kisses that make each finished piece truly unique. Camilla Trujillo

July 1– 7 A Creative Plunge—Writing the Waves G13W711 6 nights $365+ lodging & meals Mix writing poetry and memoir with the hand-fashioned artist book. Refresh your heart and mind with awardwinning writer Joan Logghe, a 20-year Ghost Ranch faculty member, and Poet Laureate of Santa Fe (2010-2012). Joan Logghe Service Corps G13SC711 6 nights $75 + lodging & meals Participants work in service to the Ranch 5 hours a day. See page 13 for full details. Dennis Smith | Billie Rogers Youth Service Corps for Middle School & High School Ages G13YS711 6 nights $350 includes lodging & meals for chaperones and youth coming as a group and staying in dorm style lodging Youth groups and senior high-school individuals work on meaningful projects. See page 13 for full description. Youth Service Corps Staff

Outdoor Adventures G13F717 Bring your sense of adventure and challenge yourself and your family to new heights! High and low ropes challenge courses are beckoning. Dependent on weather, water activities or hiking will also be included. While all activities will be moderately physically demanding, no experience is necessary. Robb Carter 2013 WORKSHOPS

Photo by Kathryn Kimball

J uly 1 –7 fa mily week


July J uly 8– 1 4

Creative Jewelry for Beaders G13A722A 6 nights $380 + lodging & meals Learn bead stringing techniques with professional finishes and creative wire wrapping for making necklaces, bracelets, earrings and some findings. Bring your favorite beads! Some supplies will be provided; additional materials may be purchased. Supply list will also be sent. No experience necessary. Crea Lynn

Festival of the ARts “To create one's world in any of the arts takes courage.” ― Georgia O'Keeffe For over 3 decades, Ghost Ranch has dedicated a week(s) of the summer to celebrating and nurturing the Arts. It is a Festival, because of the spirit of creativity and learning that takes place among the participants and instructors. A wide array of media and disciplines showcase this week and allow people of all levels to explore an exciting area of art. Talented instructors are selected who appreciate the process more than the end product. Have no fear, come and develop the artist within you!

Drawing as Meditation— Sharpening the Eye to See G13A723 6 nights $360 + lodging & meals Drawing is a practice in observation and focus; a way of fine-tuning the eye to see. Come learn the language of line and how the pencil can articulate edge, shadow, form and texture. Those who think they cannot draw will discover they can. Elizabeth Buckley

The Art of Pastels G13A721 6 nights $390 + lodging & meals Learn to paint the glorious Ghost Ranch landscape with pastels. You receive in-depth instruction in materials and techniques of pastel painting. Make your own pastels and painting surfaces. Discussions on color use and composition help you in your adventures in becoming a capable pastelist. Susan Daughtery

Exploring Modern Mosaics G13A723A 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals Discover the transformative medium of mosaics with award-winning artist Kathy Thaden. This ancient art form is finding renewed popularity. No experience necessary; open to beginners or any who would like to learn new techniques. Materials for your first mosaic provided. Kathy Thaden

Beginning Silversmithing G13A721A 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Learn the basics of silversmithing through hands-on work of sawing, soldering, cabochon stone setting, decorating and finishing and safety practices for each. For beginners, those who want to brush up on basic skills and serious-minded youth age 12 and up. Judith Foster │ Jamie Halpern

Fire it Up! Metal Sculpture G13A724 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Learn the basics of oxygen-acetylene welding while making functional and artistic works. We will use ferrous materials in combination with glass, stone and non-ferrous metals (copper, brass, aluminum). Class meets 9-5 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, and 9-noon Saturday. Beginners and students with welding experience age 14 and up are welcome. Tom Nichols | Connie Burkhart

Catch The Color—Introduction to Stained Glass G13A722 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals This course is an introduction to stained glass using the copper-foil method. No experience necessary. Beginners will leave with finished project(s). All materials are provided. Luanne Herman




July J uly 8 –1 4 Festival of the ARts continued Fused Glass is Hot! G13A724A 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals Create bright and colorful jewelry from glass that is fused at high temperatures. Simple methods for incorporating hot glass into jewelry forms will be taught. This is a class for beginners, students with limited prior experience and serious minded youths age 12 and up. Olive Smith Off & Running—Let That Brush Go! G13A725 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Watercolor basics — brush strokes, color mixing, laying “washes,” textures, values… learn how to put it together to make a painting. We will focus on the “how-tos” and learning to see. Pomona Hallenbeck Playing with Fire—Clay from Start to Finish G13A726 6 nights $380 + lodging & meals Great intrigue occurs when heat and smoke interact with clay molecules. We create surfaces rich in color, texture and design. You familiarize yourself with many forms of hand-building and wheel-throwing techniques that augment the hand-formed pieces. Finishing techniques range from raku to modified pit firing, fuming and other unconventional firing methods. Our finished pieces are light and bright with subtle, beautiful colors. Barbara Campbell

Quilts from Sunbonnet Sue to Georgia O’Keeffe G13A727 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Join a community of quilters for a week of textile transformation. Explore quilting roots and work on a traditional quilting project or try something new and modern. You have a hands-on opportunity to learn techniques of piecing and embellishing quilt tops and transforming fabric. Expect to complete one small wall quilt or get well underway with a larger project. All levels welcome. Karena Koeberle Wells Stone Carving with Hand Tools G13A728 6 nights $370 + lodging & meals Whether you are picking up your first chunk of soapstone or have been carving for years, this class is for anyone who has looked at a stone and wondered what might lie underneath. Using rasps and rifflers, sandpaper and sealer, a little elbow grease and a lot of imagination, we will create magic from soapstone, alabaster and wonderstone. Robin Keck Weaving Explorations G13A729 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals We focus on designing, planning and weaving a scarf or liturgical stole on traditional looms. Brilliantly colored bamboo yarn is the fiber of choice and color study will be incorporated in fun ways. You are guided to choose a project matching your personal skill levels. We visit several weaving studios in historic Chimayo, home of generations of weaving families and their magnificent work. All levels of weavers are welcome. Suzanne Halvorson



July J uly 8– 1 4

Streams of Living Water— Fly Fishing in Northern New Mexico G13O721 6 nights $475 + lodging & meals This course, including entomology, features fishing on some of the best trout streams in the West, from the Rio Chama to the famous San Juan. Open to people of all experience levels. You must be able to walk at least a mile at 6,500 feet elevation across uneven terrain. Please bring your own equipment. Tom Herman | Bill Wylie

The History & Practice of Spiritual Reading

G13CDS721 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals The History and Practice of Spiritual Reading” explores how sacred texts can be used to enhance spiritual experience. Biblical traditions of spiritual reading, as well as non-Western and contemporary methods of meditative text encounters, will lead participants to a deeper appreciation of the joy and transformative possibilities of reading with the Holy Spirit as our guide. James Findlay

History & Culture of the Southwest G13SW721 6 nights $425+ lodging & meals Join us in this course to learn about the Southwest from ancestral pueblos to the atomic age. Emphasis is on the tricultural contributions and heritage of Native Americans, Hispanics and Anglos, with stories, anecdotes, slide shows and Northern New Mexico field trips to historic and cultural sites. Andrew Guiliford

Yoga for Well-Being G13H721 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Immerse yourself in an integrative approach to hatha yoga honoring classic tradition and contemporary principles to awaken and strengthen the body’s healing power. Asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breath work), and meditation and visualization techniques are shared for a renewed sense of well-being and wholeness! Yoga mats provided. Jackie Ankerson

Introduction to Southwest Literature G13SW722 6 nights $350+ lodging & meals Read and write about the Southwest as myth and ultimate reality. Pieces by Kingslover, Hillerman and Tempest Williams, stories by Ulibarri and Marmon Silko, poems by Tapahonso, Ortiz, Harjo and a film version of Shepard’s True West or Altman’s McCabe and Mrs. Miller. A field trip with Dr. Gulliford’s "History & Culture of the Southwest" class will be a part of the week. Stephanie Moran

The Ghost Ranch Chorale—Old Skins & New Wine G13M721 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals Explore how composers of diverse cultures continue to breathe new life into older musical forms and traditions. We will experience movements from Rupert Lang’s Mass for Many Nations, selections from Celtic, Eastern and American Gospel traditions and we will offer a concert to the ranch community on Saturday evening. A continuation of “Vocal Camp,” we invite former singers to join us. While the ability to read music is not required and no audition is involved, the pace of rehearsal will favor those with some choral experience. Send questions or concerns to David Poole Photo by Larry Hastings.




July Dis c e r n i n g the Signs of t h e Tim e s For 24 years, “Discerning the Signs of the Times” has held a forum where participants discuss in a Christian context the moral and political issues that face them daily.

J uly 8 –1 4 Service Corps G13SC721 6 nights $75 + lodging & meals Participants work in service to the Ranch 5 hours a day. See page 13 for full details. Dennis Smith | Billie Rogers Youth Activities for Youth Ages 3 to 9th Grade G13YA721 6 nights $100 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description. Senior High Youth Initiative for Youth 10th to 12th Graders G133HI721 6 nights $150 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description.

J uly 1 5 –2 1 Week of Dis c e r n m e n t Our Signature Course this week is Discerning the Signs of the Times, however, many other courses are being offered for those wanting to deepen their skills in a certain speciality area. We need dedicated time and instruction to take us to new levels of awareness and confidence.

Discerning the Signs of the Times G13S731 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals This year, come and join leaders of the church, community and politics as we continue this discussion in a current context - ECONOMY AND THEOLOGY. How do we face such issues as the recent recession that has the world in its grip and increasing income inequalities that threaten the livelihoods of so many? How can we understand current American religious and political dynamics and immigration issues? How should we, as people of faith, respond? Together we will seek directions toward a more just and peaceful human community. The Rev. Dr. Serene Jones is President of Union Theological Seminary in New York City and the Johnston Family Chair for Religion and Democracy. Dr. David Little, served as Professor of the Practice of Religion, Ethnicity and International Conflict at Harvard University Divinity School. Erik Nicholson, Vice President of the United Farm Workers (UFW), advises the organization on foreign guest worker issues and international affairs. Dr. Larry Rasmussen is organizer of Ghost Ranch’s 10-year project on Earth Honoring Faith and will present from his most recent book (2012) on theology and ecology.



July J uly 15 –2 1

Peace Garden Seminar G13A735 6 nights $300 + lodging & meals Peace─we all wish for it, but in this course, you can come to Ghost Ranch and build it. Using reused and natural materials found around the Ranch we will build a peace garden for all to enjoy. With contributions from other Ghost Ranch instructors, guests and staff, create a sacred space that comes from the collective voice of one united family seeking peace in our divided world. Tom Nichols

Art of Bead Weaving: Right Angle Weave (All Levels) G13A731 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals This is a contemporary free-hand technique which entails weaving/sewing beads together with a needle and thread (fireline) using a right-angle weave stitch. No loom is used. Take home an elegant necklace, earrings and bracelet. Some supplies will be provided. Crea Lynn Bring Out Your Skills in Stained Glass G13A732 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals Learn and use your skills in copper-foil and stained glass design for all levels and serious minded students age 14 and up. Basic materials and tools furnished. You may bring their own glass for special projects. Studio is available all day. Olive Smith

Stone Carving—The Next Level G13A736 6 nights $370 + lodging & meals This course is geared toward, but not only for, those who have already experienced the joy of stone carving. You are encouraged to use larger stones, more intricate designs and even detailing with a dremel. We have a morning of “speed carving” and create an inuksuk. Class will engage during the week with the Peace Garden Seminar. Open air and light are vital, so this is a full-day course. Robin Keck

Intuitive Personal Expression— Advanced Watercolor G13A733 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals Learn to respect your personal intuitive sense of the world of rich color, amazing shapes, strong values and dynamic textures. How do you feel about them... the way they enhance each other? Experience the enchantment, the awareness of the beauty surrounding us. Using watercolor skills, allow demonstrations, field trip and painting sessions to develop paintings filled with personal expression. Pomona Hallenbeck

Stone, Shell & Silver: Channel & Silver Inlay G13A737 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Learn to create silver mountings for inlay and channel work. Use channels made of sterling silver with colored stones in unique combinations. An intermediate/ advanced class; basic silversmithing techniques required. Silver and inlay materials available. All-day sessions. Judith Foster Acting On Our Creativity—Drama & Musical Youth Camp G13A739 6 nights $200+ lodging & meals This week will provide middle and high school youth participants with the opportunity to explore the theme of creativity through the media of drama and music. Our goal is to produce, over the course of the week, a short musical to be shared with the ranch community at the end of the session. David Poole | Winona Poole

Pastel Intermediate Plein Air G13A734 6 nights $370 + lodging & meals Students will be guided through exercises that will include practicing a variety of pastel strokes and blending techniques working from photographs. Field trips will be taken to a variety of locations on the Ranch each day to gain confidence in painting plein air. Group critique and selection of works for the art show will be done through encouraging analyses of each student’s work from the week. Susan Daughtery




July J uly 1 5 –2 1 Woodfiring Kiln G13A738 6 nights $390 + lodging & meals This past summer, a new down draft wood fire kiln was built in Pot Hollow, the ceramics center of Ghost Ranch. Come be one of the pioneers to explore this momentous new tool! This program will encompass pottery building techniques as well as specialized glazes for high temperature wood-firing. Much of these first firings will be experimental—an adventure in building the fire and sculpting the pot. Barbara Campbell Surpassing the Visible— Spirituality & Abstraction G13CDS731 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals In the 20th Century, painters realized that abstraction was the ideal approach to convey concepts of spirituality and transcendence. This course will investigate how various formal strategies─from pantheistic natural abstraction to grid/field composition to icon to mandala─can be used to convey individual and universal symbolism of spirituality. Assignments will include plein air painting as well as open-ended works created in the studio. Dorothea Osborn | Tim Cahill Exploring From the Inside Out— Yoga & Summer G13H731 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals We’ll explore the energies of the summer season and the southern direction at a time when the sun’s rays are powerful and ripe with new growth. Through the movements of yoga and Chi Kung, grounding and connecting to Mother Earth, breathing techniques, guided visualization and meditation, we will create a strong base for personal growth and life-long skills. Jackie Ankerson

Streams of Living Water—Fly Fishing in Northern New Mexico G13O731 6 nights $475 + lodging & meals This course, including entomology, features fishing on some of the best trout streams in the West, from the Rio Chama to the famous San Juan. Open to people of all experience levels, you must be able to walk at least a mile at 6,500 feet elevation across uneven terrain. Please bring your own equipment. Tom Herman High Desert Spiritual Quest G13S732 6 nights $415 + lodging & meals We invite you to share your journey as we travel together through sacred landscapes. Seminar experiences will include several hikes between 1.5 and 5 miles over rough terrain, an encounter with indigenous spirituality, including visits to sacred sites and morning prayers and Mass at Christ in the Desert Monastery. Includes two nights camping with an opportunity for an overnight wilderness sojourn and an encounter with sacred waters of the area. Registration process includes phone interview and an application which will be available with the extended workshop description on the website. Brandon Wert | Connie Burkhart Paleontology at Ghost Ranch G13SW731 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Is digging for dinosaur bones in one of the richest quarries in North America on your bucket list? Join us for stimulating paleontology field work amid spectacular scenery. Work with the Ghost Ranch paleontologist collecting vertebrate fossils at Hayden Quarry during the day; clean and repair fossils in the evening. Note: day work is in hot sun at an altitude of 6,500 feet. Alex Downs Service Corps G13SC731 6 nights $75 + lodging & meals Participants work in service to the Ranch 5 hours a day. See page 13 for full details. Dennis Smith | Billie Rogers



July J uly 15 –2 1 Youth Service Corps for Middle School & High School ages G13YS711 6 nights $350 includes lodging & meals for chaperones & youth coming as a group & staying in dorm style lodging Youth groups and senior high-school individuals work on meaningful projects. See page 13 for full description. Youth Service Corps Staff

With John philip & ali newell The only week that the Newells will be at Ghost Ranch in 2013

Youth Activities for Youth Ages 3 to 6th Grade G13YA731 - $100 6 nights $100 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description.

John Philip Newell is a poet, a scholar and a teacher. Formerly Warden of Iona Abbey in the Western Isles of Scotland, he is currently Companion Theologian for Casa del Sol at Ghost Ranch. He is internationally acclaimed for his work in the field of Celtic spirituality, including his best known titles Listening for the Heartbeat of God and Christ of the Celts, as well as his poetic book of prayer Sounds of the Eternal. He is a Church of Scotland minister with a passion for peace in the world and a fresh vision for harmony between the great spiritual traditions of humanity.

Senior High Youth Initiative for Youth 10th to 12th Graders G13SHI731 6 nights $150 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description.

J uly 22 –2 8 Great creating spirit Our Signature Course this week is Great Creating Spirit with John Philip and Ali Newell. While this class will allow participants to discover and experience the Great Creating Spirit in their lives and in our world, other classes will integrate that same creating spirit in their learning and creations. Come and partake of an inspiring and generating week – let the Spirit blow where it will...

There is no better place in the world than the high desert of Northern New Mexico, in the thin place of Ghost Ranch, and the spiritually infused environs of Casa del Sol to immerse yourself in the inspiration offered by John Philip Newell.

Great Creating Spirit G13S741 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals Great Creating Spirit will be a week in which we explore the re-birthing of hope in our lives and world through word and music and silence. Hope will be re-born by coming back into relationship with the Earth, with the great wisdom traditions of humanity, with the simple practices of spiritual discipline, and with a renewed commitment to non-violence as the primary energy for change in our world.

Photos by Larry Hastings.




July J uly 2 2 –2 8 Great creating spirit continue d Creating a Sacred Vessel G13A741 6 nights $390 + lodging & meals In this seminar we will do an exploration of ritual vessels used from ancient to modern times. Participants will be creating a bond between themselves, technique, usage and chance. We will be using anything from the Celtic Knot to Oriental calligraphy, keeping in mind the feminine, masculine and anthropomorphic characteristics that define meaning in our lives. Barbara Campbell Fire it Up! Metal Sculpture G13A742 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Learn the basics of oxygen-acetylene welding while making functional and artistic works. We will use ferrous materials in combination with glass, stone and non-ferrous metals (copper, brass, aluminum). Class meets 9-5 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, and 9-noon Saturday. Beginners and students with welding experience age 14 and up are welcome. Tom Nichols | Connie Burkhart Painting Sampler—Real Art for Non-Artists G13A743 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals If you have been wanting to try some visual arts, but didn't know where to start, this is the class you have been waiting for. It's a sampler of media: oil, pastel, watercolor and charcoal. Afternoons are free to explore the Ranch or explore deeper in the media. All materials are supplied; bring only your creative spirit. All levels welcome. Juliana Crownover | Susan Daughtery

Photography as Spiritual Practice—A Language of Faith G13A744 6 nights $370 + lodging & meals How do you find a common language that is welcoming for those who are new to Christianity as well as those who have been Christian since birth? Richard believes that the process of finding a common language through photographs and poetry will foster Christians in becoming more inviting for all. During this program we will be connecting with the beauty of creation in and around Ghost Ranch through photography and conversations with self and one another. Richard Choe Quilting Sampler—Crazy About Crazy Quilting G13A745 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Translate the beauty of your surroundings at Ghost Ranch into a creatively crazy quilt art piece. Look to nature for guidance in color, texture, design as you learn new stitches, tips, and techniques, both hand and machine. Let your spirit guide you to find a new and creative use for all those beautiful fabrics and fibers, bits and pieces of lace, vintage neckties, old linens and hankies. A camera is helpful. A materials/supply list will be provided. Judy Moore Silversmithing Sampler— Contemporary Southwest Jewelry G13A746 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Jewelry students of all levels use the jeweler's saw, solder silver and set stones in this course. You also stamp to decorate and file to develop edge designs. Cast in tufa stone, cuttlebone and fire brick. This class considers what is happening with Southwest jewelry now by sampling a variety of processes and techniques that can lead down a truly creative path. Bill Derrevere



July J uly 22 –2 8

The Prayerful Harp—A Celtic Harp Adventure G13M742 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals Experience the magic of this ancient instrument. Learn the healing modalities of the harp, enjoy playing soulful Celtic melodies and access your creativity. Whether you wish to relax through your music or would enjoy playing with a group, you will be introduced to basic techniques and ways you can create instant beauty on the harp. No music experience necessary. Note: some rental harps available by reservation. Linda Larkin

Great creating spirit continued Spirit of Creativity in Stained Glass G13A747 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals Turn loose your spirit of creativity as you work with copper-foil and stained glass design. For beginners, intermediate, and serious minded students from 14 years and up. Basic materials and tools furnished. Students may bring their own glass for special projects. Studio is available all day and early evening. Olive Smith

Streams of Living Water— Fly Fishing in Northern New Mexico G13O741 6 nights $475 + lodging & meals This course, including entomology, features fishing on some of the best trout streams in the West, from the Rio Chama to the famous San Juan. Open to people of all experience levels. You must be able to walk at least a mile at 6,500 feet elevation across uneven terrain. Please bring your own equipment. Tom Herman

Stone Carving Sampler— Everybody Needs a Rock G13A748 6 nights $370 + lodging & meals Stone has been an artistic medium since, well, forever. It has also been used as protection, healing, searching and celebration. Our main goal this week will be identifying and hand carving a purposefully personal “fetish.” We will also hike to find “ranch rocks” to build inuksuks, carve a worry stone and if time allows, a group Ranch Island Head. Robin Keck

Indiana Jones Was Here! Archaeology at Ghost Ranch, Week 1 G13SW741 6 nights $350.00 + lodging & meals $550 if you participate in both weeks The opening chase scenes of "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" were filmed at Ghost Ranch. So Indiana Jones was here! This week, without Dr. Jones, we offer the first of a two-week archaeology field class. If you have ever dreamed of being on a real-life archaeology dig, this is your chance. We continue excavation of two rock-shelter sites dating back 8,000 years. Don't like the summer heat? Learn to catalog artifacts in the museum lab. Evenings are spent in discussion with guest speakers over punch and cookies. You may take one week, but two weeks are better. Fedora and whip not required. See page 46 for Week 2, 7/ 29-8/4. Cheryl Muceus | Richard Binggeli John Hayden | Maisie Morris

Gospel Music with Pastor Todd & Linda G13M741 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Experience the full range of gospel music, both traditional and contemporary. Learn new music and sing old favorites with new zeal. Make the vigas (roof beams) ring with prayerful song! We will showcase our songs in a lively concert for the Ghost Ranch community at week's end. Instruction for choir directors will be part of this class. All welcome! Todd O'Neal | Linda O'Neal




July J uly 2 2 –2 8 Great creating spirit continued Service Corps G13SC741 6 nights $75 + lodging & meals Participants work in service to the Ranch 5 hours a day. See page 13 for full details. Dennis Smith | Billie Rogers Youth Activities for Youth Ages 3 to 6th Grade G13YA741 - $100 6 nights $100 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description. Senior High Youth Initiative for Youth 10th to 12th Graders G13SHI741 6 nights $150 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description.

J uly 2 9 –Aug ust 4 Creative ARts Festival The Ghost Ranch Creative Arts Festival began in 1975 offering courses from poetry to painting, pottery to photography. We believe our lives are enriched by all art forms. Your chosen medium will be enhanced by your knowledge of and exchange with other arts and artists. Fire it Up! Metal Sculpture G13A752 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Learn the basics of oxygen-acetylene welding while making functional and artistic works. We will use ferrous materials in combination with glass, stone and non-ferrous metals (copper, brass, aluminum). Class meets 9-5 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, and 9-noon Saturday. Beginners and students with welding experience age 14 and up are welcome. Tom Nichols | Connie Burkhart

A Date with Pomona—A Painting Class for Men G13A751 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals Think about it! Throughout recorded history, the exposed visual arts have been the creative product of men! Design, the strategies for construction, costumes for war, family crests—men being creative! Creators! What has happened? Why are men now reluctant to join an art class? Come discover your capacity for expression in the visual arts! We'll explore the possibilities of watercolors, (transparent and opaque), water soluable pencils and crayons. Pomona Hallenbeck Acting the Ten-Minute Play G13A751a 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals If you love to act or want to learn, there's no better experience than the 10-minute play. You'll be cast in a play, we'll rehearse, and in the process, you’ll learn about character motivation, physicality and how an actor prepares. In class, we'll do fun and easy acting exercises to spur our imaginations. This workshop is for beginners and advanced actors, and the plays will be rehearsed and performed in a supportive environment. No memorization required. Kate Snodgrass | Leslie Dillen It’s Elemental—Creating with Clay, Fire & Sunshine G13A753 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals We begin with nothing but clay and our imaginations. We will create beads, animals, fetish pots, hand-bowls and more. There are many different clay bodies on Ghost Ranch and we will search these out and find our favorites. We will also pit-fire our creations as the indigenous peoples of the region have done for centuries. Learn simple and exciting techniques while playing with clay and fire. Doug DeLind



July J uly 29 –Aug ust 4

The Abstract Landscape G13A757 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Use visual forms, color and line to create composition which reflects reality using your unique vision and style. This abstract painting class using acrylic paint is for all levels of experience, ages 18 and older. Learn basic composition, painting techniques and how to use color theory to capture the beauty of the Ghost Ranch landscape. Individual expression will be encouraged. Complete materials list will be provided. Laura Young

Creative ARts Festival continued Mapmaking: The Art of the Personal Atlas G13A754 6 nights $370 + lodging & meals Explore the world of maps as art. Learn to create maps based on personal journeys using mixed media such as collage, painting, drawing and text. At the end of the week you will assemble your maps into a handmade atlas/book that you can take home. Guillermo Delgado

Wearable Art G13A758 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals In this sewing class you will create a collage vest with a variety of fabrics — 100% cotton is preferable with plaid, solids and floral prints, drapery fabric prints, velvets, silks or vintage fabrics is also doable. To add interest to our canvas we will be breaking the rules of matching top thread to bobbin. We will be stitching backwards and forward or moving randomly through your garment. Esther Schnur-Berlot

Plein Air Painting in the O'Keeffe Landscape G13A755 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Paint the O'Keeffe landscape at Ghost Ranch! Scenes made famous by the paintings of one of America's great modern masters are our subjects. In this intensive course participants work en plein air with demonstrations, group discussions and field trips. Ann Painter

What a Relief This Is! Adventures in the Art of Relief Printmaking G13A759 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals This workshop introduces students to several forms of simple relief printmaking. Considerable time will be spent exploring the linocut, one of the oldest and most elegant forms of printmaking. You will learn how to cut blocks and "pull" original prints by hand. You also will learn how to incorporate line and mass, positive and negative space, pattern and metaphor as well as multiple images into your work. Finished work will be suitable for framing. Laura DeLind

Rug Hooking in the Great Outdoors G13A756 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Release and express that spirit within as you use the natural surroundings of Ghost Ranch as your inspiration to design your own rug. Celebrate diversity of technique and texture, engage your senses, and develop confidence in the creative process by hooking a rug using both wool and non-traditional fibers. Camera helpful. No experience necessary. Judy Moore

Photo by Tatiana Van Iten – calendar contest.




July J uly 2 9 –Aug ust 4 Creative ARts Festival continued Low Tech Photography─ Photograms & Plastic Cameras for Highly Creative Effects G13A750 6 nights $415 + lodging & meals Using low-cost film cameras and making camera-less prints, we will explore the evocative side of the silver print. First we will learn how to print in the darkroom by placing transparent, translucent, and opaque objects/materials/printed matter on light-sensitive paper. Then we will explore printing from plastic camera and pinhole negatives. The only limit is your imagination making these haunting images. All levels welcome, all day classes. Kent Bowser Feeding the Body, Feeding the Soul—An Exploration into the Wholeness & Hope of Food G13CDS751 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals This course is about food and eating, but it's much more than that. It's about spirituality, community, the environment, economics, public policy Come feed your body and feed your soul by cooking, learning and praying together. We visit a nearby farm, the Santa Fe Farmers Market and lunch at a restaurant that uses only local ingredients. Mark Zaineddin Hiking, Writing & Yoga for Women G13H751 6 nights $390 + lodging & meals Experience the beauty of Ghost Ranch from another angle! As we hike, write and stretch, we attune our senses to the landscape, friendship and refreshment of our spirits. For women over age 18 who can walk four to six miles a day at high altitudes. Mats provided. Bring your own journal or notebook. Joan Logghe, former Santa Fe Poet Laureate will be a guest. Dona Bolding | Susan Weber

Indiana Jones Was Here! Archaeology at Ghost Ranch, Week 2 G13SW751 6 nights $350.00 + lodging & meals $550 if you participate in both weeks The opening chase scenes of "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" were filmed at Ghost Ranch. So Indiana Jones was here! This week, without Dr. Jones, we offer the second of our two-week archaeology field class. If you have ever dreamed of being on a reallife archaeology dig, this is your chance. We continue excavation of two rockshelter sites dating back 8,000 years. Don't like the summer heat? Learn to catalog artifacts in the museum lab. Evenings are spent in discussion with guest speakers over punch and cookies. You may take one week, but two weeks are better. Fedora and whip not required. See page 42 for Week 1, July 22-28 Cheryl Muceus | Richard Binggeli John Hayden | Maisie Morris Intensive Conversational Spanish, Weeks 1 & 2 G13SW752 12 nights $650 + lodging & meals A two-week intensive course where small groups learn and practice skills in Spanish through structured oral activities and informal conversation with seasoned instructors. Knowledge of basic Spanish is recommended. Morning, afternoon, evening sessions and cultural activities over 12 days. Because of the fullness of days, the class will break at mid-point after lunch on Saturday and resume class on Monday morning. This time can be used to relax, explore the Ranch or go rafting on the Chama. (NOTE: You must take both weeks which spans 13 nights, the bridge night is free use 12 nights (2 x 6) night rate for lodging & meals fee.)

Sharon Franco | Margo Chavez



July J uly 29 –Aug ust 4

Where Truth is Told—the Art of Letter Writing G13W753 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Reading the letters of both famous (Ansel Adams, Flannery O’Connor, Emily Dickinson, Woody Guthrie perhaps) and ordinary people (maybe your mother or grandfather) we will discover the way letters rise to the level of art and enrich the lives of both sender and receiver. Through letters, daily routines and deepest desires intermingle. Come prepared to compose letters you have been meaning to write. While we still have a mail carrier, let’s write some beautiful letters. Jane Taylor

Creative ARts Festival continued Wisdom Begins with Wonder: Curiosity & Creativity G13S751 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals With Christian mystic Hildegard von Bingen's passionate curiosity and love of creation as inspiration, we explore the elements of a wise life rooted in wonder through discussion and activities such as exploring the labyrinth, writing poetry and story, visual lectio divina (divine reading), mindfulness practices and collage/visual journals. Carol Stalcup

Service Corps G13SC751 6 nights $75 + lodging & meals Participants work in service to the Ranch 5 hours a day. See page 13 for full details. Dennis Smith | Billie Rogers

Little Pictures, Little Stories G13W751 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Explore creating miniature paintings in silhouette to describe the images we experience in daily life or the imagination. We will be working with brush, pen, Sumi ink and watercolors on paper to make illustrations then creating captions for each. This course is for those who have skills as painters and storytellers. It is also for those who have not touched brush to paper but are touched by the idea of painting. Carolyn Barford

Youth Activities for Youth Ages 3 to 6th Grade G13YA751 6 nights $100 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description. Senior High Youth Initiative for Youth 10th to 12th Graders G13SHI751 6 nights $150 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description.

On the Street Where You Live— Place, People & Possibility G13W752 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals We are all shaped and influenced by the neighborhood or community in which we came of age. Wherever you grew up, or live now, you are part of a community. In this workshop, let us reflect upon and write about the communities that shape/have shaped us, the seemingly inconsequential events that turn out to be pivotal, the diversity in human personality that leads to courage or collapse. Writers in all genres are welcome. Anita Skeen


Youth Service Corps for Middle School & High School ages G13YS751 6 nights $350 includes lodging & meals for chaperones and youth coming as a group and staying in dorm style lodging Youth groups work on meaningful projects at the Ranch and surrounding communities. Groups only. Youth Service Corps Staff



August Au gust 2 –4 Dreaming as a Sacred Art


2 nights $150 + lodging & meals This course will guide participants as they awaken to the spiritual depths of their dream-selves. We will explore the history of sacred dreaming throughout the world; and practice the arts of incubating sacred dreams, directing lucid dreaming, dream journaling and artistic dream expression. Lori Swick

Au gust 5 –1 1 southwest tradtions The Southwest, especially Northern New Mexico, is rich with the history of cultures melding Native American and Spanish traditions which generated an art culture unique to the needs of the people and the resources available to them. These artistic venues have been passed on from generation to generation and have now been fused with the vision of contemporary artists. This week explore these traditional arts woven together with a sampling of offerings in which landscape and location become the focus.

The Art of Blacksmithing G13A811 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Transform iron into useful and artistic pieces using basic blacksmithing techniques. Prepare for gritty, satisfying work! Cotton clothing and leather footwear are recommended. Safety glasses will be provided. Rene Zamora

Photo by Carol Rogers – from calendar contest.

Handcrafted Paper & Native American Design G13A812 6 nights $375+ lodging & meals Explore the hidden beauty and sacred space of the desert while creating handcrafted paper designs. Native American motifs related to the four elements of earth, wind, air and fire will be incorporated with desert flora into imaginative paper creations. Experiments with embossing, coloring and texturing papers will add to our experience while we become enmeshed with the sacred space. Rebecca Myers Weaving the Southwest Way G13A8119 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Textile arts are becoming more and more popular. Ever wonder how those beautiful rugs and tapestries of the Native Americans were produced? Learn from a Southwest master weaver with a long standing cultural tradition of weaving. Learn the basic techniques, visit local weaving home/studio and complete a beautiful piece for family and friends. Teresa Maestas Put People in Our Paintings— Learning New Mexico Culture Through Art G13A813 6 nights $380 + lodging & meals People are such a critically important part of Ghost Ranch history, especially in its place in the struggles of land and water. So how do we as Ghost Ranch people take our place in this current history? One way is through our personal relationship with the land, water and other people. As artists, putting people in our paintings allows us to use color, texture, line, shape and value to show how we think of our fellow humans. Pomona Hallenbeck



August Au gu st 5 –1 1

Spanish Colonial Art—Retablos of the Land G13A818 6 nights $370 + lodging & meals Capture the essence of Ghost Ranch using earthen pigments and minerals of nature. Collect vari-colored soils and with a little “magic” convert them into pigments for painting on traditional wooden retablos, traditional Spanish Colonial paintings. Juanito Jimenez

southwest tradtions continued

Sketchbook—Ghost Ranch G13A815 6 nights $360 + lodging & meals Imagine the magic that is Ghost Ranch captured between the pages of a sketchbook journal. Mornings we ramble its dusty trails and tucked away gardens to document everything from wildflowers to views, to vistas, moving indoors to sketch fossils, ancient artifacts, pottery and weavings. Evenings we devote time for the journal pages to take shape. Cynthia Padilla

Southwest Sampler G13SW817 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Come and explore the Southwest through a multitude of media and experiences. See its beauty in the faces and the land that makes it so enchanting. Explore history, cultural experiences, archeology, paleontology, hiking, drum making and playing, baking bread in hornos and s0 much more. TBA

Lessons from Georgia O'Keeffe's Art, Life, Landscape G13A814 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals Enjoy hands-on art sessions, starting with an exercise prescribed by O'Keeffe herself. Learn about her art and her life from her former weekend companion. Participate in art lessons for beginners, take home your own art. Anna Koster

The Southwestern Mystique of Our Lady of Guadalupe G13CDS811 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals This course explores the historical symbolism of the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and how it united two warring cultures into a nation. It also examines how her spiritual influence has become so pervasive and cherished throughout the Americas and the Southwestern U.S. Lori Swick Service Corps G13SC811 6 nights $75 + lodging & meals Participants work in service to the Ranch 5 hours a day. See page 13 for full details. Dennis Smith | Billie Rogers Youth Activities for Youth Ages 3 to 6th Grade G13YA8111 - $100 6 nights $100 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description.

Southwest Traditions—Pottery G13A816 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Learn about hand building with micaceous clay (clay that sparkles). Basic hand building techniques of pinch, coil and slab will be covered. Intimate focus on polishing techniques. Individual interests will be supported. Class will conclude with outdoor primitive firing. Claire Crain


Senior High Youth Initiative for Youth 10th to 12th Graders G13SHI811 6 nights $150 + lodging & meals See Summer Youth Activities on page 12 for full description.



August Au gust 1 2 –1 8

Au gust 12– 18

s u mm e r sam p l e r f o r Yo u n g a d u lt s & A d u lt s Must we always teach our children with books? Let them look at the mountains and the stars up above. Let them look at the beauty of the waters and the trees and flowers on earth. They will then begin to think, and to think is the beginning of a real education. - David Polis

For too many of us, books were our primary education. Come enter the outdoor classroom of Ghost Ranch and experience a sampling of courses that will help you learn and grow a deeper you as well as your deeper talents and passions. Like the openness you once possessed as a child, come re-discover that world of curiosity and wonder as an adult. Play! Explore! Meet others who desire the same!

Learning Outside the Classroom—Summer Sampler for Young Adults & Adults G13C821 6 nights $350 includes program, dorm style lodging & meals $250 includes program, tent camping & meals Come and experience some BIG and OPEN learning in the beautiful setting of Ghost Ranch. This Summer Sampler Week will inspire and educate young adults and adults in a multiple of media including Painting (with Master Teacher Pomona Hallenbeck), Photography in the Outback (going out in kayaks and canoes along the Chama River), Native American Culture, pottery and astronomy/night photography during this week of the Perseid Meteor Showers. Pomona Hallenbeck | Bert Scott

Close Encounters with Words— An Etymology Event G13H821 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Come and enjoy discussions framed around interesting words. Learn some of the Greek and Latin roots of English words and how they originated. This etymology course is useful for all, including pre-med and students of literature and science. We will separate words into their parts and translate the root meanings. The course is enjoyable and fun. But bring WORDS! Don’t forget to bring YOUR words. Martha Yates Chama River Adventure: Writing Down the River G13O821 6 nights $550 + lodging & meals This new workshop is an opportunity to explore the relationship of individuals and communities to nature, through a close personal acquaintance with the Rio Chama. Rivers are a powerful metaphor for life, with its phases and flows of energy and its intimate connection to life forms and landscapes. Expert river runners, activists and scientists will set the stage for participants’ personal explorations, guiding them toward a deeper understanding of natural processes and human responses to nature. Spend two nights camping along the Chama River. Steve Harris Time Trace—Visions of Home G13S821 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Experience an expanded sense of Belonging─to this Universe, Earth and all life─through wisdom from western science, native traditions and feng shui. You will be exposed to the latest findings of cosmology, geology and genetics, and ground these new understandings by participating in activities that bridge the realms of left brain-right brain, native ceremony-feng shui and vision-manifestation. We will immerse ourselves in deep time at Ghost Ranch to experience the sacred in the land. Karen Kudebeh | Laurelyn Baker



August Au gust 25– 31

Au gust 1 2 –1 9

Mysticism & Desert Landscape G13CDS841 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals There is a difference between “knowing about” and “knowing.” Participants in this course will be encouraged to walk the threefold path of mysticism through Purgation (emptying oneself), Illumination (waiting for God’s light) and Unification (becoming oneself through knowing God). Coupled with trips to The White Place, Christ in the Desert Abbey and a day of silence, this time in the desert will be a time apart to begin to simply “be.” Margaret Guelker

S Ti l l p o i n t : art of spiritual direction f o r ma t i o n Stillpoint—The Spiritual Journey G13CDS821 6 nights $800 + lodging & meals This week-long spiritual retreat supports participants in a deep exploration of their personal spiritual lives in a small group setting, deeply enriching their relationship with God/ Spirit and recognizing the ways that God is present and working in their lives. Experienced spiritual directors facilitate and guide participants in developing their skills in deep listening and personal discernment. Open to all and required for those who desire to become spiritual directors. Clergy, lay ministry leaders, pastoral care providers, hospice and hospital chaplains and other helping professionals from all faith traditions are frequent participants. See page 61 and for The Art of Spiritual Direction Formation and Training Program. Judith Favor | Christopher McCauley Ravi Verma

Au gust 26– S eptem b er 1 Painting from the Inside Out G13A841 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals Watercolor, for any level experience, can enhance your stay at Ghost Ranch. In the quiet reflective environment you use color, line, texture, shape, and value to paint from your inner images, words, personal questions and discoveries. Time to be reflective is a gift to use for creativity. Demonstration and plein air sketching fill a week with self-discovery and growth, both inside and out! Pomona Hallenbeck Vision Quest Men’s Retreat G13S841 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals This retreat is for men who desire to experience the Vision Quest as a discernment practice. The Vision Quest is a practice whereby an individual spends focused time alone in a natural setting. Participants will learn through lecture, discussion, and practice how to effectively conduct and participate in a 12 to 36 hour Vision Quest. Participants will experience a deep level of personal insight, relatedness to nature and other men, and confidence to conduct a Vision Quest. Terrell Piechowski

Au gu st 2 2 –2 5 Being Present to God's Presence: Creating Innerspace G13CDS83W 3 nights $175 + lodging & meals Often, we feel separate from our Creator. In the busyness of life, God sometimes falls to the wayside. When we come to recognize this reality, how do we go about becoming closer? We will set about finding a new way to look at life where the Divine is part of everything in our lives. Through multiple practices of being in the present moment we will receive a new sense of self and deeper relation to God. Jim Heaney


Photo page 51 by Larry Hastings – from calendar contest.



September S ep t e mbe r 9 –15 Northern New Mexico Villages & Their Churches— A Watercolor Odyssey G13CDS921 6 nights $415 + lodging & meals Strenuous, fast moving, intense, this watercolor workshop is loaded! Vicki Lopez shares her stories from the sites, with access to churches otherwise off limits. Studio sessions are filled with color theory, design tools, value patterns and time for painting development. This workshop takes place at Casa del Sol. Pomona Hallenbeck | Vicki Lopez

The Spirit of Place—Earth Walks at Ghost Ranch G13SW931 6 nights $495 + lodging & meals Come join a journey to both the outer and inner landscape: quiet reflection, deep listening, dialogues with people from local cultures, ceremony, drumming, music, walks to ancient archaeological sites and spectacular outdoor settings— woven with a good dose of humor. Included is an environmental project with Native American youth that will include the ecology of traditional Pueblo people. The week is designed to help find wholeness and meaning in this extraordinary time of the new millennium. Doug Conwell

S ep t e mbe r 1 3 – 15

Sep t ember 20— 22

m u si c f e s t i v a l

Autumn Harvest—Season of Abundance G13S93W 2 nights $125 + lodging & meals The Autumnal Equinox is a time of balance and a time of change. Prepare for the letting-go of autumn leaves with this weekend full moon gathering in which we strip away what we no longer need. By creating personal mandalas, a moonrise hike, bodywork and massage, and Qi Gong, we will work towards this balance and allow ourselves to be transformed. Lynne Hinton

save the date Spend time with other music lovers this weekend. Concert artists and times to be announced soon.

S ep t e mbe r 1 6 – 22 Christ & Creation: Eco-Spirituality Immersion G13CDS931 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Focusing on Christ as the source and end of all things, participants in this class will have the opportunity to study, reflect, pray and discern together ways in which caring for creation is an essential aspect of Christian faith and life. The class will spend some time outdoors connecting with nature. Ken Cuthbertson



September Sep t ember 27— 29

S ep t e mbe r 2 3 —28

Georgia O'Keeffe Artist & Writer Immersion G13A94W 2 nights Package includes program, lodging & meals. $395.00 Double occupancy, shared bath $495.00 Single occupancy, shared bath $595.00 Single occupancy, private bath Spend a weekend at Ghost Ranch exploring, walking and painting in a restricted area of the ranch, in the same locations where Georgia O’Keeffe completed many of her finest paintings. Accommodations and “home base” will be at the Ranch’s Casa del Sol, a secluded retreat house located within sight of O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch home. Come absorb, learn and be inspired! Limited space available. Karen Butts│Kate Coleman

I n t e r im M i n is t r y T r ai n i n g Committed to this important ministry Ghost Ranch continues to offer this specialty training opportunity. Interim Ministry Training G13S941 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals Intrigued by the challenges of transitional ministry? Explore skills, personal traits and commitments leading to effectiveness in the interim ministry specialty. On Ghost Ranch's holy ground, take time to discern whether interim ministry is for you, and begin to prepare for this ministry. Interim Ministry Team

September 30–October 6 Abstract & Cold Wax G13A1011 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Join us to explore cold-wax used with oil paint, pigment sticks and powdered pigments. Experiment using nontraditional tools to achieve texture and finishes similar to encaustic without the "caustic" fumes and heat. With coldwax, develop layers of introspective and emotional interpretations. Cindy Walton Ansel Adams Photography G13A1012 6 nights $425 + lodging & meals Using Adams' 1937 fall shoots on Ghost Ranch as a beginning point, we will explore and photograph this magnificent landscape. Reacquaint yourself or learn darkroom skills using fiber paper for fine printing. The light and land are exceptional this time of year. All levels welcome. Hiking involved. Kent Bowser

S ep t e mbe r 2 7 —29 Fall photography fi e s t a

save the date Spend time with other photography enthusiasts shooting the Ranch and environs during this golden season. Short "tip" sessions will provided at various times during the weekend.

Photo by Lop; photo page 53 by Dawn Davis – both from calendar contest.




September September 30–October 6 Design it with Watercolor From the Corner... G13A1013 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals The Ranch landscape has been sketched, drawn, painted, photographed, sculpted, documented with words, plays, film, hiked, horse ridden, occupied by coyotes, burros, rattlesnakes and bears. Now, with sketching and watercolor, you can do something entirely new from your sketches. Design it from the top—or side—or bottom. Create a new image of Ghost Ranch—yours! Watercolor demonstrations, field sketching, and exercises fill the week with an opportunity to develop this new approach! Pomona Hallenbeck Autumn Aglow—Digital Photography G13A1014 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Expand your knowledge of what your camera can do for you. Review camera controls and settings, elements of a good exposure and what makes a good composition. We'll shoot on- and offRanch, capturing the breathtaking beauty of Northern New Mexico's fall colors. Bring DSLR camera and equipment. Beginners and intermediate skill levels welcome. TBA Plein-Air Painting in the O'Keeffe Landscape G13A1015 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Paint the O'Keeffe landscape at Ghost Ranch! Scenes made famous by the paintings of one of America's great modern masters are our subjects. In this intensive course participants work en plein air with demonstrations, group discussions and lots of field time. Work in the media of your choice; bring all supplies and materials. Ann Painter

Fall Colors Galore!


6 nights $395 + lodging & meals The advent of fall is heralded by brilliant splashes of color along canyon floors and mountaintops. We drive and hike to premiere locations to experience the best of Northern New Mexico's fall color. You should be able to walk 3 to 5 miles over uneven terrain at elevations of 6,000 to 11,000 feet. All-day sessions. John Hayden

St. Francis: Icon Painting G13CDS1011 6 nights

$375 + lodging & meals Franciscan spirituality runs deep in New Mexico. Sentimentality aside; who was St. Francis? What is an icon and why paint one? We will cover this and a brief history of icon painting in our week at Casa del Sol. The nature of the work is faith-based as we ‘write’ an icon of Francis in the Russian-Byzantine tradition. ‘Writing’ an icon is a prayerful act, and the purpose: to encourage prayer. So come, try something different! Lewis Williams

Open the Heart, Still the Mind G13H1011 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals The desert will lead you to your heart where I will speak.— Hosea 2:14 This course opens and strengthens the body with daily yoga and stills the mind with various meditation practices (sitting and walking), guided visualizations and walks in nature. Sacred poetry and prose is woven into the class, as are two field trips to places that inspire. Help deepen and reinforce our connection to ourselves and share with others. Yoga mats provided. Bring your own journal or notebook. Susan Weber



September September 30–October 6

SoulCollage® As a Spiritual Path— It's All in the Cards G13S1011 6 nights $370 + lodging & meals Immerse yourself in the soul-satisfying process of SoulCollage® where you will create a personal deck of collaged cards. Discover your soul's true voice as you enter the beautiful world of imagery and intuition. No artistic skill or experience is necessary! Kathryn Kirby

Streams of Living Water— Fly Fishing in Northern New Mexico G13O1011 6 nights $475 + lodging & meals This course, including entomology, features fishing on some of the best trout streams in the West, from the Rio Chama to the famous San Juan. Open to people of all experience levels. You must be able to walk at least a mile at 6,500 feet elevation across uneven terrain. Please bring your own equipment. Tom Herman

Fall Paleontology G13SW1011 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Is digging for dinosaur bones in one of the richest quarries in North America on your bucket list? Join us for stimulating paleontology field work amid spectacular scenery. Work with the Ghost Ranch paleontologist collecting vertebrate fossils at Hayden Quarry during the day; clean and repair fossils in the evening. Note: day work is in hot sun at an altitude of 6,500 feet. Alex Downs

Geology of the Southwest G13SW1012 6 nights $425 + lodging & meals Within a short distance of Ghost Ranch are several spectacular geologic localities—the Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary sequence of the Colorado Plateau, the Valles Caldera, the Taos volcanic field, the Rio Grande rift and a world famous mineral location. We’ll take a three-day hike to view these areas and collect samples for later rock and mineral identification. Bring appropriate clothing and gear for hiking. Lincoln S. Hollister

An Unedited Heart—Poetry Alchemy G13W1011 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Writing our way into our lives, reading the poems of the mystics, the Beats, and other lovely poets, we'll journey that path between heart and mind. Both the ordinary and the sacred will fuel us, clarifying our sense of self and others. Join Santa Fe Poet Laureate (2010-2012) for a deep, heartfelt exploration. Joan Logghe Poetry en Plein Air G13W1012 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Enter the elegant desolate landscape of Ghost Ranch stimulating all your senses. Your poetry will emerge informed by the rugged vitality of nature. Inspiration of this place will bring your poetry and painting to life. We will work indoors and outdoors with guided meditation and individual attention, tailored to the needs of the group. The workshop is for practicing artists and writers and those who want to try a new venture. Gladys Swan | Carol Merrill

Page 55 upper photo by George Raney; lower art by Michelle Chrisman.




October Oc t o be r 3 –6

Oct ob e r 7– 13

Secrets of Soulful Marriage Retreat G13S101W 3 nights $300 per couple + lodging & meals We invite you to join us for a weekend devoted to celebrating and enhancing your relationship with your partner. Although some lecture and group discussion will be included, most of the time will be dedicated to couple-based contact involving guided conversation, writing, and experiential activities. Some time on Friday and Saturday will also be allocated for rest or recreation. Learn some key characteristics of an enduring soulful marriage. Jim Sharon | Ruth Sharon

Awash with Gouache—It's Historical! G13A1021 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals Art and history have been linked since the "Beginning!” Much of ancient iconography to current visual image expression has been done with pigments in a water base. Gouache, being one of the most common, is being re-discovered. If you want to try something ancient and new, join us at Ghost Ranch, the "Magic Place" where you can discover, experiment and learn how to use this opaque pigment. Watercolor and gouache are wonderful companions! Pomona Hallenbeck

Praying with St Francis: Accessing His Essence G13S102W 3 nights $195 + lodging & meals In this workshop you will learn a step by step approach to creating a living relationship with this 12th century saint by inviting into your life the qualities he possesses: love of nature, purity of heart, greater opening to God’s inspiration. Using the contemplative tools of movement, breathing, and chant we will prepare the body, clear the mind, create a receptive heart and then open wide the door to welcome this beloved saint. Jim Reale

Landscape Oil Painting with the Palette Knife G13A1022 6 nights $365 + lodging & meals Based on the principles of the French Impressionists who first took their studios outdoors to paint "en plein air," this course covers the simplification of shapes, correct color values and light/ shadow patterns and well-designed compositions. Students do two paintings per day. Demos, individual instruction and group critiques. Michelle Chrisman Pastels—Light & Color G13A1024 6 nights $390 + lodging & meals Capture the luminous light and color of Ghost Ranch as only pastel painting can. Learn painting principles of value, color, form and space and how light affects each. Focus on the color palette of canyons, arroyos, creeks and skies. Hike up to half mile carrying supplies. Susan Daughtery



October Oc t obe r 7 –1 3

Journey Toward Wholeness G13CDS1021 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals Based on the work of author Parker J. Palmer, this Courage & Renewal ® retreat explores issues of transition, vocation, life passion, purpose, meaning, aging, direction and underlying life patterns, to live in alignment with one’s deepest values. In a safe, quiet, nurturing and confidential environment, the retreat promotes reflection and clarity and uses poetry, prose, music, movement and the stunning beauty of the high desert. Valerie Brown

The Gift Must Always Move— Creating Legacy Story Documents & Ethical Wills G13A1023 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals There is nothing more valuable that you can pass on to future generations than your story─the essence of who you are and the wisdom you’ve gathered over a lifetime. Digging deeply into our own life story—listening to others, drawing from diverse wisdom traditions and taking time for reflection, meditation and walks, we will hone in on what matters most and how best to convey it through an ethical will or legacy document. Bob Kanegis | Liz Mangual

Streams of Living Water— Fly Fishing in Northern New Mexico G13O1021 6 nights $475 + lodging & meals This course, including entomology, features fishing on some of the best trout streams in the West, from the Rio Chama to the famous San Juan. Open to people of all experience levels, you must be able to walk at least a mile at 6,500 feet elevation across uneven terrain. Please bring your own equipment. Tom Herman

Leave Only Footprints—Take Only Photos (Autumn) G13A1025 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Join us for an outdoor adventure extraordinaire. Participants will learn to use minimum impact (No Trace) ethics/ practices as the group hikes to seldomto-little-visited sites on Ghost Ranch and the neighboring National Forests. While wildflower and nature photography and sketching will be the focus, we will seek to appreciate the majesty and complexity of this land and its people and to examine our role as stewards of such rich resources. John Hayden

Hiking Northern New Mexico G13O1022 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Hike the beautiful and ecologically varied terrain of the Ghost Ranch vicinity. We hike both on the Ranch and on area trails. Hiking can be strenuous at 7-9 miles a day over uneven ground at high altitudes that may exceed 11,000 feet. Must be in good condition with hiking experience. Nancy Shibley

Creating Christmas in Glass G13A1026 6 nights $385 + lodging & meals Create bright and colorful Christmas ornaments from glass that is fused at high temperatures. Simple methods for incorporating hot glass into ornamental forms will be taught. A class for beginners and those with limited experience. Olive Smith

Ancient Sites, Ancient Waters G13SW1021 6 nights $395 + lodging & meals Join Martha Yates, archaeologist and regional expert, on field trips to ancient pueblos, petroglyph and agricultural sites on beautiful rivers and visits to a hot spring. Two hikes are strenuous, others easy to moderate. Occasional evening gatherings at the Ranch fill out this extraordinary week. Martha Yates

Peace in Action Through Printmaking & Written Word G13A1027 6 nights $380 + lodging & meals Creatively implement subtle change to enhance your personal journey and bring about monumental reward using hands-on nontoxic printmaking techniques with guide- writing prompts. Lynne Hubner




October Oc t o be r 7 –1 3 FAll Writing Festival The Ghost Ranch Fall Writing Festival began in 1997. Over the past years, courses have been added and widely published instructors from different regions of the country who love teaching have become part of the annual festival. Surrounded by the autumn beauty and the rich literary history of the area, and the encouragement of talented and supportive faculty, the Fall Writing Festival is the perfect place for beginning or continuing your writer’s journey.

Leaving Notes for Strangers: The Art of Writing Poetry G13W1021 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals "Poetry is…a kind of leaving of notes for another to find,” writes Matthew Hollis. Poems can be like those messages tossed out in a bottle. Poetry is always one on one, and message from writer to reader must convey the intimacy of shared experience. In this workshop we will focus on the language, the imagery and the structure that work together to create the evocative poems that might be notes to change a life. Anita Skeen This Land: Writing Out of the Places We Know G13W1022 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Whether we grow up knowing the contours of a beach, the warnings of clouds, drawing strength from a creek, or living in the shadows of hills or high rises, the land and its rhythms inform our writing. In this class we will write poetry and/or short prose exploring, honoring, or even arguing with that personal geography. If you know that your places are more than scenery, this class is made for you and me. Jane Taylor

Hanging by a Thread: Writing from Our Stories G13W1023 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Someone once said that a writer and a spider are to be pitied above all others because they both hang by a thread spun out of their own guts. We promise no spiders, but this workshop will encourage writers of all genres and levels to sharpen their skills and imagination. Ideas about life are born of personal experience, and only by telling these stories can we validate who we are, where we have been, and what we know. Ina Hughs Pilgrimages—Mindful Travel Writing & Memoir G13W1024 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Life is a journey: Every culture in the world uses this metaphor. But all journeys can become pilgrimage, yielding gifts of wisdom and insight for the pilgrim. It takes travel writers to share those gifts with readers. To do it well, travel writers cultivate the same skills that travel itself demands: openness to new experience, an eye for details and a trustworthy voice. This workshop will be a pilgrimage of its own. Catherine Watson Putting Faith in Your Short Story G13W1025 6 nights $350 + lodging & meals Flannery O’Connor said, “A story is a way to say something that can’t be said any other way, and it takes every word in the story to say what the meaning is.” This class will explore the contours of the short story; its particular demands and structure; the importance of character, action and subtext; and how to impart elements of one’s spiritual faith into the story without devolving into polemics or sentiment. Rilla Askew



October Oc t obe r 7 –1 3

Heaven of the Heart: Creating a Space for Sacred Imagination G13S1032 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals What connects our spirituality, creativity and living out our vocation? How might an intentional engagement with our creativity and our spirituality increase our ability to lead and live as people of faith? In this workshop you will push back the boundaries of familiar distractions and enter a Sabbath time in which to explore the intersection between creativity, spirituality and creative leadership. Using hands-on exercises, personal reflection and imagination, see how your creativity can form sacred community. Chuck Hoffman | Peg Carlson-Hoffman Hospitality & Hostility: The Sacraments & the Church in a Globalized World G13S1033 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals How does the church show its hospitality through worship? During this week we will help each other to become aware of philosophical, social, political, racial, class and sexual references that mark the Christian faith but usually go unnoticed in the theological thinking and the liturgical practices of the sacraments. This week intends to offer tools for its participants to make connections between the sacraments and the historical processes of globalization, under the rubrics of hospitality. Claudio Carvalhaes

FAll Writing Festival continued Inspiring Young Writers—Creative Writing Support for Teachers G13W1021W 3 nights $150 + lodging & meals The Creative Writing for Teachers weekend workshop is designed for teachers of grades 6-12 who are interested in enhancing their class curriculum with creative writing assignments and encouraging talented young writers to pursue their craft. Participants will be enrolled in both morning and afternoon workshops and in the evening will have the opportunity to join in the sessions that are part of the annual Fall Writing Festival. TBA

Oc t obe r 1 4 –1 9 fa l l M i n is t r y week Christianity After Religion G13S1031 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals Mainline malaise, technological overload, shrinking congregations, sporadic attendance, burned out pastors, changing belief systems and denominations in free fall. Can you relate to any of these terms? Join the club and the conversation! Intellectual engagement, spiritual reflection and centering are found in this hybrid class/retreat using Diana Butler Bass’ new work as a foundational text. Sociology of religion and a theology of social change provide personal insight collective encouragement and even hope. Jeanette Baust

Money Matters—An Exploration of Faith & Finances G13S1035 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals Money, wealth and possessions are the second most talked about theme in all of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian New Testament. Why then are we so reticent to talk about our own finances? Join us as we explore the intersection of faith and money in our lives and in the life of the church. Our time together will include Bible study, personal reflection, group sharing and practical tools for you to take back home. Drew Henry

Journeys in the Wilderness G13S1034 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals We will hike in the beautiful regions in and around Ghost Ranch and study journey stories in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures as a means of exploring the metaphor of journey and wilderness in our own lives. You must be able to hike 4-6 miles over rugged, moderately steep terrain at elevations of 6,500-11,000 feet. John Hayden | Nahum Ward-Lev




October Oc t o be r 1 4 –19

Oct ob e r 16– 20

fa l l M i n is t r y week continued

Of the Wilds G13O1031 4 nights $425 includes lodging & meals Reconnect with your Inner Wild on this weekend full moon gathering. At this rustic, outdoor experience (complete with camping, nature walks and drummaking), participants will have ample time to slow down and notice the beauty of this wild, wild world. Annie Bloom

Setting Boundaries to Avoid Ministry Burnout G13S1036 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals As part of the Clergy Renewal seminar, Jim will address the challenges of maintaining boundaries to ensure healthy space and practices with church and community members. We will also address the challenges of making time for personal and family commitments and spiritual practices while meeting the demands of the church ministry. Jim Hepler Tales Worth Telling—Finding, Crafting & Telling the Stories You Want & Need to Tell G13S1037 5 nights $325 + lodging & meals Finding the stories that speak to us is a gift to ourselves. Sharing these stories is a gift to others. Learn how to think like a storyteller and bridge spiritual stories, traditional myths and folktales with everyday experience, then bring these stories to life through the study and practice of story pattern and structures, presentation skills and personal presence. Bob Kanegis | Liz Mangual

Oc t o be r 1 4 –2 0 Bereavement Retreat G13CDS1031 6 nights

$350 + lodging & meals Conscious grieving is hard work, but it is empowering work. Conflicting feelings swirl. Previously held assumptions or strongly held beliefs are challenged. Questions of purpose and life direction arise. An awareness of reality beyond physical existence may tear at the tightly knit fabric of formerly held notions. Through wandering the land, engaging in deep inquiry and creative process, participants will find companionable solace along the way to a restored sense of peace and renewed clarity. Lily Myers Kaplan

Photo by Arthur Merrill – calendar contest.

October 28–november 3 Celebrations for Days of the Dead (Días de los Muertos) G13CDS1111 6 nights $375 + lodging & meals Días de los Muertos is the Latin American holiday coinciding with Halloween and All Souls' Day. Explore the whimsy, humor, history and ritual of this ancient acknowledgement and transcendence of death. We make traditional foods and folk art, including ofrendas ("altars" or memorials to friends and family) and skeleton masks. We'll read selected poetry relating to death and do our own private journaling. Join us for thoughtful discussion and festive fun! Helen Byers



November november 14

n o v e mbe r 7 - 1 0

Spiritual Friendship Circles G13S1121 includes lunch $75; Intern Rate $45* Thursday, 9:00 am-3:00 pm Learn the process of small group spiritual direction─we call this process Spiritual Friendship Circles─for use in any small group, church, spiritual group, yoga class, or friends to assemble in a small peer group that is safe and compassionate to share and deepen their spiritual lives. Learn the model and practices that can easily transfer to your own community. Christopher McCauley | Ravi Verma

Invitation to companionship a t c asa d e l s o l Invitation to Companionship G13CDS1121 3 nights $150 + lodging & meals In the context of our spiritual journeys, what does it mean to be a “companion”? More specifically, what does it mean to be a Companion of Casa del Sol? We invite all “seekers,” as well as those already committed to our dispersed community, to experience and reflect together on the significance of companionship in 1) Prayer and Meditation; 2) Dialogue and Creativity; 3) Community and Hospitality; 4) Soul-Friending and Discernment; and 5) Training for Justice and Peace. Companion Team

november 15– 17 A Seasoned Call—A Soul Retreat for Spiritual Directors G13S112 2 nights $150; Intern Rate $95* Being a spiritual director/companion to others can be deeply satisfying and sometimes isolating. Join us for a rich three days of connection and inspiration as we convene in the first retreat for renewal and friendship for spiritual directors at Ghost Ranch. We will pray and play together as we explore new practices and invite our bodies and souls into the spacious depths of desert spirituality. Learn about the emerging trends in spiritual direction and how to integrate new elements into your spiritual direction practice. Come for refreshment in poetry, prayer, ritual and space to enrich your connection to the Divine. Join us to reunite with friends and make new ones. Come for “soul seasoning”—our term for honoring and nourishing our gift of presence to others. People from all spiritual traditions are welcome. Christopher McCauley | Ravi Verma

n o v e mbe r 8 - 1 0 GOT BREATH? Yoga & Asthma G13H111W 2 nights $195 + lodging & meals Asthma is one of the fastest growing diseases worldwide. It is also one of the most common diseases among children. Yogi, author and asthma survivor Meta Hirschl offers specific practices for asthma that brought her the vibrant health she enjoys today. Students under the age of 17 are encouraged to attend with a parent or grandparent. Once you learn yoga solutions for asthma they are free and always available. Side effects include inner joy and peace. Meta Chaya Hirschl


*(Please provide letter of current enrollment in spiritual direction program.)



November n o ve mbe r 1 5 –17 Heartbeat of Gratitude—An Alternate Thanksgiving G13F112W 2 nights $95 + lodging & meals We have many notions of our holiday Thanksgiving; however, how many of them involve its interpretation and significance through the eyes of our Native brothers and sisters? Join us for this rich weekend of teaching and experiences that will be led by Navajo elders, including music and dancing from a Native drum group. Included will be a traditional Gourd Dance (honoring Veterans) and Earth ceremonies at both sunrise and sunset. TBA

n o ve mbe r 1 8–25 The Art Of Spiritual Direction Stillpoint G13CDS1131 7 nights $1625 + lodging & meals The Stillpoint Formation and Training Program is scheduled to begin with classes being held over the period November 2012 through March 2014. Dates for Cohort IV November 1825, 2013; April 14-21, 2014; October 13-20, 2014 and March 16-23, 2015. Note: "The Spiritual Journey" (page 50) is a prerequisite for this program. Certificate awarded at completion. Participants who apply and are accepted in the program will travel to Ghost Ranch for four, one-week residential intensives (two separate weeks each year). An experienced staff of distinguished spiritual directors will facilitate sessions using presentations, role-plays, discussions, demonstrations, spiritual practices, contemplative exercises and prayer. The Stillpoint program is noted for engagement and is a practicum. We spend hours practicing the art of spiritual direction with participants and staff so that graduates may experience and perfect their gifts in being spiritually present to others. Participants find that their lives change as their gifts of deep listening and presence emerge. Stillpoint Faculty Team

To APPLY, please contact Stillpoint with any questions or concerns regarding your discernment, program content or faculty. Email: or call 323.340.8036 with questions and to apply. For more details see Stillpoint at

December Decemb er 1– 3 Expansive Skies—An Astronomy Weekend G13F121W 2 nights $125 + lodging & meals While we can never bemoan the advent of electricity, we must recognize that with its infiltration in our lives, many have lost a connection to the night sky. Fortunately, it is readily available at Ghost Ranch. Come reorient yourself by soaking in the sea of stars that stare down upon this "Land of Enchantment." We will also lace Native spirituality and reflection, giving a truly unique spiritual touch to our astrological musings." Outdoor Adventure Staff

Decemb er 7 Las Posadas G13SW121W 0 nights $35+ lodging & meals Celebrate this Northern New Mexico tradition, las Posadas, with the Ghost Ranch staff as we musically re-enact the journey of Joseph and Mary as they search for a place to spend the birth night of Jesus as they find no room at the inn. Ghost Ranch Staff Photo by Talisa Hanson; photo page 60 by Mary Pickett – both from calendar contest.



Lodging Options Mesa Level Suite private bath Each suite is attractively appointed with simple furnishings reflective of the Southwest. Each suite has 1 bedroom with 2 beds (either a queen + twin, or double + twin), a dresser, nightstand with lamp, chair and closet; and a living room with 2 twin-bed-sized sleeper sofas. Each suite can sleep up to five people. A limited number is available. Common rooms in each building have soft furniture, tables and chairs and a fireplace, perfect for group gathering.

Mesa Level private bath Comfortably appointed with neutral hues and a Southwest theme, each room has 2 beds (a queen + twin, or double + twin) and a dresser, nightstand, lamp, chair, closet and its own bathroom with shower. They can sleep up to 3 people. A limited number is available. Common rooms in each building have soft furniture, tables and chairs and a fireplace, perfect for group gathering.

Main Ranch Level private bath The most charming lodging on the Ranch, these historic adobe units are nestled under leafy cottonwoods in the shady area behind Ghost House. Most have inviting front porches. The newest units are spacious ADA accessible units close to the dining hall. Most sleep 2-3 people. Bedrooms have one double bed, or two beds (double + twin, or two twin beds) and a desk, lamp, dresser, mirror and chair. A limited number is available.


Casa del Sol private bath semi-private bath & hermitages Casa del Sol hosts Ghost Ranch courses that are spiritual in nature, and its rooms are set aside for participants in such classes (with a “CDS” in the course number.) This charming, historic hacienda was built in the 1930s. Anchored under the Puerto de Cielo rock formation two miles from the main Ranch campus, it has a spacious courtyard looking out on the desert and Pedernal, Ghost Ranch’s landmark mountain. The classic adobe home with fireplace, kitchen and simple living surrounded by inspiring landscapes houses six to eight people in single and double accommodations. Six bedrooms share three bathrooms; most rooms have doors that open onto the courtyard.

Mesa Level Suite living room and Mesa Level bedroom with private bath

Main Ranch Level semi-private bath These spacious, comfortably appointed rooms sit in the historical sections of Ghost Ranch, close to the dining hall and library. These older units each have a bedroom with 2 beds (a double + twin, or 2 twin beds), a dresser, nightstand with lamp, chair and closet. Every room shares a bath with an adjoining room; the bath is located between the two rooms. In a few select units, two rooms also share a sitting area. Each room sleeps up to 3 people. A limited number is available.

Main Ranch Level bedroom with private bath (Each room differs slightly)

Casa del Sol bedroom with private bath (Each room differs slightly)



Lodging Options Mesa & Main Level communal bath Dorm rooms with a communal bath down the hall or in another building reflect the history and dude ranch culture of Ghost Ranch past. Multiple bunk beds and simple furnishings, keep them Ghost Ranch’s most affordable options. Mesa units, rustic, have 1 bedroom with 2 beds (2 sets of bunks, or a twin + bunk bed) and a dresser, chair, shelf, mirror and reading lamp. Many rooms have a sink. Shared bathrooms with a sink and a toilet are located in each building, down the breezeway. Showers are located in nearby buildings. These units sleep up to 3 people. Some buildings have a central lounge area with large screen windows that have stunning views. Main Level bedrooms can sleep 2-3 people (2 beds: a double + twin, 2 twin beds, or double + bunk bed) or 3–5 people (combination of double + twin + bunk beds.) A few rooms sleep up to 7-8 people and are perfect for groups. Some rooms have a closet, dresser, chair and desk; others have closets and sofas. Large communal bathrooms and showers are located outside, a few steps down a breezeway or covered porch. Staff House has smaller rooms but has comfortable interior communal spaces, open fields for play and stargazing, and is close to the dining hall.

Ghost Ranch Campground with communal bath house The Campground has facilities for RV camping, with or without electricity. An RV is defined as any motorized vehicle (van camper, pop-up trailer, motor home, 5th wheel or truck camper). Most sites have a table and a fire ring, and only a very limited number have shade. Campfires are permitted only when weather conditions allow. Water and a dump station are available at the Campground, but not necessarily at specific sites.

Mesa Level dorm rooms with communal bath

Full hookup sites include water and a dump station at the site, and 30- and/or 50-amp electric hookups. There are only a small number of full hookup sites, available on a first come, first served basis. The communal bath house is equipped with an ice machine, shared refrigerator, showers, sinks and coin-operated laundry. There is a 10-20 minute walk to the Dining Hall and meeting rooms. No pets are allowed in the campground (except for approved assistance animals).

Main Level dorm rooms with communal bath

Open from mid-May until early October, campsites are not pre-assigned, nor may specific sites be reserved in advance. Meal tickets may be purchased in the Main Office; meals in the Dining Hall will not be served to campers without a ticket.

Corral Block has larger rooms, an open field for play and stargazing, and is close to the museums, Lower Pavilion meeting space, and the Welcome Center. It is a 5 to 10 minute walk to the dining hall. 2013 WORKSHOPS

Main Level dorm rooms with communal bath


Lodging & Meals The first and second person sharing a room will each be charged the fee listed for your lodging choice which includes meals for those two people.

ALL RATES ARE PER PERSON - Number of Workshop Nights: Meals inluded in program packages begin with dinner on arrival day, and end with breakfast on departure day. No credit or reimbursement for missed or skipped meals. Mesa Suite - Private Bath = $111 per person/night + meals Mesa Room - Private Bath = $101 per person/night + meals Main Ranch Level - Private Baths = $101 per person/night + meals Casa del Sol Private Bath and Hermitages = $101 per per night + meals Main Ranch Level - Semi Private Bath = $61 per person/night + meals Casa del Sol - Semi Private Bath = $61 per person/night + meals Mesa Level - Communal Bath (Dorms) = $46 per person/night + meals Main Ranch Level - Communal Bath (Staff House & Corral Block) = $46 per person/night + meals

Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb. – 20% Discount on Lodging Only with Meals Included Mesa Suite - Private Bath = $89 per person/night + meals Mesa Room - Private Bath = $81 per person/night + meals Main Ranch Level - Private Bath = $81 per person/night + meals Casa del Sol and Hermitages - Private Bath = $81 per person/night + meals Main Ranch Level - Semi Private Bath = $49 per person/night + meals Casa del Sol - Semi Private Bath = $49 per person/night + meals Mesa Level - Communal Bath (Dorms) = $37 per person/night + meals Main Ranch Level - Communal Bath (Staff House & Corral Block) = $37 per person/night + meals Camping - MEALS ARE NOT INCLUDED - Individual meals or package meal plans can be purchased upon arrival. Breakfast $8, Lunch $10, Dinner $12 Tent Sites with No Electricity Tent/RV Site with Electricity Only RV Site with Full Hook-ups 64



IMPORTANT All lodging fees include all meals per day, access to the swimming pool (seasonal), the family center, recreation area, hiking trails, library, computer lab, museums, visitor center, art shows, exhibitions and special lectures and concerts (when scheduled) for the course week. The third and subsequent persons sharing that same room pay only for meals. Adults (ages 11 & older, including noncourse guests pay the meal fee listed for the workshop number of nights. Youth (ages 4 through 10): pay 1/2 the listed meals fee. No charge for those under 4.

2 Nights

3 Nights

4 Nights

5 Nights

6 Nights

(2) Dinner (1) Lunch (2) Breakfast ($50)

(3) Dinner (2) Lunch (3) Breakfast ($80)

(4) Dinner (3) Lunch (4) Breakfast ($110)

(5) Dinner (4) Lunch (5) Breakfast ($140)

(6) Dinner (5) Lunch (6) Breakfast ($170)









































(2) Dinner (1) Lunch (2) Breakfast ($50)

(3) Dinner (2) Lunch (3) Breakfast ($80)

(4) Dinner (3) Lunch (4) Breakfast ($110)

(5) Dinner (4) Lunch (5) Breakfast ($140)

(6) Dinner (5) Lunch (6) Breakfast ($170)









































(2) Dinner (1) Lunch (2) Breakfast ($50)

(3) Dinner (2) Lunch (3) Breakfast ($80)

(4) Dinner (3) Lunch (4) Breakfast ($110)

(5) Dinner (4) Lunch (5) Breakfast ($140)

(6) Dinner (5) Lunch (6) Breakfast ($170)



















Santa Fe Shuttle Pick-up and Drop-off Location - Santa Fe Sage Inn & Continued Partnership

The first and last course dates are travel days and are considered arrival and departure days.

Ghost Ranch is pleased to continue our partnership with the Santa Fe Sage Inn, a delightfully friendly and hospitable lodging option close to the Rail Runner depot and the historic Plaza. Santa Fe Sage Inn has inviting contemporary Southwestern style rooms with special rates for guests who would like to stop over for a stay in Santa Fe on their way to or from Ghost Ranch. With plenty of free parking and a downtown shuttle the hotel has all the modern amenities you’d expect of quality Santa Fe lodging. Visit santafesageinn. com for a list of ammenities. Reserve your room by calling 505.982.5952. Be sure to ask for the special “Ghost Ranch” rate.

• Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. on arrival day • Dinner is served from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 pm. If you don’t think you will arrive by 6:30 p.m., please consider eating dinner in Española or in Abiquiu • Check-out time is 10:00 a.m. on departure day

IF YOU FLY The nearest major airport is in Albuquerque, 65 miles south of Santa Fe. It is approximately an hour’s drive from Albuquerque to Santa Fe and an hour and a half between Santa Fe and Ghost Ranch. Allow at least two and a half hours driving time between Albuquerque and Ghost Ranch (not counting connections or waiting time).

Transportation between the Albuquerque airport and Santa Fe Sage Inn: Rates: $20 one-way; $40 roundtrip Reservations are required. March 11-May 31 Spring Shuttle schedule: Monday — Pick up at Santa Fe Sage Inn • 2:00 p.m. Sunday – Depart Ghost Ranch • 10:00 a.m.

Ways to get to Santa Fe Sandia Shuttle Service (van) 1.888.775.5696 This shuttle will drop you off at the Santa Fe Sage Inn as well as other Santa Fe locations.

June 3-August 11, 2013 Summer Shuttle schedule: Monday — Pick up at Santa Fe Sage Inn • 2:00 p.m. and • 4:00 p.m. Sunday – Depart Ghost Ranch • 8:30 a.m. and • 10:00 a.m.

Rail Runner (commuter train) 1.866.795.7245 The train depot is three walking blocks from the Santa Fe Sage Inn. Free ride to the Inn may be available.

August 12-Ocotber 19, 2013 Fall Shuttle schedule: Monday — Pick up at Santa Fe Sage Inn • 2:00 p.m. Sunday – Depart Ghost Ranch • 10:00 a.m.

Albuquerque Airport (car rental) Click on How to Get Here under Workshops at for a special link to Hertz which offers a discount to Ghost Ranch guests using the reservation portal.

A map and driving directions can be found at 66



Helpful Information Health: Ghost Ranch is committed to accommodating all individuals who wish to

participate in its programs and be part of the community at the Ranch. Located in the high desert at an altitude of 6,500 feet, Ghost Ranch is very remote from medical facilities. The nearest hospital is 35 miles away and the Ranch provides only basic first aid services. The Abiquiu Clinic is 15 miles away but has limited hours and services. There is a 5-15 minute walk from most rooms to the dining hall, library, museums and meeting rooms. We strongly urge people with health challenges to consult with their physician before registering. Remember to bring a sufficient supply of medications for the week.

Weather: The high desert altitude (6500 feet) can produce extremely variable

weather. Winter and spring temperatures can range from lows of zero or below at night to highs of 70° at midday; be prepared for rain and/or snow. Summer temperatures range from 50° to 95°, with afternoon thunderstorms possible.

What to Bring: To make your stay more comfortable you may want to pack the

following: comfortable, casual clothes you can layer • sturdy walking shoes • rain gear hat • flashlight • sun block • toiletries • alarm clock • hair dryer • bathrobe • small box of laundry detergent • small portable fan for room (summer) • cash for vending machines and Cantina purchases. There is no on-site ATM machine available.

Computers & Telecommunications: We offer free Wi-fi access in select locations on the Ranch and a terminal with internet access in the Trading Post Café is available 24-hours.Due to Ghost Ranch’s remote location, cell phones may not work. Some phones are available for guest use to make long-distance calls with a phone card (available at the Trading Post). Some wireless hot spots (for cell phones and laptops) may be found at various places on the Ranch. Persons with Special Needs: Children and adults with disabilities are welcomed at Ghost Ranch. Please contact the Registrar’s Office to discuss the type of accommodations you may need. This includes, but is not limited to, wheelchair accessible bedrooms, bathrooms and special diets. A limited number of golf carts are available for use by persons with special needs. Cost per week is noted on the registration form. A valid driver’s license is required and a golf cart policy agreement must be signed. Please call ext. 4152 for golf cart needs. Please note all of your special needs on the registration form. If you use a wheelchair or scooter and need shuttle service from the Albuquerque airport to Ghost Ranch call ext. 4152. Pet Policy: NO PETS are allowed at Ghost Ranch, including the campground, with the exception of assistance animals with prior notification to the Registrar’s Office. Please call Black Mesa Kennels at 505.753.9530 for information about boarding pets.

Amenities: (Note: some amenities are only available during the summer.) hiking • swimming pool • horseback riding • Bodywork Program (massages) • Trading Post • two Museums and gift shops • 24-hour Library with children’s room • Family Center (for children under age 3 and their adult caregiver) • children’s playground • Georgia O’Keeffe and the Ghost Ranch Landscape Tour • Challenge courses and kayaking • cantina (snack shop) • labyrinth and karesansui (meditation garden)


T h a nk You to Our Sponsors A Taos Treasure of Historic Proportions.

Health &Wellness Packages Available

125 Paseo del Pueblo Norte | Taos, New Mexico 87571 866 887-3689 | The Adobe Bar


Doc Martin’s Restaurant

Premier Live Entertainment

T h a nk You to Our Sponsors

The Original Fountain of Youth Our legendary waters have been soothing body, mind and spirit naturally for centuries.

Visit our website for lodging and spa specials, yoga classes, restaurant menus and more. Less than an hour from Ghost Ranch. Hot springs open daily 8 am - 10 pm.




Best Day Trip from Santa Fe - Santa Fe Reporter Top 10 Best Hot Springs Spas in the World - SpaFinder Magazine


T h a nk You to Our Sponsors

TH AN K YOU S P ON SO RS Abiquiu Studio Tour Columbus Day Weekend October 12, 13, 14, 2013 Free maps to local artists’ studios 505-685-4454 El Rito Studio Tour First Weekend in October October 5 & 6, 2012 Tour maps at the Mercado & artist’s studios 575-581-0155 or 575-581-4780


Outspire Hiking & Snowshoeing Customized interpretive outings near Santa Fe, Abiquiu, and Pecos | 505-660-0394 Santa Fe Walkabouts Customized Hikes, Jeep Tours & Cultural Outings 505-216-9161 The Monks’ Corner Inspirational Gifts from Monasteries Around the World 235 Don Gaspar; Santa Fe 505.982.1915

T h a nk You to Our Sponsors

THE ORIGINAL “a timeless tradition”

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Rancho de Chimayó — serving world renowned traditional and contemporary native New Mexican cuisine since 1965 in an exceptional setting in Chimayó, New Mexico. 505.351.4444 or 505.984.2100

A hav en o f s er en i t y just 1 5 m inu tes fr o m Gh o st R a n c h

888 735-2902

21120 Highway 84 Abiquiu NM 87510


T h a nk You to Our Sponsors

On Museum Hill in Santa Fe 路 路 (505) 476-1200


Ghost Ranch Conference Center HC 77 Box 11 Abiquiu, NM 87510 Presbyterian Church, (U.S.A.) Albuquerque, NM Permit 762


Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage





We Offer You

“Healthy Start” Breakfast Free High Speed WiFi Business Center Guest Laundry Family & Pet Friendly 24 Hour Front Desk Free Local Calls

Free Downtown Shuttle Service Free Parking Exercise Facility Seasonal Outdoor Pool Meeting Room In-Room Coffee Southwestern Rooms

For reservations please call 866.433.0335 and ask for the “Ghost Ranch” Partnership Rate. 725 CERRILLOS ROAD

S A N TA F E , N E W M E X ICO 87505

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