October 1986 GHPA Newsletter

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Volume 2, Number 3

The Greater Houston Preservation Alliance and the

Midtown Civic Club invite you to

HOUSTON'S SOUTH END Sunday, November 16, 1986 -1:30 p.m. at the

ERWIN HEINEN THEATRE 3517 Austin Street at Holman

PROGRAM ~/come

and Opening Remarks

Adaptation of the Temple into the Erwin Heinen Theatre

Minnette Boesel, President Greater Houston Preservation Alliance Dan lasell, President Midtown Civic Club

larry Mers, Coordinator Department of Fine Arts and Speech Houston Community College

Neighborhood Walking Tour

Historical Development of the South End and Temple Beth Israel, 1924-1925

Stephen Fox

Reception Midtown Civic Club

Joseph Finger, Architect

Stephen Fox, Fellow The Anchorage Foundation of Texas

We gratefully recognize the cooperation of the Fine Arts and Speech Depart路 ment, Houston Community College for assisting with this program.

This program is free of charge to members of the Midtown Civic Club and to members of the Greater Houston Preserva tion Alliance. Guests are welcome by joining the GHPA as individual members '$10.00', or by becoming members of the Midtown Civic Club. -

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PRESIDENT'S LETTER Dear Member: Preservation in Houston is moving forward!

tions on behalf of preservation in Houston. Preservation is moving forward!

Our recent efforts in the Sixth Ward/Sabine Historic District 'See related article' have resulted in the rehabilitation of a number of houses and the initiation of a civic organization.

Minnette Boesel President

The GHPA's longstanding efforts to enhance the Main Street/Market Square Historic District are resulting in a landscape and security improvement program for Market Square Park. This is being coordinated by the Downtown Houston Association and the Houston Department of Parks and Recreation.

The Greater Houston Preservation Alliance Board of Directors has recently completed a goal setting process. GHPA President, Minnette Boesel, established ad hoc committees to address the issues of Education, Preservation Planning, Growth and Support and Projects. Comm ittee members were charged with setting short and long range goals in each of these areas. A summary of the results appears below.

The saving of the Pillot Building, Houston's oldest three storey commercial building, was a major accomplishment for the GHPA last year. Although looking sorely neglected at the moment, The City Partnership, Ltd., which won the lease/bid from Harris Cou nty to restore the bui Idi ng, is working diligently to secure tenants and financing in order to start the project. No small feat in this economic climate!

To be able to respond quickly to endangered building situations, your Board voted this summer to set up an Endangered Buildings Fund. A small amount of monies left from our efforts to save the Pillot Building are being utilized to initiate this fund. The Board realizes that in order to be more effective and deliver good programming to you, we need to secure an office and a parttime staff person. We are currently looking into donated office space.


Headquarters - Continue efforts to locate donated space. Personnel - Apply for UH student intern half time for Fall 1986 and Spring 1987. PROJECTS

Sixth Ward - Continue to implement the revitalization plan with the neighborhood. Christmas on Market Square - Support the efforts of Downtown Houston Association and others to redevelop the park. Easement Program - Monitor status of the program and tax code-related developments which threaten the usefulness of this incentive.


Tours - Maintain tours once each month and at special request for Market Square. A UH Public History intern will develop an expanded program for tours and present the program to the board next summer. Programs - Programs are our most visible and educational assets. Plan four programs or events each year. Place a committee of four members 'each responsible for one event' plus a chairman over this function. Publications - Maintain the quarterly newsletter, incorporating invitations to events on the front page. Develop a marketing plan for Last of the Past. PRESERVATION PLANNING

Historic Preservation Ordinance Kelly Thompson and others will continue to strive for City Council adoption in the upcoming year. Endangered Buildings - Update endangered buildings list and include pumping stations, bridges, warehouses and parks 'Hidalgo'. GROWTH AND SUPPORT

I would like to commend and thank the Board who has worked tirelessly without staff support to initiate many of the programs, projects and publica-

Membership - Programs are our most important draw. Consider one of four events or programs to solicit new members.

Fundraising - Work toward a major fundraiser In an historic building. Do not solicit corporate or foundation funding at this time. Reevaluate financial position next summer.

Fourth Ward - Assist in preservation efforts in an advisory capacity. SUMMARY The GHPA will work to broaden its membership base and to increase involvement of the membership as methods of providing support for historic preservation in Houston. Implicit in this overriding goal is the objective of continuing education and membership programs and obtaining staff support. GHPA members and friends who have interests in any of the above described projects are urged to contad Minnette Boesel.

SABINE MERITS AWARD The GHPA received one of thirteen annual Merit Awards from the Texas Chapter - American Planning Association for the Sixth Ward/Sabme Historic District Revitalization Study. The thousand-plus member organization of urban planning professionals presented the award at their annual conference, held this year in EI Paso. Mike Davis, GHPA board member and Sabine Studyvolunteer, accepted the award on behalf of the GHPA and offered the study as a model for cooperative preservation and neighborhood revitalization in Texas cities.


Photographs courtes'

' f Jeff

Baloutine, PSI.

House in the Sabine before rehabilitation through the Houston Committee for Private Sector Initiatives 'PSI' Volunteer Home Repair Program.

After benefitting from the PSI Home Repair Program.

Before the PSI Home Repair Program.

After rehabilitation through the PSI Home Repair Program.

Great strides have been made in bringing about the preservation of the Sixth Ward/Sabine Historic District. Approximately one year has passed since the GHPA began to seek funding for the Sixth Ward/Sabine Historic District Revitalization Study. The purpose of this study was the development of a policy guide forthe GHPA in addressing the preservation needs of Houston's first National Register Historic District. Defining an approach to preservation in this district became especially critical as the GHPA took over management of unused funds dedicated to restoration of the historic structures in the Sabine. The study was prepared for the GHPA by Preservation Services, with assistance from volunteers and from UH

School of Architecture interns. The document which was prepared includes a profile of the district as it now stands, a history of the area and recommendations for improvement of the district. Twenty six recommendations are presented in the study. Recommendations address Historic Preservation, Housing, Civic Action and City Services and Incentives. 'See SABINE MERITS AWARD.' Several of the spec ific recomme ndations have already been implem ented. Residents, property owners and GHPA volunteers are working to reactivate a civic organization in the district. Regular meetings have provided a forum to investigate approaches to problems including parking, neighborhood appearance, the need for park space and elderly housing and housing rehabilitation strategies.

A major recommendation was implemented on October 4 and 11. As a result of the Sabine Study, the district was selected for the Houston Committee for Private Sector Initiatives Home Repair Program. Through this program, volunteers from PS Engineering, The Houston Area Center, Amoco, Southwestern Bell, MBank, Cameron and ATT rehabilitated eleven homes in the Sabine. Homes were selected for rehabilitation based upon criteria which gave prioritx to elderly or disabled homeowners. See photos.' Work continues toward implementation of each of the twenty six recommendations. If JOu would like to become involve in this effort, please call Minnette Boesel, at 658-8938, or Mike Davis, at 739-4615.

'-- NATIONAL TRUST UPDATE By Libby Barker Willis

The following is a sampling of projects our office has been assisting over the past several months. The Denton City Council is considering a historic district ordinance for that city. The Texas/New Mexico Field Office has assisted that effort with model provisions for an historic district ordinance. The City Council of Fort Worth has just approved a Conservation District Ordinance. Our office will be working with the City of Fort Worth and the Historic Preservation Council for Tarrant County to compile a guide for organizing conservation districts in neighborhoods. The Old Blanco County Courthouse Preservation Society is looking at options to save and reuse the original Blanco County Courthouse with the help of the Field Office. In Austin, a volunteer committee working on behalf of the Texas Department of Mental Health/Mental Retardation is seeking to produce a historic structure report for the 1857 state owned Austin State Hospital. And in Texarkana, Texas/New Mexico Field Office Representative Christopher Slusher has been assisting a local engineering firm draw up the recommended preservation treatment for the 1909 U.S. Courthouse.

Greater Houston Preservation All iance 1100 Bagby Street Houston, Texas 77002

In September, Christopher Slusher spoke to AlA workshop participants about the work of the National Trust around the nation and in Texas and New Mexico. The workshop, sponsored by the Dallas Chapter of the AlA at Wolf Run, focused upon resources for historic preservation. Also in September, I participated in a preservation conference sponsored by the City of Beau mont. My topics were the work of the National Trust and the organization of successful neighborhood groups. Sponsored by the City of Beaumont and the Beaumont Heritage Society, the conference focused on the "details" of preservation and providing resources for neighborhood groups and others interested in preservation. Beaumont is one of the original Certified Local Governments in Texas to receive money from the federal Historic Preservation Fund through the Texas Historical Commission.



FOR PRESERVATION is published as a membership service of the Greater Houston Preservation Alliance. Editor - Mike Davis. Contributors Jeff Baloutine, Minnette Boesel, Beverly Pennington, Libby Barker Willis and Michael Wilson.

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