October 1987 GHPA Newsletter

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Volume 3 Number 3


1987-1988 GHPA Board Members have held several goal setting sessions over the course of the summer. The following list is not in order of priority but is intended as a checklist for the current year. 1. Conduct four programs including a neighborhood "Tour", Preservation Conference, and Annual Meeting. Continue annual "Good Brick" awards. 2. Continue quarterly newsletter with announcements of Board Meetings and other events. 3. Develop a first-rate tour program for Market Square Area with trained guides and new literature. 4. Develop a list of local historic buildings and addresses with endangered buildings highlighted. 5.

Create a new, expanded mailing list.

6. Purchase phone, answering machine, chairs and other needed equipment for office. 7.

Design and print new stationery for GHPA.


Develop a strategy for using the Sabine Fund.

9. Complete the Fourth Ward Stabilization Study. 10. Prepare a written statement of management policy for GHPA staff. 11. -Create an Advisory Board. 12. Rewrite and adopt new By-Laws. 13. Appoint a Publicity Chairman to create an ongoing publicity campaign for GHPA. 14. Create a written annual budget to be adopted by the Board and used for regulation of expenses. COMMITTEES The following committees include those already in place and new ones to be appointed . Names following are suggestions and should be reviewed and appointments made by the Executive Committee. 1. Publications Committee: Mike Davis, Chairman; Ed Eubanks, Kathy Wild, Barrie Scardino. a) Newsletter

b) Event announcements c) Create historic/endangered building list 2. Membership Committee: Jane Ellen Cable and Beverly Pennington, Co- Chairmen; Beverly Rudy, Nia Becnel, Michael Wilson. a) Maintain current records and new mailing list b) Membership promotion 3. Sixth Ward Advisory Committee: Bill Weatherford, Chairman; Minnette Boesel, Mike Davis. a) Sabine Fund management b) Advise ongoing projects in Sixth Ward 4. Fourth Ward Study Committee: Mike Davis, Chairman; Nia Becnel, Bill Stern, Barrie Scardino, Minnette Boesel. a) Obtain funding b) Write revitalization plan 5. By-Laws Committee: Beverly Rudy, Chairman; Minnette Boesel, Beverly Pennington. a) Revise by-laws 6. Publicity Committee: Jane Ellen Cable, Barry Moore, Mike Davis, Stephen Fox. a) Create media contact list b) Write press releases c) Initiate and release preservation articles 7. Finance Committee: Pat Burris, Chairman; John Hannah, Minnette Boesel, Bart Truxillo. a) Create budget b) Monitor expenses c) Write grants d) Review insurance program 8. Programs Committee: Michael Wilson, Chairman; Stephen Fox (Symposium Chairman), Barrie Scardino, Barry Moore, Bart Truxillo. a) Plan four programs b) Appoint chairmen for each event and assist event coordination with publicity and finance committees c) "Good Brick" awards 9. Planning Committee: Barrie Scardino, Chairman: Beverly Rudy, Mike Davis, Michael Wilson.

GHPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SCHEDULE a) Write annual planning statements b) Monitor progress 10. Market Square Tour Program Committee:, Kathy Wild, Chairman; Beverly Rudy, Ed Eubanks, Michael Wilson, Minnette Boesel, Bart Truxillo a) Obtain funding for tour program b) Coordinate with publications and publicity committees c) Write tour brochure d) Train volunteer guides 11. Office Committee: Minnette Boesel, Chairman; Nia Becnel, John Hannah. a) Obtain and maintain office equipment b) Write management policy for staff c) See that new stationery is designed and printed 12. Legislative Committee: Kelly Thompson, Chairman; Minnette Boesel, Beverly Pennington, Kathy Wild. a) Historic Preservation Ordinance b) Testify as necessary before City Council, Commissioners Court, etc.

HAHC UPDATE The City of Houston's Archeological and Historical Commission (HAHC) has recently completed its work on a slide program about historic preservation in Houston for presentation to local neighborhood and civic organizations. The thirty minute program, consisting of 150 slides and a descriptive narrative, provides a brief overview of activitites of the Commission and of some of the concepts of historic preservation as applied both to architecture and archeology in Houston. Many of Houston's historic landmarks are featured. A video tape of the program is being prepared for showing on the municipal access television channel. The program was supported through the cooperation and assistance of the College of Architecture, University of Houston; the Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library; National Photographic Laboratories, Inc; and the City of Houston: Organizations may request a presentation of the program by contacting the Commission's staff representative Barrie Zimmelman, at 247-1253.

The Greater Houston Preservation Alliance Board of Directors extends an invitation to all GHPA members to attend monthly Board of Directors meetings. The meetings are held at the GHPA office located at 712 Main Street - Texas Commerce Bank Building. Meetings are generally scheduled for the third Monday of each month. Upcoming meeting date is November 16. The December meeting date has not yet been scheduled. Due to limited seating, you may wish to call in advance. Please join us. If you are unable to join but would like information about the agenda, contact Kent Millard, GHPA Projects Coordinator, at 236-5000.

GHPA ORGANIZES DOCENTS PROGRAM The GHPA will be initiating a Docent Program for our upcoming events this spring. The program will be open to all members and will be comprised of volunteers who are interested in getting more involved with GHPA activities. One of our ongoing activities which is in dire need of docents is our walking tour of the Main StreeVMarket Square Historic District. The tour has served as the primary tool for both educating the public and recruiting new members for the GHPA. Our summer tours were quite successful, due to increased publicity. Docents will be needed to expand the number of walking tours from once a month to twice a month, as well as provide private tours. This spring, docents will be needed for the Courtlandt Place Home Tour, to staff the table at the Houston Festival and to sell our book, Last of the Past to bookshops and any other GHPA events. Anyone interested in becoming part of the Docent Program can contact Kent Millard, at 2365000, for more information.

NOTES GHPA Board Member and Houston Archeological and Historical Commission Member V. Nia Dorian-Becnel moderated a panel discussion on Minority Participation in Historic Preservation at the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The 41 st National Trust's annual conference was held in October in Washington, D.C. The GHPA is co-sponsoring a symposium on preservation in commercial districts in January. The symposium will focus upon Houston's Market Square. For more information contact the GHPA office, at 2365000.


THE SACRIFICE OF CITY HALL Submitted by Larry D. Jones, GHPA member

Would you like to have your ornate fence or stair railing restored by the same firm that crafted all of the ornate iron work for John Staub's famous houses? The third generation Weber - Jim - carries on the tradition of the family hand- crafted metal work operation at 4819 Floyd (off Durham) on the original premises. Not many firms stay in business long enough to do restoration work on their own original projects. Weber Iron Works has. Having been involved in the original project for Ima Hogg, the firm was also commissioned for the metalwork restoration of her Bayou Bend residence. Among the many other prominent projects associated with Weber Iron, the firm can also claim the large body of River Oaks fence design work for the landscape architect Gregory Catlow.. Impressive as the above projects are, Jim Weber does not intimidate prospective clients. Welcoming projects as diverse in complexity as architectural elements, hardware and furniture, in such materials as iron, aluminum, brass and copper. Weber will custom design, restore or duplicate metal interior and exterior items to your specification. (He even does the rarer hand- worked hammered finish.)

OLD GERMAN CEMETERY The German Cemetery on Washington Avenue was founded in 1887 by the Deutsche Gesellschaft (German Society) of Houston, and renamed the Washington Cemetery in 1918. It is now being preserved and maintained by volunteers of the Concerned Citizens for Washington Cemetery Care (CCWCC). In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the cemetery, CCWCC is holding a public celebration at the cemetery and compiling a book on its history. The book will include plat maps, a history of the cemetery, and biographies of some of the persons buried there. Among those buried in Washington Cemetery are about fifty Civil War veterans (from both sides) plus numerous veterans of later wars, the owner of Houston's first ice-house (refrigeration plant), the victim of Houston's first fatal streetcar accident, and the first person in Houston to be carried to her final resting place in a motorized hearse. CCWCC is actively soliciting contributions of material , both factual and anecdotal, in efforts to represent a significant percentage of the approximately 6,500 persons known to be buried in the cemetery. Further information about the book can be obtained from Burt Ballanfant, at 241-7023.

Preservation is both technology and philosophy. Respect for both must be, you see, before a town accepts the crown. A city's public buildings are said to be a looking glass, from which to see the truer view of arts and cultured class. Houstonians then, should closely look at City Hall where the truth of preservation lies covered with a pall, hope is hope, but doubts do linger. The birth of the building, 35 years in waiting, has the touch of a Finn, before done by a Finger. Wonder he might, how fate will turn ... boil in acid! gouge the eyes! or will they just ... let it burn? Pickets, nay ... we're off to save the Market Square and all. Roll the dice ... a sacrifice .... its only City Hall. Rue the day, when all we do is look the other way. 'Tis great to preach and teach, but what to say, when they call "Were you there for City Hall, or did you hide and watch it fall?" The true facts have been suppressed, but why? Yet many know, but choose to duck the public eye. Facts are facts, and here they are again, oh my. Boil the building was their mission, never mind advice contrary, its only from the real Commission. Texas Historical, to be sure, and he who are - the Registrar! Windows and hopes (for historic recognition) are scheduled to die and be for lost, yet fix they might for a tenth the cost. Waste not, want not - a sensible plan for windows old, and woeful times of budget blues. For reasons unknown, though considerable haste the building facade is treated with hazardous waste. This is enough, though there were other transgressions. A legacy they'll leave, like those flys of the Hessians. History buff or not, I repeat, chlorides in the stone are like larvae in the wheat. The media is passive for the want of a sign that anyone cares or dares .... Or Simply put, if the GHPA has nothing to say, then why should they? (copyright 1987, Larry D. Jones)


Thank you to the following GHPA members who have recently joined or renewed their memberships. Membership dues are the base of support for GHPA projects. If your membership has lapsed, please complete the renewal form included in this newsletter. Gloria G. Acker Mrs. Rita Anderson Sally R. Banttari Mrs. S. L. Baiamonte Hines Baker, Jr. Joe H. Baker Benan Beard Mrs. Frances Beard V. Nia Dorian-Becnel Minnette Boesel Joan E. Boote Harold Boyd Pat Burris Patrick Butler Mr. and Mrs. William Cassin Sue Collett Charlie Cooper Ann Mary Cox Mrs. John H. Crooker The Honorable Debra Danburg

Mike Davis Nita Davis Mr. and Mrs. T. M. "Buster" Dees Marsha Dement Mrs. James Denike James and Katherine Depitts Mauriene Dickens Adele Dietrich Anita Doyle Mrs. Clay Duke Margie C. Elliott Edwin Eubanks William Evans Norman Faigen Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Fairleigh Nancy Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Flamenco Stephen Fox Joe and Nel Fusig William Greene

Greater Houston Preservation Alliance 712 Main Street Houston, Texas 77002

FOR PRESERYATION is published as a membership service of the Greater Houston Preservation Alliance . Editor - Mike Davis . Contributors - Kent Millard, Larry S. Jones, Bernice Mistrot, Barrie Scardino, Margie C. Elliott.

John Hannah Ruth Harlow David W. Harris Charles W. Hazelgrove Sheryl L Hejl Richard Hirshberg Mr. and Mrs. Carter Hixon Paul Homeyer Dorothy Knox Houghton Mrs. James Hunt Mrs. T. B. Jackson Doreen Stoller James Clifton Joe, III Larry D. Jones Vicki List William C. Lipscomb Mrs. Lonnie H. Mapp R. M. McDannald, Jr. Barry Moore Roger G. Moore Lois Morris W. O. Neuhaus Jane Ohrt G. Randle Pace Pam Parker Stan Parker

Beverly Pennington Helen Peter Randle Pollock Gayle S. Ramsey John W. Rogers Mrs. James T. Rutherford Ms. Barrie Scardino Miss Trula Sharpe Carolyn C. Shimek Robin Smith Ruth W. Smith Sonja C. Suessenbach Howard T. Tellepsen, Jr. Sarah Thompson Bart Truxillo Clair Webber Mrs. T. H. Weed C.A. Welsh Jim Weston Kathy Wild Miss Nell Willman Michael Wilson Mary C. Wyllie

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