2012 to 2021

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By Ghritika leo Paul 2012 to 2021

About me

Architect+ Multi Disciplinary Designer

I was born in Delhi ( India) in 1994 . Since early childhood I had a keen interest in science and art and hence after completing my school in 2012 , I successfully enrolled myself into pursuing Bachelors of Architecture . During graduation I learnt essential techniques ,skills and fundaments of design & execution.

Post completing my Architectural degree (with honor’s) in 2017 , I worked at a firm as a junior Architect for 1 year which included my 9 months internship.

Later I had the opportunity to join a firm called ‘Version Absolute Design Studio’ and it’s sister firm ‘Design Collab’ which had two types of design Services i.e., Product designing and Interiors/Architecture.I worked withthe firm for 3 years 11 months after which I shifted to freelancing and working for myself for a short while .

Today I work as an Architect and a Multi disciplinary designer with the acquired knowledge .



Carmel Convent School , Malcha Marg , Chanakyapuri , New DelhI -110021

Grade 10 SSC 8.8 CGPA

Grade 12 AISSCE 77% (Physics , Chemistry , Maths , Biology)

Bachelors of Architecture

MBS School of Planning and Architecture

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University 66 %

Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science

Kurukshetra University 70 %

Work Experience

Allied Design Studio, Gurugram , Delhi - CA/2005/36485

Rajiv Goyal Designs, Greater Kailash 1 , Delhi - CA/84/8324 http://www.rajivgoyaldesigns.com

Intern / Junior Architect

Role & Responsibilities

-Performed original design work utilizing specifications, sketches and ideas on developing designs.

-Analyzed space utilization effectiveness and changing demands for space needs: recommends actions to meet new requirements.

-Assisted in compiling architectural plans, specifications, cost estimates, reports, etc.

-Site visits , Client meetings , Preparation of presentations .

Version Absolute Design Studio

Project Lead / Project Architect /Lead Designer

Sign Design & Wayfinding for Blackstone , Embassy Group Tech Parks

Oxygen Business Park Sector 144, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306

Role & Responsibilities

- Developed & designed branding identity along with product design

- All client & site meetings were attended and managed

-Managed a team of three to execute the required set of documents

i.e.,Graphic designer , Product engineer & an Architect

-Site execution & management

-Vendor Coordination & Quality control

-Site completion & Closure

Sign Design & Wayfinding for Brookfields for Candor Tech Parks

Role & Responsibilities

- All client & site meetings were attended and managed

-BOQ prepartation

-Tender document preparation

-Vendor Coordination & Quality control

-Site completion & Closure

Sign Design & Wayfinding for DLF Saket Mall (Rebranded as DLF Avenue)

Role & Responsibilities

- Developed & designed branding identity along with product design

- All client & site meetings were attended and managed

-Tender Document inclusive of location layouts , detailed drawings, BOQ etc

-Site execution & management

-Vendor Coordination & Quality control

-Site completion & Closure

2017 2020

Design Collab

Interior Designer/ Project Architect

STT Global Data Centres India Private Limited , Delhi

Maspar(Soft Furnishing) Showroom and Experience Centre, Delhi

Role & Responsibilities

- Interior Designing , selection of materials

- All client & site meetings were attended and managed

-Conceptualize and sketch design plans.

Determined the cost of completion and project requirements in the budgeting phase

-Source materials and products included in plans

-Site completion & Closure

Role & Responsibilities

-Complete development of initial project pitch

-Meetings & Presentations for approval

-Conceptual 3D development of interior design & cost estimation


Autocad , Sketchup , Vray , Keyshot , Lumion , Adobe Photoshop , Adobe Illustrator , Adobe Indesign , Microsoft Office Suite

1998 2012 2017 2017 2016 2019


You’re Here


Work Experience +Design Process

Sign Design & Wayfinding Projects

Graphic Experiments

Interior Desinging Projects

Lets chat over a video call to know more

Academic + Internship 2012 to 2017

Academic + Internship 2012 to 2017

“Bad architecture is n the end as much a failure of psychology as of design It is an example expressed through materials of the same tendencies which in other domains will lead us to marry the wrong people, choose inappropriate jobs and book unsuccessful hol days: the tendency not to understand who we are and what wi l satisfy us ”

Alain de Botton, The Architecture of Happ ness

01Practical Training A j B i R id e a 5 6
7 8
9 10
“To achieve great things, two th ngs are needed: a plan and not quite enough time ” – Leonard Bernstein 01Practical Training E D i i n 11 12

“Architecture is the very mirror of life. You only have to cast your eyes on buildings to feel the presence of the past, the spirit of a place; they are the ref ect on of soc ety ”

I T O A r e a i s a m a j o r t h o r o u g h f a r e a s w e l l a s d e s t i n a t i o n f o r t h e c i t y , a n d t h e r e f o r e f u n c t i o n a l l y s i g n f i c a n t . A b o u t 8 0 % o f t h e t r a f f i c p a s s i n g t h r o u g h t h i s a r e a s n o t d e s t n e d t o I T O .

I M Pei 13 02 Academics U b D i n n
S o u r c e : U T T I P E C , D D A 1 4

Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg

VISION Th i b d h h f i h-

Conflicts: Traffic flow from East Delhi to CP North South Corridor connecting Old Delhi to South De hi

b W t M s
B i l d i H i h s Vik M g
1 5 P e d e s t r i a n p l a z a a n d r e d e s i g n i n g o f I P m a r g P U B L I C S Q U A R E T h i b j t d t h i h t i t ,
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
Vikas Marg

P d d iT e sP d t t t h t b d i f t N Lr P M r o h b i t i o n o f p r i v a t e a n d p u b l c c o n s t r u c t o n w t h n 1 0 0 a n y o f p r o t e c t e d b u i l d n g

O f D d l d t V i k d

d d t i

--1 7 A t i f t f F S h h R d i i B h d h h Z f M 1 8 P S

women, and community at large. It was observed, if some kind of sk ll s imparted to the women, it would give them more avenues to earn their l ving Hence, vocat onal training program will enable the women and girls to learn and enhance

Th C lli N d I ti ik l t t d d iti d -
1 9 2 0 P j t hi hli ht B C m T A M 35 35110 G m F F M S R 12 S m 1 Ad i i t ti 2 3 4 y 5 Lib 6 7 e 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pot ery ,Sewing, Painting Hand craft M l i h l L b D G n Central P aza ,Open spaces S i l Pl i b d h h o si s h b l d d ithi th ty a l c

Th f

It is possible that noise producing workspace can affect the other So buffers can be created by additions of walls or vegetations.

Locating space w th respective to activities: Spaces should be provided accord ng to funct ona requ rement Work which requ res huge machinery or supp y of materials should be p aced on the ground floor

F d d Fl ibilit f S A a e v a f V l E t S f A c d c 2 1
2 2

Designed as a point of gathering for people of the neighbourhood, the space of the centre is mainly defined by creating interactive social spaces . In this case the contours act as guidlines or as edges to create enclosed spaces ; in fact this semi public space can be transformed in many ways and used for feasts or just as an extension of the space dedicated to recreational use.

“Nature is my manifestation of God.

I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day's work ” Frank Lloyd Wright

C W W t a c e a a 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88
W b d i ( i l S a E i ti 23 B il i i h r s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Ad i Bl k e 7 Residential Block 24
S e c t i o n A A ’ S e c t i o n B B ’ Th l i f th b k d th t h s 25 26
Axis Sharing common space E b d d d l E t t b d t to
Su tan Garhi Tomb has been used as a point of v sua impor ance

S e c t i o n A A ’

C o n v e n t i o n C e n t r e

L i b r a r y

S e c t i o n B B ’

A d i t i m

S e c t i o n C C ’

S e c t i o n D D ’

V i s u a l A r t s

S i E E ’

S e c t i o n F F ’

A d m i n B l o c k
2 8

W d d l t i n d i d i f b h -

Th h ll b d t d t n s

Le Cylindre Sonore

This installation by Bernhard Leitner within the Park de la Villette in Paris, is one of his best know works. This sonic pavillion uses siting to rst remove the listener from the normal aural environment Upon crossing the threshold into the cylinder, the listener is then exposed to a sonic environment of Leitner’s creation

O i d i h i i l i d b

and not merely a v sua exper ence of the bu lt form

Th h d k l d

lit f t f i

L i b h h i i b h i f d d i d f l h i h k -

A th i d t l th t i d f hA l ith d l d b K i Dill d S i M a s

H i t bli h d th t t f i l ti f thi h d th h t t li ti O th

aspect of aura design n arch tecture Architectural space is about layer ng for all of the senses Like a musica compos tion, spatial features come together into a symphony for occupants to experience Br nging a space to ife means that architectural funct on and form is not just primari y for the v sua sense By engaging all of the senses, form and function may be more fully expressed so occupants can have deeper, more mean ngfu moments – feel ng the bouquet of their surroundings in al of its dimensions

“As a designer, we create architectural spaces which are de facto instruments they contain sound, they manipulate it, they can even create sound so we re tasked with a very powerful tool for affecting human cognition ”

S d S d
to s
t l


A F&B brand of M/S Cansag Trading Pvt


Final label sleeve approved by Client

Photographs - Day of launch

P d L b lli C S l d Ss - d p B Design for six other products C S l ds n
change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable.” William Pollard
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Work Experience & Design Process


Version Absolute Design Studio (VADS) is a full service Wayfinding and sign design consultancy based out of New Delhi and Bengaluru. We have been consulting in this area of design since 2002 for projects and clients in India and more recently, overseas.

We partner with some of the best fabricators and sign solution suppliers in the country to realise our design solutions for our clients. VADS is an overseas member of SEGD, USA and SDS, UK.

We also consult in the area of Architecture, Interior, Master-planning & Landscape Design as

www.versionabsolute.com DesignCollab.

We begin our design process with site surveys of the properties as per the client’s priority list. We need to understand the various operation aspect/ standard practices adopted by the client.

We require the following teams to voice their opinions, needs and vision for the development:

• Client’s design team

• Marketing and branding

• Operations and maintenance

• Project and site coordination

Clients & Brands (worked with/for them)

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." Andrew Carnegie

Sign Design & Wayfinding projects

New Delhi's latest and the greatest, DLF Avenue is the re-branded avataar of DLF Mall Saket. With more than a fresh coat of paint, this mall redesigns the complete visitor's experience by adding new brands and experience zones withing the existing building.

Hence the scope responds to the new brand logo and extends that to the color and information scheme for the mall wayfinding.

Sign Design & Wayfinding
01 DLF Avenue
Exploded View of the product design Site images "Have no fear of perfection -- you’ll never reach it." -- Salvador Dali, artist

02 Candor Tech Space Sign Design & Wayfinding

Worked with Brookfield Asset Management to standardize their sign design scheme across all the properties for their brand Candor Techspace.There are 5 large IT/ITES commercial developments with two sites each in NOIDA and Gurugram and one in Kolkatta.

The information design scheme also builds around their brand slogan 'add life to your days' by overlaying a layer of information onto the sign system that promotes general wellness.

The wayfinding system also includes various digital information systems that we have developed in the studio.

“Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. People think it’s this veneer – that the designers are handed this box and told, ‘Make it look good!’ That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs

Site images

Sign Design & Wayfinding

Oxygen Business Park

Firm’s first project with Blackstone India, this project has a total built up area of 3.2 Million sq-ft and is spread over 25 acres of site. Our wayfinding scheme for this project includes extending the logo identity to uniquely identify each tower with a color and a pattern. Signs have been kept simple in construction with only the sign base tessellated which adds a design flourish that helps tie in the brand graphic identity with the sign three dimensional expression.

We Created a brand identity for oxygen which integrates the varied backgrounds of the different industries.

Our sign family is monochromatic with subtle material variations between the vehicular and pedestrian signs. The base of the sign is tessellated in metal giving the signs a dynamic design gesture. This wayfinding scheme is currently under production.

“To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatize, to persuade, and perhaps even to amuse. To design is to transform prose into poetry.” –Paul Rand

03 Birch Viburnum Ash Tree Maple Chestnut Apple Tree Poplar Elm Oak
Block A Block B Block C Block E Block F Block D Cafe O2 Tower 2 Tower 3 Tower 1

Interior Desinging Projects


Interior Designing

Dan House

Part of Dentsu Inc., Dentsu Aegis Network is made up of ten global network brandsCarat, Dentsu, Dentsu media, iProspect, Isobar, mcgarrybowen, Merkle, MKTG, Posterscope and Vizeum and supported by its specialist/multi-market brands.

Dentsu Aegis Network is Innovating the Way Brands Are Built for its clients through its best-in-class expertise and capabilities in media, digital and creative communications services.

Interior requirements for two towers of Ground + 5 configuration of 104,050 square feet (carpet area 67,632 sq ft)

{sixth floor to be excluded from this scope of work}

-Design and Build association

-Elegant, functional and a sturdy - durable office

-Preference for “no imported material”

-Maximize seating capacity by optimising floor plans

-Open seating configuration

-Exposed ceiling plan

-Sound damping in all conference rooms and telephone boot

“If you’re going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that.Twitter Logo You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will fame with fre. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fght there is.”

–Paraphrased from Charles Bukowski’s poem “Roll the Dice”

Typical floor plan Ground floor plan

ST Telemedia HQ Interior Designing

Our brief was to design the lobby for regional office for Tata Telecommunications which was energy efficient and responded to the changing needs of the IT hardware industry.

Our response was to design a flexible floor space with all the building services isolated and housed in an ancillary building adjacent to the main building.

“It is not enough that we build products that function, that are understandable and usable, we also need to build products that bring joy and excitement, pleasure and fun, and, yes, beauty to people’s lives.” –Don Norman

05 !"#$%#$&!"'()*+,$&!"#$%&'())*+&-./0 & Spatial Utilisation SECURITY ROOM Sliding Partitions FREIGHT ELEVATOR 1800 MM WIDE CORRIDOR 16 PAX ELEVATOR FREIGHT ELEVATOR PANEL & STORAGE 1800 MM WIDE CORRIDOR RECEPTION AREA BRANDING WALL WAITING AREA Colours representing the two companies. Secondary colours supporting the color palette Corporate colours signifying technology, wireless network systems.

Maspar Showroom Interior Designing

Mahajan Overseas manufacturing experience since 1969, for prestigious international brands, launched the maspar brand in 2002 in India. With its vertically integrated manufacturing facilities maspar offers a complete solution to furnish with their completely co-ordinate textiles for every corner you can think of.

06 Waiting Area Living Room Setup Cushion Display Area Bedroom Setup Discussion Area Office Office F&B Linen Staircase Toilet Pantry Bed Linen Bath Linen Sliding Partitions Blinds/Louvers Rugs Carpets Secondary Office Area Curtain Display Accessories Fabric Books Storage Area Dining Setup Stationary Imported Fabrics Sectional View A Bedroom Setup Living Room Setup Bath Linen Display Entrance Lobby Back Office
“Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.” -Kenya Hara

Graphic Experiments

Graphic Designing

07Creative Experiments

An ode to our love for beer.We designed an Indian beer brand for three varieties i.e.,lager , lite & strong . Ideoology was to attract the young adults with its sleek indian illustrations representing indion demons .As we unleash a wild side of ourselves .

In house development of a digital directory based on programming using pi module. Developed an illustration representing the key features of the cities ,our offices are represented as . The illustration is dynamic in nature .

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” –Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Negative spaces define the priorities on a page .Visual communication should be easy on the eyes .

itatio magnihil mod que pro vendandae viduciur? Ovita aut laut as rae prora eos rem qui acipsum videlit autecabore, sapicaepedi di ut es acia vellor aut.

“There’s the whole Buddhist thing about the essence of a bowl being its emptiness—that’s why it’s useful. Its emptiness allows it to hold something. I guess that means that design must talk about something else. If you make design about design, you’re just stacking bowls, and that’s not what bowls are for.” –Frank Chimero

Beataturitas dolorep reptatur, et ullam, nobitatur molore et omnis re dolut moles sequis ratum haria cus autem qui omnimo et, aut facessit hil eaqui blaut voluptate porem vel ipicius aut iunt hariones min parios voloreperum haria volo ex eat accusdae aut libus magnate cust as et et laborem sitaest, con et asperer itatio magnihil mod que pro vendandae viduciur? Ovita aut laut as rae prora eos rem qui acipsum videlit autecabore, sapicaepedi di ut es acia vellor aut.

Communication Design 08 www.versionabsolute.com 19 Version Absolute Design Studio Selected Works Antara Senior Living PROJECT SPECS CLIENT Antara is a senior living community situated in Purukul, Dehradun, beautifully crafted for those who believe age is just a number. Antara is a perfect blend of lifestyle, lifecare and hospitality with a vision to provide its residents with a place to reflect and renew life as well as reconnect with themselves during old age. Their goal is to make every resident fell well looked after and all their needs resourcefully dealt with. PROJECT BRIEF VADS was hired to d evelop signage and wayfinding system that was designed for the older age group keeping in mind the possibility of the various physical and visual problems they may be facing. These designs should also be in sync with the architecture and interior of the development. 56, 656 sq. m. Purukul, Dehradun Residential 2017 Area Place Sector Year 155 Version Absolute Design Studio Selected Works Beataturitas dolorep reptatur, et ullam, nobitatur molore et omnis re dolut moles sequis ratum haria cus autem qui omnimo et, aut facessit hil eaqui blaut voluptate porem vel ipicius aut iunt hariones min parios voloreperum haria volo ex eat accusdae aut libus magnate cust as et et laborem sitaest, con et asperer
155 Version Absolute Design Studio Selected Works
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involved different sectors/ industries. We have viewed and treated each project its own light, trying develop

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