Potter's Papers: August 2014

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POTTER’S PAPERS Garland High School Division 2C Key Club

Volume 1 Issue 5

Caring—Our Way of Life.. Leadership, Character Building,.. Caring, and Inclusiveness..

QUOTE OF THE MONTH “No one has ever become poor by giving.” -Anne Frank

EDITOR’S NOTE Hi Key Clubbers! This summer passed by so quickly; however, I hope that all of you are excited to return to school! I’m so happy to see my friends again and to create more goals for myself and our club to make it even better than last year.

Upcoming Events


Letter from the LTG


President’s Corner


Labor Day Pancakes 8 Memories and Benefits


Story Time


The first general meeting is on Wednesday, September 10, and we will continue to meet every other Wednesday after that (Sept. 24, Oct. 8, and so on). I can’t wait to see all of your lovely faces and to finally introduce myself face-to-face!

Join Key Club


School Zone


Once again, the new theme for the 2014-2015 school year is “The Magic of Service”, based heavily on Harry Potter. Theo, Ashley, and all the other board members have a ton of great ideas to integrate that theme into our club this year to make it super duper successful.

Update from Sec. of Hours 15 T-O District Staff


Some of the highlights of this month were the car wash at Sonic, Fish Camp, and Labor Day Pancakes. My personal favorite was Fish Camp, because it was so much fun to interact with the incoming freshmen and to display our levels of leadership in a laidback environment. Even though I had to get up at 5 in the morning, it was totally worth it to get to come to school and be active in integrating the new students into Garland.

GHS Key Club Board


All in all, even though I really do miss summer, this upcoming school year has so much in store that I can’t help but be really, really excited. I hope that your first few weeks of school have gone well, and see you soon! Yours in service, Linh Nguyen



COVER PHOTO: Theodora Winter QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS?: Co n tac t me by e ma il in g lin h n gu yen3412@gmail.com or message me at https:// www.facebook.com/linh.nguyen.3241 for a more timely response.







13-... 3-... 3_

 According to National  According to the Violent Suicide Prevention Death Reporting System, Lifeline, purple and in 2004 73% of suicides turquoise are the ofalso tested positive for ficial colors symbolat least one subizing suicide prestance (alcohol, covention and caine, heroin, etc.). awareness.  Many who attempt suicide nev Suicide takes the lives of er seek professionnearly 30,000 al care. Americans eve There are twice ry year. as many deaths due to suicide than  Between 1952 HIV/AIDS. and 1995, suicide in young  Over half of all suicides occur in adults nearly triadult men, ages 25 pled. -65.  Substance abuse is a risk  The strongest risk factor for factor for suicide. suicide is depression.  Over half of all suicides  15% of those who are clinicalare completly depressed die ed with a fireby suicide. arm.  80% of people that seek treatment for depression are treated successfully.


To learn more about suicide in teens and adults, go to www.save.org.

A LETTER FROM THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Hey Key Clubbers! In case you don’t know me, I’m Tien Huynh the Lieutenant Governor of 2C2S. I am currently a district officer covering 16 high school key clubs in the area and I’m so excited to meet each and every one of you! I apologize for not being able to attend your first meeting due to North Garland Key Club meeting occurring the same day, but I will try my best to come to the second one and as many of your events as possible! A few facts about me: I’m a born and raised Vietnamese American, and I love my culture, even though I’ve never actually gone to Vietnam. Some might say I'm kind of cheesy or that I make corny puns, but Tien out of Tien my puns are fantastic! I'm definitely in love with Marvel comics and of course Deadpool is my favorite (If it’s not your favorite, please contemplate your life and go read it!) My favorite foods are Indian Chicken Tikka Masala with Naan Bread, Street Pastor Tacos with a cup of Elotes (Corn in a cup with mayo and spices) and KOREAN FOOD! I'm Orchestra President, Academic Decathlon Nerd, P.A.L. Mentor, Rank 3 in Tennis and as I stated before Lt. Governor of Key Club! My Key Club work means so much! It gives me an opportunity to change the world one volunteer service project at a time! Aside from my school life, you can probably see me at a local coffee shop or mall chillin like a villain. I usually play video games such as L.A. Noire, Final Fantasy, Fable, or Kingdom Hearts, so I guess you can say that I'm a total nerd, but hey at least I’m cute! The best experience I've ever had was traveling to Italy and I'd love to visit every summer if I could and fall in love with an fine Italian man and eat gelato every day, but the world is not a wish granting factory. YES I JUST WENT THERE #TheFaultinourStars. Anyways going back to business, as of now, I’m working on a Luau/Regional Picnic which will be announced by your lovely president Theodora Winter, so look out for that! It’s going to be so exciting. Surprise surprise, if we raise $400 for Eliminate, McCrey and I will cross dress, and one lucky Key Clubber will get to do our makeup and my hair! There will be a club spirit off, and the winner will win the spirit stick for the region. Also at the Luau expect a photo booth! IT IS A POTLUCK SO PLEASE BRING FOOD AND DRESS UP HAWAIIAN. I’m more than excited for this 2014-2015 Key Club year, and I’ll try to keep you all updated as much as possible. Feel free to contact me at LTG2C@tokeyclub.com if you ever need anything! I can’t wait! Yours in Service,




Hello everyone! I’m so glad to finally be starting my senior year off with you all and I’m hoping to this year the best you and I have had with Key Club! Beginning a new year is always great because it’s the perfect opportunity to evaluate yourself and aim to accomplish some new goals. I hope Key Club is no exception to those goals you set! This year, I’m definitely hoping you all find a new appreciation for service and I’ll accomplish that by making sure we provide a wide array of events for you to gain experience through service. Hopefully, by the end of this year you will not only have served but gained new knowledge of what it means to truly be a Key Clubber. Of course, we can all have fun this year as well! I will do my best to provide opportunities for everyone to have fun. Trust me, I would not make an event possible if I didn’t think that you all would have a great time, so any event that the board and I decide on is an event worth going to! I have faith that many returning members and new members will join our club, so take this opportunity to get to know some people you haven’t met before. Every year, we have over 100 members, so don’t limit yourself to establishing bonds with just 5, 6 or even 20 people. I definitely can’t wait to meet you all and you

should also make an effort to bond with all the members who participate in Key Club. With that in mind, I know we are going to have a great year! I am also trying to make sure meetings are done in a more entertaining way this year so that we have everyone’s undivided attention. If our budget permits, we will feature some prizes at random meetings. We’ll also be doing a member of the month every bi-month so after the points system has been explained, be sure to keep up with how many you have! Also, you all will be sorted into committees and more importantly different houses to win the House Cup. At the end of the year, we will have one house win and receive a grand prize for all of your efforts! Please remember, this is all to encourage healthy competition so no bad sportsmanship, alright? (You’ll get points deducted for it anyway.) We will also begin every meeting with an icebreaker (Kiwanians love icebreakers) and end every meeting with an important quote, message, etc to inspire you all to put the lessons you’ve learned from Key Club into action. I hope to also make meetings more interactive throughout the year as well, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to email me! The board and I have mapped out what we want to accomplish this first semester. We aimed high, but with everyone’s hard work, we can make this semester great and try some different things next semester! This year will be all about growth and inspiration from DCON last April has made me really want to invest in more service to our community. Do you have a passion for organizing service projects? You should run for the Committee Position! All four positions (transportation, fundraising, publicity and service projects) will be important, however that particular position encompasses what our club really is about – service. If you are interested, you definitely should run and the election will be held Oct 1 st at our board meeting. The past three years of being in Key Club has truly transformed my life, so my mission before I leave is to make sure the same is done to you all. Please take this opportunity to not only write on college apps that you were apart of a service organization, but allow yourselves to truly make an impact on those around you. Yours in service, -Theo

Hello all! Ah, yes. The school year has finally started. We are getting back into the swing of things and I’m already behind on my homework and may have failed some quizzes. Yes, the school year is the advent of flurries of activity and occasional academic suffering. HOWEVER, a great thing to break up compulsive grade checking and the indigestion over school lunches is volunteer work. Which Key Club can most definitely offer. See what I did there. The main goal of Key Club is to get GHS student more involved with helping the community, but I will say that I recognize that there are other aspects of Key Club. Social aspects! Volunteering is actually pretty fun, especially when done with your friends. TELL ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS TO JOIN KEY CLUB. That way we would have more volunteers to help at various activities and Dggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggs you would have more fun. It’s a win/win situation, really. Scholarship opportunities! I am inclined to say that everyone in this world wouldn’t reject free money. And if you do I will willingly take that money that you rejected. Luckily, everyone needs money for college and Key Club offers multiple scholarships and scholarship opportunities that will aid in your future endeavors. Connections! Not so much in the mafia way but more like, HEY I know a couple of kids at Allen or North. This is actually very cool because when you need to sell fundraisers for your club you have more people to ask. But seriously, Key Club allows you to meet people that you wouldn’t have necessarily considered meeting before. This doesn’t just include high schoolers, but some very cool adults who will lend a helping hand whenever needed. It’s a great year to start giving back. Someone will always need help and Key Club provides a medium through which you can act to help that individual. We see local news stories on ABC or NBC about how a person in dire need of help didn’t get it in time. Or about a situation that any person shouldn’t have to go through. Let’s work to change that. So, make someone’s hour, day, month, year, and I promise, if you do, they’ll be grateful for it. And hey, you probably will be too. Signing off, Ashley Tsao





Labor Day Parade

When you’re surrounded by so many other young volunteers and when you’re doing what you love, volunteering never feels like work. That is exactly how I felt at the Labor Day parade. I woke up early that morning expecting to be in an event room serving pancakes, cleaning tables, picking up trash, and refilling syrup dispensers at the Kiwanis all you can eat pancake breakfast for quite a big portion of my day, but little did I know that I would end up getting to walk in the parade and be able to represent the group that has become such a big part of my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love volunteer work and getting down and dirty with the work, otherwise I would not have joined key club. However, being able to walk in the parade was a great new experience and it was exciting actually being able to represent key club and advertise the group as well. During the parade, the walk was long, I was sweating in my big costume, and there were people hollering from all directions asking for Kiwanis fans to ward off some of the heat in the burning Texas weather. All of these things were what made this experience so great to me on that Labor Day Monday. As unglamorous as it sounds, that’s what makes it real. This helped me realize that it’s not all about the glory or feeling special or getting hours for school. Volunteering is becoming the servant and making other feel special and actually helping. It doesn’t have to be hard work or boring or annoying. A lot of it has to do with enjoying what you are doing and knowing that it is for a greater cause and in the end you helped somebody out. As I flipped and danced and strutted along the parade in my costume and as I ran around trying to give people fans that advertised key club and Kiwanis in the crazy Texas heat, I had so much fun. It finally hit me how important key club was in my life. I was willing to do all of that for key club and it didn’t even feel like work to me because volunteering is something I truly enjoy and not just something I have to do. Key Club has made its place in my heart and it won't leave for a very long time. -Angelija Echiverri



This past Saturday, Garl the privilege of assisting our Kiw Pancake Breakfast. This is an e year and it never seems to dis first event of the school year a our year of service with some that the first event of the schoo vice, but also filled with laughte for the new Key Club year! As people entered Fell achs, they left with happy hea thing about an event like this others, you may get the oppor ple in the process. That really is know what great people you will impact your life. We also we land High School’s Key Club an be around! One thing I was excited environment Key Clubbers were a smile on their faces and brigh normally are more reserved we sure they were cared for. Learn ble is a wonderful character tra real world. Simply greeting peo asking them if they need any m ing them for their donations as ways to mold yourself into a mo Events like these are imp tions. The Kiwanis Club that sp then we realize, so we really lo that they have done. On top o ers who are happy to give $6. pancakes, we are able to con ble for helping us out when we always able to attend Kiwanis members, events like these a thank them in person for all the great pancakes). Though I am helping the Kiwanians as a Key with Santa and I’m definitely loo


Labor Day Pancakes


ke Time!

Volunteering with Kiwanis

land High School Key Club had wanis Club with their Labor Day event we look forward to every sappoint! Often times, this is our and we really enjoy starting out great pancakes! It is important ol year is not only filled with serer and fun so everyone is excited

I hope that everyone has had a great start to their 20142015 school year and will have an even better start to a fresh year of Key Club with our new (and super fresh J) board!! Garland High School’s Key Club will surely hold many new opportunities and many more fun events! Among the exciting events that we’ve had over the summer, which included our car wash (a fundraiser that rendered nearly $200 [great job, volunteers!!!]), a fluffy and syrupy event may have taken the (pan)cake for one of the most fun events. The volunteer opportunity that occurred this weekend was also a great opportunity to not lag behind on getting your hours for the new bimonthly requirement…hint hint hint hint hint hint hint. Recently, we had our super fun Pancake Breakfast, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Garland. For those of you who did not go, you missed a lot of yummy pancakes, many sweet Key Clubbers, and a number of friendly members of Kiwanis. L In addition to that, the Labor Day Parade was occurring just across the street in which various bands and other organizations of various schools performed. While music was playing and people were cheering, Key Club volunteers were also served a (FREEEEEE) breakfast!!! Before (or after) eating a yummy pancake breakfast, the volunteers, after signing up and receiving some snazzy looking badges that represented your part in the event (and could later be kept as a cute mementoJ), set off and were divided into their perspective positions. Some early birds went to hand out flyers (and then rode into the Labor Day Parade!!) while others could sell water bottles or greet those either attending the parade or coming to eat pancakes. The people encountered during this event ranged from sweet older couples to young toddlers looking for a bite of fluffy hotcakes. As the parade was slowly coming to an end, all the volunteers joined in the church (where the pancakes were cooked and eaten) and helped to clean up by wiping tables and stacking chairs and tables. During this time period, the Key Clubbers were free to socialize, meet, and befriend other new and enthusiastic branches of their Key Club family. All in all, the event with the Kiwanis of Garland and the Key Club members of North Garland was full of happy tummies and even happier families.

low Ship Hall with empty stomarts and full stomachs! The great is that in the process of serving rtunity to meet some great peothe beauty of service-you never might meet in the process that ere able to meet with North Garnd they’re always a pleasure to

d to witness was the incredible e able to establish by just putting htening other’s day. People who ere greeting people and making ing what it means to be hospitaait that is also applicable to the ople as they come in the door, more syrup or coffee and thanks they walk out of the door are ore personable person. portant to establish K-family relaponsors us is often more helpful ove giving back to them for all of meeting some lovely custom.00 in exchange for a buffet of nverse with the people responsie need them. Even if you are not meetings or speak to all of their are the perfect opportunity to ey’ve done (and also eat some m sad this will be my last time y Clubber, I still have Pancakes oking forward to that!

a Winter

-Tiffany Yang

memories of key club Oh my goodness it is that time of year again. Some are excited, and some have been dreading this month since June sixth. But school is officially in session and Garland High does it best. To all the freshmen, welcome. First and foremost, I would like to introduce myself as the Secretary of Hours. No matter how nervous you are in to be in high school I hope you will all find your place at Garland High School’s Key Club. This is a club made for everyone and anyone who wants to serve the community. Here, you will be able to help those who are less fortunate AND have fun doing it with your friends. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors, you are all in luck for the great year we have ahead as a recognized organization. The board has planned various events, socials, and ice breakers as a chance to help us all become a better group of students. It will also encourage us to bond as a family! Whether it is attending marathons, Canstruction, Fall Rally, or meetings, the next few months will have many hours opportunities. But this also comes with less tolerance for a member on probation. Just a reminder, you need thirteen hours every two months. If failed to do so, your name will be added to the probation list. After the third strike, your membership will be terminated. If you ever have questions about hours, just feel free to message me on face book. :) And now I will share some of my favorite past memories from being a key club member, most are from my freshmen year when I first joined:

- Becoming closer to my new high school friends through volunteering at events - Meeting upperclassmen who could give me advice on academics and surviving the IB program - Going to my first (of many) 5K marathon (Color Run!) - Participating in Canstruction during the holiday season - Helping to create the scrapbook for DCON - Running for a board member - Assisting our firefighters and those in our community at Pancakes with Santa - Being a Fish Camp trainer - District Convention!! This was when I realized the importance of Key Club, plus it was so much fun to room with my fellow members for four days and three nights. You get to attend banquets, forums, a dance, and meet Key Club members from all over Texas and Oklahoma. Jessie Doan

The Benefits OF Community Service Hi, everyone! The multiple benefits of giving service to your community are great. After getting those hours to look good for colleges, you can also make new friends, enjoy yourself, and get free food! It’s only what you make it. For starters, you have absolutely no limits. At the most recent event, the labor day parade, I had loads of fun. In addition to being one of the bell guards out in the parade, I came back to be greeted by the happy bunch of owls and raiders (boooo!). For some odd reason, cleaning up the tables was fairly fun when you were doing it competitively with a friend. I personally hate cleaning tables, so things worked out! That said, I repeat, it is exactly what you make of it. Afterwards, we just chilled with each other and I was able to meet some new people who were really awesome. The more events you go to, the more fun times. There will be multiple opportunities this year to go out with the Garland high school key club, so sign up! Don’t miss on all these great fun opportunities. I’m not aware of every event we have planned at the moment, but I know for a

fact that they are all events I will definitely look forward to attending. Even the very minor events are great! Later on, in November, we will have my personal favorite, Turkey Trot, which I think everyone should go to. The benefits are great! To add on to that, since we will be enforcing hours strictly, it’s a good idea to start going to events. Not only are you meeting new people and having fun, you’re are also evading probation and a possible stern talking to depending on how bad you are. I’m not trying to scare you, I’m just listing some reasons you should start getting your priorities together. Key club is tons of fun and let’s not miss out on the great fun we can have. So, now that I am running out of ideas to type, I’m going to awkwardly close this paragraph. More members should go to events, don’t get on probation. Giving service will help you feel good at the end of the day as opposed to being unproductive on the couch watching Netflix for 12 hours. Go GHS Key club, I love you all of you, and gig ‘em, owls!



Once upon a time, in a far away land where jellybeans rule, there lived a single jellybean with a crippling disability. Every day he is forced to relive his worst nightmare. You see, John the Jellybean appeared yellow in color, but in reality he tasted like green apple. This handicap followed him, tormenting him his whole life. When he was a child, the other jellybeans in Jelly Elementary School would relentlessly tease him. “FACTORY SECOND! FAKE! GROSS!” John tried to not let it bother him. He hoped that the jellybeans would stop picking on him as he grew older. But even as he grew older into his teenage years, his problems did not fail to follow him. One day in high school John found the love of his life; a hot tamale. She was the perfect mix of hot and sweet – perfect for him. Not a single night passed where they did not stay up and talk to each other, endless rambling about nothing, only an excuse to be in each other’s company. However, the inevitable happened. One day, the hot tamale confessed, “You’re just not who I thought you were.” Flashbacks of elementary school raced through his mind, cold sweat and sleepless nights consumed his life. John was not the type to give up though. He remained hopeful that one day perhaps his life would turn around. Maybe one day people would appreciate him. One day… And so that day came. As fate would have it, John the jellybean was offered the opportunity of a lifetime. A company far away offered him employment as they needed specifically oddly flavored jellybeans. The company’s name was “Key Club” Of course, John jumped at the opportunity and moved immediately. As soon as he arrived, John started his job right away and immediately fell in love. John found his new home in a new special pack of jellybeans; “Mystery Flavor!” John made people happy. He had never felt so much joy and just by giving to others. The “Key Club” accepted his oddity and created a unique diversity. They taught him how to accept himself for who he is while helping others because every individual is appreciated. John found his calling, nothing else could compare to this great accomplishment. It was then that John realized that no one is truly a “freak” or a “weirdo.” John had something special that nobody else had, John possessed a unique characteristic that everybody else had secretly wanted. As he looked into the sunset, it was only then that far into his life that John finally realized… everyone else was just jelly. -Raquel Palma

Timmy was a quiet immature brat that no one liked to be around. One day, he was mysteriously summoned to go to an unknown island by a letter he found in bed. His parents were fed up with receiving so many of them, so they decided to move to a location far away where mail boxes did not exist. It was quiet for about two days, but a giant knocked down the door and gave him the letter. It invited him to the Siniawik school where he would study for the next seven years. Of course, his parents did not want him to leave, but they understood he must be educated to survive. Once Timmy arrived at the school, the students were to be sorted out into five different classes. They were known as leadership, character, building, caring and inclusiveness. Timmy did not want to be brought into the leadership class at all. He absolutely had no ability to lead, and yet he was chosen. At first, Timmy struggle a lot in his new group. However, after a couple of weeks, Timmy started to take more initiative and was well received inside with his peers. The end of the year approached quicker than ever and the annual DCON competition was about to begin. Timmy had been practicing his leadership skills all year long with barely any sleep. The day of the competition began with all of the classes separated into their respective areas. The task was to find their way through the maze and reach the center. The person who touched the golden disk at the center first would be declared the Prince/Princess of Siniawik for the next year. Timmy really wanted this title so the dashed as fast as he could into the maze. After a couple of minutes or so, he got lost and was scared for his life. Sad and about to cry, he started to slowly walk back until he bumped into a group of inclusiveness and caring. Seeing him in tears, they supported him and allowed him to join them. In the group, he noticed that there were a couple of people who were from caring and character as well. He was in awe that they all could bond together. The group was going great, until they had to cross the river. Timmy was the only one who knew how to, so he lead the group towards the center of the maze. Everything encouraged him to touch the disk first, but he was hesitant to do so. All of the eyes were watching him.. He grabbed the disk and announced that without the rest of the classes, character, building, caring, and inclusiveness, he would have never made it this far. You can also do the same as Timmy in your local key club! -Hogan Nguyen

Three STELLAR Reasons to Join Key Club

As we get back into the swing of things, I hope that everyone has made Key Club one of their priorities for the upcoming school year as well as the rest of high school. If you haven’t, no worries, I think that I have a couple of things that can definitely change your mind. 1. Key Club International is active in 32 countries. Some include England, South Korea, Taiwan, and Colombia. This means that when you meet that crazy hot transfer student in high school or that hella fine international student in college, Key Club could be a conversation starter. And when you score a really great boy/girl friend you can thank Key Club for starting it all. But more seriously, this club will allow you to better empathize with other people around the world and work towards a common goal. It’s sort of like very large group of superheroes. That are in high school. And might not have super powers. BUT WE VOLUNTEER. And that sort of counts.

Look at all of the beautiful international people that you could talk to if you were involved in Key Club. < He’s from Taiwan! She’s from South Korea! >

2. Key Club international has three partner organizations that are worked with annually. They are March of Dimes, Children’s Miracle Network, and UNICEF. March of Dimes was actually created by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (yes, a president!) to combat polio, but now it works to improve the health of mothers and babies alike. Children’s Miracle Network raises money for 170 children’s hospitals across the country who need help with funds to provide for underprivileged children from poorer families. UNICEF was created by the United Nations (yes, that rather large important international organization) to provide long term humanitarian and developmental assistance to mothers and children; in addition, Key Club actively participates in the ELIMINATE Project of UNICEF, which raises money for neonatal and maternal tetanus. Key Club literally gets to help change the world. Enough said. 3. There is an adult version of Key Club called Kiwanis, targeted at the individuals who still want to actively make a difference in their community. This means that you can volunteer until the day you die. I’m kidding. Although, that’s not a bad plan at all. However, when you graduate from high school and go into college or when you graduate from college and you have to work, Kiwanis provides an opportunity to continue serving your community. And come on, if your community raised you, it would only be appropriate to give back to it.


school zone Welcome back!! Hello Key clubbers, well it’s that time of the year, its back to school time. I hope you guys had a fantastic summer and ready to get going for this new school year. As you guys all know, we should be getting our hours in and start attending the meetings to be updated on what events or socials there will be this year. There are a lot of things going on this year for key club and we have a lot of volunteer opportunities for you guys to go to, which are going to be real fun as well. You guys can start recruiting friends, or people interested in being in a volunteer club to join this one. Because key club is seriously the best one to join, and we have great events for you guys to get your hours in. You can check the GHS key club website and join it as well to be updated on all the upcoming events, and any extra questions you guys may have. Reach for the stars!! For all you upcoming freshmen or even returning former students, you guys should set goals for this school year. List out all the goals you guys want to accomplish. One goal you guys already have set to accomplish is getting you 50 hours for key club. Try to go to as many events, trust me you wont regret going because they are a lot of fun and you get to meet so many people and the best part help out your community. So set goals for yourself and don’t let others get in your way. Management!! Now with this new school year already here, life will get pretty tuff. We all have so many things to do on our agenda, that we need to learn how to manage our time. Plan out your days and write down important due dates for schoolwork and for any upcoming event like volunteer opportunities ones. There’s time for everything, and we just need to plan our schedule and not procrastinate on last minute things. Because if we procrastinate it just gets more complicated and then it will be crazy. So set time schedules for everything on your agenda and make time to go out in the world and help the community. Well I hope the best for all of yall and have a fantastic school year and keep in touch with key club!!! Get your hours in!!! Good luck!! -Jackie Sandoval













THEO W PRESID theoforawinte

TIFFANY YANG SECRETARY OF MINUTES tiffany.r.yang@gmail.com

JACKIE SANDOVAL WEBMASTER strawberry4772@gmail.com

JOSH M SERGEANT mrjoshmathew

WINTER DENT er@gmail.com

RAQUEL PALMA TREASURER raquelpalma2015@gmail.com


MATHEW T-AT-ARMS w@gmail.com

HOGAN NGUYEN HISTORIAN hoganth3@yahoo.com

LINH NGUYEN BULLETIN EDITOR linhnguyen3412@gmail.com

POTTER’S PAPERS edited by: Linh Nguyen photo credits: Sophie Le and Hogan Nguyen


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