Potter's Papers: September 2014

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POTTER’S PAPERS Garland High School Division 2C Key Club

Volume 1 Issue 6

Caring—Our Way of Life.. Leadership, Character Building,.. Caring, and Inclusiveness..

QUOTE OF THE MONTH “It is the service we are not obliged to give that people value most.” -James Cash Penney


CONTENTS Upcoming Events


President’s Corner


Color Up 5K


Getting Hours


Hi Key Clubbers! This past month has been a ton of fun, albeit extremely stressful. But that’s to be expected from the first month of school, but I’m glad that everyone survived and is ready to take on October head-on. Some notable events from September: -Color Up 5k -OWL Conference -Region 8 Picnic -selection of new committee heads! Please welcome Shirley Banh (Fundraising), Lexie Ford (Service Projects), Tam Nguyen (Transportation), and Shanon Quach (Advertising) to the Garland Key Club board! :) Everyone who ran was a great candidate for the positions, but we think that we’ve efficiently chosen those to create a board that is the best that it can possibly be for this school year. Again, I’d like to emphasize the importance of sending in articles. 400 words honestly sounds a lot harder than it actually is; in reality, it’s a very easy and fast way to attaining ten more points for you and your house! Please keep this in mind, as I rely on articles to construct the newsletter. Thank you very much for another great month of service, and I know we’ll do even more for our community in the next month to come! Yours in service, Linh Nguyen


Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF


Service Projects


Hour Opportunities


Update from Sec. of Hours 15 Stories


GHS Key Club Board


New Committee Heads


T-O District Staff


COVER PHOTO: Hogan Nguyen QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS?: Co n tac t me by e ma il in g lin h n gu yen3412@gmail.com or message me at https:// www.facebook.com/linh.nguyen.3241 for a more timely response.







13-... 3-... 3_

 According to National  According to the Violent Suicide Prevention Death Reporting System, Lifeline, purple and in 2004 73% of suicides turquoise are the ofalso tested positive for ficial colors symbolat least one subizing suicide prestance (alcohol, covention and caine, heroin, etc.). awareness.  Many who attempt suicide nev Suicide takes the lives of er seek professionnearly 30,000 al care. Americans eve There are twice ry year. as many deaths due to suicide than  Between 1952 and 1995, suiHIV/AIDS. cide in young  Over half of all adults nearly trisuicides occur in pled. adult men, ages 25 -65.  Substance abuse is a risk  The strongest factor for surisk factor for icide. suicide is depression.  Over half of all suicides  15% of those are completwho are clinicaled with a firely depressed die arm. by suicide.  80% of people that seek treatment for depression are treated successfully.


To learn more about suicide in teens and adults, go to www.save.org.


Hello GHS Key Clubbers! We have made it through yet another month in this Key Club year and I hope you’re as excited as I am for the rest of this year! The board and I have worked very hard to make sure we have enough hours so everyone can avoid probation; please take advantage of those hours! This past month was to the first month that we got to truly spend as a club because our lovely freshman and other newbies were able to join us. I was so enamored by the amount of people who showed up on the first meeting and even more enamored when a large amount of people showed up for the second meeting! That makes me feel out of this world! Whether you are new, or a returning member, I hope some of the new things we are implementing is something you enjoy, but if you have any comments or concerns, I am open to hearing all of them! Ashley has worked very hard to make ideas for the new point system we have. You all will be divided into houses to with the house cup, so whenever you are sorted, make sure you and your teammates are working hard. The member of the bi-month will also receive a prize, so please look forward to that this upcoming month. That being said please get your dues in as well by October 15th! We still need a t-shirt design, so if you are interested in receiving a free t-shit and being blessed with opportunity to make our 60th anniversary t-shirt, please submit and idea as soon as possible. I’m also going to encourage all of you to apply for a grant from the Youth Opportunities Fund because it is a great opportunity to fund a program that is dear to your heart. We have events every weekend in October and more, so please do not slack off on hours! I am very excited about this month especially because we are collecting money for Unicef and my favorite charity ELIMINATE (woohoo) and we are also going to the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure (woohoo). You definitely don’t wan to miss out on the fun this month and I hope to see more of you involved this month! Love you guys! Yours in service, -Theo


Hello all! From personal experience, I assume school fatigue is settling in. This means that instead of doing those 40 math problems your hand is deep in a bowl of Cheetos Puffs as your glazed over eyes stare into the abyss that we know as the school year. However, I urge you to take this fatigue and shake it off! The school year has just started and, come on, going to school and seeing your friends is a heck of a lot better than having perpetual Cheeto powder stains on your pajamas. In the spirit of releasing our weariness, I need all Key Club members to stay with me and continue to attend both Key Club meetings and events. This applies to not only existing members, but to any and all of your friends that are interested in joining. Anyone is welcome at any time. After all, Key Club is where the cool kids are. However, in order to really put us on international and domestic maps, I truly believe that we need more members of the club to get involved with the board activities and meetings! It may seem as if I might bite off your head if you make a wrong move, but that’s anatomically impossible, so no worries there. Having more members go to board meetings would give us insight on which events are preferred, how the events have been going, and even more so, how to fix the problems that we have accidentally made. Garnering opinions from a greater variety of people would only allow us to make more people happy. And when more people are happy with Key Club, I’m happy with Key Club. Additionally, just because committee chairs have been elected (kudos to Lexie, Shirley, Tam, and Shanon) doesn’t mean that you can’t still help with these organizations. Service projects, fundraising, transportation, and advertising can be headed by one individual, but it is going to take a LOT more supportive members in order to get these committees up and running. By all means, if you have a great idea please take it to either the committee head or any one of the board members. I would much rather be in a position where we have an excess amount of driven individuals than none whatsoever. Key Club is rapidly changing for the better, so please help me to keep up the momentum! We can do it! And if everyone pitches in, we won’t even have to use magic. Or bad Top 40 references. Hey, I tried. Signing off, Ashley Tsao




Color Up Fun Starting the school year off with an array of colored powder on your hands and face marks the end of another successful 5K Color Up. Stained from head to toe, the rainbow exemplifies the beauty of service. Still able to see the stars, I woke up before the sunrise and headed to the Granville Arts Center. You can call it a calm and peaceful morning if you subtract the blaring song of “ Single Ladies.” It puts a smile on my face seeing volunteers alike waiting for their instructions regardless of the chilly temperature and the earliness of morning. I love everything that comes with the bustling and excitement of a race. Other clubs such as 5K Crew and HOSA were also there to represent the face of Garland High School. Believe it or not, this would be my first race to volunteer and it turned out to be an amazing experience. Of course I have participated in various runs, but never have I offered my service at one nor did I do it with Key Club. As a new member, I was buoyant! Getting together with a group of my friends, we were assigned at Central Park to spray the colors on the runners. Making our way to the park, I entered a friendly competition of who can get there first with a friend. Basically, we sprinted to the color station, out of breath, gasping for air. I felt like I was a runner in the race, pushing myself with determination and will-power for a great cause. From the park, we were distributed shirts according to color and sent away to our stations. Let's just say, purple is my favorite color so therefore I was assigned to that station. What a great event, when I was able to intermingle with other organizations having the same mentality of serving others. Preparing for the hundreds of people coming through our runway decorated with waving flags shaped like feathers and a mist of purple, my body tingled with good spirits. My favorite moments comprises of witnessing the perseverance of each individual breaking through the foggy arch, renewed with energy as the cheers of the volunteers raise in volume. From toddlers to elders, the unification of everyone creates a beautiful harmony as we work together for the benefits of others. By the end of the event, a last hoorah to thank all for their services and participation, we ended the 5K with a burst of colors across the sky, hands in the air, heads held high, and a feeling of accomplishment. -Shanon Quach


Not having a good time at co ble. When two of my friends and I w (making cars go away), we thought fun at all. We started off just standing an attempt to have fun, we decide t jump over cones. That said, we were after, we met the lady in charge. She coolest accent (maybe I made a bit cause I was bored, she seemed frighte tion of our boredom, we sat on the were just talking and getting to know It was at this point we saw th running, doing their thing. Then an id have some fun by screaming, chan cheered for the runners, seeing the sm encouraged us to scream even loud had totally forgotten about our bor cheer on the runners. We had not ev hour had passed. As the runners were ued to cheer and make them smile give me hugs and get their colors al ners even told us how much they ap one even told us, “Y’all are the best!” ments! Once the after party (where over, the three of us went out to eat w we had made. Something major that I have events is that if you go into an even you will probably be bored. If you w club event, you need to adapt to you fun. This is something that I really wish more year, so take this up. Whether it a marathon or making friends at a p all events can be made awesome wi said, I hope some of you can be enc events and have some fun.

Let’s make this a good year, o

-Josh Mathew


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olor up was nearly impossiwere placed on road duty we wouldn’t have much next to each other and in to time how fast we could e pretty darn bored. Soon e was British and had the of a big deal out of it beened by me). In continuae sidewalk, the four of us each other. he runners coming in, just dea popped up, why not nting, and cheering. We miles on the runner’s faces der. Within 5 minutes, we redom and continued to ven noticed that over an e coming back, we contine. Random runners would ll over my shirt! Some runppreciated our cheering, ”, everybody loves compliI got super colored) was with a couple new friends

e learned over key club nt expecting to be bored, want to have fun at a key ur surrounding and make it I had known in my sophot’s cheering on people at pancake breakfast event, ith a little bit of effort. That couraged to attend more



Getting Hours at Service Events! When I first heard that key club required thirteen hours of service I was like, “WHAT, NO WAY!?!?! That’s so much!” After attending my first service event I was like “PFFT these service hours are going to be easy to get,” because my first event gave me around five hours. Just going to one service event can give you a bunch of hours. There has been only been three service events and I already have eleven hours. They are really fun to go to let me share with you my experience at the events I have been to. My first service project I went to was the color up 5k. At first I was terrified because I didn’t know anyone going nor did I know where to go. Then I went to the color up and found a few people I knew and I was like, “OMG YAY there are people here I know!” We got into groups of ten and cheered on the runners. There were different jobs that you could do, I handed out color and cheered for the runners at the front. Overall I thought the service event was really fun even though it was FREEZING that day. OWL CONFERENCE! I really like the service project that we did at this event. When we first got there we got into groups of eleven or twelve and went into one of the three rooms. In each room there was a different club; there was Friends of Rachel, Key Club, and Student Council. We got to know about the club while we were in the room. In each room we got to play many ice breakers to get to know new people. Later when everyone has been to all the rooms we made bracelets for LLS kids and cards for the kids at our school. To be honest I enjoyed making the bracelets and cards for the kids. At the Luau we got meet all these different key clubs from a different school. There was so many things that we got to do there. There was photo booth, a play ground, food, ice breakers, and many more activities. For the service project we had to get into groups and each group had to make a toy for dogs. I really enjoyed going to the Luau because I got to see a lot of my friends that went to a different school. If you haven’t gone to one of the service events yet and are struggling to get service hours, I highly recommend going to the service events because they are really fun to go to. Also, tell your friends to go with you and sometimes depends on the event you can get free food or shirts. I really had fun at these events I’m positive that the upcoming events will be as much fun! -Shamira Kabir

TRICK-or-TREAT for UNICEF Help Eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Every nine minutes, a newborn baby dies from MNT. Every year, an estimated number of 60,000 babies and women have their lives taken away due to this deadly disease. With a staggering 100 million women and babies in more than 20 countries suffering from this disease, the funds will support this cause. The painful disease consists of constant, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch, greatly affecting sensory perception. Though it is not common in the United States, MNT is prevalent in Africa and Southern and East Asia, generally in the regions with inadequate immunization services and poor health care. The fatality rate can be as high as 100% without the necessary hospital care and 10% to 60% with hospital care. The elimination process of includes immunization of the mothers and babies; therefore, vaccines, skilled staff, and transportation are necessary procedures to implement. Additionally, hygienic birth practices and proper cord care are adopted in order to prevent the contraction of MNT. The goal is to not only provide immunization for mothers and babies, but necessary health care for families. In 1989, the World Health Assembly first called for elimination of neonatal tetanus. In 1999, the goal was expanded to include elimination of the maternal tetanus. Initially, there were 57 countries that had still not eliminated MNT and today there are 59 countries; however, as of June 2014, MNT was eliminated. Now, there are 24 countries that still have not eliminated the disease. How can Key Club help? We are participating in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. With Halloween arriving soon, this method is fun and perfect for the spooky holiday. Instead of collecting sweets and candy, we will collect donations to help out with this great cause. Not only will it protect you guys from cavities and sugar-highs, but will support The Eliminate Project. Wanna help? On Halloween Night, some members will go around trick-or-treating with the donation boxes in a neighborhood. This is really a fun experience to be able to hang out with friends and be actively involved. How much does it provide? $1.80 - Provides a series of three vaccine doses to protect a woman and her future newborns. $36 - Can protect 20 women and their future newborns. $180 - Can protect 100 women and their future newborns. $250 - Can protect more than 138 women and their future newborns. Check out these sites for more information regarding The Eliminate Project and MNT: www.TheEliminateProject.org http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/SLP/TrickortreatforUNICEF.aspx


-Shirley Banh

5 Small Service Projects with Large Impacts October can be a really stressful time of the month for some people. Our club has many band kids who typically have tournaments in ¾ of the Saturdays in October, so we like to provide opportunities just for them. Debaters also have a pretty stressful competition season at the beginning of the year, so providing hour opportunities during the week is always appreciated! 1. Collecting Money for UNICEF Although our club goes Trick–or–Treating for UNICEF on Halloween, our homecoming is that day, so we’ve decided to do something else. You can easily have Key Clubbers going around and collecting money for Unicef all month long. We’ve paired up with the Unicef Club at our school and our teachers have even gotten into it by putting boxes in their rooms. This small project can easily turn into a school wide fundraiser. 2. Polaroid Pictures at Lunch Since selling unhealthy food is no longer allowed, sometimes you have to be a little more creative for fundraisers in school. On Halloween, you can reserve a table at lunches and take people’s pictures for Halloween. One of our officers has a Polaroid camera, so you can buy packs of film in bulk and sell them at lunch for profit. All you need is a backdrop and possible props. Simple black sheets as a background and making props will make pictures look much better. We designated someone to help us make props and someone to bring sheets in order for the pictures to come out well. You can also ask people to take additional pictures with a poster or type of prop advocating for one of our preferred charities in order to spread awareness as well!

3. Making Ribbons for Susan G. Komen October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The helpers of Susan G. Komen are always looking for people to help make pink ribbons so they can hand them out at events all year long. A simple project you can do is buy pink ribbons and pins to make and ship off to their headquarters. All they ask is that you store them in packs of 50. Donations are appreciated all year long! 4. Cards for International Teacher Appreciation Day Teachers are instrumental to making our world a better place, so any chance to appreciate them should be taken! International Teacher Appreciate Day typically occurs at the beginning of the month of October and your club can show your support for teachers by doing a donation drive and making good bags for the teachers at your school. You can also ask for a list all faculty in your school and ask members to personalize cards so that teachers feel even more special! Even if you do not have time to do this project in October, teachers can be recognized at any point in time and this project is flexible all year long! 5. Welcome Back Signs for Life Class We love the special needs classes at our school and anytime we do anything for them, they are always so thankful. A quick and fun service project that you could do for the Life kids is make cards to welcome them back to school. Showing them that Key Club is excited for their return to school will warm their hearts! These projects are easy to implement and have had huge success in the past, so take the opportunity to try one out if you haven’t already! -Theodora Winter

Hour Opportunities for October Hey GHS Key Club! September has ended and October is finally here. You know what that means? There's only 1 more month until HOMECOMING! Of course, Key Club will be participating in both the Homecoming door as well as the wagon. Door decorations will be held a week before on October 22. As for the wagon, we are still in need of one. If you or anyone you know has one, please bring it so we can begin to work on it! You'll also receive an hour for your generosity! :) GHS Key Club will also be participating with the actual decorations the morning of it on November 1st. Be sure you come and make the cafeteria look extra fancy for your fellow peers to enjoy! Then you can bring your date later to something that's actually worth going to. The next morning is homecoming de-decoration for those who want to get a head start on their hours. Other hour opportunities for the month of October include: Trash Bash Come help clean your community and save the environment. Too many people are leaving trash everywhere and it does not look pretty at all. The date is on a SAT day, but if you are not taking it you should most definitely show up and help beautify your city on October 11.

Autumn Fest Come volunteer at the 2014 Garland Autumn Fest on October 18th at the historical downtown square! There are tons of activities you can do from festive seasonal vendors, live entertainment, games to some early Halloween fun. There will also be a doggy costume contest if you want to participate in that. Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure On October 18, support breast cancer awareness by attending this event! There will be tons of people and lots of various free things and food. We'll be taking the DART to get there so make sure you arrive on time. We do not want you go get lost and left behind. Trick or Treat for UNICEF BOO IT'S HALLOWEEN! Just like the past years, we will be holding this event at Waterview. Come dress up and trick or treat in order to raise money towards the eliminate project. In case you do not remember what it is, it is an effort to eliminate neonatal tetanus throughout the world. Think of how many babies you could save by going out to trick or treat! In the spirit of Halloween, Key Club will also be holding a photo booth. All proceeds go to our club so once it's up and running, come get your spooky pictures taken! Tons of ways you can participate this month guys! -Hogan Nguyen

Thank You, Teachers! THANK YOU TEACHERS FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME WHEN I  Ask the same question five times in a row  Accidentally fall asleep in your class  Will not stop talking  Fail (another one of) your tests  Make you grade over one thousand papers throughout the year  Write illegibly  Act like a sassy teenager with an attitude TEACHERS PUT UP WITH A LOT Obtain hours from NOW until November 19 by donating 2 boxes of water flavoring for one hour 5 car fresheners for one hour 12 packs of snacks for one hour 5 chapsticks for one hour FOUR HOUR MAX


Key Clubbers, please participate in this extremely local service project to show our appreciation for the staff of GHS. It’s not very often that Key Club participates in a service project where we will be able to see the recipients of our donations/hard work. We are currently lacking on these supplies to create thank you boxes, so PLEASE donate. The donation box can be found in Room 109. You must sign up on both the digital sign in sheet and on the paper sign in sheet when you donate your supplies in order to receive hours. Regardless of whether you are donating in Oct. or Nov., please write your name on the digital signup sheet so we can estimate how many supplies Key Club will be able to collect. If you would like hours to go towards November, simply drop off the supplies DURING November as opposed to October. -Ashley Tsao


Hi Key Club members! Yay, it is finally fall, or autumn, my favorite season. I am excited for the new projects and events that will occur in the next few months. In September, we offered many hour opportunities for events such as the Labor Day Parade, Color Up 5k, Owl Conference, Region 8 Picnic, etc. I have updated all the hours and they can be found from the link on my face book post. Please take a look and see if you have reached thirteen hours. If not, make sure you sign up for October events! In October, we will be offering over twenty hours in service events and projects. There will be the Trash Bash, Susan G. Komen Race, collecting money for UNICEF, Trick or Treat for UNICEF, Autumn Fest, and different things for Homecoming. We will decorate a door and wagon for the annual Garland High School homecoming decorations competition as well as decorating for the actual dance which will take place on November 1st. If you need hours this is the perfect chance to get all thirteen! Not completing the bi monthly requirement will result in a probation strike. On the day of Homecoming, which is also Halloween, we will be hosting a photo booth at lunches. We will offer the student body to take polaroid pictures against a backdrop for $2 (probably. the board will decide) a film.

We will need members to create backdrops and posters the day before on Thursday and then at least five people at each lunch on Friday. As of now we need fill in spots for A lunch and D lunch (Homecoming is a B day). On the same day will be Trick or Treat for UNICEF. This is a fun event in which you will collect money in the Waterview neighborhood located in Rowlett for the UNICEF foundation. You can dress up in a costume and event get candy as well with some friends. This will occur at the same time as our Homecoming game, so we understand if you are conflicted to attend. However, if you are not into football, Trick or Treat for UNICEF will be a perfect way to spend your Friday night. A few summaries for the other events: Trash Bash is a cool opportunity to clean the community while getting prizes. There are usually competitions and rewards for those who can find the most unusual piece of trash. The Susan G. Komen Race takes place up in Dallas at the Northpark Center. We will be commuting on the train at six in the morning. Finally, Autumn Fest is an annual market and activity festival that takes place in Downtown Garland which is conveniently located near our school. You can help vendors or be in charge of game stations. In the past years, there were mini golf, face painting, and bounce houses. -Jessie Doan




Once upon a time, in a land far, far away… He was a boy and she was a girl, one cannot make this any more obvious. He would act like a punk while she did her ballet. There is not much more one could say. Although he wanted her, she would never tell that she secretly wanted him as well. Unfortunately, all of her friends would stick up their nose because they did not like that he wore baggy clothes. As time went on, they would sneak secret glances to one another in the school halls, too nervous to be the first to utter endearing calls. Eventually, he admitted to her that he liked her even if he was a skater boy, but she pretended she did not care and responded, “Well, see you later, boy.” Everyone thought he was not good enough for her. Obviously it was because she had a pretty face even if her head was up in space and that she needed to come back down to Earth. A few years from now, she is sitting at school doing her credit recovery, she is all alone. She looks at another screen and she would not have guessed what she would see, it was the boy rocking up on a Key Club Committee. The Key Club page was up and she said, “Wait, hollup. That boy is successful in Key Club.” She keeps going through picture after picture to catch glances of him doing volunteer work. Dumbfounded and without a single stricture, she already knew she wanted him back. She calls up her friends, but they already knew and they all got DART tickets to see the volunteer service that he would do. She tags along and shuffles around with the Key Club crowd and finally sees the man that she turned down. She looks as he leads the novice Key Clubber and she sighs, wishing that she could take back what she said that night. The night he said he liked her even if he was a skater boy, but she still rejected that boy. And now he’s a superstar, known of in Key Clubs even afar. She wonders why her pretty face never saw what he was actually worth. She knows that she missed out, knowing that the boy is successful now, but she joined Key Club to be cooler than the misguiding friends so that this will not be how her story ends. -Raquel Palma

As you take a sip from your cool glass of milk after an exhausting but fun day of volunteer work, you ask yourself, “Is there anything better than this nice refreshing cup of milk?” You sit there and ponder, unable to see the answer directly in front of you. Only after a long moment of silence do you realize the answer: Key Club. You initially try to push the silly thought out of your mind - what could milk, a seemingly normal and tangible object, and Key Club possibly have in common? You sit alone with your glass of milk, reflecting over your great day spent volunteering. Slowly, the puzzle pieces fall together, the universe is once again in order, and everything begins to make sense. A nice glass of milk and Key Club may have a lot more in common than you would think. Milk contains many vitamins and nutrients necessary for the growth of babies. Nearly all mammals require milk in their infancy in order live. Similarly, the volunteer work that Key Club provides is essential to the growth of the community. Without it, the community becomes starved and weak, craving for the essential nutrients that only volunteer service can provide. A single serving of milk is packed with micro-nutrients, not unlike how volunteering is packed with unseen benefits. A glass of milk is not only tasty, but it also has calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, potassium, and zinc. Volunteering not only looks good for colleges, but it helps the community tremendously, lets you meet new people, gives you valuable work experience, and teaches you important life lessons. Also, just like how the calcium in milk helps to build strong bones, Key Club provides the outstanding citizenship that helps build the strong bones of our society. Thanks to these hard workers, our community can rest upon a sturdy foundation based on initiative, leadership, and hard work. Some people may not just like plain milk. Fortunately for these people, there's more than just one way to get all the benefits that it provides. For example, one can have chocolate milk, strawberry milk, non-fat milk, 1%, 2%, or skim milk. Comparatively, Key Club offers a multitude of ways to help your community. Perhaps working at races and large events may not be your cup of tea (or should I say milk?) Well lucky for you, there are several opportunities to help out your teachers! Or maybe you can't volunteer at all this week because you're busy. Good thing Socks for Children on the Border is accepting donations this whole month! Sometimes though, you might get tired of drinking all this milk and maybe you want to treat yourself to something nice. But how can you do that and still get all the benefits that only delicious dairy can give? Of course! You can have some yogurt or maybe even a little bit of ice cream! Applying this situation to Key Club, you don't always have to bust yourself working. You can always have tons of fun while still helping out. Attend some Key Club fundraisers like the Ultimate Frisbee Tournament and you can still contribute by financially supporting Key Club and treating yourself to something nice all at the same time. Helping your community can come in all sorts of funky flavors. The best part is trying them all and finding the one you like best. -Tam Nguyen

Yo, Kitty-Kitty During one simple afternoon, a pretty lame cat went into the world for the first time. His overprotective family would never let him anywhere past their overdone grandiose fence, so he has only ever seen 6 beings in his life: his mother, father, 2 sisters, and 2 brothers. Since his family was Cat-olic they had no mirrors in his home and never did this simple cat see a reflection. Then one day his parents knocked on his door to give him a ‘surprise’. “You’re going to actual high school!!!” they exclaimed, this was the happiest moment of the cat’s life because he finally gets to go out into this great wide somewhere and his curiosity is finally going to be quenched. Although, what he didn’t know is that this ‘high school’ thing is going to be more than he can imagine. September 8th, Rabbit Thousand and Giraffe-teenth Dear Journal, Today was the first day of Tall School!! There were so many animals I have ever seen, and none of them looked remotely similar. Did you know that school consists of 20 Doggies? Or that within those times there are 7 different classes?!!? Even after those seven classes there are still before and after school clubs I’m so excited for tomorrow because we get introduced to all the clubs, and I’m wondering what club I’ll join; according to my new group of friends there are over 40 clubs in this school! Well it’s getting late and I have to be fully charged for school, so see you next time! September 10th, Rabbit Thousand and Giraffe-teenth Dear Journal, Sorry, I didn’t write in you yesterday, my friends and I spent all day at the mall looking for a group jacket. We got custom made ones with our group name on the back: The Felines. It was weird though, when I wore the jacket at the mall everyone wouldn’t stop snickering or looking confused at me. Was there something in my fur that I didn’t see? It was odd, but I shook it off since my friends said they were looking at something past me. I didn’t see anything. September 11th Dear Journal, The Felines and I decided on a club: the swimming club. This was because all of them were swimming champions in middle school even though they past the stereotype of “cats are afraid of water”, gosh they’re so cool. You should’ve seen it, they were lapping everyone in the ‘fur’ lanes to the point that they all had to move up to the fin lanes. (They still dominated though.) I was sad that I didn’t get to be in the same lane as them since I was only in the beginners section. This made me wonder why I looked completely different than them. September 12th This all makes sense now, I burned the jacket. I’m not friends with them. They used me as their bodyguard. They didn’t let me talk to anyone else. They were always watching me. I was different. I wasn’t their friend. I was their toy. Why would a group of cats befriend a dog??? How did I not know what I was. How did I only realize I was adopted after another dog told me? What is life? What do I do now? Who am I? September 22th The dog who told who I really am is Becca. Becca told me to drop swimming club or else I will always be on their leash. I had nothing left in life, so I did. Afternoons were boring at first till Becca asked if I wanted to attend one of her club meetings. Her club was amazing. It was purely for the greater good and a fun way to hang out with friends while helping the community. It didn’t matter if you were a dog, cat, turtle, or snail; they accepted all. Key Club brought me spirits up and made my Wednesdays. I was willingly forced to be molded into a good person. Key Club made me stronger and built me back up. Now I have something to live for and it’s all because of Key Club. He was able to graduate high school within the top ten percent and got into a great college because they were impressed by how involved he was in his community and club. This dog was able to survive high school with the help of Key Club. -Raquel Palma

THEO WINTER PRESIDENT theodorawinter@gmail.com



TIFFANY YANG SECRETARY OF MINUTES tiffany.r.yang@gmail.com

JOSH MATHEW SERGEANT-AT-ARMS mrjoshmathew@gmail.com

HOGAN NGUYEN HISTORIAN hoganth3@yahoo.com

? VACANT POSITION HISTORIAN Stay tuned for more info!

RAQUEL PALMA TREASURER raquelpalma2015@gmail.com

JACKIE SANDOVAL WEBMASTER strawberry4772@gmail.com

LINH NGUYEN BULLETIN EDITOR linhnguyen3412@gmail.com




You will be sorted into your houses very soon, so g




get acquainted with the new heads of the houses!





























POTTER’S PAPERS edited by: Linh Nguyen photo credits: Jessie Doan, Hogan Nguyen, and Shanon Quach


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