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II) Persons Agreeing

invece che consimili misfatti si arrestino per via, onde non pervengano alla fatale meta19 .

On the other hand by requiring as our law does - on the lines of the Neapolitan Code20 , for the subsistence of conspiracy the devising and the settling of the means to be employed, the law has also provided the necessary safeguards against any vexation which the arbitrary discretion or misguided zeal of public authority might have led to if the law had satisfied itself with the mere abstract agreement to act. It is therefore necessary that the mode of acting should have been definitely concluded between the conspirators so that without need for any further deliberation they could proceed to action. "Vi occorre, per ultimo, che tutto sia definitivamente conchiuso tra i cospiratori, ed in modo che, riunite in una/deliberazioni, potesse all’istante medesimo passarsi ella stessa esecuzione, nulla per altro ostando che questa si differisce forse sol per cernire il momento creduto opportuno a realizzarla”21 .


/ sola le volontà di tutti, senza il bisogno di ulteriori /

(II) Persons Agreeing

The very name of the crime under examination indicates that it is essentially one of combination; a man cannot by himself con-spire. But though there must be a plurality of conspirators, it is not necessary that all should be brought to trial together. One person may be indicted alone for conspiracy with other persons who are not in custody or who are even unknown to the indictors. Indeed, some of the conspirators may be unknown even to the others, provided they all be acting under the direction of one common leader. There need not be communication between each conspirator and every other, provided that there be a design common to them all22 .

19 Corso Completo - Vol. IV, pg. 156; para. 139 20 Roberti, ibid., para. 142 21 Roberti, para. 143 22 Kenny, “Outline of Criminal Law”, Ed. 1944, p. 336

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