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g) Seditious Assembly

relating to the Press, shall be liable to imprisonment from one to three months or to a fine (multa)."

The principle upon which this is founded is too obvious to need much enlargement. The King is considered as the head of the body politic and the members of that body are considered as united and kept by a political union with him which rests upon the love and esteem of the members towards him. Any contempt of his person or his dignity may tend to lessen him in the esteem of his subjects, may weaken the government or raise difference between him and his people and occasion public disorder.


The contempt may be by words, signs, gestures or other visible representations as by giving out or suggesting scandalous stories about him, or by cursing him or wishing him ill, or by saying that he lacks intelligence or integrity, or by falsely asserting that he suffers from a disorderly mental disease, or by ridiculing him or in general by doing or saying anything, which may diminish his esteem among his subjects.

If the contempt is committed by printed matter, then the provisions of the Press Law will apply.

In connection with this crime it is to be noted that the element of publicity as above defined is not required because this crime does not derive its criminality from the place where it is committed but from the act itself and the effect which it may produce and the scandal which it creates; “E' necessario per l’applicazione della pena, che il reato dì cui si parla sìa commesso in luogo pubblico o in adunasse pubblica? La risposta negativa ci sembra certa. La legge tra gli elementi del reato non richiede la pubblicità del luogo, come la vuole, a cagion d'esempio, nello art. 69 & 76 di queste leggi. Égli e’ vero che le offese segrete non appartengono al dominio della legge, imperocché non potrebbero essere provato; ma un reato non traecarattere dal luogo, bensì dai testimoni che avesse, dai suoi effetti, dallo scandalo causato e dall’intenzione dell'autore; e quindi potrebbe verificarsi tale reato anche privatamente ed in presenza dì un sol testimonio"43 .

(g) Seditious Assembly

43 Falzon, Annotazioni alle Leggi Criminali

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