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2. Forgery of Documents entitling to payment, etc

same as counterfeiting the signature of the person in whose name the debenture was issued, or to whom it was transferred by a previous endorsement from the person entitled thereto. By such means it is sought to defraud the owner of the sum of the debenture, and, at the same time, to deceive third parties who, unaware of the forgery, may accept the debenpunishment in this case is the forgery of the debenture case the forgery does not substance of the document or the Government to confer authenture for payment. But the less than that provided for itself, inasmuch as in this tamper directly with the with those marks used by ticity upon it.

The same punishment prescribed in the case of forgery of a Government debenture applies also when the forgery consists in opening a credit relating to loans made to the Government in the books of the Government Treasury (Section 174(2)).


2. Forgery of Documents entitling to payment, etc.

Section 175 says: -

"Whosoever shall forge any schedule, ticket, order or other document whatsoever, upon the presentation of which any payment may be obtained, or any delivery of goods effected, or a deposit or pledge withdrawn from any public office or from any bank or other public institution established by the Government, or recognised by any public act of the Government shall, on conviction, be liable to hard labour for a term from thirteen months to four years, with or without solitary confinement”. The same punishment shall apply where the crime consists in the forgery of any entry in the books of any such office, bank, or other institution, relating to any such payment, goods, deposit or pledge,

“When the forgery consists only in the endorsement of a genuine schedule, ticket, order or document, the offender shall be liable to hard labour for a term from nine months to three years, with or without solitary confinement” .

This section does not call for any special comment. Except for the description of the special document which can be the object of the forgery, the elements of this crime are the same as those of the preceding one.

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