Best Apps To Find The Charging Points For Electric Cars Closest To Your Location
Best Apps To Find The Charging Points:
From the mobile, you can know where the electric stations or electrical recharging points are located. Start the MOVES Plan, the government aid program to buy electric and hybrid vehicles. What is an ultra-fast charging point for electric cars?
Electric cars have made a dent in the world of the engine. It is increasingly common to see them on the roads, in fact, since the first quarter of the year there has been an increase in registrations of more than 133% in Spain, that is, more than double the previous year, according to the data provided by Alive and Ganvam. More and more users join the electric vehicle car. The main characteristic that defines this type of cars is that they are zero emissions. They have one or several electric motors, in such a way that they use the electrical energy stored in rechargeable batteries and transform it into kinetics.
Also read :Best Apps To Find The Charging Points For Electric Cars Closest To Your Location
The electric stations or charging stations of electric power take more and more prominence to the detriment of the gas stations. Currently, in Spain, there are around 3,800 electric stations 1/2
and just a few days ago the first ultra-fast charging point for electric cars was installed in Lopidana (Ă lava). Although many users of the electric vehicle load the car in their garages, it is convenient to know where the public petrol stations are located. There are different applications that help you find the recharging point closest to your location.
You only have to include 'electric vehicle charging station' or 'recharging point' in the search bar. The app allows you to navigate through the application to the location. This way all the points close to your situation will be shown on the map. The users themselves can enter the information, including images, comments and even ask questions. Available for iOS and Android.
Electromaps The tool helps drivers of electric vehicles around the world to find all available charging points, both free and paid, and facilitate access and payment directly from the app. The information they show comes mainly from contributions from drivers, owners of charging points and agreements with cargo managers. Available for iOS and Android.
Plugsurfing It has registered 108,000 recharging points throughout Europe. It allows you to find the nearest electric stations to your location and see in real time if they are available or occupied, as well as the price charged at that loading point. Available for iOS and Android.
Chargemap Offers the reference cartography to find recharging stations in Europe. Drivers of electric vehicles can help by proposing photos, comments, new charging stations or corrections. Available for iOS and Android.