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REPORT OF PDPO/DPI PAKISTAN ELECTIONS 2012-2016 BY: Abid Lashari International representative PDPO/DPI-Pakistan The amendments in the constitution of Pakistan Disabled People’s Organization/Disabled Peoples’ International Pakistan National Assembly (PDPO/DPI) were unanimously approved by Executive Committee and National Council. National Council is also general assembly and final decision was of National council. In old constitution Each province was eligible to elect eight representatives for National Council and National Council was final authority to approve any matter regarding amendments in the constitution. After amendments approval former body was automatically dissolved including office bearers and new elections were announced. All decision after amendments in the constitution by any ex-office bearer were illegal and non-applicable because of personal level decision not the organizational decisions. First of all Khyber Pakhtoon Khawah (KPK) provincial council (past name Frontier Disability Forum {FDF}) conducted election in Abbotabad a resort city of Hazara divison of KPK under the supervision of senior leader and ex-director of PDPO/DPIP Mr. Shafiq ur Rehman. The report is as below:

Minutes of Meetings Between Disabled Peoples Organizations (Frontier Disability Forum) On Next Term of Disabled International Pakistan.


The DPI Pakistan has completed its term eight months back but elections are being conducted very late because of some reasons and a person’s personal interests, and a new body of DPI has to select to fullfill the body for next term. To nominate a person to represent KPK province at national level in DPI Pakistan and to select a DPO office to serve as secretariat at province level a meeting between DPOs those were attending 20th all Pakistan Sports festival of people with disabilities was held on 28th of June 2012. A large number of DPOs from KPK province and Punjab participated in 20th all Pakistan Sports festival, organized by Provincial Government of KPK with the collaboration of A STAR ASSOCIATION and Milestone society for the special persons.

On 28th of June 2012 a meeting was called by Ihsanullah Daudzai Ex-Finance Secretary DPI Pakistan and Frontier Disability Forum to discuss and finalized four point's agenda. Eight DPOs of KPK province as members and 4 DPOs from Punjab as observer has participated in this meeting. Venue: Modern School System Abbottabad, KPK Pakistan. Time: 12:30 - 1:30pm Dated: 28, Jun.2012 Meeting Facilitated By: Mr.Shafiq-ur-Rehman President of Milestone (Society for the special persons), ex-member of board of directors PDPO/DPI Pakistan. Discussion Points No 1

Points About DPI

Results Mr. Shafiq-urRehman briefed about DPI.


Provincial Structure

Ahsanullah Daudzai briefed about that Eight DPOs were selected for provincial structure


Representative at National level

Mr. Muzammal Islam President of A STAR ASSOCIATION has been selected to represent at national level.


Secretariat at provincial level

Office of the Special Life Foundation has been selected to serve as secretariat at KPK.

1. ABOUT DPI Mr. Shafiq-ur-Rehman President of Milestone Society for the special persons briefed the participants about the purpose and history of the DPI. He shared the activities of DPI in Disability movement both at National and International level. He said that DPI after each four years has to elect its new body and the term of DPI Pakistan has been completed eight months ago but due to some reasons elections didn’t happened. As now constitution has been amended successfully with consensus that's why a new body of DPI Pakistan will be elected soon. 2. PROVINCIAL STRUCTURE Eight DPOs has been selected to establish a KPK provincial network on DPI Pakistan. The names of the DPOs are 1) A STAR ASSOCIATION. (ASA) 2) SPECIAL LIFE FOUNDATION (SLF) 3) SPECIAL WELFARE ORGANIZATION (SWO) 4) INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATION FOR SPECIAL PERSONS (IOSP) 5) ASSOCIATION FOR SPECIAL LIFE) ASR

6) SPECIAL PERSONS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (SPDA) 7) SADA 8) ANJUMAN NOJAWANAN 3. SELECTION OF RREPRESENTATIVE AT NATIONAL LEVEL. Mr. Ihsanullah Daudzai Ex- Finance Secretary of DPI Pakistan informed the participants that the term of DPI Pakistan was completed eight months ago but after our reminder again and again then president was not agreed to hold the elections and we requested ex-CEO to intervene, we are thankful that after eight months CEO sent amended first draft of constitution that approved unanimously and soon a new body will select, for that purpose each province has to elect a person as a representative of province at national level in DPI Pakistan and one person as international representative. To elect a person from a DPO nomination was started from DPOs representatives, Representatives of DPOs said that the elected person should have some experience about DPI and International experience as well. All the DPOs nominated and elected Mr. Muzammal Islam President of A STAR ASSOCIATION to represent KPK province at national level. Mr. Ihsanullah Daudzai elected as president of KPK Disability Forum. 4. SELECTION OF SECRETARIAT AT PROVINCIAL LEVEL The third point of the agenda was to select an office of the DPO to serve as provincial secretariat, Special life Foundation offered their office as secretariat, some of the organizations raised their concerns that in past some of the organizations was completely failed to maintain and run a secretariat office, after an inclusive and participated discussion between the participants it was decided that office of the Special Life Foundation will serve as secretariat at KPK level. As the result of the discussion between DPOs from KPK province eight DPOs has selected for provincial structure, Mr. Muzammal Islam President of A STAR Association has nominated to represent KPK at national level, Mr. Ihsanullah Daudzai elected as President of KPK disability forum in DPI Pakistan and Office of the Special Life Foundation selected as secretariat of KPK DPOs to make permanent connection for information, reports sharing with DPI Pakistan. 5. GENERAL DISCUSSION 1) Q&A Q. What will be the role or ToR of a secretariat? A. This point will discuss in National level meeting of provincial representatives and ToR will establish as well. Q. What will be the role of Secretariat office in sharing of DPOs activities reports? A. Secretariat office will share activities reports with national level representatives those who elected from province and national representatives will share with international level. Q. If an organization will not submit its activities report what will be the role of secretariat or represent tour at national level in DPI Pakistan? DPOs

A. We have two methods to get activities reports from the DPOs; one is to force the DPOs and second is to support the DPOs because there is possibility of difficulties on preparation of reports. If we support the DPOs its mean we are strengthening disability movement of Pakistan. Therefore from now we should adopt supportive approach. All questions were replied by Shafiq-ur-Rehman and Muzammal Islam 2) Remarks from Observer Organizations. All of the observer's organizations congratulated the DPOs from KPK on the selection of Provincial, National Representative and Secretariat. They said that KPK province done great and KPK became pioneer and first province to establish new body of DPI Pakistan.

Next election of Provincial council was held in Faisalabad, by Punjab Disability Forum (PDF), Ali Mukhtar Jafferi ex-General Secretary PDPO/DPI Pakistan and president Punjab Disability Forum (PDF) facilitate the process. The minutes are as under: One day seminar regarding “National Day of Disable 5th July� held on 1st July 2012 at Govt Girls High School Noorpur Faisalabad. More than 50 people participated from all over the Punjab. In this seminar, Mohtrama Nasreen Nawaz, Special Assistant to Chief Minister was invited as Special Guest. Ahmad Ali Mahmoodi started with the recitation from the Holy Quran and Mr. Muhammad Arshad rejoiced the people with singing Naat-eRasool-e-Maqbool. Out of the participants Mr. Muhammad Umar, President Umeed Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Disables District Chiniot, Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Malik, the Pakis NGO Faisalabad, Rana Farhad, New Sahara Welfare Society Multan, Mr. Shams ul Islam, Adara Tahfuz-e-Bahali-e-Mazooran Lahore, Mr. Ahmad Ali Mahmoodi, President of Hasilpur Deaf Association, Prof Qamar uz Zaman, Ahmad Welfare Society for the Rehabilitation of Disable Bahawalpur, Mr. Junaid, Blind Association of Disable Jhelumd and Ali Mukhtar Jafri, Rising Star Association addressed the seminar on the problems and issues faced by disable persons of the society and appealed the Government to implement the articles constituted in UN Convention for Disable Persons. At the end of the seminar, elections of Punjab Disability Forum / DPI Punjab Chapter were held under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Naeem Mohsan, Chairman Special Education GC University Faisalabad and the followings were elected: 1. Mr. Ghulam Nabi Nazamani International representative

2. Mr. Ali Mukhtar Jafri 3. Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Malik

National representative President

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Mr. Taj Din Qureshi Mr. Muhammad Arshad Qadr4i Dr. Muhammad Masood Mr. Jawwad Ali Mr. Shakeel Ahmad Mr. Ahmad Ali Mahmoodi Mr. Barkaat

Sr. Vice President Vice President General Secretary Joint Secretary Press Secretary Finance Secretary Project Director

At the end, the Special Guest, Madam Nasreen Nawaz in her address in promised that she will inform the Punjab Provincial Government regarding the demands and proposals discussed in the seminar for welfare and betterment of Disable Community. Next election of Karakaram Disability Forum (KDF) Gilgit-Baltistan held on 2nd July 2012, in Skardu. The minutes are as below. Election of the Krakuram Disability Forum (KDF GB) has held on 2nd of the July, 2012 at CHIP Disability Resource center Skardu under the observation of Mr. Shujaat Ali Regional Coordinator CHIP Skardu. Gilgit Baltistan (GB) has recently got status of the semi province of Pakistan and under the amended constitution of PDPO/DPI Pakistan got representation of DPI Pakistan. In GB disability movement is very new and recently with efforts of CHIP/CHEF self help groups, organizations and Network developed. During the process of election 09 DPOs’ members participated in KDF election, the KDF Executive Body Members, national representative, international representative were elected as below: 1. Mr. Ghulam Nabi Nizamani as International Representative from KDF-GB 2. Mr. Akber Ali as National representative from KDF-GB for DPI-Pakistan Executive Body 1. Ghulam Nabi as President KDF-GB 2. Ghullam Ali as Vice President 3. Jaffer Ali as General Secretary 4. Mudasar Ali as Joint Secretary 5. Ghullam Muhammad -- Treasurer 6. Muhammad Yaqoob -- Information Secretary 7. Syed Yousif Shah as Office Secretary

Next election of Balochistan Disability Forum (BDF) held on 2nd July 2012, in Naseerabad. The process of election facilitated by Ex-Joint Secretary PDPO/DPI Pakistan and President Balochistan disability Forum (BDF) Mr. Muhammad Rafiq Balouch. The minutes are as below. The election of Balochistan Disability Forum (BDF) DPI chapter Balochistan held on 02nd july 2012 in EDO CDD office Naseerabad. Mr. amanullah Khilji Executive District Officer (CDD) along with two members observed the election process. The 08 organizations took part in the election. As a result Mr. Ali Ahmed Zehri was elected as President, Mr. Ghazanfar Ali (Faris Mughal) as Vice President, Mr. Riaz Hussain as General Secretary, Mr. Kareem Bux as Joint Secretary, Dr. Sultan Lashari as Finance Secretary, Mr. Aftab Ali Mari as Information Secretary, Masood Khan as Office Secretary were elected. Meanwhile Mr. Muhammad Rafique Baloch as national representative and Mr. Ghullam Nabi Nizamani as International Representative were elected for DPI Pakistan by DPI chapter Balochistan. The newly body of BDF took oath from Mr. Faisal Shah, District Coordination Officer, Naseer Abad in his office on same day. The hard copies will be sent those who has no email facility. The list of organizations. 1. Anjuman-e-Mazoor Itehad Naseerabad (AMI) 2. Anjuman-e-Mazoor Itehad Jaffarabad-02 3.Anjuman-e-Mazoor Itehad Khuzdar 4.Anjuman-e-Mazoor Itehad Sibi 5.Anjuman-e-Mazoor Itehad Osta Muhammad 6. New Life Lora lai 7. Dost Quetta 8. Special One Quetta. Next election of Sindh Disability Forum (SDF) held on 05th July 2012, in Nawabshah. The process of elections facilitated by Mr. Abid Lashari President of SDF and Ex- Vice President of PDPO/DPI Pakistan. Mr. Ghulam Nabi Nizamani Secretary DPI AP and Ex-CEO was the guest speaker and guest of honor at the occasion. The report and minutes are as below:

Sindh Disability Forum (SDF) organized one day seminar “Implementation of CRPD� to mark 05th July the national day of people with disabilities in Pakistan with collaboration of HANDS & Nawabshah Disability Forum (NDF), to commemorate the ratification of UNCRPD by Pakistan on dated 05th July 2011. The election of Sindh Disability Forum

(SDF/DPI chapter Sindh) also held during the end of the seminar. Mr. Tarique Hussain Solangi, representative of Deputy Commissioner Shaheed Benazir Abad was invited as chief guest, Mr. Murad Ali Jamali, District Officer Social Welfare, Shaheed Benazir Abad presided over the seminar. Mr. Ghullam Nabi Nizamani Secretary DPI-AP & Mr. Muhammad Moosa Jamali, District Manager HANDS Shaheed Benazir Abad participated as facilitators. Mr. Nizamani presented power point presentation and told the importance of the day, he said Pakistan has ratified CRPD on 5th July 2011, there was no National day before for Persons with Disabilities in Pakistan, the purpose of day was to remind Government each year for effective implementation of CRPD that Persons with Disabilities of Pakistan have own identity. He further informed about the CRPD, its articles and other related information to the CRPD for one and half hour. He told that Pakistan need to submit a report at UN in 2013. He said that UNCRPD is first Human Rights treaty of 21st Century, fastest signed, ratified and adopted treaty in the history of UN. At the end of his presentation he urged the Government of Pakistan to develop CRPD implementation mechanism, all mainstream civil society organizations should implement CRPD within their work, Government and civil society organizations should have focal point on disability & people with disabilities included in decision making process. Mr. Abid Lashari welcomed to all participants & guests, he especially paid thanks to HANDS for their contribution to organizing such informative seminar at provincial level. He urged government to include and avail facilities of Persons with Disabilities. He said in all facilities for Persons with Disabilities should be barrier free and as per universal standards as described in 50 UNCRPD articles. He told that people with disabilities are living under poverty line; they have no access to quality education & health facilities. He further told that people with disabilities demand nothing but equal rights on basis of human rights standards. He said Sindh has played a vital role in disability movement in Pakistan. Sindh Disability Forum (SDF) is chapter of national network of DPOs of Pakistan (“PDPO/DPI Pakistan). SDF has contributed at grass root, national, international forums to be voice of persons with disabilities in policy making, implementations of various orders of government. SDF also developed advocacy, awareness raising, organizing seminars & workshops. He said SDF has celebrated 05th July as national day of people with disabilities of Pakistan which is historic event, this practice will remain continue in future as well. Sindh Disability Forum has developed links with INGOs & NGOs to convince them to pay their heed over disability subject. SDF has involved many INGOs/NGOs to do work on vulnerable group especially people with disabilities badly affected during flood 2011. SDF’s new body will keep continue its work with same partners, to develop equal & society for all in Sindh. He said currently SDF achieved many milestones and NDF is one of member of SDF announcing its all

resources for the SDF activities in future, NDF office can be used as SDF office for ever and doors of NDF will remain open for SDF activities. Mr. Muhammad Moosa Jamali District Manager HANDS showed a short video of hands activities on disability and shared that that HANDS has supported the privileged community as elderly people, women, children & Persons with Disabilities. HANDS has initiated many programmes on disability especially in Rehri Goath Karachi with support of PPAF. HANDS has developed cooperation with other NGOs to observe international day of people with disabilities. HANDS is committed to enhance cooperation with disabled people’s organizations in Sindh. He further said that disability is natural phenomena; it must be accepted by the society. They have same rights as others have. Why people maltreat with Persons with Disabilities? This practice may lead Persons with Disabilities in disappointment. Asad Memon office superintendent DC office said that he works with non-profit organizations before joining government job but he is committed to work with this sector too. He said that I am impressed from presentation of Mr. Nizamani and I understood that his main emphasis was on implementation process. He said for implementation there are two strategies one is making effective correspondence with governmental organizations for implementation and 2nd strategy is as back up like this type of seminar, workshops and agitations. In gender movement of Pakistan we took one issue the participation of women in parliament and we succeed, for Persons with Disabilities main problem is I accessible transport system, if Persons with Disabilities focus on one issue of accessible transport, should be taken out then u will see lot of successes, at the end he said he said my services are available for community with disability. Mr. Nabi Bux Shar newly elected President Sindh Disability Forum (SDF) informed the purpose of establishment of SDF & historic development. He said that SDF came into existence in 2005 to develop collation among DPOs of Sindh at national level. SDF has more than 20 member organizations. SDF is only representative umbrella network of DPOs of Sindh. SDF is well recognized in the world. SDF is also provincial chapter of national network (PDPO/DPI Pakistan). This network’s success may be mapped out to see other provincial network developed on same patterns like PDF, BDF, FDF etc. Mr. Shar said SDF develops capacity of member organization to make them able to compete in development sector. Mr. Tarique Hussain Solangi said that disability is not inability; NDF mostly organizes programs which are very informative & attractive. He congratulated to all Persons with Disabilities for their national day. He said government will support, SDF & NDF maintain activities in District Shaheed Benazir Abad. Mr. Murad Ali Jamali appreciated the efforts of NDF and he recently NDF has managed a big programs of one window operation for registration of Persons with Disabilities. He further stated that people with disabilities have potential to meet all challenges. He gave example of services of NDF for its vital role from local to international disability movement. Mr. Jamali assured his possible support for future initiatives of SDF & NDF. He suggested that if SDF takes

initiative he can write a letter to high ups that SDF should be recognized only representative of DPOs in Sindh.

SDF Election/DPI chapter Sindh Mr. Murad Ali Jamali District Officer Social Welfare Benazir Abad & Mr. Muhammad Moosa Jamali District Manager, HANDS conducted the election of Sindh Disability Forum (SDF) on the request of present organizations from Sindh. Both neutral officers conducted the election process. After the process of election Mr. Murad Ali Jamali District Officer Social Welfare Benazir Abad & Mr. Muhammad Moosa Jamali District Manager, HANDS both declared the result of election the following were elected as below. Mr. Nabi Bux Shar was elected as President, Mr. Ghullam Muhammad Sarki as Vice President, Mr. Shahnawaz Kandhro as General Secretary, Mr. Muneer Das Oad as Joint Secretary, Mr. Hafiz Naseer Ahmed Khuawar as Treasurer, Mr. Mumtaz Ali Mangi as Information Secretary, Ms. Anna Iqbal Bhatti as Office Secretary elected in newly body. Meanwhile two representatives each for national & International level were elected as Mr. Abid Lashari was elected as national representative of Sindh in DPI Pakistan & Mr. Ghullam Nabi Nizamani as International representative in DPI Pakistan from Sindh chapter. Few members raised some objections ad concerns during the process but after facilitation of both neutral representatives, all members agreed on the process unanimously. Newly elected body showed commitment with disability movement with no compromise on rights of Persons with Disabilities. They also said they will negotiate with those friends who are not happy from this election, they are also their brothers and we will keep them in the movement. Then members advised to newly executive committee of

DPI Sindh chapter to prepare some recommendations as their new tasks. RECOMENDATIONS

 To get translations of all international documents including CRPD in local Sindhi language.  To get disabled friendly transportation  To ensure 2% job quota in all public & private sector with whole & spirit.


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Name of DPO Ghotki Disability Forum (GDF) Ghotki Mazoor Itehad Sukkur Disabled Welfare & Development Organization Jacobabad Sindh Disabled Welfare Association Khairpur Disability Forum Naushehro Feroze DUA Sanghar Confidential Disabled Welfare Association Khairpur Disabled Welfare Association Matiari Special Persons Welfare Association Nawabshah ASHA Sanghar Disabled Rights Development Organization, Jacobabad Mazoor Welfare Association, Jacobabad All Special Persons Welfare Association Khairpur NDSP Khairpur DWA Karachi ARCP Karachi Danishkadah Gulistan-e-Mazoreen Mirpurkhas Special Forum for disabled Mirpurkhas Dadu Disability Forum (DDF) ASPR Khairpur

Name of Executive Hafiz Naseer Ahmed

Invitation Invited

Participation Participated

Shahnawaz Kandharo Ghulam Muhammad Sarki

Invited Invited

Participated Participated

Nabi Bux Shar



Ghullam Sarwar



AD Manghrio Khadim Solangi

Invited Invited

Participated Participated

Manzoor Memon



Ali Asghar Mughal



Mumtaz Ali Mangi Muhammad Ibrahim Mangi

Invited Invited

Participated Participated

Muhammad Shaoban Munjho



Muhammad Ali Phulpoto



Ali Ansar Sindhoo Javed Rais Mobin ud din Muhammad Akram Javed Malik

Invited Invited Invited Invited Invited

Not participated Not participated Not participated Not participated Not participated

Mool Chand


Not participated

Nazeer Ahmed Solangi Ramzan Ahmed

Invited Invited

Not participated Not participated

Oath-Taking ceremony of new body of Sindh Disability Forum (SDF) held in Sukkur

The oath taking ceremony of newly elected office bearers of Sindh Disability Forum (SDF)held in Sukkur Press club on 10th July 2012. The ceremony was organized by Goth Seengar Foundation (GSF) & Nawabshah Disability Forum, it was witnessed by journalists, social & political activists, citizens in large gathering. Senior member of Press club Mr. Jalal administered oath from newly elected body of SDF, during the ceremony Mr. Nabi Bux Shar as President, Mr. Ghullam Muhammad Sarki as Vice President, Mr. Shahnawaz Kandharo as General Secretary, Mr. Munir Das Oad as Joint Secretary, Mr. Hafiz Naseer Ahmed Khuawar as Treasurer, Mr. Mumtaz Ali Mangi as Information Secretary, Ms. Nna Iqbal Bhatti took oath as office secretary of Sindh Disability Forum (SDF). During Press Conference, Mr. Abid Lashari President Nawabshah Disability Forum (NDF) congratulated newly elected office bearers of SDF as a result of election held on 05th July in Nawabshah. He mentioned that SDF is only network of Disabled People Organizations (DPOs) of Sindh, which work as channel between Government & DPOs. This network has promoted name of Sindh from national level to international level, for representing Sindh in national & international forums. SDF has 27 member organizations, which are based in all districts of Sindh. SDF builds up capacity of member organizations. Mr. Lashari informed that SDF is also chapter of national network DPI Pakistan, which is well recognized in the world. SDF demands equal rights, barrier free society for all, equal opportunities without discrimination of any form of disability. He said that Sindh Government is not serious to pay heed on issues of disabilities. He condemned the policy paper 2012-2022 of Ministry of special Education Sindh, which was developed without consent of persons with disabilities. If we are not invited during policy making or decision making that will not be fruitful process to assess the needs & solutions of people with disabilities. We say that nothing about us, without us, people with disabilities should be placed in decision making process. Mr. Nabi Bux Shar President Sindh Disability Forum (SDF) paid thanks of NDF & SGF for support to organize such ceremony. He said that civil society should join our network to tackle the issues

of disabilities. SDF is very strong platform & single voice of people with disabilities of Sindh. which is being echoed today from Sukkur & tomorrow from any corner of Sindh. He said the first target of newly elected body of SDF would be to ensure 2% job quota from private to government sectors, second is to create awareness about equal rights & dignity of people with disabilities. Our people with disabilities are pride for the nation, society must accept disability. He said Government of Sindh is not implementing 2% job quota with letter & spirit, SDF will try to meet Chief Minister to convince him about the implementation of quota. Mr. Shahnawaz Kandhro General Secretary SDF informed that SDF will do its possible efforts to provide dignified access to people with disabilities from public offices to national to international forums. He further informed that private sector is not providing jobs against 2% quota in al factories of Sindh. This sector is big employer of Sindh, but it has also discriminatory attitudes & policies. Mr. Kandhro appealed to Supreme Court to define the 1981 ordinance, for the implementation of 2% job quota for people with disabilities. He said poverty is root cause of disability & disability is cause of poverty. People with disabilities should be encouraged to develop their economy. Mr. Hafiz Naseer Khuawr treasurer of SDF said that financial institutes Zakat council & Bait-ulMal are also not paying heed over persons with disabilities to provide them financial support, to sustain their living in sustainable way. He said both institutions are bound t provide financial support to people with disabilities to alleviate poverty among people with disabilities. SDF will meet with authorities of Zakat council & Bait-ul-Mal to keep continue possible support for people with disabilities. Ms. Anna Iqbal Bhatti said that women with disabilities are facing double discrimination in the society. Women should be offered special attention from 15% quota of women as well. Women with disabilities are confined in their own homes, they have no right to education, marriage, expression and many others. She asked the community to pay proper attention on future mothers of society. Women with disabilities have also same rights to enjoy as other women have, they must be encouraged to participate in social events. In the end it was vowed to keep continue the possible efforts to bring about change in the living standards of people with disabilities under banner of SDF-Sindh.

Ms. Anna Iqbal Bhatti is seen briefing about SDF future plan to media in Sukkur. Next election of Federal Disability Forum (FDF) held on 08th July 2012, in Islamabad. The minutes are as below. A meeting has been called for held the election of federal Disable Forum (FDF) by Election Commission on 8th July. Following members elected (1) Ghulam Nabi Nazamani,international Cordinator (2) Iftikhar Ahmed Malik National Coordinator, (3) Nasreen Aziz President,from Charagh-e- Manzil, AJK (4)Taimur Ahmed Khan Vice President, from NOW.Islamabad (5) Nawaz Taseer Sec. Gen, from TFW. Islamabad. (6) Baber Saleem joint Sec, from Meabci Islamabad (7) Hafiz Ayaz Sec Finance. From DREAM Islamabad (8) Talha Khan.Sec. Public Relation from FATA and Election Committee dissolved from Nasreen Aziz. In the last election at national level held on 26th July 2012, through online emails. The results of National Elections were as below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Mr. Ali Mukhtar Jaffari as President Mr. Malik Iftikhar as Vice President Mr. Muhammad Rafiq Baloch as General Secretary Mr. Muzamal Islam as Joint Secretary Mr. Akbar Ali as Information Secretary Mr. Abid Lashari as Finance Secretary Mr. Ghullam Nabi Nizamani as International Representative

In after Mr. Ghullam Nabi Nizamani sent an email and excused to be the international representative of DPI Pakistan on following grounds as mentioned in his email: First of all congratulations to you all elected executive committee members of PDPO/DPI Pakistan for conducting successful elections ! Please accept our gratitude for electing me as International Representative for PDPO/DPI Pakistan ! We are also thankful to Shafiq Bhai for facilitating election process in KPK province under amended constitution of DPI Pakistan and Mobin Bhai for suggesting such wonderful amendments ! When I sent the first draft of amended constitution, some people took it wrong and retaliated in very aggressive way without understanding contents of email. And then a controversy campaign created for self vested interests from some individuals under some external influence. It was not our intention to confuse fellows within DPI Pakistan, DPI AP and DPI, but it seems there are some misunderstandings. In person, I have told long before Mobin Bhai and some other International leaders that I have no interest in DPI and I will set aside myself and will limit my role within DPI and will not hold any position in future. Same I shared recently with National level leaders in Pakistan but some of them may not understood my point of view didn't believe me, assumed it politics, and kept tried to create one another controversy, under the external influence and tried to destroy image of disability movement of Pakistan. This is the time when you have conducted all business of amending constitution and election process successfully let me fulfill my long said words without any pressure or under any threat that I am not interested in DPI affairs and please elect your PDPO/ DPI Pakistan's International Representative again to represent in DPI AP upcoming Regional Council meeting. I will keep working for marginalized, under represented and out reached groups of people with disabilities. Same time will keep continue process of empowering fellows with disabilities as my life time commitment for disability movement. This is the beauty of DPI that teaches politics to people with disabilities and developing young leaders with disabilities. All who worked, working and want to work for DPI definitely they will work for the cause and for the people with disabilities and we have respect for all and nobody is wrong. My services for DPI and disability movement will be available without holding any position in DPI. With best wishes, please carry on struggle for achieving our rights ! His email appreciated with mixed sentiments and a consensus was developed through email communications, 05 provincial/regional councils except KPK elected Mr. Abid Lashari as International Representative. Sindh Province filled their seat to nominate Anna Iqbal Bhatti as new national representative to hold the vacant position of Mr. Abid Lashari as Finance Secretary. Mr. Ali Mukhtar Jaffari finally announced official list of new office bearers of DPI Pakistan on 27th July 2012 for the term of 04 years till July 2016. As per final and official announcement following elected office bearers were announced: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Mr. Ali Mukhtar Jaffari as President Mr. Malik Iftikhar as Vice President Mr. Muhammad Rafiq Baloch as General Secretary Mr. Muzamal Islam as Joint Secretary Mr. Akbar Ali as Information Secretary Ms. Anna Iqbal Bhatti as Finance Secretary Mr. Abid Lashari as International Representative

This is comprehensive and official report of all process laid down during PDPO/DPI elections. All elected office bearers vowed to continue struggle for the rights of people with disabilities in the Pakistan and will play vital role at international level on behalf of Pakistan. This report is submitted for the information & future record at all levels till further decisions (if any). The official office Address: O-6, Wahadat Colony Lahore, Pakistan Ph. +92-42-37802518 Cell: +92-334-4085879 Email: Website: Facebook: Dpi Pakistan


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