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Communication Strategy

is a Brasilian-based environmentally-friendly bag producer. Recently bought by famous Italian fashion brand, we've been asked to develop a short and long-term communication strategy to raise awareness around the brand and enphasise its social and phylantropic involvement with the Amazon’s RainforestFoundation.

Amazon life / The products

Amazon life / Communication Strategy

Key points to communicate:

Eco-sustainability Storytelling Global-local approach Partnerships Testimonials Radical transparency



_Indio tribes that supply the company withTreetap _De-forestation of the Amazon Rainforest _Focus on Rainforest Foundation that preserves the territory



es.: Greenpeace, Rainforest Foundation, WWF, Discovery Channel, National Geographic



_Giselle Bundchen, Brasilian top model, she is involved in the Rainforest Safeguard. (Image testimonial)

_Campana Brothers, a worldwide known Brasilian designer duo. Very sensitive to eco-sustainability and recycle issues. Their most famous piece is called Favela, a chair completely assembled from recycled pieces of wood. (creative testimonials)

_Bruce Parry, ex British Royal Marine, he’s now a former host of BBC & Discovery Channel presenting a tv program called Tribe. In 2008, in collaboration with BBC, he created Amazon, a tv program in which he covers 6000 miles in the Amazon River getting in touch with almost deceased Indio tribes. (media testimonial)

_Rigoberta Menchu’, pacifist from Guatemala, she was awarded with Nobel Prize in 1992 for fighting against the deforestation of Amazons. (coherent testimonial)

Radical transparency

The phrase ‘radical transparency’ was first identified in a Wired article, which explored the death of secrecy in business. The term now has its own page on Wikipedia page. Business is being influenced by this cultural shift - a redrawing of the lines between what's private and what's public. This generation has grown up blogging, confessing, posting their picture on Flickr and listing its geographic position in real time on mobile applications like Google Maps. For them, authenticity comes from online exposure. It's hard to trust anyone who doesn't list their dreams and fears on Facebook. We live in a confessional and connected culture. Consumers have been liberated by technology and empowered by the Internet. If you as a brand don’t host their conversations and give them a space to vent when they need to, they’re going to find an audience on their own anyway. Power comes from how many bloggers link to you. On their side brands, and green brands in particular, must be transparent and authentic, conveying their culture and showing that they are in tune with consumers’ expectations, as everything, from corporate ethics to marketing messages to customers service is now on display, that’s nowhere to hide. It's all or nothing. Once you promise to be open, you have to stay open. In short, Radical transparency is about facing up to PR disasters head-on, is a management method where nearly all decision making is carried in a public way. If your business is open, your brand can’t hide behind insincere ads or pr smoke screens. It’s a culture that can have a liberating effect on brands and their approach to creativity.

Radical transparency

Example: Patagonia / ‘The footprint Chronicles’

Patagonia, with Footprint Chronicles, become the first major clothing manufacturer to track and expose the environmental impact of specific garments, from design to delivery. Patagonia’s target is composed by scientists, professors, doctors, they have the knowledge and experience the brand is looking for; so highlighting exactly what happens in the manufacturing process allows Patagonia to ask customers for suggestions and help to find solutions to the brand’s less sustainable practices.

Radical transparency

Patagonia / ‘The footprint Chronicles’ “Our customers have the collective knowledge and experience we are looking for. We're highlighting exactly what happens in the manufacturing process and asking for their suggestions and help in efforts to find solutions to our less sustainable practices. It's a unique dialogue to engage in, but one that will ultimately allow us to cause less harm to the planet.' / Casey Sheahan / CEO of Patagonia

Communication tactics

Blogo-sphere Branded content Creative PR Branded Utility Connected products User Generated Content

Branded content


Branded content, also known as Branded entertainment is a relatively new form of advertising medium that blurs conventional distinctions between what constitutes advertising and what constitutes entertainment. Branded content is essentially a fusion of the two into one product intended to be distributed as entertainment content, albeit with a highly branded quality. Branded content, unlike conventional forms of entertainment content, is generally funded entirely by a brand or corporation rather than, for example, a Movie studio or a group of producers. However, it can be argued that this is just a new name for the same type of marketing that was pioneered by soap manufacturers in the early days of radio and television with the soap opera. To strengthen the storytelling action of AmazonLife brand and create brand loyalty and advocacy, we decided to develop a documentary to be posted on a bespoke website, telling the dailylife of Serengueros, the indio tribe that provide the brand with Caucciu, the vegetable leather used in all the collection, with the aim to make people aware of Amazon deforestation and tribes exhtintion.

Branded Utility


Services not Messages

The Branded Utility trend has two years now. It is based on the principle of providing useful services and helpful applications without demanding an immediate return. That’s the only way to earn a place at the centre of people’s lives, rather than the loud, intrusive, pushed-based model of traditional advertising messages.

Connected products


An interesting development within the branded utility trend is the emergence of connected products. The most tangible of this year marketing phenomena, a connected product can be defined when a physical product and a web service are fully integrated so that the online and off-line activity are combined together. We are currently developing a system that allows buyers to access the AmazonLife website. Every bag sold comes with a stickered digit code. When consumers enter the code on the bespoke website, they have the opportunity to get a caucciu’ tree planted on their behalf for free with the chance to see it grow through a google map application and a virtual forest or contribute to buy a solar panel to be donated to the community.This will reinforce the connection of consumers with the philantropic cause of protecting the environment and populations.

Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies

Short Term Strategies Pitti Immagine Uomo (16th-19th June 2009)

Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies

Branded Utility (Rickshaw & Toyota Prius) Stand Testimonials Interactive Infoaethetics AmazonLife the project Documentaries Bluetooth Brochures

Amazon Amazon lifelife / strategie / Short Term di comunicazione Communications Strategies

Branded Utility (Rickshaws & Toyota Prius)


We created two free eco-transfer services: _AmazonLife Branded Rickshaws, to bring people in a sustainable way from the event to their hotel and vice versa. _AmazonLife Branded Toyota Prius to transfer people from the airport to the fair and vice versa with educational documentaries showing the manufacturing process. Inside both vehicles we placed samples of the upcoming collection and raw material, trying to take advantage of the dead time of the transfer to get buyers’ attention.

Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies

Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies

Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies



The stand is completely made from vegetable material and will be completely re-used at the end of the fair focusing on the double-life concept of recycling. The aim is to re-create an Amazon-like environment with plants that, at the end, will be donated to the Florence's vegetable garden. In addition an artist will be invited to use part of the material of the stand to produce: _an artifact to be sold on eBay donating the proceeds to the Amazon’s Rainforest Foundation. _ creating gadgets such as caucciu’ key rings to be sent for free to buyers with every order made and to media, bloggers, journalists in order to amplify to PR effect of the idea.

Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies


Testimonial means witness. The real witnesses of this destruction are these Indio tribes. We invited Serengueros’ leader Raoni to testify their habit havoc and make demostrations on how they extract the caucciu’ which is used to create the taptree, the vegetable leather used in all AmazonLife products.

Testimonials Indios Amazzonia

Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies

Interactive Infoaesthetic Installation


To catalyse the attention on the benefits that AmazonLife brings to the planet, we are developing an interactive video that will shows, through maps and metaphores, the re-forestation that AmazonLife contributed to do through its Phylantropic Foundation.

Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies

Events / AmazonLife the Project

“The first European to travel near the estuary of the Amazon River was Florentine Amerigo Vespucci, who brought back colorful descriptions of the indigenous civilizations to his countrymen. According to Vespucci, the Indios were numerous and lived in peace and harmony with nature.” On Tuesday June 16, the Giardini della Botanica Inferiore at Boboli Gardens in Florence will host the inauguration of “AmazonLife Project. Viaggio in Amazzonia”, a photo exhibit by Marco Paoli and Pierpaolo Pagano with a video projection created by Fabio Ferioli. The event is curated by Cosimo Chiarelli and promoted by AmazonLife(link) - a Brazilian brand that, with its own collection of environmentally friendly bags entirely and exclusively manufactured using organic or recycled materials, will be present at the 76° edition of Pitti Immagine Uomo, 16th - 19th of June, Padiglione Belfiore stand A/7.

Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies

Events / AmazonLife the Project

The “AmazonLife Project. Viaggio in Amazzonia” tells the tale of a stimulating voyage through the world’s most important rainforest, where the role of the narrator is entrusted to water. Water flowing in the Amazon River that crosses the region of Acre, where the rubber tappers live, and the water of the Rio Nigro, where the metropolis of Manaus soars and, finally, the water of the Xingù River, where the Indio Kayapò people still live. The exhibition gathers 35 images that portray life in a community of rubber tappers – called seringueiros from the name of the rubber tree, the ‘seringueira’. These people still live in Boca do Acre, where they extract the latex from these trees and eventually process it by hand into authentic vegetable leather. The voyage stops in Manaus and then proceeds, under the heaviness of coal gray skies, into the depths of nature; mercilessly subjected to deforestation. On toward the Mato Grosso, where we finally arrive at the village of the Indio Kayapò people, or, better still, the Mebengokre people – literally “the people that came from the water” – as they prefer to be called; one of the few indigenous civilizations that has managed to survive. The head of this community is Raoni who, for over thirty years, has fought against the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and for the respect of the rights of local civilizations, for whom extinction is a serious threat. The Kayapò people have already achieved a primary objective, namely the clear definition of their borders; nevertheless, the struggle in the defense of their land, their forest and their water is ceaseless.

Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies

Events / AmazonLife the Project


Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies

Events / AmazonLife the Project


Amazon life / Short Term Communications Strategies



Bespoke recycled paper brochures will specifically created using vegetable ink.

Amazon life / strategie di comunicazione



Bluetooth brochures will send users an invitation onto their mobile giving them the chance to download press material avoiding buyers the hassle of bring with them heavy material and help the planet saving paper and trees.

Bluetooth brochures Save precious paper

Wanna get in touch?

Giacomo Bracci & Mimmo Cangiano 220 Olympic House 12, Somerford Grove N16 7TY London +44 (0) 786 498 11 17


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