about me
Made in Tuscany, home of artists, craftsmen and dreamers, where everything was, is and will be Art and Architecture, grandson of a carpenter and son of an artist who chose me to work. Their love inside me in the unstoppable desire to learn, browse, investigate, touch and chew architecture. 30
old, for
perhaps myself, for
already my
training, two
degrees, courses, workshops
nal qualifications successfully completed at the first time, all during years of competitive sport. Volleyball, the true team sport, where everything starts from the collective just like in a work team; or it was ‘only’ the family, large and full of values that gave me the strength to follow my dreams.
Work experience
2020 - 2021
Freelance Architect, various personal projects and collaboration with architectural and engineering firms
Art Director for “MoMi Sail Performance” Designer coordinator for MoMi, the new 80 feet race cruiser Maxy Yacht under construction by Vismara shipyards
2018 - 2019
“Amedei Tuscany 2.0: Integration in the production chain and new multifunctional service centre” Architectural feasibility study aimed to increase the production capacity and extend the Amedei Tuscany’s factory, resulting in a wider Master’s degree thesis
2016 - 2017
“Amedei Hospitality Experience” Analysis of the brand and consequent creation of a new receptive space within the Amedei Tuscany factory. Development of furniture dedicated to the new space together with the excellence of Italian design based in Tuscany
“Hill of the Arts” Young Architecture Competitions
Qualification for the profession of Architect, Landscape Planner and Conservator
2019 Pisa
Qualification for the profession of Civil and Environmental Engineer
Online Revit Architecture course at GoPillar Academy
2019 Pisa
Master’s degree in Architecture-Building Engineering at the University of Pisa
“The City and the Water”, international summer school
“Growing up in public - Architecture for the city of Pisa” workshop
2014 Pisa
“Training for Safety in the Civil Sector”, professional licensing course
Rhinoceros + Grasshopper course at Mandarino Blu
High school diploma at Liceo Scientifico Ulisse Dini
Adobe Creative Suite
Revit Architecture
Microsoft Office Suite
3ds Max + V-Ray
in progress
Pontedera (Pisa)
Pontedera (Pisa)
Architecture competitions
Work license
Lucca Pisa
Contacts 05/04/1989 Livorno
Viale Giosuè Carducci 80
ITA native, ENG basic
55049 Viareggio, Lucca, Italy
phone (+39) 339 1881048
index20.21 Amedei Tuscany 2.0 integration in the production chain and new multifunctional service centre
Via San Gervasio 29 56025 Pontedera (PI) Italy
2018 2019
Sea Gate multipurpose civic center
Via Conte Fazio 28 56122 Pisa (PI) Italy
Piscina school swimming-pool
Via Antonio Pesenti 56124 Pisa (PI) Italy
Villa Altissimo 10024 Moncalieri (TO) Italy
Via di Ripoli 13 50126 Firenze (FI) Italy
Via San Gervasio 29 56025 Pontedera (PI) Italy
2016 2017
Villa Altissimo hill of arts
Apartment private home in Florence
Amedei Hospitality Experience Analysis of the brand and new receptive space
fa c to ry
s p o rt
interior design
Amedei Tuscany 2.0 integration in the production chain new multifunctional service centre FACTORY master degree thesis 2018 - 2019 Pontedera (PI) ITA LY
When we unwrap a chocolate, we stand in suspense for a moment, aware of that imminent moment of sweetness that awaits us: we slowly savour all the aroma, the scent and all the richness contained in its intense flavour. The magic that chocolate can create is truly unique: it enchants, amazes and surprises in its many forms. The soul of this thesis is chocolate, and like the sweetest of foods it wants to amaze, leave a mark and a memory. My assignment for Amedei, world leader in the production of chocolate, stems from a friendship. From a great relationship of esteem and affection on the part of Alessandro, son of Cecilia, founder and first female Maître Chocolatier in the world. In the second half, I was contacted to present a draft for the conversion of an area within the current production complex to house multiple functions, including the reception of visitors, the direct sale of the product and the provision for a kitchen corner dedicated to creations with chocolate. Over the years, Amedei chocolate has received many awards, such as the award for the best dark chocolate in the world, and has dizzyingly broadened its boundaries, discovering that it is in deficit in many respects as a result of this success. And so, from a need of others, a virtue was born for me, and I was able to get my first real job in the design field with all the difficulties and inexperience of the case. But it was right here that our challenge began, in fact both Alessandro and I, then Amedei brand manager, were involved in the creation of this environment.The work led me to develop a new concept for Mondo Amedei, working on the creation of the future Amedei Lounge, a new space within the historic company complex but which had the task of addressing the current and international world to which the company is increasingly opening up. The project for Amedei gave me the opportunity to collaborate with several successful companies in the furniture sector, a unique opportunity for my professional growth. Thanks to this activity, the development of my thesis work began. In fact, the accurate study of the Amedei system allowed me to highlight its functional shortcomings and to work on modernising the company complex. In fact, today every production centre offers a ‘living experience’, from museums that contain the history of families, local realities and people, to points of sale that aim to entertain visitors within their walls, and even cookery schools, now famous throughout the world thanks to TV and social networks. t The thesis theme develops not only the project related to the Amedei Lounge, the existing space converted into a hospitality area, but the design of the new Multifunctional Service Centre will also relieve the company of some of the ancillary services related to chocolate production. The proposal for the new layout of the lot adjacent to the company was therefore born, in order to further expand the offer dedicated to visitors and improve the quality of the areas dedicated to employees within a new “chocolate citadel”.
“One taste is enough to succumb to the sweet embrace of chocolate”
Chocolat, the movie
identity state of art_complex
state of project_complex
state of project_factory
new multifunctional service centre_module
volumetric addition motorized way pedestrian way
“Napolitains” chocolates are one of the strong points of the production, they have a minimal packaging that recalls the Amedei logo and a size of 30 mm x 30 mm. Their module has been re-proposed on an architectural scale in a 3 m x 3 m with which the rooms in plan and the rooms in perspective have been defined
module 3x3_interiors
module 3x3_”napolitains”
state of project_south skyline
module 3x3_exteriors
new multifunctional service centre
park p-1 park p0 shop Amedei services offices cooking academy
zoning use
the south-facing facade will be almost totally closed, so as to create a frame that encloses the square and defines a depth intended to generate a scenic backdrop to the historical front of the 50’s of the company, the real added value of the industrial complex and the north front instead in total opposition has a continuous front that allows the view from the top of the Tuscan hills during the day and the depth of the night crossed by fast continuous light beams caused by the headlights of the cars that travel the road Fi-Pi-Li
south axonometric view
north axonometric view the uses will be multiple and will implement the services offered by the current complex, defining spaces dedicated to customers and workers, such as underground parking, characterized by a large opening that will allow a visual connection and a heat exchange between the basement and the square above. Extremely important will be the new building dedicated to the accessory functions to the company because thanks to its elevations it will have the task of defining the space in a totally opposite way
connection_square + parking p-1
state of project_north skyline
plan -1
11. 1. 2.
4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
12. 10.
15. 16.
legend_plan -1 1. mixing, refining, conching 282.00 sqm 2. raw materials deposit and stock preparation 75.20 sqm 3. men’s locker room 47.97 sqm 4. women’s dressing room 48.57 sqm 5. refreshment area + kitchen 37.87 sqm 6. visitors’ route / hallway 79.80 sqm 7. transit room 59.51 sqm 8. roasting room 41.91 sqm 9. cocoa shelling 48.30 sqm 10. access between parking and factory 11. trucks entrance with raw materials
12. access to underground parking 13. elevator shaft 10.20 sqm 14. warehouse shop 16.50 sqm 15. office 20.58 sqm 16. restroom 10.40 sqm + elevator shaft 10.20 sqm + restroom 10.30 sqm 17. parking 87 cars + 5 bikes
A. safe area parking
B. parking garage
plan 0
1. 2.
14. 12. 13. 11.
legend_plan 0 1. Amedei museum 172.30 sqm 2. video room 52.77 sqm + hospitality area 22.40 sqm + office 10.07 sqm + toilet 8.55 sqm + toilet 7.20 sqm + utility room 9.22 sqm + checkroom storage 17.32 sqm 3. cocoa storage 109.44 sqm + washing area 48.39 sqm 4. visitors’ path 107.09 sqm 5. shipping office 27.00 sqm
6. packaging 171.78 sqm 7. packaging shipments 84.13 sqm + storage of raw materials 119.48 sqm 8. molding 137.39 sqm 9. modelling laboratory 380.92 sqm 10. pralines modeling 46.24 sqm + laboratory 44.98 sqm 11. Amedei shop 38.20 sqm + deposit 7.80 sqm + toilet 5.32 sqm 12. elevator + stairs 13. reception 38.50 sqm 12
+ utility room 4.48 sqm + toilet 5.75 sqm + elevator shaft 10.20 sqm + toilets 9.00 sqm 14. office 80.76 sqm + offices and waiting room 114.76 sqm 15. meeting room 53.47 sqm + archive 26.16 sqm + waiting room 22.50 sqm + waiting room 22.50 sqm + office 44.70 sqm + office 36.11 sqm
A. shop Amedei
B. office + waiting room
C. offices 13
plan 1
3. 5.
9. 10.
legend_plan 1 1. warehouse 89.90 sqm 2. raw materials storage (plan 0) 119.49 sqm 3. factory entrance (plan 0) 101.76 sqm 4. hallway (plan 0) 37.10 sqm 5. office 21.75 sqm 6. Amedei Hospitality Experience 187.21 sqm 7. cooking academy 253.75 sqm 9. dressing room 29.50 sqm + changing room 29.50 sqm + toilet 9.00 sqm
+ elevator room 10.20 sqm + toilets 9.00 sqm 10. auditorium 253.75 sqm 11. parking at level 0
A. cooking academy
B. cooking academy
C. auditorium
D. auditorium 15
floor plan
1. 2.
7. Z
legend_floor plan 1. historical factory entrance 2. factory building 1950 ex steel foundry 3. factory addition 1995 4. factory addition 2005 5. 2005 factory addition 6. raw material truck entrance 7. underground parking entrance 8. pedestrian connection between underground parking and company 9. parking lot at ground floor level 10. Amedei shop 11. multipurpose center 16
A. Amedei Tuscany 2.0_factory restructuring and new multipurpose center dominating the Tuscan hills
B. new Amedei shop_outside the production complex and in dialogue with the surrounding nature
C. new multifunctional complex_a plastic façade that acts as a scenic backdrop to the new Piazza 17
north-east elevation
north-west elevation
south-west elevation
south-east elevation 18
Z-Z’ 20
Sea Gate
multipurpose civic centre
P UBL IC academic_AcAR 2 2015 Pisa (PI) ITA LY Porta a Mare is the first district bordering on the historical centre of Pisa, created following the post-war reconstruction at the end of the Second World War. Its first task was to act as a filter between the “new” and the “old” city, and as such it welcomed a whole new series of buildings of public interest ready to meet the needs of the new citizens. New schools, new public spaces and a new church, San Giovanni al Gatano, with its characteristic façade with strong references to Romanesque architecture. Today the district remains full of activities for the community and a place of passage for the various forms of transport by road, rail or water, in fact it is embraced on one side by the railway bridge leading to Pisa Central Station, while on the other side by Via Aurelia, one of the oldest roads in Europe, dating back to the Roman period, which still remains one of the most travelled in the Region. The intervention area is inserted in the spaces currently occupied by a petrol station and a car workshop. The peculiarity of this lot is the 2.20 m difference in height between the two streets that surround it, i.e. Via Conte Fazio and Via Lungarno. Thanks to this criticality, I was able to work on the planes and voids to create a new public space. The project is a concentration of sociality, starting with a public car park that will allow the arrival of citizens living outside the neighbourhood and a raised square surrounded by two buildings with different functions, both reception and recreational. The buildings will be a mix of dynamism thanks to their modularity inspired by the profile of San Giovanni al Gatano, which will adapt perfectly to the moving view of travellers by car, train or boat. 23
place district_Gate to Sea
residential building
“Arno” cinema
workshop_renovation of the existing
public dormitory
Aurelia highway
petrol station + workshop_demolition
bicycle-pedestrian way
Church of San Giovanni al Gatano
Conte Fazio road
elementary school
façade_Conte Fazio road
identity intervention area
state of art_workshop, petrol station
renovate_workshop / demolition_station
criticality_neighboring buildings, railroad, bicycle-pedestrian way
criticality_neighboring buildings, railroad, bicycle-pedestrian way
criticality_neighboring buildings, railroad, bicycle-pedestrian way
square_space, connections
square_spatial distributiont
height difference_2.20m
functions_0.00 m square, 4.00 m parking lot
parking_ventilation, direct light, indirect light
plan 0
A. “creative workshops”
D. restaurant
B. / C. the square 28
plan 1
plan 2
legend_Sea Gate
plan 3
1. parking lot 2. “creative workshops” laboratories 3. vertical connections + restrooms 4. bike sharing 5. parking cycles 6. commercial activities 7. “creative workshops” entrance 8. square 9. exhibition area 10. square access ramp 11. restaurant 13. toy library + public toilets +. offices 14. auditorium +vertical connections + restrooms 15. rooftop terrace 16. restaurant + vertical connections + restrooms
plan Lungarno road
plan building Conte Fazio road
façades + sections
building Conte Fazio road
building Lungarno road 31
school swimming-pool
S P ORT academic_AcAR 3 2016 Pisa (PI) ITA LY The intervention area is located in one of the most recent districts of Pisa, a city in continuous expansion thanks to the demographic increase linked to the new university and hospital centres, which will be located in the areas surrounding the project. The land to the north of the lot houses a residence for university students with more than 1,000 beds and the new scientific university campus, to the west we find a large supermarket, to the east a primary and nursery school and to the south sports fields; surrounded by these uses the lot has been designated by the city’s public administration as an urban park and a school swimming pool that can also be for public use during the various hours of the day. The park will host various areas for resting and socialising and will have a body of water located at a higher level than the area that will host the swimming pool. The reason for this hierarchy is not only distributive, but also symbolic, thanks to the bridge connecting the two areas, culminating in a staircase representing the “tree of life”, the life that is generated by water, the current that descends brings life everywhere, while the rising of the current is an expression of the return to the celestial source.
construction lot_individuation area of intervention
criticality_architectural and landscape barriers
vehicular traffic_ low / medium / high
zoning_swimming pool + urban park
area_morphological transformation contour lines
functional zoning_ pool / “aqueduct” / park
public indoor space usability of the area_pedestrians / vehicles / cars park
modeling pool_ full / empty / light / matter
changing rooms offices services maintenance/deposits kitchen pool floor grandstands first aid athletes/public entrance maintenance staff entrance public entrance/safety exit first aid entrance
composition_ school pool + public urban park 34
Book of Genesis (2,10)_a river flowed out of Eden to irrigate the garden then divided them and formed four streams If we accept that the centre of Architecture is life, we have to consider first of all the concept of space, something that cannot be drawn. Space is perceived with the idea of the limit, which has an implicit materiality.
Reversed Tree - Tree of Life - Axis of the World The descending stream brings life everywhere, while the rising of the current is an expression of the return to the celestial source
Between inside and outside there is a wall, there is a limit. We have to construct this limit and give it a materiality. This materiality includes another scale, another dimension. I believe that the condition of the wall, or the condition of the limit, is a condition of life. The wall in this sense becomes a “field” to explore with the project, the wall contains another level of space
Mono-material intensifies and gives strength to the concept of emptiness and space. The mono-material defines that condition of expectation, of possibility, the variable use of space, multi-functionality: spaces on hold, allowing you to do everything in the future Aires Mateus
river = life_matter is sculpted by the flow of water
plan swimming pool
north 40
section A-A’ Sto block according to static calculations Sto stainless steel bracket Sto stainless steel self-tapping screw 5.5 x 19 mm Sto-Aluminium-T profile StoVentec sheet 12 mm cladding system Sto mineral wool or glass wool panel protected with glass fleece Sto stainless steel self-tapping screw 5.5 x 24 mm Sto-Lüftungsprofil Alu ventilation slit aluminum profile Sto-Kantenschutzprofil white PVC corner protector Sto-Sockelleisteuniversa starting profile with thermal break Thermostop Sto-Fugendichtband 2D gasket Creation of the base area according to drawing W 135 Sto S UEZ 8 dowel supporting wall
ventilated façade
acrylic dome skylight with aluminum base ventilation plaster space for expansion protective layer membrane bitumen sheath waterproof pre-sheath mat slope trim insulation with polystyrene foam vapor barrier floor structure
white marble gravel of Estremoz reinforced concrete structural slab upper slab of Estremoz
outdoor stoneware flooring bedding mortar non-woven fabric waterproofing bituminous sheathing sloping screed precast reinforced concrete curb high intensity polyethylene protective membrane waterproofing bituminous membrane retaining wall lean concrete geotextile
epoxy resin coating lightened concrete plant holder trim electrowelded net concrete casting of completion Predalles floor with polystyrene elements piping for aeration diameter 60 mm waterproofing bituminous sheath drainage channel lightened concrete
PVC drainage pipe diameter 160 mm lean concrete
section - detail A-A’
Villa Altissimo hill of arts
COMPETI TI ON co ll a b_ Costanza Brini interior designer youngarchitectscompetitions.com 2020 Moncalieri (TO) ITA LY The relationship between nature and architecture, vision and imagination, between past and present. A place capable of welcoming people and creating synergies, the visitor discovers the artist and the artist will evolve into a visitor. The arch, in all its declinations, becomes the form and spectacle of an intervention aimed at involving the gaze of those who linger. All the construction topics mitigate at first glance their final definition: the old Villa houses the hotel, with its exhibition hall that opens to the new concept of Art Hotel, the panoramic terrace that turns the eye to the restaurant below and the artistic path in the tree-lined park. The artists find shelter in the Artist Rooms, places designed for their stay, the elaboration of their works and their exhibition. For the visitor a complete corridor to discover life and creation, from artist to work. Visitors can also enjoy cultural events inside the two auditoriums, of the exhibition path in the tree-lined park of individual works of art within the pods, the various exhibition galleries in the historic hallways, the comfort of a new restaurant and a wellness spa open-air with the nature of the park. 47
Villa Altissimo_present
idea_“the acqueduct”
Villa Altissimo_the project
zoning use Villa Altissimo hotel Artists’ House + workshops restaurant + café outdoor swimming pool indoor SPA exhibition gallery indoor auditorium outdoor theatre sensory park the POD 49
Villa Altissimo 4. artists’ house + hotel + park
new integration between the receptive function and the artist vocation
3. the POD
auditorium 52
2. hotel + restaurant + POD
5. open-air theatre + exhibition halls + auditorium
Villa Altissimo 1. swimming pool + SPA + hotel + restaurant
Apartament private home in Florence
HOUSE project 2020 Firenze (FI) ITA LY Florence, capital of the Renaissance, crossroads of cultures, history and tourists. In this context, just one kilometre from Palazzo Vecchio in Piazza della Signoria, the heart of the city, is this flat on the first floor in the historic context of the Florentine terraced houses. For years the owners have left this property in a state of abandonment but today they intend to recover this small but central environment, given its great potential, to convert it into a high level tourist accommodation in the Florentine context. The current state of abandonment requires a new layout for the sleeping area that clearly delineates the various rooms and has at least 3-4 beds. The room dedicated to the toilets will be the new watershed between the sleeping area and the living area, the latter characterised by an intervention to encircle the existing wall between the kitchen and the living room, which will allow the creation of an open space with an international feel. The modern and valuable character will be given by the use of stoneware with Carrara marble effect for the floor and walls adjacent to the shower compartment and the predominant use of “white”, the true accent of this environment, which thanks to its “expansive” properties will make the small spaces that make up the flat even larger. Particular importance will be given to home automation with the introduction of the latest control systems for lighting, underfloor heating/cooling and the mechanical ventilation machine in the false ceiling. 57
State of art
legend_state of art 1. bedroom 2. living room 3. external balcony 4. study 5. kitchen 6. bathroom
State of project
legend_state of project 1. bedroom 2. bathroom 3. living room 4. external balcony 5. study + bedroom 6. kitchen
open space
living room
night space
double room
single room
Amedei Hospitality Experience new receptive space in the factory INT ERI OR DESI GN project 2016 - 2017 Pontedera (PI) ITA LY The Amedei company had an enormous shortcoming that revolved around welcoming visitors and the need to create a new, flexible and modern space inside that would figuratively connect the industrial centre with the rest of the world. This was the beginning of the collaboration between me and the previous board, which led me, more than two years ago, to work closely with the then brand manager Alessandro Rabassi on the creation of a new space within the industrial settlement. My work required months of study to understand the real needs of the company, to know every secret of a production complex, the first part of which even dates back to the 1950s, in order to configure an existing space that was either disused or used as a warehouse. This room is located right above the cocoa storage vault, and thanks to its higher elevation compared to the rest of the warehouses, it expresses a sense of openness towards the outside and independence from the other buildings, perfectly isolating visitors from the company’s production. The key points of the project revolve around various concepts, such as the identity of the company, its history; the Tessieri family, which sees in the figure of Cecilia the achievement of prestigious awards and results such as being the first Maître Chocolatier in the world; or the company’s own know-how, i.e. its highly qualified employees. All this must be seen in the context of the real driving force behind development, i.e. the place, as can be seen from their logo, where the geographical reference is more than explicit, from the Tuscan craftsmanship that has taken shape in a company, but which remains deeply rooted in the first small workshop of just 45 m2 that housed two souls intent on creating the best dark chocolate in the world. The Amedei logo, their first tangible sign on paper, the packaging that wraps the chocolate, was the starting point for the study of the colour scheme of the premises, in which black and gold predominate, leading to an architectural synthesis of its geometry, with the square, characterised by its 90-degree angle, being the master and unmistakable sign. For the creation of this environment, I chose to remain in line with the Amedei philosophy of seeking excellence and links with the local area. In fact, for the equipment and furnishings, I turned to companies in the province and the region, who responded enthusiastically, precisely because linking their name to Amedei was, and still is, a strong point. 65
Why? Amedei identity and history family Strong link between company and family employees know-how
place Made in Italy - Tuscany hospitality tourist guided tours school guided tours private events chocolate culture handicrafts
Amedei logo icon_repetitiveness in various forms Compositional Structure minimalism, elegance, colours_gold black white Materials wood, marble, glass, concrete
work area
plan 0_Amedei Lounge
plan 0_Amedei factory plan 0_state of art
plan 0_state of project
legend_state of project
1. staircase step extension_against flooding / eliminating the close double step likely to cause accidents. 2. false ceiling_lighting and heating system / useful height of 2.70 m uniform in the corridor 3. entrance from factory_replaced arch in favour of horizontal false ceiling with recessed spotlight. 4. storage room_wardrobe / cleaning utensils 5. ramp for the disabled can be blacked out with black fabric 6. grey sensory pathway_last chromatic connection with working space 7. new staircase parapet layout uniformity through two horizontal differences in height_darkening of sensory path from direct light / neon along parapet 68
Amedei Lounge_sensory road The connecting space between the Lounge and the company aims to move away from the corridor concept to create an environment with its own cognitive value dedicated to visitors. In fact, after having completed the tour of the production on the ground floor and the basement, visitors are guided upstairs by a sensory path where they can smell with their nose or touch with their hands the different cocoa beans according to their geographical origin. The corridor is accessible both from inside the company and from outside and has a ramp for the disabled along the staircase. The corridor is screened by a new layout of the staircase parapet, which allows the room to be darkened from the light coming from the upper floor. Visitors are guided up the stairs by a light beam in the counter vwall between the historic part of the company and one of the three warehouses to be built later
Staircase parapet_state of art
Sensory road_front
Staircase parapet_state of project
plan 1_Amedei Lounge plan 1_state of art
plan 1_state of project
legend_state of project
1. fire escape 2. internal staircase 3. new arrangement of the stair parapet 4. Amedei sign - stair parapet with LEDs 5. kitchen warehouse 6. Amedei kitchen 7. toilets 8. Amedei shop 9. tables for visitors’ reception 10. glass wall - view of the Tuscan hills 11. comfort area - press reception 70
Amedei Lounge_kitchen area The food area was designed in collaboration with Toncelli Cucine. The kitchen is divided into two areas, the first consisting of the marble island and the second, behind it, of various modular units in wood containing various appliances and utensils. The island is characterised by a marble whose veining picks up the brown of the chocolate and is marked by gold motifs that repeat the Amedei logo and mark the perimeter limits of the island. Its top consists of an induction hob and a large work area dedicated to the cook for his chocolate creations. Thanks to its colour and its position in line with the surrounding walls, the island takes on a scenic importance in the Lounge environment. The matt black and gold kitchen body, thanks to its colours, integrates perfectly with the Lounge walls, creating an indefinite depth in a small space Amedei Lounge_bathroom Toilet features A. floor_black cement patina, in total contrast to the Lounge, which has a gold floor and black perimeter walls B. walls_gold bisazza with coloured mosaic, which proposes the theme of Amedei chocolate by replicating their 3 cm x 3 cm chocolates, called napolitains
A. 71
plan 1_Amedei Lounge
Amedei Lounge_the shop The area dedicated to the conclusion of the guided tour of the company is highlighted in the plan of the first floor by the numbers 8, 9, 10; in fact, at the end of the tour, visitors are welcomed in this space where they can sit and deepen their knowledge of the Amedei world through the words of the hostess who, with the help of a video support, will tell in detail what Amedei makes for its customers. During the projection it will be possible to taste chocolate and compare the different types. Finally, thanks to the shop, each visitor will be able to compose his or her own Amedei’s Bag with the products they want and pay for each purchase directly on site. Thanks to the presence of the new point of sale, there will be no need for operators other than the guide, who will also handle direct sales, so each customer will be able to consult the vast Amedei catalogue freely and independently
Amedei Lounge_area comfort The Comfort Area within the Amedei Lounge was created with the task of fulfilling different roles within the first floor composition. Its multiple uses aim to take special care of the most demanding customers thanks to the elegance and comfort of the armchairs produced by SoftHouse, the Italian leader in the sector, combined with the high quality lighting systems developed by Martinelli Luci for this environment. We can then find the right space to give an interview or to taste Amedei chocolate in total harmony with the outside environment, thanks to the large windows. All this is embraced by the warm gold wall that continues the chromatic motif chosen for the floor and topped by the A_Mobile, made by ArchiProject, a company specialising in interior design and production on external projects. The furniture thus becomes the guardian of the history and awards obtained by Amedei from 1990 to the present day 73