ECDL level 3 Word 2010

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Office 2010/13 Advanced Word 2010/13 ECDL Adv. Tutorial Howard Kirkman Spring 2013 V2.00

Written for the advanced ECDL course (Word) run at the Open Centre, 3 Humphrey Street, Swansea. Workfiles to accompany this document can be found at Please send comments and contributions to A Libre Office version is also available. Page |i

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Office 2010/13 Advanced

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3.1 FORMATTING 3.1.1 TEXT Text Wrapping Options Find and Replace Options Paste Special Options 3.1.2 PARAGRAPHS Line Spacing Paragraph Pagination Options Outline Numbering 3.1.3 STYLES Character Style Paragraph Style 3.1.4 COLUMNS Multiple Column Layouts. Column Format Column Breaks 3.1.5 TABLES Table Autoformat and Table style. Merge and Split cells Cell Margins Alignment and Text Direction Automatically repeat heading row. Table breaks Table Sort Text to Table Table to text 3.2 REFERENCING 3.2.1 CAPTIONS FOOTNOTES AND ENDNOTES Caption Labels Caption Number Format Footnotes and Endnotes Convert footnote to an endnote Convert an endnote to a footnote ii | P a g e


1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 17

Office 2010/13 Advanced 3.2.2 REFERENCE TABLES AND INDEXES Table of Contents Table of Figures Indexes 3.2.3 BOOKMARKS AND CROSS-REFERENCING Bookmark Cross-reference Cross reference index entry 3.3 ENHANCING PRODUCTIVITY 3.3.1 USING FIELDS Fields Sum Formula Field Numbers Field Manipulation 3.3.2 FORMS TEMPLATES Form Field Options Adding Help Protect unprotect a form Modify a template 3.3.3 MAIL MERGE Edit and Sort Data Ask Merge Criteria 3.3.4 LINKING EMBEDDING Hyperlinks Link Data Update, break a link Embed data into a document as an object Edit, delete embedded data 3.3.5 AUTOMATION Automatic text formatting options Automatic text correction entries Automatic text entries Macros Running Macros Assigning Macros 3.4 COLLABORATIVE EDITING 3.4.1 TRACKING AND REVIEWING Tracking Changes Accept Reject Changes Comments/Notes Compare and Merge 3.4.2 MASTER DOCUMENTS Creating Master Documents Create a master document

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Convert an existing document to a master document Create a subdocument from an outline heading To Insert an existing Word document into a master document Insert Remove Sub documents Text Outline Navigation Options 3.4.3 SECURITY Password Protection Protection and Tracking 3.5 PREPARE OUTPUTS 3.5.1 SECTIONS Create Modify Delete Sections Page Orientation, Alignment and Margins for a Section 3.5.2 DOCUMENT SETUP Headers and Footers Watermarks 3.6 APPENDIX 1: WILDCARDS FOR ITEMS YOU WANT TO FIND AND REPLACE

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2 Introduction 2.1.1 About this Document This document was written to support people studying for the ECDL or ICDL Advanced Word processing exams with GiaKonda IT. There are similar documents that support spread-sheets and presentation software including commercial and open source applications (LibreOffice). Please feel free to contact us on +44 (0) 1792 422 616 or email 2.1.2 Advanced ECDL ECDL Advanced builds on the skills developed in ECDL Extra and allows learners to progress and develop their expertise and skills to support their workplace requirements. ECDL Advanced is delivered as individual unit qualifications. Alternatively all the units can be put together to achieve a larger qualification. ECDL Advanced is accredited on both the QCF (England and Wales) and SCQF (Scotland) framework. 2.1.3 Word 2010/13 Word processing With this unit, learners can demonstrate their ability to use the advanced features of word processing applications to enhance their work, improve productivity and save time. There is little difference between Word 2010 and 2013 in terms of this unit. 2.1.4 Structure and Formats Used in the Document Section numbering generally follows the same format as the syllabus. It is not part of the ECDL syllabus. The numbering of the exercises corresponds to the references used in the ECDL Advanced Word Processing syllabus. Bold text relates to a command or function on the Word ribbon or Menu or Dialogue box eg Page Layout tab or Supress Line Numbering. Italic bold text relates to a file name company details.docx or logo.jpg Usually as part of an exercise. The files required for this book can be downloaded from (look in the Downloads menu). The Normal Italic text below most level 3 headings are the outcomes expected by the ECDL syllabus. Footnotes are references to questions from the Sample Test MQTB/2.0/WP3/v1.0_MS2010

2.2 Exercises The Exercise numbering (e.g. refers to the referencing number used in the ECDL syllabus (AM3.1.1.1 in this case). This syllabus can be downloaded from

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3 Advanced Word Processing 3.1 Formatting 3.1.1

Text Text Wrapping Options Apply text wrapping options for graphical objects (picture, image, chart, diagram, draw object), tables Picture Tools Format ribbon Arrange group provides a number of Wrap Text options In Line with Text: Click In Line with Text to insert the image between lines of text Square: Click Square to wrap text around the border of your image. Any white space is left as white space. Tight: Click Tight to wrap text closely around a clip art image or an irregularly shaped picture. Any white space is filled with text. Through: Click Through and then click Edit Wrap Points to drag the wrap points closer to the image, so that text can fill in more of the negative space around the image. Top and Bottom: Click Top and Bottom to place the image on its own line. Text will be above or below the image or maybe both. Behind Text: Click Behind Text to display the text over the image. In Front of Text: Click In Front of Text to display the image over the text. More Layout Options: Click More Layout Options and then click the Text Wrapping tab to change where the text wraps or the distance between the text and the image Exercise Open the Document Albatrosses.docx Arrange the text and graphic so that there is one line of the paragraph above the picture and the rest of the paragraph is to the left of the picture. Find and Replace Options Find use and replace options like: Font Formats, Paragraph Formats, Paragraph Marks, Page Breaks Find and replace specific formatting You can search for and replace or remove character formatting. For example, you can search for a specific word or phrase and change the font colour, or you can search for specific formatting, such as bold, and change it. You could replace all occurrences of heading 1 with heading 2

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For a list of wildcards to use with Find and Replace see Appendix 1: Wildcards for items you want to find and replace On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Replace. If you don't see the Format button, click More. To search for text with specific formatting, type the text in the Find what box. To find formatting only, leave the box blank. Click Format, and then select the formats that you want to find and replace. Click the Replace with box, click Format, and then select the replacement formats. Note

If you also want to replace the text, type the replacement text in the Replace with box.

To find and replace each instance of the specified formatting, click Find Next, and then click Replace. To replace all instances of the specified formatting, click Replace All. Paste Special Options1 Use paste special options: Formatted Text Unformatted Text

The Paste function is on the Home ribbon in the Clipboard group. When pasting text from an external source there are three options to consider Keep Source Formatting the text retains its original formatting Merge Formatting Text will try to be the same as the current document Keep Text Only No formatting will be used Paste link option in Paste Special effectively creates a shortcut to the source file. Changes to this file will be reflected in the document. It is possible to display the copied file as an icon rather than the object. To display the object if this is the choice you must double click the object icon.


Sample Test Q2


Office 2010/13 Advanced 3.1.2

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Paragraphs Line Spacing2 Apply line spacing within paragraphs: at least, exactly/fixed, multiple/proportional First use the Paragraph dialogue box launcher to display the dialogue box. Then select the Line spacing option required. Apart from the actual line spacing there are three other options worth mentioning. At least: The line spacing is set to the specified pts. (points). Word treats this number as a minimum value. Word changes the value and adds more space if necessary to take account of larger type, different fonts, or other objects on the same line.

Dialogue Box Launcher

Exactly: Word uses the number of pts for the line spacing and doesn’t change it.

Line Spacing Options


Multiple: This option allows you to enter linespacing values that are not in the drop-down list. For example, to set the line spacing to 3, select Multiple from the Line spacing drop-down list and type 3 in the At box.

Sample Test Q3


Office 2010/13 Advanced

GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Paragraph Pagination3 Options Apply/remove paragraph pagination options. These functions can be found in the Paragraph dialogue box, Line and Page Breaks tab, Pagination section. If a single line of a paragraph is on one page while the rest of the paragraph is on the next the single line is referred to as an Orphan. If a single line of a paragraph appears on the following page then the line is referred to as a widow. To stop this happening Word uses the line and Page Breaks options displayed alongside. Basic Widow/Orphan control can be turned on and off by selecting the Widow/Orphan control in the Pagination section.


Sample Test Q3


Office 2010/13 Advanced

GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Outline Numbering Apply modify outline numbering in multi-level lists An outline numbered list shows list items at different levels rather than indented at one level.

The list below is an example of use of the Multilevel List function 1) a) b) c) 2) a) b)

Chapter 1 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Chapter 2 Section 1 Section 2

Exercise ďƒ° Re-create the example above. ďƒ° Change the format to one of your choice.


Styles Character Style Create modify character styles To create a Character Style you launch the Styles Dialogue Box found on the Home ribbon in the Styles group. Click the New Style icon (bottom left), to launch Create New Style from Formatting box. Give the style a name. From Style Type drop-down choose Character.

Style Dialogue Box Launcher

New Style icon 5|Page

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Additional choices are available from the Format button. The choices available are dependent on the Style type selected. Notice you can apply these changes in this document only or in any new documents that use this template. Once you are happy with your selection click the OK button.



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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Paragraph Style4 Create modify paragraph styles

Style Dialogue Box Launcher To create a paragraph Style You need to launch the Styles Dialogue Box found on the Home ribbon in the Styles group. From this dialogue box find the New Style icon (bottom left), to launch the Create New Style from Formatting dialogue box. Give the style a name of your choice. Here you can also select other options. At the bottom of the Dialogue box you can select the Format button for further options. In this case, Borders. The appropriate dialogue box Borders and Shading will appear for you to set the options as required.


Sample Test Q14


Office 2010/13 Advanced 3.1.4

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Columns Multiple Column Layouts5. Apply multiple column layouts. Change the number of columns in a column layout. Exercise  Open the document The Iliad.docx Add the title The Iliad by Homer. Keeping the title as a single column change the text to two columns on the same page.  Save the document with the same file name but with your initials added. Column Format Change width and spacing. Insert remove lines between columns Exercise  Add a line between columns on the document used in Exercise  Set column 1 width to 7 cm and column 2 width to 9 cm Column Breaks6 Insert and remove column breaks Exercise Continue with the previous exercise. Add a column break at the start of the penultimate paragraph starting “Achilles, loved of heaven…

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Sample Test Q13 Sample Test Q13


Office 2010/13 Advanced 3.1.5

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Tables Table Autoformat and Table style. Apply a table autoformat/table style To apply a table style first select the table that you want to format. Then click a table style from the gallery in the Table Styles group in the Table Tools tab, Design tab Merge and Split cells7 Merge and Split cells in a table First highlight the cells to be merged then select the Table Tools ribbon and then the Layout tab. In the Merge group select Merge Cells. To reverse the process select the merged cells and then select Split Cells. You will have to select the original number of cells from the dialogue box that appears. Cell Margins Alignment and Text Direction Change cell margins alignment and text direction On the Table Tools ribbon Layout tab find the Alignment group click the appropriate tools Cell Margin, Alignments and Text Direction.


Sample Test Q6


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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Automatically repeat heading row. Automatically repeat heading row at the top of each page Select the table you want to work on. Select the Layout tab in Table Tools tab. From the Data group click Repeat Header Rows.

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Table breaks Allow / do not allow rows to break across pages From Table Tools ribbon Layout Properties tab in the Table group click Properties.

Uncheck Allow row to break across page Table Sort8 Sort data by one column, by multiple columns at the same time. This is found in the Data group of the Table Tools Layout ribbon alongside Repeat Header Rows, Convert to Text and Formula icons.

Click on the Sort icon to display the Sort dialogue box. Once this is on the screen select the Header row radio button if your list has headers otherwise select the No header row radio button. The dialogue box allows you to sort by multiple columns at the same time.


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Exercise Using the file contacts.docx sort the table first by Town then by name. Text to Table9 Convert delimited text to a table. Text can easily be converted to a table if the data is in individual rows and separated by a Tab. Other delimiters can also be used. Find the Insert ribbon Table group and use the Convert Text to Table option.



Sample Test Q7

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Open the file contacts tabbed.docx and convert the text to a table. Save the file with the same filename followed by your initials. Table to text Convert a table to text Table data can be converted to text from the Table Tools ribbon which appears once a table has been selected. Find the Data group and the Convert to Text icon to achieve this.

Exercise Find the file contacts.docx Convert the table contained in the document to text.

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3.2 Referencing 3.2.1 Captions Footnotes and Endnotes10 Add caption above / below Graphical object or table To add a caption find the References tab, Captions group and Click Insert Caption. The caption dialogue box appears. In the Caption: box is the label for the caption (Figure in the picture below) followed by the numbering system 1-1 here. If you don’t want the Label simply check the Exclude label from caption check box. To use a different label click the New Label button and type the label you want to use.

Exercise ďƒ° Create a new document and insert the image albatross.jpg Add a Caption below this image. Caption Labels Add delete caption label You can vary the caption label and number format for different types of items, for example, Figure II and Equation 1-A. You can also create a new caption label, such as Image. If you later add, delete, or move captions, you can easily update the caption numbers all at once. To add a new label find the References tab, Captions group and Click Insert Caption. Select the New Label button and type the name of the label you want to create. Similarly to delete a label you have created select it with the Label dropdown and click the Delete Label button.


Sample Test Q1

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Exercise ďƒ° Using the file you created for Ex., Delete the caption you just created and create a new caption with a new label Albatross.

Add a Caption with the label Albatross. Save the file as Great Birds.docx followed by your initials. Caption Number Format Change caption number format Footnotes and Endnotes Insert modify footnotes and endnote. A footnote is a piece of text which is not accommodated within the main body of the document and which is therefore placed at the bottom of the page. The references to the sample test are footnotes. It is easier for the writer to put all the footnotes at the end of the document, but of course this makes life harder for the reader, such notes are called endnotes. To insert a footnote place the cursor at the insertion point then use the References tab, find the Footnotes group and click Insert Footnote. The footnote can be modified by clicking in it and editing it like normal text. Footnotes can be converted to Endnotes by clicking the Convert button in the Footnotes and Endnotes dialogue box A Footnote can be deleted by selecting it and pressing Delete 15 | P a g e

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Convert footnote to an endnote Convert footnote to an endnote This involves both the View and References ribbons. First select the View ribbon. Then click Draft from the Document Views group. Now go back to the References ribbon and click Show Notes. This by default shows all the footnotes. Select the footnote you want to convert to an endnote, right click it and choose Convert to Endnote.

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Convert an endnote to a footnote Convert an endnote to a footnote This involves both the View and References ribbons. First select the View ribbon. Then click Draft from the Document Views group. Now go back to the References ribbon and click Show Notes from the Footnotes group. This by default shows all the footnotes. Use the Notes dropdown in the bottom window to change to Endnotes. Select the Endnote you want to convert to a footnote, right click it and choose Convert to Footnote.

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To convert all Footnotes to Endnotes and vice versa use the Footnote and Endnote dialogue box All Endnotes can be converted to Footnotes by clicking the Convert button in the Footnotes and Endnotes dialogue box and clicking Convert all endnotes to footnotes

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Office 2010/13 Advanced 3.2.2

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Reference Tables and Indexes Table of Contents11 Create update a table of contents based on heading styles and formats On the References ribbon in the Table of Contents group click on Table of Contents and select the style you like.



Tables of Contents only display three levels.

Sample Test Q5

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Table of Figures Create update a table of figures based on specific styles and formats Indexes12 Mark an index main entry, sub entry. Delete a marked index entry

The entry will be visible if the Pilcrow is turned on. It will be of the from {XE�Find and Replace Options�} Note XE tells you that it is an IndeX Entry In the same group you can insert an Index by clicking the Insert Index button.


Sample Test Q10

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Bookmarks and Cross-Referencing Bookmark13 Add delete a bookmark A bookmark marks a spot in your document. For example, you might use a bookmark to identify some text that you want to refer to frequently. Instead of scrolling through your document to locate it, you can go to it by using the Bookmark dialog box. Insert ribbon Links group Bookmark. The Bookmark dialogue box appears where you can Add Delete or Go To a bookmark

To make bookmarks visible click the File tab then click Options. In the dialogue box select Advanced and then in the Show Document Content section check the Show bookmarks check box.


Sample Test Q4

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Cross-reference14 Create, delete a cross-reference to: numbered item, heading, bookmark, figure, table To create a cross-reference in the document, type the introductory text that begins the crossreference. For example, type for more information, see <reference to be inserted will go here> On the Insert ribbon, point to Links group, and then click Cross-reference.

In the Reference type box, click the type of item you want to refer to in this example, Heading. In the Insert reference to box, click the information you want inserted in the document here, the Heading text. In the For which box, click the specific item you want to refer to here the Introduction has been selected.

To allow users to jump to the referenced item, select the Insert as hyperlink check box. 14

Sample Test Q4

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If the Include above/below check box is available, you can select this check box to include information about the relative position of the referenced item. Click Insert. Job Done! Note: Cross-references are inserted as fields. If your cross-reference looks like { Ref _Ref34566660 \h }, Microsoft Word is displaying the field code instead of field result. To see the field result, press ALT+F9, or right-click the field code, and then click Toggle Field Codes on the shortcut menu. Cross reference index entry Add a cross reference to an index entry In the References toolbar click Mark Entry and in the Mark Index Entry dialogue box check the Cross-reference radio button and add the entry name after See. In the example alongside the crossreference is to the entry Field

To create a cross-reference to another entry, click Cross-reference under Options, and then type the text for the other entry in the box.

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3.3 Enhancing Productivity 3.3.1

Using Fields Fields15 Insert Delete Fields From the Inset ribbon find the Text group and from the Quick Parts dropdown select Field option.

The Categories list provides a convenient way to reduce the items to look through in order to find the Field you want to insert. Common fields used are Date, Time, Author, FileName and many MailMerge fields etc.


Sample Test Q8

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Sum Formula16 Insert Sum Formula field code in a table The formulae in Word are similar to the formulae in Excel. Though not so complete nor flexible. Apart for the exam I think I would probably use an embedded Excel spread sheet rather than the built in Word functions. That said it is very easy to implement simple functions like Sum() SUM( ) Returns the sum of a list of values or formulas. Click in the Table where you want the formula to appear. Name Bill Sam Wendy Total

Amount £ 12 £ 15 £ 25 £52.00

In the Table Tools Layout ribbon under the Data group click Formula click OK

The Paste function drop-down will display other functions that can be used. Field Numbers17 Change Field number format The Field number format can be changed from the Number format drop-down box.

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Sample Test Q8 part 2 Sample Test Q8 part 3

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Field Manipulation Lock Unlock Update a Field Under the File tab click the Protect Document icon then click Restrict Editing. This will display the Restrict Formatting and Editing pane. Click the Stop Protection button at the bottom of the task pane. You will be asked to provide a password in order to change the protection level. Exercise ďƒ° Open the document Please fill in this form.docx and set the protection such that only the required fields can be edited. 3.3.2 Forms Templates18 In order to implement a form in Word it is first necessary to enable the Developer tab

Find Options under the File tab. Select the Customise Ribbon button then check the Developer check-box in the Main Tabs window.

Note You can add the Legacy Tools to the Quick Access Toolbar by right clicking the Legacy Tools icon and clicking Add to Toolbar.


Sample Test Q16

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Form Field19 Options Text field, check box, drop-down menu

Text Form Field

Checkbox Content Control

Drop Down Form Field Adding Help Adding help text to a form field: Visible on status bar, activated by F1 help key

Your help goes here. Protect unprotect a form Protect unprotect a form

Developer tab Protect group Vc

You may also manually unprotect a document by clicking Review tab and then Restrict Editing in the Protect group.


Sample Test Q 16

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Office 2010/13 Advanced Modify a template Modify a template

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Office 2010/13 Advanced 3.3.3

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Mail Merge20 Edit and Sort Data Edit and sort a mail merge recipient list

In the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, do any of the following: Select individual records This method is most useful if your list is short. Select the check boxes next to the recipients you want to include, and clear the check boxes next to the recipients you want to exclude. If you know that you want to include only a few records in your merge, you can clear the check box in the header row and then select only those records that you want. Similarly, if you want to include most of the list, select the check box in the header row, and then clear the check boxes for the records that you don't want to include. Sort records Click the column heading of the item that you want to sort by. The list sorts in ascending alphabetical order (from A to Z). Click the column heading again to sort the list in descending alphabetical order (Z to A). If you want more complex sorting, click Sort under Refine recipient list and choose your sorting preferences on the Sort Records tab of the Filter and Sort dialog box. For example, you can use this type of sorting if you want recipient addresses to be alphabetized by last name within each post code and the zip codes listed in numerical order. Ask21 Insert ask, if then else fields To use the Ask field as part of a mail merge, on the Mailings tab, in the Write & Insert Fields group, click Rules, and then click Ask. In the Bookmark box, type a name for the bookmark that will store the response to the prompt. In the Prompt box, type the question you want answered. If you want a predefined response, type the response in

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Sample Test Q20 Sample Test Q20

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the Default bookmark text box. If you want the same response to apply to all the records in the merge, select the Ask once check box. Otherwise, Word will prompt you for a response with each record. The field code looks like { ASK Bookmark "Prompt " [Optional switches ] } To use the If then else fields as part of a mail merge: On the Mailings tab, in the Write & Insert Fields group, click Rules, and then click If...Then...Else.

In the Field name list, select the name of a merge field, such as Title. In the Comparison list, select the operator that you want. For example, to single out Men, select Equal to. In the Compare to box, type the value that you want to use. For example, to single out Male, type Mr.

Note If you selected is blank or is not blank in the Comparison list, leave the Compare to box empty. In the Insert this text box, type the text that you want to appear in the document when the condition that you specified is true. In this example you can type Male. In the Otherwise insert this text box, type the text that you want to appear in the document when the condition that you specified is not true. In this example, you can type Female. Note Mr is not the same as Mr. and anything that is different, like mr will produce, in this case, Female

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Merge Criteria Merge a document with a recipient list using given criteria

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Linking Embedding Hyperlinks Insert Edit Remove To insert a hyperlink on the Insert ribbon in the Links group click Hyperlink. Link Data Link Data from a document application and display as an object, icon

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Update, break a link Update, break a link Embed data into a document as an object Embed data into a document as an object Insert ribbon Text group Object drop-down allows you to select an object or text from file.

Word allows you to embed a wide variety of object. In fact anything that is OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) compliant. Edit, delete embedded data22 Edit, delete embedded data To Edit select the object or its icon then double click. To Delete select the object or its icon then press delete


Sample Test Q17

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Automation Automatic text formatting options Apply Automatic text formatting options Automatic text correction entries Create modify and delete automatic text correction entries To change the Autocorrect options Click the File tab then the Options button. From the Word Options window select Proofing and finally the AutoCorrect Options button to bring up the dialogue box.

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Automatic text entries Create modify and delete automatic text entries Click the File tab and select Options. In the dialogue box select Proofing and click AutoCorrect options button.

To Create a new entry click on the AutoCorrect tab and make sure the Replace text as you type check box is ticked. In the Replace box, type the word or phrase that you want to be changed for example, type usualy. In the With box, type the correct spelling of the word for example, type usually. Click Add. Click OK. To modify an existing entry click on the AutoCorrect tab, make sure the Replace text as you type check box is selected. Click the entry in the list. It will appear in the Replace box. Type the new entry in the With box. Click Replace.

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Macros23 Record a simple macro like: 1. Change page setup 2. Insert a table with a repeating header row 3. Insert fields in a document header footer.

Type a name for the macro (Macro1 is the default) and a description of what it does. Complete the sequence required to achieve the desired effect, stop the macro. Running Macros Run a macro

Click the icon, Type the appropriate keys or select the macro from the list. Assigning Macros Assign a macro to a custom button on a toolbar


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Select the Customise Quick Access Toolbar drop-down. Select More Commands.In the Choose commands from box select Macros. Select the macro you wish to add and click the Add button. Finally click OK.

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3.4 Collaborative Editing 3.4.1

Tracking and Reviewing Tracking Changes24 Turn on, off track changes in a document using a specified display view. Accept Reject Changes Accept, Reject changes in a document Review ribbon Changes group Comments25/Notes To insert a comment use the Review ribbon Comments group. The comment will appear in the right margin.

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Sample Test Q12 Sample Test Q12

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Compare and Merge If you send a document for review to several reviewers, and each reviewer returns the document, you can combine the documents two at a time until all the reviewer changes have been incorporated into a single document. Review ribbon Compare group Compare icon.

Compare compares two versions of a document (legal black line). When you use the legal blackline option, Word displays a new, third document in which tracked changes in the baseline document are accepted and changes in the selected document are shown as tracked changes. The documents being compared are not changed. Note If you want to compare changes from a number of reviewers, do not select this option. Use one of the merge commands instead.

Combine combines revisions from multiple authors into one document. Under Original document, click the name of the document into which you want to combine the changes from multiple sources. 39 | P a g e

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Under Revised document, browse for the document that contains the changes by one of the reviewers. Click More. Under Show changes, select the options for what you want to compare in the documents. By default, Microsoft Office Word shows changes to whole words. For example, if you change the word cat to cats, the entire word cats will show as changed in the document and not simply the character s. Under Show changes in, click Original document. Click OK. To change which documents appear on the screen when you click OK, in the Compare group, click Hide Source Documents or Show Source Documents. Repeat these steps. Word will merge all of the changes into the original document. Note Word can store only one set of formatting changes at a time. Therefore, when you merge multiple documents, you may be prompted to decide whether you want to keep the formatting from the original document or use the formatting from the edited document. If you don't need to track formatting changes, you can clear the Formatting check box in the Compare and Merge Documents dialog box.

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Office 2010/13 Advanced 3.4.2

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Master Documents26 Creating Master Documents Create a new master document by creating sub documents from headings A Master Document is a container for a set of separate files (sub documents). A master document can be used to set up and manage a multipart document such as a book with multiple chapters. Note: A master document and its subdocuments need to be stored in a folder on their own. To create a master document, you start in Outline View and then you create new subdocuments or add existing documents to it. Once you have decided on a location for your documents in the file manager, create a folder that you can use to store your master document and subdocuments. Note: If you want to use existing Word documents as subdocuments, move these existing documents into the folder. Create a master document Create a new (master) document from a blank document. As normal click in the File tab select New then select Blank Document then click Create Now move to the View ribbon, click Outline.

This will then provide you with a new Outlining tab

Heading 1 is the default style when adding your Chapters.

Type headings for the document title and each subdocument. Make sure you press ENTER after typing each heading. Word formats the headings with the built-in heading style Heading 1.


Sample Test Q18

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Assign a heading style to each heading (for example, use Heading 1 for the title and Heading 2 for each subdocument). To do this, use the buttons on the Outlining toolbar:

Promote to Heading 1



Demote to Body Text

Click Promote Button image to increase the heading level. Click Demote Button image to decrease the heading level. Convert an existing document to a master document Open the document that you want to use as your master document. On the View ribbon, click Outline. (As in the previous section) Assign a heading style to each heading (for example, use Heading 1 for the title and Heading 2 for each subdocument). To do this, use the buttons on the Outlining ribbon: Click Promote button image to increase the heading level. Click Demote button image to decrease the heading level. For any content that is not a heading, select the content and click Demote to Body Text button image on the Outlining toolbar. Create a subdocument from an outline heading You must have a master document outline to create a subdocument from an outline heading. Use the View menu, click Outline. In the master document, select the headings and text you want to separate into subdocuments. Make sure that the first heading in the selection is formatted with the heading style or outline level you want to use for the beginning of each subdocument. For example, if the selection begins with Heading 2, Word creates a new subdocument at each Heading 2 in the selected text. On the Outlining ribbon, click Create Subdocument button. Note

Word will insert a continuous section break before and after each subdocument.

If the Create Subdocument button isn't available, you need to first click Expand Subdocuments button image. After you add a subdocument to a master document, do not move or delete it unless you first remove it from the master document. 42 | P a g e

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Rename a subdocument only from within the master document. Each subdocument is created as a normal piece of text with a heading given a style such as Hearing 2 In this example Chapter 1 and the associated text is selected and the Create tool used to produce the subdocument shown below.

This subdocument can be collapsed with the Collapse Subdocument tool The effect is seen below. When you save the document each sub document will be saved with the file name Chapter 1, Chapter 2 etc.

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 To Insert an existing Word document into a master document Open the master document and click Outline on the View toolbar. If the subdocuments are collapsed, click Expand Subdocuments button image on the Outlining ribbon. In the master document click where you want to add the existing document. Make sure to insert a blank line between existing subdocuments. On the Outlining ribbon, click Insert Subdocument button. To see this tool you may have to click the Show Document tool. In the File name box, type the name of the document you want to add, and click Open. Word will insert a next page section break before the subdocument and a continuous section break after it. Save the master document On the File tab, click Save As. Select the folder you setup the beginning of this procedure, type a <file name> for the master document, and then click Save. Word automatically assigns a file name to each new subdocument based on the subdocument's heading in the master document outline. For example, a subdocument that begins with the outline heading Chapter 1 might be named Chapter 1.docx

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GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Insert Remove Sub documents Insert and remove a sub-document in master document. To To remove a sub-document select the View tab. In the Document Views group select Outline. If the subdocuments are collapsed, click the Show Documents icon on the Outlining ribbon. If the subdocuments you want to remove are locked, unlock them with the Lock Document tool. Click the subdocument icon

for the subdocument you want to remove and click Unlink.

Note When you delete a subdocument from a master document, the subdocument file remains in its original location. Text Outline Navigation Options Use text outline/navigator options: promote, demote, expand, collapse, move up, and move down.

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Office 2010/13 Advanced 3.4.3

Security Password Protection27 Add remove password protection for a document: to open, to modify. Protection and Tracking Protect a document to allow only tracked changes or comments.


Sample Test Q15

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Office 2010/13 Advanced

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3.5 Prepare Outputs 3.5.1

Sections Create Modify Delete Sections28 Create, modify, and delete section breaks in a document. Page Layout ribbon Page Setup group Place section breaks before and after the section to be modified. Next Page section breaks are required when the following section will be physically different and incompatible with the current section. For example when changing from Portrait to Landscape format. Page Orientation, Alignment and Margins for a Section Change page orientation, page vertical alignment, margins for sections of a document. Changes to page layouts within sections are the same as normal page layout changes.

Note To insert a change in the section of a document it is useful to make sure you have a section break at the beginning and the end of the section you are changing.


Sample Test Q9

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Document Setup Headers and Footers29 Apply different headers and footers to sections, first page, odd and even pages in a document.

Navigation group Previous: moves to previous section’s header or footer Next: moves to next section’s header or footer Link to previous: the current section’s header or footer is linked to the previous section’s header or footer Options group: Different First Page: Allows for a cover page with no headers or footers Different Odd and Even Pages: Allows for book like headers and footers where for example the page numbering may be on the outside of each page Exercise  Create a new document. Add a front cover of your choice containing the text My Book. Add three pages (not including the front cover). Add the titles Introduction, Chapter One and Chapter Two to the top of each page. Apply Heading 1 style to each of these titles. Create odd and even page footers with page numbering on the outer edges. Save the document as My Book followed by your initials. Create a new page between the front cover and the Introduction. On this new page create a Table of contents. See also Table of Contents Page number Format This gives you precise control of your page numbering. It can be found in the Header Footer Tools ribbon then Header Footer Group then the Page Number icon.


Sample Test Q11

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Office 2010/13 Advanced

GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Watermarks Add, modify, remove a watermark in a document. Watermarks are the feint items of text that appear on a page as a background. They are usually there to remind the user of confidentiality of special use for a document. To insert a Watermark find the Page Background group on the Page Layout tab. Select the Watermark icon and choose the watermark appropriate to the document. The Customise dialogue box is at the bottom of the drop down. Remove is just below this.

Exercise ďƒ° Create a new document and add a watermark containing your initials.

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3.6 Appendix 1: Wildcards for items you want to find and replace Thanks to Microsoft for these tables.

To find



Any single character


s?t finds sat and set.

Any string of characters


s*d finds sad and started.

The beginning of a word


<(inter) finds interesting and intercept, but not splintered.

The end of a word


(in)> finds in and within, but not interesting.

One of the specified characters


w[io]n finds win and won.

Any single character in this range


[r-t]ight finds right and sight. Ranges must be in ascending order.

Any single character except the characters in t[!a-m]ck finds tock and tuck, but not [!x-z] the range inside the brackets tack or tick. Exactly n occurrences of the previous character or expression


fe{2}d finds feed but not fed.

At least n occurrences of the previous character or expression


fe{1,}d finds fed and feed.

From n to m occurrences of the previous character or expression

{n,m} 10{1,3} finds 10, 100, and 1000.

One or more occurrences of the previous character or expression


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lo@t finds lot and loot.

Office 2010/13 Advanced

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Use the following codes to find letters, formatting, fields, or special characters. Note that some codes work only if the Use wildcards option is turned on or off. Codes that work in the Find what box or Replace with box

Type Paragraph mark ( )

^p (doesn't work in the Find what box when the Use wildcards option is turned on), or ^13

Tab character ( )

^t or ^9

ASCII character

^nnn, where nnn is the character code.

ANSI character

^0nnn, where 0 is zero and nnn is the character code

Em dash ( — )


En dash ( – )


Caret character


Manual line break ( )

^l or ^11

Column break

^n or ^14

Page or section break ^12 (when replacing, inserts a page break) Manual page break

^m (also finds or replaces section breaks when the Use wildcards option is turned on)

Nonbreaking space ( ^s ) Nonbreaking hyphen ^~ ( ) Optional hyphen ( ) ^-

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Codes that work in the Find what box only (when Use wildcards is turned off)

To find


Any character


Any digit


Any letter


Picture or graphic (inline only)


Footnote mark

^f or ^2

Endnote mark


Field (when field codes are visible)

^d or ^19 or ^21

Comment (when comments ^a or ^5 are inline) Section break


White space

^w (any space or any combination of regular and nonbreaking spaces, and tab characters)

Code that works in the Replace with box only

To find


Microsoft Windows Clipboard contents ^c

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GiaKonda IT Ltd The Open Centre 3 Humphrey Street Swansea SA1 6BG Tel: +44(0)1792 422 616 Email

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Index Accept Reject Changes, 38 Adding Help, 27 Alignment and Margins for a Section, 47 Ask. See Mailmerge Assigning Macros, 36 Automatic text correction entries, 34 Automatic text entries, 35 Automatic text formatting options, 34 Automatically repeat heading row, 10 Automation, 34 Bookmark, 21 Caption Labels, 14 Caption Number Format, 15 Captions, 14 Cell Margins Alignment and Text Direction, 9 Character Style, 5 Collaborative Editing, 38 Column Breaks, 8 Column Format, 8 Columns, 8 Comments/Notes, 38 Compare and Merge, 39 Convert an endnote to a footnote, 17 Convert an existing document to a master document, 42 Convert footnote to an endnote, 16 Create a master document, 41 Create Modify Delete Sections, 47 Creating Master Documents, 41 Cross reference index entry, 23 Cross-reference, 22 Document Setup, 48 Edit and Sort Data. See Mailmerge Embed data, 33 Endnotes, 14, 15, 17, 18 Enhancing Productivity, 24 Field, 23, 25, 26, 27, 52 Fields, 24 Find and Replace Options, 1 Footnotes, v, 14, 15, 17, 18 Footnotes and Endnotes, 14 Forms Templates, 26 Headers and Footers, 48 Hyperlinks, 32 Indexes, 20 Insert Remove Sub documents, 45 legal black line, 39 Line Spacing, 3 Link Data, 32 Linking Embedding, 32 54 | P a g e

Macros, 36, 37 Mail Merge, 29 Master Documents, 41 Merge and Split cells, 9 Merge Criteria. See Mailmerge Multiple Column Layouts, 8 Outline Numbering, 5 Page Orientation, 47 Paragraph Pagination, 4 Paragraph Style, 7 Paragraphs, 3 Password Protection, 46 Paste Special Options, 2 Prepare Outputs, 47 Protect unprotect a form, 27 Protection and Tracking, 46 Referencing, 14, 21 Running Macros, 36 Sample Test Q01 Endnotes, 14 Q02 Footnote, 2 Q03 Line Spacing, 3 Q03 Paragraph Pagination, 4 Q04 Bookmarks, 21 Q04 Cross Reference, 22 Q05 Table of Contents, 19 Q06 Merge and Split Cells, 9 Q07 Table Breaks, 11 Q07 Table Sort, 11 Q07 Text to Table, 12 Q08 Fields, 24 Q09 Sections, 47 Q10 Indexes, 20 Q11 Page Numbering, 48 Q12 Comments, 38 Q12 Tracking Changes, 38 Q13 Column Breaks, 8 Q13 Multiple Column Layouts, 8 Q14 Paragraph Style, 7 Q15 Password Protection, 46 Q16 Form Fields, 27 Q16 Forms Template, 26 Q18 Master Documents, 41 Q19 Macros, 36 Q20 Mail Merge, 29 Sections, 47 Security, 46 Styles, 5 Sum Formula, 25 Table Autoformat, 9

Office 2010/13 Advanced Table breaks, 11 Table of Contents, 19 Table of Figures, 20 Table Sort, 11 Table style, 9 Table to text, 13 Tables, 9 Text Outline Navigation Options, 45

GiaKonda IT Ltd 01792422616 Text to Table, 12 Text Wrapping, 1 Tracking and Reviewing, 38 Tracking Changes, 38 Unprotect a document, 27 Using Fields. See Field Watermarks, 49 Widow/Orphan control, 4

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