Global Impacts of the Illegal Wildlife Trade

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Further Reading

Allan, Crawford C. (1997), ‘Making CITES Work: Examples of Effective Implementation and Enforcement’, TRAFFIC International. Born Free (2007), ‘Inconvenient but True: The Unrelenting Global Trade in Elephant Ivory’, Report prepared for the Fourteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES: Burn, Robert W., Fiona M. Underwood and Julian Blanc (2011), ‘Global Trends and Factors Associated with the Illegal Killing of Elephants: A Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of Carcass Encounter Data’, PLOS ONE. Cameron, Grant, Stephanie Pendry, Crawford Allan and Joyce Wu (2004), ‘Traditional Asian Medicine Identification Guide for Law Enforcers: Version II’, TRAFFIC. CITES (2012), ‘CITES Trade: Recent Trends in International Trade in Appendix-II Species (1996–2000)’, Sixty-second Meeting of the Standing Committee Geneva: com/sc/62/inf/E62i-07.pdf. CITES and OECD (1997), ‘Experience with the Use of Trade Measures in the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species’: Davis, Jacqueline T., et al. (2013), ‘It’s Not Just Conflict That Motivates Killing of Orangutans’, PLOS ONE. EIA (2004), ‘The Enforcement Imperative’. EIA (2013), ‘Hidden in Plain Sight: China’s Clandestine Tiger Trade’. Espinoza, Edgard O. and Mary-Jacque Mann (2009), ‘Identification Guide for Ivory and Ivory Subsitution’, CITES: Fleming, Elizabeth H. (1994), ‘The Implementation and Enforcement of CITES in the European Union’, TRAFFIC Europe. Hofer, Doris (2002), ‘The Lion’s Share of the Hunt: Trophy Hunting and Conservation – A Review of the Legal Eurasian Tourist Hunting Market and Trophy Trade under CITES’, TRAFFIC Europe. Holden, Jane (1998), ‘By Hook or by Crook: A Reference Manual on Illegal Wildlife Trade and Prosecutions in the United Kingdom’, TRAFFIC. Human Rights Watch (1993), ‘Land Mines in Angola’. IFAW (2008), ‘Killing with Keystrokes’. IFAW (2012), ‘Killing with Keystrokes 2.0 – IFAW’s Investigation into the European Online Ivory Trade’. IUCN, CITES, TRAFFIC (2013), ‘Status of African Elephant Populations and Levels of Illegal Killing and the Illegal Trade in Ivory: A Report to the African Elephant Summit’: https://cmsdata.iucn. org/downloads/african_elephant_summit_background_document_2013_en.pdf. Lavigne, David (ed.) (2013), ‘Elephants and Ivory’, IFAW. Lee, Samuel, Craig Hoover, Andrea Gaski and Judy Mills (1998), ‘A World Apart? Attitudes Toward Traditional Chinese Medicine and Endangered Species in Hong Kong and the United States’, TRAFFIC. Lyapustin, Sergey N., Alexey L. Vaisman and Pavel V. Fomenko (2007), ‘Wildlife Trade in the Russian Far East: An Overview’, TRAFFIC.

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