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The World Wildlife Crime Report was prepared by the Research and Trend Analysis Branch, Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, under the supervision of Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director of the Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, and Angela Me, Chief of the Research and Trend Analysis Branch.
Content overview Kristiina Kangaspunta Angela Me Anja Korenblik Analysis and drafting Ted Leggett Julie Viollaz Irmgard Zeiler Tanya Shadbolt Data management Enrico Bisogno Diana Camerini Francesca Rosa Lisa Weijler Thematic research experts contributing to the report Ekane Humphrey Anoah (pangolins) Tanawat Likitkererat (World WISE) James Liu (reptiles, tiger) Rowan Martin (ivory) Frances Maplesden (rosewood) Joao Salguiero (ivory, pangolin) Rebeca Sandoval (pangolins) Florian Stein (eels) Daniel Stiles (ivory, rhino, pangolin, tiger) George Wittemyer (ivory) Graphic design, cartography, and layout Anja Korenblik Suzanne Kunnen Kristina Kuttnig Maria Moser Lorenz Perszyk Editing Raggie Johansen
Review and comments The World Wildlife Crime Report 2020 benefited from the invaluable contributions by UNODC colleagues in all divisions. Particularly, the support provided by the UNODC Global Programme for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime is gratefully acknowledged: Jorge Eduardo Rios, Jenna Dawson-Faber, Giovanni Broussard, Olga Kuzmianok and Sinead Brophy. Research for this Report benefited from the expertise and invaluable contribution by the Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Also, other partner members of the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC), the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the World Bank and the World Customs Organization (WCO), supported the production of the report. The Research and Trend Analysis Branch acknowledges the invaluable contributions and advice provided by the World Wildlife Crime Report Scientific Advisory Group: Debbie Banks, Steven Broad, Colman O’Criodain, Ofir Drori, Juliana Machado Ferreira, Sofie Flensborg, Pia Jonsson, Paula Kahumbu, Jennifer Mailley, Kelly Malsch, Martha Serrano Rivas, John Sellar, Daniel Stiles, Kristof Titeca, and Ling Xu. The preparation of this report benefited from the financial contributions of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, France and the European Union.