2019 Gianmarco Fornara Portfolio

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Gianmarco FORNARA Architecture Portfolio 2019


FORNARA 1990, Italian, Architect Chartered n. 22962 in Rome +39 3408359011 gianmarco.fornara@gmail.com LinkedIn | Issuu

EDUCATION 2017 Feb.-Dec.

2016 Feb.-Jul.

Management du Projet Complexe d’Architecture International II level Professional Master [ Università “Sapienza” di Roma | ENSA Paris Val de Seine | ETSA Vallés - Barcelona] “Crysis and regeneration: the urban reconnection as strategy of sustainable growth. The case of Scali Milano” [ 110/110 cum laude ]

BIM: Revit Architecture [ “Sapienza” Università di Roma | A-Sapiens - Professional course ] Autodesk Certified User n. wM7Vc-FMQm

2016 Feb.-Dec.

Teaching assistant for “Construction Design 3”

2014 Jan.-Jun.

Coordinator for Safety and Health Matters

2015 2009

[ Università “Sapienza” di Roma ]


Sogani Design @ Light+Building

2018 jan.-Feb.

Complesso parrocchiale di San Cesareo, Roma

2017 jan.-Feb.

2014 Jul.

[ CefmeCTP, D.Lgs. 81/08 ]

Master’s degree in Architecture [ Università “Sapienza” di Roma ] “Sampietrini Smart. Analysis and perspectives for the traditional Roman paving” [ 110/110 cum laude ]

2015 Jun.-Jul.

Editing: BIM: Render: Misc: Soft:

Autocad | Rhinoceros | Grasshopper | Sketchup Phothsop | Indesign | Illustrator Revit | Edificius 3ds Max | Vray | Corona Office Suite | Hand sketching | Cubase | Pinnacle | Project Adaptable | Resourceful | Responsible | Creative | Problem solver Courageous | Team Player | Confident | Driven

Final design consultancy, visualization Church, sacristy, offices and priest’s house

SS. Maria alle Tre Cannelle, Roma Measured survey, visual communication Re-opening and interiors renovation

“Coração do Fado”, Lisboa StartForTalents Competition - Status: 3rd prize | 115 entries “MUFA: MUseu do Fado” in Alfama

“Reshape through colours”, Tivoli, Roma ArtUrbain Competition - Status: Entry “Quartiers périurbains par les mobilités”



Collaboration with EpistleCommunication Press office activities, editing and publication of contents




Mother tongue

[ C1 ] Proficiency

[ A2 ] Basic

PUBLICATIONS 2016 Feb. 2015 18 Dec.

“Isola Sacra: fragile and strategic territory” [ R. Secchi; ARACNE; university Final Laboratory project ]

“Sampietrini smart: get lost... without getting lost” [ National press “Osservatore Romano”; article about master degree’s thesis ]

WORK EXPERIENCE Actual 2018 Apr.

Architectural consultant at Camaxx Workshop

2017 Feb. 2015 Jan.

Intern - Junior Architect at A&U Engineering [ Imbrighi & Associates ]

[ camaxx@tin.it | Via Vigliena 10, Roma, IT ]

[ teresa.crescenzi@fastwebnet.it | Viale Mazzini 117, Roma, IT ]

Pole of touristic convergence “Civitavecchia Porto”, Roma, Italia

Xiaokunshan, Songjiang, China

[ Project info ] Port area with service terminal, commercial park and hotel [ Personal duties ] Landscape Report, approval procedure, rendering

Library and civic centre for a small arising town Feasibility study, meetings in Shanghai with local authorities

Residential Complex “Ferriera”, Roma, Italia

Complesso di Vicolo Valdina, Roma, Italia

Requalification of an ex-industrial area with commercial and residential buildings Conceptual design, Evironmental Impact Assessments (V.I.A.)

Restoration and retrofitting of Camera dei Deputati’s offices Administrative approval in course of construction

Integrated programme “Parco del Candeliere”, Roma, Italia

Sheshan Deluxe Boutique Hotel, Shanghai, China

Transformation of a large area with commercial and productive buildings Landscape report (R.P.), Landscape integration analysis (S.I.P.)

Organic landscape-building with 252 rooms and 23 suite-villas on the roof garden Preliminary and final design, interior design, management with meetings and presentations in Roma, Milano, Baden-Baden and Shanghai with the client

“Villa Muti Bussi Luxury Clinic”, Roma, Italia Adaptation of a countryhouse into a luxury clinic Preliminary design, cost and regulations management • Drafting of many Landscape Reports, Environmental Impact Assessments (V.I.A.) and Strategic Environmental Analysis (V.A.S.) • Preliminary and final design of middle/large scale urban transformations • Project management from design to approval 2018 Feb. 2017 Jan.

Architect - Project manager at Sopier Italia Real Estate Consulting

Junior high school of Celano, L’Aquila, Italy Design&build tender, demolition and reconstruction Final design, management and coordination with the engineering firm, the plants experts and the building company, visualization

Office building “S. Andrea al Quirinale”, Roma, Italia Public tender for adaptation to standards by Agenzia del Demanio Coordination of the project team from BD to public tender-openings sessions

Office building “Trastevere”, Roma, Italia

[ info@sopier.it | Via G.A. Guattani 1, Roma, IT ]

Public tender for adaptation to standards by Agenzia del Demanio Coordination of the project team from BD to public tender-openings sessions

Residenze Roccamandolfi, Roma, Italia

Ex – quarry “The Hole” in Saturnia, Italy

160 units residential project of urban regeneration Final design, rendering, support during the approval procedure, computations, 1:100 mockup (with interiors, for the sales office)

Functional rehabilitation as civic center and auditorium, in project financing Preliminary design with two phases of implementation

Residenze degli Ulivi, Castel S. Pietro Romano, Roma, Italia

Public tender for renovation and seismic adaptaton Preliminary design, rendering, production and organization of bid documents

Eco-sustainable two-family houses with XLAM technology Final design, development with suppliers (and visualization) of three different finishes for three different budgets

Social Housing Labico (Roma) & Pioltello (Milano), Italia High-rise and multi-storey buildings, ex art.81 Final design, rendering, 1:500 mockup (3d printed) • Development of many residential projects in different phases • Production of dynamic physical models with 3d printing • Coordination of a team of three students of “ECO - Expert for the qualification in the energetic and environmental fields” (“A.L.E.SS. Don Milani” + Regione Lazio) for the energy and material analysis of a villa in Palestrina, laying the groundwork for the further construction phase

Kindergarten and primary school in Pianola, L’Aquila, Italia

“DamuBay”, Damu Wan New City, China New Marina with docking, (un)loading and maintenance services Preliminary design, with docks and yacht design expert arch. G. Sigismondi • Assistance to Court Appointed Expert in million-euros lawsuits • Cost management for onging and new projects • Business development with research of bids and opportunities • Presentations and pitches in many occasions • Technical consultancy for EU call Life 2020, developing a noise-reduction panel adaptable on the different scenarios of the Slovak railway system • Preparation and achievement of ISO 9001:2008 certification • Editing of many official publications





Coração do Fado - StartForTalents Contest, Lisboa: MUseu do FAdo



Deluxe Boutique Hotel - Sheshan, an architectural landscape



San Tommaso da Celano - The school on the side of the mountain



Parametric design - A mindset to generate and control shapes



Interiors - Images and studies from different projects



Space planning - A complex process with many factors




FADO Lisboa: MUseu do FAdo StartForTalents Contest:

III prize

6 7


Section A

Let’s spin it...

Section B

...and stretch it

Section C ...and what about a central void?

Every corner of Lisboa tells a story, as every episode of Portuguese contemporary architecture has a strong formal language. Can we utilize the purity and stereometry of Portuguese modernistic architecture to develop an expressive home for the poignant intensity of Fado? This assumption is the fundation of the whole design, drawn and developed for an international ideas competition that was joined by 115 groups of architects and designers, and where this project was awarded with the III prize. The design starts from a regular and functional plan and from its interaction with the triangular site: the pure and simple geometry of three rectangular blocks is spun and stretched in every direction, to fit a different volume to each of the three sides. The unexpected triple-height space in the rotation axis’ intersection, instantly noticeable from the hall with its dynamic and irregular shape, is the connective fulcrum of the Museum, with vertical paths developing through it.

Due to their shape, the double-skin façades allow glimpses and intuitions of the interiors and give the building a variable character depending on the light conditions. During the day, the sun fills the rooms with indirect light, reflecting on the white concrete surfaces, with panels acting like screens and shields. At night, the projections and shadow plays of the life within the building, with the heat and urge of the cafeteria and the slow motion and reflectivity of the exhibition areas, always draws different façades, more or less dynamic with the inner functions. The motif of the façades draws its inspiration from another identifying element of the Portuguese culture: the Coração de Viana. The refinement and elegance of the decoration makes the whole building appear as a large urban jewel.


Reception hall Cafeteria Auditorium Laboratory room Deposit/technical room Personnel office Exhibition room #1 Exhibition room #2 Hygienic facilities Terrace

.01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10




SHESHAN An organic architectural landscape

The Sheshan the Deluxe Boutique Hotel design passed through several stages, in a climate of constant dialogue with the committee which led to the development of many versions of the same project. I hold a key role during all the design and the relational phases with the client, in a long series of meetings and presentations, also in the presence of local political authorities, both via Skype and personally in Europe and China. The starting point in the design is given by a deep respect of the site on which the settlement will arise, in relation to the landscape and to the peculiar local biotope. The fluid organic forms of the Hotel are composed by sinuous bands of green, with the pure and simple volumes of the 23 suite-villas emerging from the green top. The large number of spaces and functions in the lower levels, with the 252 rooms, the 3 banqueting halls, the 2 restaurant and the church, are illuminated and ventilated directly and naturally by the three “volcanoes� and by the glazed tapes. This harmonious relationship with the landscape also means a demonstration of respect for the Chinese tradition.





The school on the side of the mountain




Demolition and reconstruction



Demolition / retaining walls


Didactic parallelepiped

Independence of functions

Vertical connections

Accesses and gardens

The design&build tender for the demolition and reconstruction of this public school called for a final design based on feasibility studies and on preliminary drawings . The design therefore focused on the improvements and on the optimization of the scarce resources available for the works, in coordination with the engineering team and with the construction company. My responsibilites inclueded the development of the design, the compliance with the sectoral legislation, the general visualizaton, the production of bid documents and the coordination with the building company and the rest of the team. The starting point of the project is the will to maintain the current orography of the terrain, avoiding any earth-moving to keep unaffected a well-consolidated state of the site. Then, to improve the presence of the vegetation in the whole area, and this is pursued by the enhancement of the existing garden at the higher level and by the creation of a new large green playground for children at the central level (identified as level 0.0). Then, vital point, the access system is totally re-organized, with the main access at the superior level and a further access at level -1, that makes the whole structure barrier-free and gives an independent function to the gym. The use of colours, in the interiors and in the intersecting volumes, has the purposes of defining functions and creating joyful spaces for children. The idea of optimizing the vertical and orizontal connections has led to the creation of a central “block� of distribution, that gives an immediate clarity about the internal layout and safeguards the children. Among other solutions for the energy production and conservation, the indoor lighting comfort is pursued through a simple mobile polycarbonate shielding system. The idea of creating autonomous functions (gym, multi-fuctional rooms) makes the school also a centre of additional services for the town, as specifically required by the municipality. The collaboration with the other technical experts has allowed to define, already on paper, optimal solutions for the construction phase.

Connective Vertical connections Safety vertical connections Hygiene services Janitors’ area Technical area Elementary classrooms (n.10) Integrated activities Offices Pedestrian entry Differently abled pedestrian entry Pedestrian path Differently abled path



PARAMETRIC DESIGN A mindset to generate

and control shapes

The exigency of creating a parametric definition to generate the balconies of these residential buildings derives from the amount of information to handle in the project. The residential complex consists, infact, in a series of similar buildings, all with the same model floorplan, different between each other only for the sinuous shapes of their balconies. Therefore, with the adoptation of this “mindset� since the conceptual phase of the design, the management of the shapes through parameters (Grasshopper) makes possible the creation of an algorithm that allows every kind of modification just controlling the design of a single balcony and of the loft that generates the different shapes of the floors.

The algorithm that generates the single balcony is composed by different clusters, each corresponding to a different component of the design. Starting from a reference curve (that derives from the intersection of a loft and the planes of the different levels), all the components adapts to the curve itself and to the sinuous openings of the parapets. Inside the different clusters, some recurring numbers (such as the thickness of the parapet) are defined by other clusters, so that their modification will affect also the other clusters in which they are used.




Images and studies from different projects

The following images are the synthesis of many works realized for different projects, including mainly hotel rooms and houses. The renderings are realized with Rhinoceros, 3ds Max, VRay and Corona, post-produced with Photoshop.



SPACE PLANNING A complex process with many factors

Which follows is a synthesis of my space planning experiences I have been developing through the years. Specifically, they regards space planning on a scale larger than the single apartment or the single function: from a commercial hall connected to the welcome centre of a dock, to a whole new residential building with small and medium housing typologies, to the layout for a new department of an historical hospital. Each project started with the definition of requirements and issues, using techniques as the “bubble plan� or starting (as for the hospital, where this aspect is particularly relevant) from the specific paths of each function.



+39 3408359011 gianmarco.fornara@gmail.com LinkedIn | Issuu

Thank YOU Portfolio 2019

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