Vol 2 (1) January 2014
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management (IJSRTM)
International Journal of Students‟ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 19-25
Sabyasachi Patra Prathamesh Patel Karishma Velisetty Department of Computer Science, NMIMS Institute, Mumbai -India sabya.9205@gmail.com, prathameshpatel.nmims@gmail.com, karish159@gmail.com Abstract This paper basically walks through the development of „Text-less safe driving‟, an application that auto responds to text messages you receive while you‟re driving. The driving and texting epidemic which has engulfed the people right since the inception of telephones is not really a good thing when it comes to safety. This basic application deals with this issue by auto – responding according to the users need. It basically responds automatically (and hands-free) to any text with a message such as “I‟m driving right now, I‟ll contact you shortly.” It‟s also an implementation of how Android provides access to some great working features of the phone, including SMS text processing, database management, text-to-speech, and the location sensor. Keywords – Text to Speech, Android API, Safe Driving, Mobile Application, Custom-user-response. 1. INTRODUCTION This application basically deals with the use of an Android API and the injection and manipulation of its programmatic to make an application which benefits the society. The three most important features of this application are that the User can change the response for different situations, the application speaks the text aloud and the response message can contain the current location of the recipient of the message (the one driving). The aforesaid mentioned features are just outlines which have been described and explained in detail in the paper. 2. WORKING FEATURES 2.1. The user can change the response for different situations 2.2. The app speaks the text aloud 2.3. Auto – Response 3. THE PATH TO CODING 3.1. The Texting component for sending texts and processing received texts. 3.2. An input form for submitting the custom response message. 3.3. The MySQL DB database component for saving the customized message even after the app is closed. 3.4. The ‗Screen.Initialize‘ event for loading the custom response when the app launches. 3.5. The Text-to-Speech component for speaking the texts aloud. 3.6. The ‗Location Sensor‘ component for reporting the driver‘s current location. 4. GETTING STARTED For this app to work, you need a text-to-speech module, ‗Text-To-Speech Extended’, on your phone. This module is included in Android version 2 or higher, but if you are running an Android 1.x operating system, you‘ll need to download it from the Android Market. On your phone: 4.1. Open the Market app. 4.2. Search for TTS. 4.3. Select the app Text-To-Speech Extended to install. Once the Text-To-Speech module is installed, open it to test its features. When it opens, set the default language as desired. Then select ―Listen to Preview.‖ If you don‘t hear anything, make sure the volume on your phone is turned up. Table 1: Components and Behaviors Label
Let the user know how the app works.
The response that will be sent back to the sender of original text.
The user will enter the custom response here.
The user clicks this to submit response.
International Journal of Students‟ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 19-25
Process the texts.
Store the response in the database.
Other stuff
Speak the texts aloud.
Location Sensor
Sense where the phone is.
5. APPLICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND ALGORITHMS USED 5.1. The Auto –response functionality As discussed before our application has an auto-response functionality which enables it to automatically send a text message (The response indication) to the person who sends the text while the application is running. Every component of Android has certain related events/event handlers associated with it due to which it can perform the functions as the user desires. To enable seamless understanding of the components and their usage to the reader, we have associated every component with certain behaviour and tabularized its functions such that there is a better readability and understand ability of the working and flow of our application. We have also designed the required behavioural models using a User Interface application for Android, STAR LOGO. The models and behaviours are depicted wherever necessary. Our modelling involves the COMPONENT, BEHAVIOUR, CATEGORY (whether its logic, an acceptance, a Math function etc.) and the USAGE. Block-wise components and what they actually do have been depicted below: Table 2: Block - wise Components Block type
The event handler that is triggered when the phone receives a text.
setTexting1.PhoneNumber to
Set the Phone Number property before sending.
value number
My Definitions
The phone number of the person who sent the text.
setTexting1.Message to
Set the Message property before sending.
Response Label
The message the user has entered.
Send the message.
5.2. Custom Response Functionality The custom response which the user (the person driving) sends to the user has a set of Android events which can be coded as needed. Table 3: Block types Block type
The user clicks this button to submit a new response message.
setResponseLabel.Text to
Move (set) the newly input value to this label.
The user has entered the new response here.
5.3 Storing The Response To A Database While the application is running on the mobile device and f the user enters a custom response, and then closes the app and re - launches it, the custom response will not appear (instead, the default one will). This behaviour is not what your users will expect; they‘ll want to see the custom response when they restart the app. To make this happen, we needed to store that custom response persistently.
International Journal of Students‟ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 19-25
To store data persistently, we need to use the MySQL DB component, which stores data in a database that‘s already on the Android device (internal storage). We basically play around with two functions which we have outlined below: Store Value and Get Value. The former allows the app to store information in the device‘s database, while the latter lets the app retrieve information that has already been stored. 5.3. Our Scheme Of Events 1. Store data to the database each time the user submits a new value. 2. When the app launches, load the data from the database into a variable or property. We start by modifying the SubmitResponseButton.Click event handler so that it stores the data persistently. 5.4. Retrieving The Custom Response When The App Opens The reason for storing the custom response in the database is so it can be loaded back into the app the next time the user opens it. Table 4: Block - types for Custom Response Block type
def variable (―response‖)
A temporary variable to hold the retrieved data.
text (―‖)
The initial value for the variable can be anything.
This is triggered when the app begins.
set global response to
My Definitions
Set this variable to the value retrieved from the database.
Get the stored response text from the database.
text (―responseMessage‖)
Plug this into the tag slot of MySQL DB.GetValue, making sure the text is the same as that used in MySQL DB.StoreValue earlier.
Ask if the retrieved value has some text.
Check if the length of the retrieved value is greater than (>) 0.
5.5. Speaking The Incoming Texts Aloud Android devices provide robust Text to Speech capabilities which have been elaborately explained in the Android Developers website. This API can be used and manipulated as we want so as to get our texts and related messages spoken out aloud. For the working of this app, we need to provide a more complicated message to be spoken, one that includes both the text received and the phone number of the person who sent it. An incredibly useful function, make text allows you to combine separate pieces of text (or numbers and other characters) into a single text object. Table 5: Block - types for Incoming Texts Block type
Speak the message received out loud.
make text
Build the words that will be spoken.
text (―SMS text received from‖)
The first words spoken.
value number
My Definitions
The number from which the original text was received.
text (―.The message is‖)
Put a period in after the phone number and then say, ―The message is‖.
value messageText
My Definitions
The original message received.
5.6. Adding Location Information To The Response
International Journal of Students‟ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 19-25
In our application, location tracking can be used to convey a bit more information in response to incoming texts. Instead of just ―I‘m driving,‖ the response message can be something like ―I‘m driving and I‘m at XYZ Lane 3.‖ For someone awaiting the arrival of a friend or family member, this extra information can be helpful. Android provides the Location Sensor component for interfacing with the phone‘s GPS (or geographical positioning system). Besides latitude and longitude information, the Location Sensor can also tap into Google Maps to provide the driver‘s current street address. Table 6: Block - types for Location Information Block type
def variable (―lastKnownLocation‖)
Create a variable to hold the last read address.
text (―unknown‖)
Set the default value in case the phone‘s sensor is not working.
This is triggered on the first location reading and every location change.
set global lastKnownLocation to
My Definitions
Set this variable to be used later.
This is a street address such as ―254, Street 13, Mumbai‖.
5.7. Sending The Location As Part Of The Response Using certain global variables and the Android API‘s this implementation can be achieved. Table 7: Block - types for Location Response Block type
make text
If there is a location reading, build a compound text object.
Message Textbox
This is the (custom) message in the text box.
text (―My last known location is‖)
This will be spoken after the custom message.
global lastKnownLocation
Location Sensor
This is a street address such as ―254, Street 13, Mumbai‖.
6. FUTURE SCOPE AND VARIATIONS 6.1. The application can let the user define custom responses for particular incoming phone numbers. You‘ll need to add conditional. 6.2. The application can send custom responses based on whether the user is within certain latitude/longitude boundaries. 6.3. An alarm can be sounded when a text is received from a number in a ―notify‖ list. 7. CONCLUSION The Application ‗Safe Driving‘ has been developed incorporating certain important features of the Android OS. The Texting component can be used to both send text messages and process the ones that are received. To respond to an incoming text, the ‗Texting.MessageReceived‘ handler is programmed. The MySQL DB component is used to store information persistently—in the phone‘s database—so that the data can be reloaded each time the app is opened. The ‗TextToSpeech‘ component takes any text object and speaks it aloud. The ‗make text‘ event is used to piece together (or concatenate) separate text items into a single text object. The LocationSensor component can report the phone‘s latitude, longitude, and current street address. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research paper is made possible through the help and support from many people, and in essence, all sentient beings. Especially, please allow me to dedicate my acknowledgment of gratitude towards our college Librarian Mr. Pradip Das and his team. I would like to thank Mr. Anand Gawadekar of the NMIMS IEEE
International Journal of Studentsâ€&#x; Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 19-25
Committee due to which we could get all requested references seamlessly without any trouble. Finally, sincere thanks to our college and Computer Science department for allowing us to enter the field of research in our so important final year of B.Tech. Special thanks to our H.O.D, Prof. Dhirendra Mishra. IMAGES INDEX
Fig. 1: Blocks integration diagram for Texting functionality
Fig. 2: Blocks integration diagram for DB Storage functionality
International Journal of Studentsâ€&#x; Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 19-25
Fig. 3: Blocks integration diagram for Response functionality
Fig. 4: Blocks integration diagram for Location response functionality
Fig. 5: Home Page screenshot
International Journal of Students‟ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 19-25
REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
http://www.nsc.org/pages/nscestimates16millioncrashescausedbydriversusingcellphonesandtexting.aspx InstaMapper LLC, GPS Tracker. URL:http://www.instamapper.com F. Wilson and J. Stimpson,‖Trends in fatalities from distracted driving in the United States, 1999 to 2008.‖ Am J Public Health,100.11 (2010):2213-2219 Google Mobile. http://www.google.com/mobile/voice-actions/. Android SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/ Alienman Tech, Wheres My Droid. URL:http://wheresmydroid.com Maryam Kamvar and Shumeet Baluja. A large scale study of wireless search behavior: Google mobile search. In CHI, pages 701{709, 2006. http://www.statefarm.com/aboutus/newsroom/20100819.asp T.Dutoit, ―An Introduction to Text-to-Speech Synthesis.‖ TTS Research team, TCTS Lab, pp. 2-6.
Author Biographies: Sabyasachi Patra is currently a student of NMIMS Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering. His background throughout school as well as Junior College has been Science. He has a keen interest in Research, both in the domain of computers and philosophy; apart from which, Physics and Creative writing are also his primary pursuits of interest. His areas of interest in Computer Science broadly lie in the fields of Mobile Computing/implementations, Client – server web application development and Computer Architecture.
Karishma Velisetty is currently a student of NMIMS Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering. Her background throughout school as well as Junior College has been Science. She has an interest for the process of Software development and Computer Science theories. Apart from Computers, she has interest in finance.
Prathamesh Patel is currently a student of NMIMS Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering. His background throughout school as well as Junior College has been Science. His interests in the field of Computer Science lie in the field of application development and Websites.
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 01-05
AUTOMATIC VEHICLE STABILIZATION SYSTEM Gaurav Pednekar1, Raunak Borwankar2 and Purva Sawant3 Students, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai, India 1 gpednekar4@gmail.com, 2raun_borwankar@yahoo.co.in, 3sawant.purva@gmail.com 1, 2, 3
Abstract The document gives information on controlling the load of heavy duty vehicles while taking turn in order to avoid tumbling of vehicle due to inertia. Also this system is to control the speed of vehicle during turn as excess speed during sharp turn can also result in rollover of vehicle, i.e. vehicle flips around its rolling axis. The system consists of the closed loop control mechanism, in which the on board computer works as an error detector, which detects any deviation of certain parameters responsible for stability of the vehicle. Then the necessary control action is performed by the actuators to compensate the deviation in those parameters. Keywords- Passive suspension, Active suspension, ABS, hydraulic actuators, Auto-stabilization 1. INTRODUCTION With the advancement in the automobile technology and development of road networks, travelling with the IC (Internal Combustion) engine based vehicle is getting much faster as compared to earlier days. But with the increasing capability of the vehicles to travel with higher speed, risk of road mishap is also increasing. According to the report published by Ministry of Road Transport & Highway transport research wing of Govt. Of India in 2012, chart 18 shows that the heavy vehicles like buses, trucks, and tempos share 36.6% of human causalities in road accidents in the year 2011. Reports have also showed that most of the accidents occur due to over speeding & hence losing the control on the vehicle. When we have a look on the data, it is observed that the heavy vehicles are involved more in road accident since they are not so easy to handle as compared to small vehicles. After understanding the seriousness of the topic, it becomes necessary to look upon the road safety standards ways to improve it. Education, Enforcement, Engineering & Emergency care of road victims can save lives of many. Since we are concerned about the Engineering solution which improves the safety of the heavy vehicle while driving, we introduce here the Automatic Vehicle Stabilization System.
Figure 1: % Share of persons killed in road accidents Source: Report published by Ministry of Road Transport & Highway Transport research wing of Govt. Of India, 2012, chart 18, page20
2. CURRENT TECHNOLOGY With the invention of new types of suspensions, travelling through modern vehicle is getting safer. Most of the automobile manufacturers use the improvised conventional passive suspensions. Still, in certain cases, for heavy vehicles these suspensions will not work. For example if a truck is loaded with more than its maximum capacity, and if the truck travels with considerable velocity at sharp turn, its centre of gravity will get shifted away from its normal position and hence disturbing the equilibrium state. As a result, truck gets pulled away from centre of curvature (Due to centrifugal force) and truck rollovers on one side since the suspension system has failed. In spite of having limitations, the passive suspension system is used almost everywhere (exceptions: MiniMaglev used in Japan & F1 cars which use semi active suspension.) due to its simplicity, cost effectiveness & ruggedness. Current technology does not have the capacity to automatically limit the speed if the vehicle is travelling along the steep turn. There, the current system totally depends upon the driver. If the speed limit is crossed at turn, then there are high risks of vehicle getting flipped on the other side.
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 01-05
3. REPLACEMENT NEEDED IN CURRENT TECHNOLOGY The current technology is reliable and tested against harsh circumstances. Still it requires improvement so that technology can back up the driver. With the development in the microelectronics, a small computer on board can be installed in the vehicle to monitor all parameters which play a vital role to maintain the stability & handling of the vehicle. When certain parameter is exceeding the limit, actuators can be driven to compensate that error. Simultaneously, an alarming system can be incorporated within it. 4. WHAT IS AUTOMATIC VEHICLE STABILIZATION SYSTEM The system for heavy-duty vehicle will have 3 main blocks: a. Sensors b. Microcontroller c. Active suspension & Actuators
Figure 2: Block diagram of the Automatic Vehicle Stabilizing System (AVSS) a. Sensors: The sensors used in this system are basically active transducers which work on tachometric principle i.e. these sensors are mounted near shaft of wheels of vehicle. These sensors generate the train of pulses, which has frequency proportional to the speed of vehicle. These tachometric transducers are available in various types such as Hall-effect tachometers, & opto–isolated tachometers. Considering the ruggedness, Hall Effect sensor is more popular. The above block diagram is of Hall Effect sensor or tachometer. It has one significant component, called as the Hall probe, and mounted near the wheel of the vehicle, very close to the toothed structure on the shaft. This probe has solenoid made up of Copper with the magnetic material rod at the centre of the probe. When supply voltage is applied to the probe, the current starts flowing in the solenoid, developing the magnetic field around it. The probe carries the magnetic flux & radiates it in the small air gap between the probe & the toothed gear. Due to the toothed structure & its rotation, probe develops the train of pulses at its output. The electrical signal developed by the transducer is in the form of the pulses. But, it may contain some irregularities. So, some signal shaping circuits are required. For this purpose, active Schmitt Trigger can be used. Now, this clean train pulse is applied to the input of the counter circuit, which will count these pulses and give the digital output word. The electrical signal developed by the transducer is in the form of the pulses. But, it may contain some irregularities. So, some signal shaping circuits are required. For this purpose, active Schmitt Trigger can be used. Now, this clean train pulse is applied to the input of the counter circuit, which will count these pulses and give the digital output word.
Figure 3: Block schematic of Hall-effect tachometer
Figure 4: The Hall probe
b. Microcontroller (On Board Computer) The microcontroller AT89C51 is programmed in such way that it monitors on the parameters like velocity of the vehicle, degree by which vehicle is turning. According to the data, it will take actions to move actuators in such a way that vehicle is stabilized properly. The controller will also monitor & the speed of vehicle, & control it by
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 01-05
actuators. Considers the digital equivalent value of the parameters like speed & rate of change of angle of front wheel shaft. If the vehicle is taking the turn, then according to mathematical formula in program, the controller calculates the amount of force to be delivered to the load which is the function of speed & derivative of angular displacement with respect to time. The output received from microcontroller will be just 0 or 1 at any of its port pins according to availability & requirement. The 8051 family has 8 bit ALU, four 8-bit addressable ports, on chip timer, counter with control word, and interrupt registers. The data from the signal processing circuits is allowed to enter into the controller. Controller will have program stored in its EEPROM. But, microcontroller gives out current in the range of 50 to 650 µA, which is not sufficient to drive the actuators. So, we use current amplifiers to drive actuators which are high power devices like motors in actuators & active suspensions.
Figure 5: The AT89C51 Microcontroller c. Active suspension & Actuatorsi. Active suspension (To manipulate load position) Active suspensions are electronically controlled suspensions which have capability to vary their stiffness & damping even if physical dimensions are not changed.
Figure 6: Active suspension systems used for car On the basis of working principle of operating principle, types of suspension may vary. Such as the heavy vehicle will need hydraulic suspension, while medium scale can be handled with pneumatic suspension. For heavy duty vehicle, we consider hydraulic suspensions & actuators. In hydraulics, we use uncompressible & viscous fluid such as oil, to move piston in or out of the cylinder. So this fluid is pressurised by using electric pump or motor in the actuator. The motor will start or stop applying pressure according to signal received by microcontroller. Now, these actuators will regulate their piston movement in such a way that it stabilizes the vehicle.
Figure 7: The mathematical model and transfer function of Active suspension
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 01-05
Figure 8: Root locus for the active suspension system using above transfer function.
Figure 9: Response of Active suspension system to step input ii. Actuators (For active breaking) Similar to the active suspension, active breaking uses the same operating principle, i.e. the hydraulics. It consists of components like master cylinder, piston, valves, & a pump (motor). When vehicle is about to take turn, the sensor from steering wheel gives triggering input to the system, by which microcontroller in the system monitors the values of various parameters such as cornering angle, lateral force on the load etc. & if any value exceeds than its limit, then gradual breaking of wheels is applied. Simultaneously, the electronically operated fuel injector valve trips engine from fuel supply. Thus, even if operator hits accelerator, engine will not be able to generate any increase in output. The vehicle hence slows down and becomes steadier. Still if the system is not able to stabilize the load & chassis of the vehicle, the high power suspension system applies reaction force against the weight of the vehicle. A similar system is existing in the form of ABS i.e. Anti-locking breaking system, but it does manipulate the load of vehicle. 5. APPLICATIONS The system can be used for safe transport of goods & people with more safety than earlier.
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 01-05
In country like India, where road safety standards are not strictly followed, successful design of this system can be used to test reliability & safety of existing vehicles. The same system is applicable for high speed railways with some changes in configuration.
6. CONCLUSION: The paper presents the concept of closed loop control system used to maintain stability of heavy vehicle. The AVSS can improve the handling of heavy vehicles even better. More importantly, it is a solution over the problem of rollover of heavy vehicles which takes almost thousands of precious lives over the globe. REFERENCES 1. http://www.designboom.com/technology/worlds-first-fully-regenerative-active-suspension-system/ 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-lock_braking_system 3. Principles of Control Systems by M. Gopal 4. http://www.engineershandbook.net/suspension-system-with-matlab-simulink/ 5. http://www.frpatentsonline.com/6338012.html 6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollover
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 14-18
COST OPTIMIZATION OF POST-TENSIONED I- GIRDER Devashree U. Sawant, N.G.Gore, P.J.Salunke, V.G.Sayagavi devashreesawant81289@gmail.com Abstract Nowadays Post-tensioned simply supported pre-stressed concrete (PC) I-girder bridges are widely used bridge system for short to medium span (20m to40m) highway bridges due to its moderate self-weight, structural efficiency, ease of fabrication, low maintenance etc. In order to compete with steel bridge systems, the design of PC I-girder Bridge system must lead to the most economical use of materials. In this present study, cost optimization approach of a post-tensioned PC I-girder is presented. The objective is to minimize the total cost in the design process of the bridge system considering the cost of materials. For a particular girder span and bridge width, the design variables considered for the cost minimization of the bridge system, are top flange width, girder depth, bottom flange thickness, number of cables (i. e. X1, X2, X3,X4 resp.) Design constraints for the optimization are considered according to AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) Standard Specifications and IS: 1343-1980. The optimization problem is characterized by having a combination of continuous, discrete and integer sets of design variables. For An optimization purpose Matlab Software with SUMT (Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique) is used that is capable of locating directly with high probability the minimum design variables.
1. INTRODUCTION In conventional structure design process, the design method proposes a certain solution that is validated by mathematical analysis in order to verify that the problem requirements or specifications are satisfied. If such requirements are not satisfied, then a new solution is proposed by the designer based on his intuition experience .The process undergoes many manual iterations before the design can be finalized making it a slow and very costly process. There is no formal attempt to reach the best design in the strict mathematical sense of minimizing cost. The process of design is relied exclusively on the designer’s experience, intuition and creativity resulting in high cost in terms of times and human efforts. An alternative to the conventional design method is optimum design. An optimum design normally implies the most economic structure without harming the functional purposes of the structure. An optimization technique transforms the conventional design process of trial and error into a formal and systematic procedure. Pre-stressed concrete (PC) I-girder bridge systems are ideal as short to medium span (20 to 40 m) highway bridges because of their moderate self-weight, structural efficiency, ease of fabrication, fast construction, low initial cost, long life expectancy, low maintenance, simple deck removal, and replacement. Large and important projects containing I-girder bridge structures have the potential for substantial cost reduction through application of optimum design methodology and thus, will be of great value to practicing engineers. Rana et al. (2010) presented Cost optimization approach of a post-tensioned PC I-girder bridge system. A global optimization algorithm named EVOP (Evolutionary Operation) was used. The comparison was made between optimum design and a real life project named Teesta Bridge. This comparison leads up to 35% saving. Ahsan et al. (2012) presented an optimization approach to the design of simply supported, post-tensioned, pre-stressed concrete I-girder bridges. Sami et al(1996) presented a systematic procedure for selecting the most economic girder type and spacing for a given span. They conclude that it is more economical to space the girders at their maximum spacing. Macrae et al(1984) presented a computer approach to the optimal design of structural concrete beams. An optimal design program called OSCON was used for this purpose. The main objective of this study was Minimizing the amount of reinforcement for a given concrete-section, evaluating the effect of steel cost ratios on optimal solutions, Optimizing the section shape of partially pre-stressed concrete beams, Analysis of given designs with respect to all relevant criteria.
2. PROBLEM FORMULATION A. Design variables For a particular girder span and bridge width, a large number of parameters control the design of the bridge such as girder spacing, cross sectional dimensions of girder, deck slab thickness, number of strands per tendon, number of tendons, deck slab reinforcement, configuration of tendons, anchorage system, pre-stress losses, concrete strength etc. the design variables consider in this study are tabulated in Table 1. A typical cross-section of the PC I-girder is illustrated in Fig. 1 to highlight several of the design variables reflect in this study. Figure 1: Girder composite section with design variables
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 14-18
Pre-stress is considered to be applied in two stages, a percentage of total pre-stress at initial stage to carry only the girder self-weight and stress produced during lifting and transportation and full pre-stress during casting of deck slab. Table1. Design variables with constraints Sr No.
Design Variables
Top flange width (X1)
300 ≤ X1 ≤ S
Girder depth (X2)
1000 ≤ X2 ≤ 3500
Bottom flange thickness (X3)
a ≤ X3≤ 600
Number of cables (X4)
1≤ X4≤ 20
a= clear cover + duct diameter, S= Girder spacing
B. Objective function The objective function in the present optimization problem is the cost of PSC slab bridge deck whose main components are cost of concrete, and pre stressing steel. It is assumed that cost of steel, launching and casting formwork etc. are directly proportional to volume of concrete, hence all these cost are included in the rate of concrete. It is also assumed that cost of anchor, sheathing etc. are directly proportional to volume of prestressing steel, hence all these cost are included in the rate of pre-stressing steel. Objective function can be expressed as: TOTALcost = Qconc*Ccost+Qsteel*Scost Rate of objective function can be expressed as, Qconc = Quantity of concrete in m3 Qsteel = Quantity of steel in Kg Ccost = Cost of concrete/ m3 Scost = Cost of steel/ Kg
C. Constraints These are specified limitation (upper or lower limit) on design variables which are derived from geometric requirements (superstructure depth, clearances etc.), minimum practical dimension for construction, code restriction etc. The constraint is defined as XL ≤ X ≤ XU…………………………………………………… (1) Where X = Design variable. XL = Lower limit of the design variable. XU = Upper limit of the design variable. The constraints imposed in the design of pre-stressed concrete flexural member are generally the following: 1. Stresses developed at top n bottom fibres of the critical section at the stage of transfer of pre-stressed and under service loads. These conditions yield four inequalities expressed as: …….………………………………………(2) …………………………………………... (3) ……………………………………... (4) ……………………………………….. (5) 2. Code requirements for the limit state of collapse to ensure desirable load factors against flexural failure which can be written as: ……………………………….. (6) D. Deflection constraint at the limit state of serviceability which takes the form, ………………………………………………………… (7) Where, and are the actual and permissible deflection, which is usually a small fraction of the span. E. Limitation on the minimum ratios of reinforcement in the section is expressed in the form,
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 14-18
Where, ��is the ratio of reinforcement provided, is the minimum ratio required to prevent failure by fracture of steel in tension, and is the maximum permissible ratio to ensure failure of the section by yielding of steel. The constraint equations used for this study are tabulated in Table 2. Table 2 Constraint equation Check for minimum section modulus
Pre-stressing force
Permissible tendon zone at support section
Permissible tendon zone at support section
Stresses at transfer stage at top
Stresses at transfer stage at bottom
Stresses at working load stage at top
G7= (Sgtw/Fcw)-1
Stresses at working stage at bottom
Check for ultimate flexural strength
G9= (Mu1/Mu2)-1
Check for shear stress
3. OPTIMIZATION METHOD Mathematical Stochastic Programming Programming Techniques Techniques Mathematical Programming Techniques 1. Calculus Method 2. Calculus Of Variations 3. Nonlinear Programming 4. Geometric Programming 5. Quadratic Programming 6. Linear Programming 7. Dynamic Programming 8. Integer Programming 9. Stochastic Programming 10. Separable Programming 11. Multi Objective Programming 12. Cpm & Pert 13. Game Theory Stochastic Programming Techniques 1. Stastical Decision Theory 2. Markov Processes 3. Queing Theory 4. Renewal Theory
Statistical Methods
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 14-18
5. Simulation Methods 6. Reliability Theory Statistical Method 1. Regression Analysis 2. Cluster Analysis 3. Design of Experiments 4. Discriminate Analysis The optimum cost design of I-Girder formulated in is nonlinear programming problem (NLPP) in which the objective function as well as constraint equation is nonlinear function of design variables. The various methods available for the solution of NLPP are compared in brief and the advantages and limitation of the chosen method is discussed. The various subroutines used in the program are also discussed. Methods for the Solution of the NLPP 1. Method of Feasible Directions 2. Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique (SUMT) 3. Sequential Linear Programming (SLP) 4. Dynamic Programming
A. The sequential unconstrained minimization technique (SUMT) In SUMT the constraint minimization problem is converted into unconstraint one by introducing penalty function. In the present work is of the form, f(x, r) is the penalty function f(x) is the objective function r is the non-negative penalty parameter, and m is the total number of constraints. The penalty function (x, r) is minimized as an unconstrained function of x and r, for a fixed value of r. The value of r is reduced sequent rained and the sequence of minima obtained converges to the constrained minimum of problems as r 0. A. Computer program The present optimization problem is solved by the interior penalty function method. The method is used for solving successive unconstrained minimization problems coupled with cubic interpolation methods of on dimensional search. The program developed by S. S. Rao for SUMT is used for the solution of the problem. The program is written in Matlab language. 4. CONCLUSIONS The objective of this study is to investigate the appropriate optimization method to the minimum cost of a PSC I Girder. In view of achieving this objective it is decided to develop a computer code in MATLAB. After validating this computer code by comparing the results with analytical results, it is planned to carry out the economical and safe design. 1. It is possible to formulate and obtain solution for the minimum cost design for PSC I-Girder. 2. It is possible to obtain the global minimum for the optimization problem by starting from different starting points with the interior penalty function method. 3. Significant savings in cost over the normal design can be achieved by the optimization. However the actual percentage of the saving obtained for optimum design for PSC I-Girder depend upon the span of slab and grade of material. 4. Maximum cost saving of 14.25% for conventional design is achieved in PSC I-Girder 30m span of M50 grade concrete. Maximum cost saving of 9.81% for conventional design is achieved in PSC I-Girder 30m span of M60 grade concrete. 5. The cost of PSC I-Girder decreases with the increase in the girder depth. 6. The cost of girder is directly proportional to grade of concrete. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to thank staff members of Civil Engineering Department, Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s College of Engineering and Technology, Kamothe, library staff for their assistance useful views and tips. A word of thanks is also reserved for all my batch mates for their selfless help, support and entertaining company.
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 14-18
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
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International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 29-36
QSAR STUDIES ON A SERIES OF 9-THC ANALOGUES AS CANNABINOID RECEPTOR MODULATORS Neerja Shukla Nehru Gram Bharati University, Jamunipur Kotwa, Allahabad, India neerjashuklaau2007@rediffmail.com Abstract QSAR studies were performed on a series of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( 9-THC) analogues as cannabinoid receptor modulators. 9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( 9-THC) analogues have been analyzed in relation to their physicochemical and molecular properties. The activities of the compounds were found to be significantly correlated with the physicochemical parameters such as index of refraction (Ior) , equalized electro-negativity (Xeq), first, second and third order of connectivity indices (1,2,3) and Mean weiner Index (WA). It was found that the presence of –OH group at R1 position was conducive for the inhibitory activity. The results are critically discussed on the basis of regression data and cross validation techniques. Poglani factor Q and the results of LOO (leave one out) method confirms the reliability and predictability of the proposed models. Keywords: QSAR; cannabinoid receptor modulators; physicochemical property; regression analysis, LOO 1. INTRODUCTION The cannabinoid receptor type 1(CB1) and cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB 2) are G-protein coupled receptors.The exact location of CB1 receptors is on the central and peripheral neurons and that of CB2 receptors is in the periphery. The cannabinoid receptors are having great therapeutic potential.Treatment of pain,neurodegenerative disease and glaucoma can be done by CB1 agonists and neuropathic pain,asthma,allergies,rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune diseases can be done by CB2 agonists.Currently Nabilone is under clinical trials for neuropathic pain.The current study represents the QSAR analysis of a series of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( 9-THC) analogues as cannabinoid receptor modulators ( Burdick et al., 2010)using a number of structural parameters along with indicator parameter at different substitution sites. The aim of our study was to discover selective CB2 agonists for treatment of neuropathic pain by making modifications in 9-THC(1) at the C-1 position. 2. EXPERIMENTAL 2.1. Physicochemical Parameters- The physicochemical parameters such as Index of refraction (Ior) used as steric parameter was calculated by ACD Lab Chem Sketch ( Acd – Lab Software), first,second and third order of connectivity indices (1,2,3) and Mean weiner Index (WA)(DRAGON Software) are the topological Parameters calculated by DRAGON Software . (i) Index of refraction (IOR) – The index of refraction (IOR) of a medium is the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to its velocity in the medium. (ii) Molecular Connectivity Index () - Molecular connectivity is a method of quantifying the structure of chemical groups, which has found wide application in chemistry (Gutman 1994; Khadikar et al 2003; Randic 1975; Randic 1993) . It is based upon an algorithm to encode the ranking of alkanes relative to the attribution of branching. The term molecular connectivity was adopted by Kier and Hall in 1975, in connectivity with a mathematical algorithm proposed by Randic. This index is one of the most widely used topological indexes in QSPR/QSAR analysis. In its original form, it is defined as below: 1 ………….. (1) 1 (G) i j 1 / 2
Where i is the valence of a vertex i, equal to the number of bonds connected to the atom i, in G, representing the graph of the compound. Meaning of i is analogous. (iii) The first order Connectivity Index (1) -The First order connectivity index follows from the following expression. 1
(G) 1 Di D j 1/ 2
………….. (2)
i, j
Where Di and Dj are the valences of a vertex i and j, equal to the number of bonds connected to the atoms i and j, in G. (iv)The second Order Connectivity Index (2) - The second order connectivity index (2R ) is obtained from the
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 29-36
following equation:
v (G) 2 v Di D j Dk S1 / 2 SL
………….. (3)
S 1
i=j=k Where S stands for a path of length two while SL is the number of paths of length in G. Each path of length two has in this case a weight Di, Dj, Dk. (v) Mean Wiener Index (WA) -It is interesting to note that the number of element in a triangular of diagonal sub matrix is equal to 1/2 N (N-1) ………….. (4) Where, N is the number of vertices in Graph G. In terms of this, the mean wiener index (WA) (Weiner 1947; Weiner 1947) is defined as WA (G) = 2 W/N (N-1) ………….. (5) (vi) Equalized electronegativity (Xeq)18 - Electronegativity was first defined by Pauling (1939) as the power of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to it. He found an empirical relation between the energy of a bond the electronegativities of the bonded and from this relation he estimated the electronegativity of several atoms. Xeq is an electronic parameter and is based upon Sanderson’s Principle. It was calculated using the following formula:
N V | X
Where N is the total number of atom and V is the particular number of atom and X is the electronegativity of that element. (vii) Indicator Variables – Indicator variables (parameters), sometimes called dummy variables, are used in multiple linear regression analysis to account for certain features which cannot be described by continuous variables. The indicator parameters (variables) are generally assigned only two values zero and one. It is taken as 1 (one) for that particular group or substituent and at a specific site in the molecule and 0 (zero) for all such cases where that group or substituent is absent( Recantint et al., 1986). 2.2. Regression Analysis- The regression analysis is done using SPSS 7.5 version software. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The success of QSAR studies mainly depends whether or not the molecular descriptors chosen are appropriate to explain the biological activity(pKi).The present work deals with the QSAR studies on a series of 23 compounds of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( 9-THC) analogues with steric and topological parameters along with indicator parameter and activity. It is envisioned that this study will produce models that can be used for future designing of new analogues with higher potency..Here the biological activity (pKi) is a measure of inhibitory activity. In an attempt to determine the role of structural features, which appears to influence the observed activity of reported compounds, QSAR studies were undertaken using linear free energy relationship (LFER) model of Hansch and Fujita( Hanch et al., 1964) The multiparametric regression analysis used to derive the correlation was executed with the SPSS (7.5) programme. For QSAR studies, different analogues of parent structure and values of biological activity (pKi) along with, calculated physicochemical parameters are reported in Table-1. The autocorrelation between all the structural parameters and biological activity (pKi) is shown in Table-2. A close study of this table makes it clear that those parameters, which are orthogonal, can be used together in multiparametric regression studies. These parameters have already been found to be useful in various QSAR studies performed earlier (Srivastava et al., 2011-2007; Chaurasia et al., 2007; Agarwal et al., 2006, Agarwal et al., 2005, Agarwal et al., 2003 ;Khadikar et al.,2005, Khadikar et al.,2003, Khadikar et al.,2002; Jaiswal et al., 2004; Thakur et al., 2004). The aim of current study is mainly to study the different physicochemical parameters linear models and their stepwise regression analysis by using indicator variable and different parameters (According to correlation matrix). In this series, some significant QSAR models have been obtained which are given below: pIC50 = −0.482 (±0.202) Log P − 0.069 (±0.051) St − 0.833 (±0.917) I 1 + 0.636 (±0.731) I2 + 12.959 ------ (1) n = 24, R = 0.884, R2 = 0.782, R2A = 0.736, SE = 0.426, F (4, 19) = 17.007, Q = 2.364
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 29-36
pIC50 = −0.519 (±0.204) Log P − 2.826 (±2.313) J − 0.830 (±0.941) I 1 + 0.555 (±0.752) I2 + 5.828 ------ (2) n = 24, R = 0.878, R2 = 0.770, R2A = 0.722, SE = 0.437, F (4, 19) = 15.925, Q = 2.364 pIC50 = −0.509 (±0.205) Log P − 8.301 (±6.874) Ior − 0.833 (±0.943) I 1 + 0.681 (±0.755) I2 + 23.621 ------ (3) n = 24, R = 0.877, R2 = 0.769, R2A = 0.720, SE = 0.438, F (4, 19) = 15.803, Q = 2.364 pIC50 = −0.446 (±0.234) Log P − 3.538 (±3.754) D − 0.887 (±0.991) I1 + 0.568 (±0.793) I2 + 14.349 ------ (4) n = 24, R = 0.862, R2 = 0.744, R2A = 0.690, SE = 0.461, F (4, 19) = 13.784, Q = 2.364 Here and hereafter n is the number of compounds, R is the correlation coefficient, R 2 is the coefficient of determination, R2A is the adjusted R2, F is the Fischer statistics (Diudea ,2000; Bikash et al., 2003) S.E. is the standard error of estimate and Q is the quality of fit (Pogliani,1994; Pogliani,1996) The resulting models are not statistically good, they are not sufficient for QSAR modeling, for further improvement in statistical terms we must go through stepwise regression analysis. In above shown models the negative sign of coefficient of St, Ior, D, LogP indicate that less bulkier, less denser and lesser hydrophobic groups are preferable for the activity. The coefficient of J was found to be positive which clearly indicates that this parameter has positive influence in determining the activity. The negative sign of coefficient of I1 makes it that the HN N
Cl Cl
at R1 position should be strictly avoided in the future drug CH3 H3C
N Cl N
modeling while positive coefficient of I2 explains that the group at R1 position. is beneficial for the activity. In order to examine the relative potential of models, predictive correlation coefficient (R2Pred) were estimated by plotting graphs between observed and calculated pIC50 values obtained with the help of model no. 1. The comparison between observed and calculated activities is listed in Table-3. Such correlations are shown in figure 1. From the figure 1 R2Pred values obtained for equation 1 is 0.782 and this is fairly high indicating the quality of the models. The calculated F value for these models is greater than F theoretical value [F (4, 19) = 2.90] for all the models and this fact also indicates towards significant correlation level. Predictive ability was also evaluated by the LOO (Leave one out) (Cramer et al., 1988;Podlgar et al., 2000) crossvalidation procedure. This method systematically removes one data point at a time, a model is constructed on the basis of this reduce data set and is subsequently used to predict the removed sample. This procedure was repeated for all the points until complete set of predicted values were obtained. Various cross-validation parameters calculated for the proposed models are presented in Table- 4. 3.1. Cross Validation The cross validation analysis was performed using leave one out (LOO) method ((Cramer etal., 1988; Podlgar et al., 2000)) in which one compound is removed from the data set and the activity is correlated using the rest of the data set. The cross-validated R2 in each case was found to be very close to the value of R2 for the entire data set and hence these models can be termed as statistically significant. Cross validation provides the values of PRESS, SSY and R2cv and PSE from which we can test the predictive power of the proposed model.
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 29-36
It is argued that PRESS, is a good estimate of the real predictive error of the model and if it is smaller than SSY the model predicts better than chance and can be considered statistically significant. Furthermore, the ratio PRESS/SSY can be used to calculate approximate confidence intervals of prediction of new compound. To be a reasonable QSAR model PRESS/SSY should be smaller than 0.4. Also, if PRESS value is transformed in a dimension less term by relating it to the initial sum of squares, we obtain R2cv i.e. the complement to the traces on of unexplained variance over the total variance. The PRESS and R2cv have good properties. However, for practical purposes of end users the use of square root of PRESS/N, which is called predictive square error (PSE), is more directly related to the uncertainty of the predictions. The PSE values also support our results. The calculated cross-validated parameters confirm the validity of the models. All the requirements for an ideal model have been fulfilled by model no. 1, that’s why, we have considered as the best model. R2A takes into account the adjustment of R2. R2A is a measure of the percentage explained variation in the dependent variable that takes into account the relationship between the number of cases and the number of independent variables in the regression model, whereas R2 will always increase when an independent variable is added. R2A will decrease if the added variable doesn’t reduce the unexplained variable enough to offset the loss of decrease of freedom. 3.2. Predictive error of coefficient of correlation (PE) The predictive error of coefficient of correlation (PE) (Chattergee et al., 2000) is yet another parameter used to decide the predictive power of the proposed models. We have calculated PE value of all the proposed models and they are reported in Table 4. It is argued that if (i) if R < PE, then correlation is not significant; (ii)
if R > PE; several times (at least three times), then correlation is indicated; and if
if R > 6PE, then the correlation is definitely good.
For all the models developed the condition R > 6PE is satisfied and hence they can be said to have a good predictive power. 4. CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the above discussions some general conclusions can be drawn: 1.
Less denser, less bulkier and lesser hydrophobic groups should be used in the future drug modeling. HN N
Cl Cl
The indicator I1 for
group at R1 position should be avoided.
N Cl N
3. The group
at R1 position is preferentially favorable.
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 29-36
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International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 29-36
Table-1 Biological activities and physicochemical parameters of R1
Table-2 Correlation matrix showing correlation among various physico-chemical parameters and inhibitory activity
pKi Ior Xeq 1 2 3 WA I
1.000 -0.444 -0.688 -0.109 0.014 -0.004 0.154 0.625
1.000 0.348 0.112 -0.024 0.119 -0.018 -0.319
1.000 0.346 0.231 0.252 0.131 -0.263
1.000 0.949 0.976 0.956 -0.259
1.000 0.905 0.953 -0.196
1.000 0.945 -0.189
1.000 -0.122
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 29-36
TABLE- 3 Comparisons between Observed and Predicted Activities and Their Residual Values
S. No.
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 29-36
Table-4 Cross-validated parameters and predictive error of coefficient of correlation (PE) for the proposed model
Parameter n
Xeq +Ior +WA+ I
Xeq +Ior + 1 + I
Xeq +Ior + 2 + I
Xeq +Ior + 3 + I
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 08-13
THE IMPACT OF VARIOUS COAGULATION TEMPERATURES AND LEVELS OF SALT ON CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF CHHANA SPREAD PREPARED FROM BUFFALO MILK Yadav Nishu 3, Paul Virginia1 Roli 3, Rathore Alka 3, Chandra Ramesh 2, Khandelwal M.S 4 and Paul Ajit 5 1 Advisor, Associate Prof, 3Ph.D Scholar, Dept of Foods & Nutrition, Ethelind School of Home Science 2 Co-advisor, Prof & Dean, Warner School of Food & Dairy Technology 5 Associate Prof, Head, Dept of Mathematics & statistics, College of Basic Sciences Institution, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad, India 4 Senior Research Associate, Indian Agriculture Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi yadav.nishu1984@gmail.com Abstract Among milk products Chhana is gaining momentum in its production and consumption. Chhana is heated and acid coagulated indigenous milk product which forms the base of several popular Indian sweets like Rasogulla, Sandesh, Rasamalai and Chumchum etc Chhana or paneer, means the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination of them by precipitation with sour milk, lactic acid or citric acid. It shall not contain more than 70% of the moisture, and the milk fat not be less than 50% of the dry matter (PFA, 1976).The study was conducted in the Student’s Training Dairy and Research Laboratory of Warner School of Food and Dairy Technology, SHIATS Allahabad. The buffalo milk as (M 2) were used for making chhana spread and three different coagulant temperature 600C, 650C, 700C asT1 T2 T3 and three salt levels 1%,1.5%, 2% S1, S2, S3 were used in the present experimental work. 9 treatment combinations used in the experiment namely M2T1S1, M2T1S2, M2T1S3, M2T2S1, M2T2S2, M2T2S3, M2T3S1, M2T3S2, M2T3S3 and replicated three times. .The experiment treatment combination (M 2T1S3) chhana spread contained highest percentage of moisture(54.66). The experiment treatment combination (M 2T3S1) contained highest percentage of fat (25.98).The highest percentage of protein (15.29) was found in the treatment combination (M 2T2S1).The highest percentage of lactose (3.06) was found in the treatment combination (M 2T2S1). The treatment combination (M2T3S1) contained highest percentage of ash (3.07).The highest percentage of calcium (479.63) was found in the treatment combination (M 2T1S3). The highest energy value of (253.26) was found in the treatment combinations (M 2T2S1). Chhana spread is still in its infancy and needs various parameters to be fixed and tested before its commercial use and large scale productions by organized sector Key words: Chhana Spread, Coagulation Temperature, Salt Levels, Storage Periods 1. INTRODUCTION Among milk products Chhana is gaining momentum in its production and consumption. Chhana is heated and acid coagulated indigenous milk product which forms the base of several popular Indian sweets like Rasogulla, Sandesh, Rasamalai and Chumchum etc. It is also used as base material for the preparation of large number of culinary dishes. It originated in eastern part of the country particularly in West Bengal, but is now popular in north and north western regions of India. Its preparation is mainly confined to the cottage sector, largely in the eastern parts of India, and more recently, in Bikaner district of Rajasthan. India’s total production of chhana is estimated at 200,000 tones, and the value of chhana- based sweets, around Rs. 70,000 million. However, chhana based sweets are gaining popularity in other parts of country. Chhana or paneer, means the product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination of them by precipitation with sour milk, lactic acid or citric acid. It shall not contain more than 70% of the moisture, and the milk fat not be less than 50% of the dry matter (PFA, 1976).Shelf life of milk products is also one of the most important factors for its production on commercial scale. Shelflife of chhana has been reported to be about 12 days and 3 day at 70 C and 240 C respectively (De and Ray 1954). It was also reported that 10 minutes steaming and sterilization of chhana at 1.05 kg/15 minutes in the presence of 1%lactic solution improved its shelflife up to 6 &8 days respectively 300 + 10C. Chhana could be preserved for 4 days at the same temperature by treating it with 2% lactic acid solution (kulkarni et al. 1984).The chemical composition of the products (chhana spread) was depends on types of milk (buffalo, cow and admixed milk)used to preparation of chhana.Buffalo milk contains all the nutrients in higher proportions than cow milk. The compositional differences between buffalo and cow milk are reflected on their physic chemical properties. Buffalo milk is the more preferred for preparing milk and dairy of western and indigenous. The inherent properties of buffalo milk like high total solids content, superior whiteness and viscosity render it eminently suitable for the manufacture of traditional milk products. On the other hand cow milk yields soft coagulum making it suitable for preparing chhana and chhana based sweets. Higher total solids in buffalo milk also provide more calories (100calories/100gm) than cow milk (70calories/100gm). Higher proportion of Beta casein in buffalo milk makes it easier to prepare humanized. and buffalo milk high in calcium a better www.giapjournals.com/ijsrtm/
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 08-13
calcium: phosphorous ratio and less sodium and potassium than in cow milk which makes it a better nutritional supplement for infants. But buffalo milk contains less cholesterol compare to cow milk. The buffalo milk contains more fat, solids not fat and total solids and hence yield of products will be always higher than cow milk. The higher fat content in buffalo milk helps in increasing the quantity of toned milk. Production of chhana involves precipitation of casein along with entrapped fat and water-soluble components of milk (Lactose, whey, proteins, minerals, vitamins) by addition of acidulate to milk at near- boiling temperatures, followed by removal by whey from the curd. Acidification of boiled/ hot cow milk yields chhana as an off-white, mildly acidic, spongy coagulum. Chhana retains about 90 per-cent of fat & protein, 50 per-cent ash &10 per-cent lactose of the original milk. The energy value of cow chhana ranges from 2866 to 3748 calories per kg and chhana also retains appreciable proportion of fat soluble vitamins like A & D (Ray and De 1954). On an average calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamins, A, B, B2, and C contents per 100g of chhana samples were reported to be 208 mg, 138 mg, 3.66 IU, 73µg, 15µg and 2.8 mg respectively. Chhana was reported to contain practically no nicotinic acid. The loss of ascorbic acid during chhana making was reported to be about 57 % as compared with the figure of boiled milk (Mani et al.1955). The average biological value and digestibility coeffcient of chhana were found to be 67 and 97 respectively (Balasubramaniam 1955). 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present investigation was conducted in the Student’s Training Dairy and Research Laboratory of Warner School of Food and Dairy Technology and Nutrition Research Laboratory of Ethelind school of Home science, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (Deemed - to – be – University), Allahabad, U.P. a. Preparation of chhana spread: Chhana was prepared from buffalo milk standardized to 6 % fat & 9% SNF as per method suggested by Ray and De (1953). buffalo milk was heated at 90oC for 15 minutes and cooled down to 60 oC and therefore, added warm coagulant solution (1%) at 60oC to effect proper coagulation. Traditional method was used to drain the free whey from the coagulated mass. The curd along with whey was transferred on a muslin cloth and whey was allowed to drain by hanging technique till trickling of free whey was stopped. The curd sample obtained by this method was subjected for chhana spread making. The curd from traditional method was converted into chhana spread by using method suggested by Tiwari and Sachdeva (1991). In this case chhana was broken into pieces and blended in domestic blender along with 10 percent whey and specified salt level.
S.No .
Chhana spread prepared from buffalo milk containing 6 % milk fat and 9 %SNF and coagulation of milk at 600C and using 1 % salt level
Chhana spread prepared from buffalo milk containing 6 % milk fat and 9 %SNF and coagulation of milk at 600C and using 1.5 %salt levels
Chhana spread prepared from buffalo milk containing 6 % milk fat and 9 %SNF and coagulation of milk at 600C and using 2 % salt levels
Chhana spread prepared from buffalo milk containing 6 % milk fat and 9 %SNF and coagulation of milk at 650C and using 1 % salt levels
Chhana spread prepared from buffalo milk containing 6% milk fat and 9 %SNF and coagulation of milk at 650C and using 1.5 % salt levels
Chhana spread prepared from buffalo milk containing 6 % milk fat and 9 %SNF and coagulation of milk at 650C and using 2 % salt levels
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 08-13
Chhana spread prepared from buffalo milk containing 6% milk fat and 9 %SNF and coagulation of milk at 700C and using 1 % salt levels
Chhana spread prepared from buffalo milk containing 6% milk fat and 9%SNF and coagulation of milk at 700C and using 1.5 % salt levels
Chhana spread prepared from buffalo milk containing 6 % milk fat and 9%SNF and coagulation of milk at 700C and using 2 % salt levels
b. Treatment Combinations: The buffalo milk as (M2) chhana spread and three different coagulant temperature 600C,650C,700C as T1, T2, T3 and three salt levels 1%,1.5%, 2% as S1, S2, S3, respectively, were used in the present experimental work. Channa prepared from different treatment combinations were compared with each other.The different combinations used in the experiment were represented as follow c. Chemical testing of chhana spread: The procedure given in Manual in Dairy Chemistry, ICAR(1972), for sampling was followed. d. Analytical technique - Chhana spread was analyzed for moisture content using AOAC (1980) method. Total nitrogen was determined by micro-kjedahl method. For fat content in milk, Gerber’s method of BIS(1981) was used. The fat, ash and content was determined using AOAC (1980) procedures. Lactose, calcium content was estimated by AOAC (1980. e. Determination of total energy: Kcal/100gm = (4 X protein %) + (4 X CHO %) + (9 X fat %) f. Statistical Analysis: The order to study the effects of milk, various coagulation temperatures and levels of salt of chhana spread, a laboratory experiment was conducted and required data were collected. Analysis of variance of these data was worked out on the basis of factorial completely randomized design (Federer, 1963). 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Table:1.1 Average moisture content of chhana spread in percent on account of milk various coagulation temperatures and different levels of salt Buffalo milk (M 2) Nutrient
Factors SE(m) + C.D. at 5%
Coagulation Temperatures
Different levels of Salt (S) S1 (1%)
T1 (60 C) T2 (650C) T3 (700C) Mean M 0.012 0.036
54.24 53.23 54.04 53.83 T 0.012 0.036
S 0.012 0.036
S2 (1.5%) 54.45 53.52 54.24 54.07 MxTxS 0.038 0.180
S3 (2%) 54.66 53.71 54.45 54.27
54.45 53.48 53.24 53.72
In above table 1.1buffalo milk on an average moisture content of chhana spread with respect of different coagulation temperatures were recorded as 54.45, 53.48 and 53.24 % at 600C, 650C and 700C, respectively. Likewise levels of salt were 53.83, 54.07 and 54.27% at 1%, 1.5 and 2% , respectively. The milk, coagulation temperature and levels of salt changes in the experiment of moisture content of chhana spread was also changed in prepared product i.e. variation of milk, temperatures and levels of salts was found significant at 5% level of significance. The interaction effect between milk, coagulation temperatures and levels of salts (MxTxS) was found significant.
International Journal of Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 08-13
Table:1.2 Average fat content of chhana spread in percent on account of milk various coagulation temperatures and different levels of salt Buffalo milk (M2) Nutrient
Coagulation Temperatures T1 (600C) T2 (650C) T3 (700C) Mean
Factors SE(m) + C.D. at 5%
M 0.002 0.006
Different levels of Salt (S) S1 (1%) 25.46 25.55 25.98 25.66 T 0.002 0.006
S2 (1.5%) 25.35 25.48 25.86 25.56
S 0.002 0.006
S3 (2%) 25.23 25.37 25.75 25.45
25.34 25.46 25.86 25.55
MxTxS 0.006 N.S
The effect of milk different coagulation temperatures and salt levels on fat content of chhana spread in buffalo milk presented Table 1.2 the effect of temperature was found 70 0C, which contained the highest content of fat which was highest 25.86 % as compared to low temperatures 60 0C and 650C as 25.34 and 25.46 %, respectively. In salt levels 1 % showed the maximum fat content was 25.66%, while minimum as 25.45% at highest salt level i.e. 2%. Table: 1.3 Average protein content of chhana spread in percent on account of milk various coagulation temperatures and different levels of salt Buffalo milk (M2) Nutrient
Coagulation Temperatures
T1 (600C) T2 (650C)
S1 (1%) 14.50 15.29
S2 (1.5%) 14.43 15.22
S3 (2%) 14.37 15.66
14.43 15.39
T3 (700C) Mean
14.79 14.86
14.73 14.79
14.66 14.89
14.72 14.84
Factors SE(m) + C.D. at 5%
M 0.006 0.002
T 0.006 0.002
Different levels of Salt (S)
S 0.006 0.002
MxTxS 0.019 0.006
Table 1.3 shows the effect of milk different coagulation temperatures and salt levels on protein content of chhana spread. In buffalo milk the maximum content of protein was noticed 14.72% at 700C, while 600C and 650C showed minimum as 14.43 and 15.39 %, respectively. Likewise in salt level 2% showed the maximum protein content i.e. 14.89% and minimum as 14.79 percent at 1.5% salt level. The effect between milk, coagulation temperatures and levels of salts (MxTxS) was found dependent as interaction was recorded significant. Table:1.4 Average lactose content of chhana spread in percent on account of milk various coagulation temperatures and different levels of salt Buffalo milk (M2) Nutrient
Coagulation Temperatures
T1 (600C) T2 (650C)
S1 (1%) 3.05 3.02
S2 (1.5%) 3.04 3.06
S3 (2%) 3.02 3.04
3.03 3.04
T3 (700C) Mean
2.41 2.82
2.40 2.83
2.38 2.81
2.39 2.82
Different levels of Salt (S)
International Journal of Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 08-13 Factors SE(m) + C.D. at 5%
M 0.005 0.015
T 0.005 0.015
S 0.005 0.015
MxTxS 0.016 0.045
Average lactose content of various samples of chhana spread has been given in Tables 1.4 which shows the effect of different milk, coagulation temperatures and salt levels on lactose contents of chhana spread. In buffalo milk on an average lactose content of chhana spread with respect of different coagulation temperatures were recorded 3.03, 3.04 and 2.39 per cent at 600C, 650C and 700C. Likewise in salt level 2 % showed the minimum lactose content was 2.81 percent and maximum was noticed 2.83 percent at 1.5% salt level. The effect between milk, coagulation temperatures and levels of salts was found dependent as interaction (MxTxS) was recorded significant. Table:1.5 Average ash content of chhana spread in percent on account of milk various coagulation temperatures and different levels of salt Buffalo milk (M2) Nutrient
Factors SE(m) + C.D. at 5%
Coagulation Temperatures T1 (600C) T2 (650C) T3 (700C) Mean M 0.006 0.017
T 0.006 0.017
Different levels of Salt (S) S1 (1%) 2.75 2.76 2.78 2.76 S 0.006 0.017
S2 (1.5%) 2.72 2.74 2.77 2.74 MxTxS 0.018 0.052
Mean S3 (2%) 2.73 2.75 2.76 2.73
2.73 2.75 2.77 2.74
The results of chhana spread in respect to ash content have given in Table 1.5 which exhibited the effect of different types of milk, coagulation temperatures and salt levels and on ash content of chhana spread. In buffalo milk, the maximum content of ash was noticed as 2.77% at 70 0C and minimum as 2.73 at 600C. Likewise in salt level 1% showed the maximum ash content 2.76% and minimum 2.73 at 2% salt level and the value was significant at par. The effect between types of milk, coagulation temperatures and levels of salts was found dependent as interaction (MxTxS) was recorded significant. Table: 1.6 Average calcium content of chhana spread in percent on account of milk various coagulation temperatures and different levels of salt Buffalo milk (M2) Nutrient
Coagulation Temperatures
T1 (600C) T2 (650C) T3 (700C) Mean M T 0.004 0.004 0.012 0.012
Factors SE(m) + C.D. at 5%
Different levels of Salt (S) S1 (1%) 619.11 619.12 619.47 619.23 S 0.004 0.012
S2 (1.5%) 619.07 619.50 619.55 619.37 MxTxS 0.012 0.036
Mean S3 (2%) 619.62 619.43 619.54 619.53
619.27 619.35 619.52 619.38
The results of chhana spread in respect to calcium content have given in Table 1.6 this showed the effect of different milk, coagulation temperatures and salt levels on calcium content of chhana spread. In buffalo milk on an average calcium means of chhana spread with respect of different coagulation temperatures were recorded 619.27, 619.35 and 619.52 at 600C, 650C and 700C, respectively. The values recorded at variation of coagulation temperatures were showed significantly at par value. The calcium content was of chhana spread with respect of levels of salt were 619.23, 619.37and 619.53 recorded at 1%, 1.5% and 2%, respectively. There were no significant differences observed at levels of salt, values recorded at par.
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 08-13
Table:1.7 Average energy content of chhana spread in percent on account of milk various coagulation temperatures Buffalo milk (M2) Nutrient
Coagulation Temperatures
Factors SE(m) + C.D. at 5%
T1 (60 C) T2 (650C)
S1 (1%) 299.34 303.41
S2 (1.5%) 298.03 302.36
S3 (2%) 296.63 301.09
298.00 302.28
T3 (700C) Mean
302.62 301.79
301.26 300.55
299.91 299.21
301.26 300.51
Different levels of Salt (S)
M 0.006 0.017
T 0.006 0.017
S 0.006 0.017
MxTxS 0.018 0.052
Table1.7 shows the effect of milk different types of coagulation temperatures and salt levels on energy content of chhana spread. In buffalo milk the maximum content of energy was noticed as 302.28at 65 0C. Coagulation temperature 600C and 700C recorded low values i.e. as 298.00 and 301.26, respectively. Likewise in salt level 1% showed the maximum energy content i.e. 301.79 and minimum as 299.21 at 2% salt level. The milk, coagulation temperatures and levels of salt changes in the experiment of an average energy content of chhana spread was also changed in prepared product i.e. variation of milk, temperatures and levels of salts was found significant.The effect between types of milk , coagulation temperatures and levels of salts was found dependent as interaction (MxTxS) was recorded significant. 4. CONCULSION It was concluded that chhana spread can be successfully prepared by the buffalo milk different kind’s coagulation temperature and levels of salt the recipe is standardized for chhana spread. Chhana spread prepared from cow milk having 6% fat and 9%SNF, respectively. The experimental treatment (M2T1S3) chhana spread contained highest percentage of moisture and (M2T3S1) contained percentage of fat and ash. The experimental treatment (M2T2S1) was contained highest percentage of protein, lactose and energy. The experimental treatment (M2T1S3) was contained highest percentage of calcium. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Ahmed, M.(1981). “Study on manufacture of chhana from buffalo milk”. Gujarat Agriculture University Res. Vol.7 : p.p.32. Aneja, V.P.; Rajorhia, G.S. and Makker, S.K. (1977). J. Institute Engineers (India), 58, 1. Balasubramaniam, S.C.(1955). Composition and nutritive value of some indigenous milk products. Indian J. Med. Res. 43,237 De, S. and Ray, S.C. (1954). Studies on the indigenous method of chhana making Indian J. Dairy Sci., 7, 113. De, S. and Ray, S.C. (1954). Studies on the indigenous method of chhana making. Indian J. Dairy sci., 3:113. Dharam, P. (2007) “International conference Traditional dairy foods” Nov. 14-17 NDRI, Karnal. p.p. 1 Indian Dairy Scenario(2009). J. Indian Dairyman march 2009: 1-2 Kulkarni,S.; Rajohria, G.S. and Chakraborty, B.K.(1984). Studies on shelflife of chhana. Indian J.Dairy Sci.37 (4): 392-95 Mathur, B.N. (1991) “Indigenous milk product of India.” India Dairyman. Vol.(2) p.p.61-74. Mani, G.S.; Lily, G. Balasubramaniam, S.C. and Basu, K.P.(1955). Composition and nutritive value of some indigenous milk products. Indian J. Med. Res. 43,237 Pal, D. and Garg, F.C, (1990) “Utilization of sour butter milk in the manufacture of paneer.” Indian J. of dairy Sci.Vol.42 p.p.589-594. PFA (1976) commentaries on the prevention of food adulteration act 1954. 4 th Ed Asian law house Hyderabad. Sachdeva and Kanoujia (1985) “Recent development in paneeer technology” Indian.Dairyman Vol. (11)p.p. 801. Singh and Kanauja, (1988) “Development of manufacturing technique for paneer from cow milk”. Indian J. of dairy sci. Vol. (3) : p.p.322. Singh, S. and Roy, (1994).” Paneer like product from conversional solids.” Indain J. of dairy sci. Vol. (4): p.p.245-256.
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 06-07
THIRD TIME’S A CHARM? UNIVERSAL DARWINISM AND ITS FASCINATING REACH Janak A Jain Student, MPSTME, SVKM’s NMIMS, Mumbai janak.nmims@gmail.com Abstract Why do we like a certain advertisement over another? Is there a fundamental design in the universe thatdictates our lives - the way we talk and walk? The answer is YES. The biological evolution has designed us humans over a period of millions of years through a simple design element called ‘gene’. Similarly, our thoughts, ideas and stories – cultural evolution – explains how we think the way we do – through a simple design element ‘meme’. Universal Darwinism explains how evolutionary processes are constantly working, fighting and competing against one another to make us who we are today. To add to the surprise, all of this works on a simple algorithm. Are we designed by super-intelligence or are we just the products of a mindless evolutionary process that runs on a simple algorithm? Is there a third replicator? All of this can be understood if one can understand a simple algorithm – The Evolutionary Algorithm of Universal Darwinism. Now that the title has drawn some attention, let me explain you what, why and how. What is wonderful about our thoughts and ideas is that they are evolving all the time. We imitate stories, clothing styles, accents, songs, arch and tool designs, software UIs and so on which change over time. What lies beneath this layer is something very fundamental, very amazing and very elegant. Can you guess what? Let us work towards it for which we’ll travel back to 1800s when Charles Darwin produced his famous work titled On the Origin of Species. This contribution was far more than humans evolving from apes. In fact, Darwin, in his book also spoke of languages evolving and becoming extinct. Languages aren’t animals, eh? No! And this is why his contribution is so significant. This is because he gave us a principle called as Universal Darwinism which is so simple and yet explains all the design of the universe. The principle of Universal Darwinism propounds that if a process has entities that exhibits three characteristics of variation, selection and heredity then the process is evolutionary in nature and there must exist and underlying design element. Let us apply this principle to biological evolution. Through a process spanning over billions of years, species have evolved through a process of variation, selection and heredity explained by a design element which we call gene. Is there another such process? Well yes – the process of cultural evolution in which our constantly evolving thoughts are explained by a design unit – memes. Memes, the word was first coined by Richard Dawkins[1] in his international bestseller The Selfish Gene. In simple yet powerful terms, Susan Blackmore[2] defines a meme as anything that is passed on by imitation. Memes are like viruses of the mind that use human brains to survive and spread. Of course they are non-living entities but represent the fundamental principle of Universal Darwinism – Selfishness and Survival of the Fittest. No wonder the advertisements of competing brands struggle to occupy that coveted place in our minds. Consider this analogy – Our memory is a jungle of memes with each meme of a particular type, lifecycle and characteristics. As propounded by DarwinSF (now Culture2 Inc.), memes can be symbiotic, parasitic and so on just like animal species. But, I must stress that the relationship between Memetics – the study of memes – and Genetics is not a mere analogy – they derive from a common principle. This is what makes Memetics so interesting and beautiful! How do memes spread? Through communication of any kind. Advertisements, TV Shows, books etc. This article itself is a meme trying to occupy a certain space in your mind for a certain period of time! You might be wondering how Memetics is related to various fields. Memetics is related and is applicable to any field that involves the study of human brain, behaviour and cultural. In other sense, cognitive, behavioural and connative studies which includes Market Research, Language Studies, Marketing Science, Neuroscience etc. Why should memetics be pursued? Because it is the science that helps us understand the origins of what resides in our brains and dictates our decisions, behaviour, culture and beliefs. Because it gives a fantastic way of bridging the gap between quantitative and qualitative research by using tools such as Social Network Analysis and Big Data. Because it explains why we think the way we do. But, hold on. All that glitters is not gold. We cannot be entirely happy about the memetic revolution. Memes are selfish replicating entities that try to occupy more and more space in human brain and this over many years of evolution have driven our brains to be bigger. A brain is an expensive organ for our bodies – with only 5% of the body weight it consumes about 20% of the body’s energy. Bigger brains mean more energy for brains and lesser for other organs. This too can be accepted but at what cost? Harmful memes such as religion, wasteful
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 06-07
cultures, terrorism, technology and so others are so tricky and if misunderstood and misinterpreted can and like they historically have, proved disastrous for the world that we live in. On a different note, Susan Blackmore[2] interestingly modified the Clarke’s equation to say that the third replicator will enable us to contact other species across the universe. I believe it is frequencies. Others believe it is technology. Whatever it be, it will have its consequences. Will we survive? Maybe we will, maybe we won’t. We have no idea. REFERENCES 1. Dawkins, Richard (1989). The Selfish Gene (2 ed.), Oxford University Press, p. 192, ISBN 0-19-286092-5 2. Blackmore, Susan, Susan Blackmore: Memes and “temes”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ_9Qx5Hz4, last viewed on November 23, 2012.
International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 37-41
Vikas Suresh Kale1 and Abhaykumar S Wayal2 , M. Tech. Civil Construction Management, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering 2 Associate Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai 1 vikas.kale023@gmail.com, 2 aswayal@vjti.org.in
Abstract This paper deals with the causes, problems and vacuum applied solutions to various concrete deterioration problems. Many companies have performed, and are presently performing, restoration of concrete structures. The methods presented here are unique method and technologies. They have applied on an array of members and structures to restore many different types of deteriorated and disrepair conditions. After explaining the basic techniques and the materials used in these various methods and processes, several applications are described to demonstrate individual successes. Cores taken after many of the in-situ restored projects demonstrate the strength increase and therefore, should provide longer life of the structure after the rehabilitation is completed in a wide and extensive range of conditions. Keywords – Vacuum, Core, Injection grouting. 1. INTRODUCTION Most, of all, common defects in concrete, masonry and stone begin with and are ultimately associated with cracking. While some cracking may not threaten the structural integrity or even diminish the structural performance of the member or structure, they allow moisture penetration that will contribute greatly to the related problems of delamination and spalling.By closely situating the repair resin into the micro fractures, the useful life of the repair will be greatly extended. Commonly used methods of repair include routing and sealing with sealant, pressure injection of epoxy or polymer fillers, application of surface coatings or overlays and/or removal and replacement patching. It is very difficult to employ these conventional techniques to repair members with irregular surfaces. A vacuum is defined as a diluted gas, or the corresponding state at which its pressure or density is lower than that of the ambient surrounding atmosphere. Unlike conventional pressure methods, which “push” the materials along the repair zone, negative force methods “pull” the material into the zone. The application of negative pressure will withdraw air and moisture from the repair zone prior to the installation of appropriately selected repair resins. Using this technology, there is no compression of the liquid repair resin. Consequently, the inherent tendency to “burst” the damaged or deteriorated member, so characteristic of conventional pressure methods, is totally eliminated using vacuum technology. 2. OUTLINE OF WORK To carried out the experimental approach on concrete element, for checking the strength behaviour with and without injection grouting and to provide an alternate approach to the more permanent repairs of concrete, masonry and stone using vacuum technology to position ultra-low viscosity resins into voids, cracks and interconnecting crack networks. 3. METHODOLOGY For testing the specimen following methodology has been adopted. i. Casting of 3 slabs of M15 grade with ID mark A, B, C of size 600mm x 600mm x 200mm in a box formwork of plywood 12 mm thick without compaction. ii. All the three slabs A, B, C of M15 grade have different cement content. iii. After de-shuttering the box, cure the concrete specimen for 28 days. iv. After 28 days of curing, initially ultra sonic pulse velocity test was conducted for all the marked slabs. v. After Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity (USPV), injection grouting is done for slab B and slab C. vi. After injection grouting of slabs B and C, again UPV is done for slab B and slab C for comparing the result with injection grouting and without injection grouting. vii. Then take the Core test for all three slabs A, B, C. viii. Conduct the Rapid Chloride Penetration Test (RCPT) and Water penetration test for all three slabs A, B, C. ix. Compare the results of three slabs A, B, C. 4. DATA ANALYSIS Following are the test conducted on slabs A, B, C during testing purpose to get the result. i. ii. iii. iv.
Cube Test Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (USPV) Core test Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT)
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International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 37-41
v. Water Penetration Test. (i) Cube Test: Concrete cube testing is a simple, cost effective test of the compressive strength of concrete, providing you peace of mind that your concrete is fit for purpose. Samples are taken from the concrete while being poured then cast and cured under IS standard conditions. They are then water cured for a specified period of 28 days then crushed to determine the maximum compressive strength. The following table show the result of M15 concrete for 7 and 28 days. 7 Days Cube Test of 150x150x150 mm
Sr No
Weight (Gms)
Load (KN)
Compressive Strength MPa (N/mm2)
Avg. Compressive Strength MPa (N/mm2)
28 Days Cube Test of 150x150x150 mm
Sr No
Weight (Gms)
Load (KN)
Compressive Strength MPa(N/mm2)
Avg. Compressive Strength MPa (N/mm2)
Injection Grouting: Epoxy Injection Grout consists of a base component containing solvent free epoxy resin plus a low viscosity liquid hardener. Epoxy Injection Grout may be placed by free flow under gravity or may be injected using a suitable hand or mechanical pump. Grouting of gap dimensions0.1mm to 10mm may be easily achieved. The system gives rapid strength gain obtaining mechanical properties several times those of high quality concrete.
Fig 1. Injection grouting in a slab
Fig 2. UPV on slab
(ii) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (USPV): This test is done to assess the quality of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity method as per IS: 13311 (Part 1) – 1992. The underlying principle of this test is The method consists of measuring the time of travel of an ultrasonic pulse passing through the concrete being tested. Comparatively higher velocity is obtained when concrete quality is good in terms of density, uniformity, homogeneity etc
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International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 37-41
(iii) Core test: This is one of the very reliable tests adopted for checking the compressive strength of the „In situ concrete”. Other physical properties such as density, water absorption can also be measured from the core concrete. In addition chemical properties of concrete specimen for its cement content, carbonation depth, chloride and sulphate content may be measured. Though this test may become partially destructive for beams / columns, but it can be used for slabs, walls, where partial destruction of concrete due to core cutting do not disturb the stability of the member. In this method concrete cores of sizes ranging from 20 mm to 150 mm in diameter and 50 mm to 500 mm long are drilled out by a diamond cutters. The recommended diameters are 100 to 150 mm, but if the drill depth is insufficient as in of case slabs, then smaller diameters may be used but not less than three times nominal aggregate size. The core diameter to length ratio shall be normally between 1.0 to 2.0(preferably 2.0) the core diameter shall be at least three times the nominal maximum size of aggregate. Reinforcement shall be avoided in the core. At least three cores shall be tested for acceptable accuracy. These cylindrical concrete cores are then made smooth at both ends (if required) and then tested for compressive strength. If required capping of the faces shall be done. The strength of capping material shall be higher than that of concrete in the core. Cap shall be as thin as practicable. The specimen shall be cured in water for 48 hours before testing. The cylindrical strength is then co-related to cube strength. IS – 516 suggest a multiplying factor of 1.25 for converting cylindrical strength to equivalent cube strength. In addition a correction factor for height to diameter ratio shall be applied as given in IS – 516. IS – 456 states that the concrete in the member represented by a core test shall be considered acceptable, if the average equivalent cube strength of core is equal to at least 85 % of the cube strength of the grade of concrete specified, but no individual core has a strength less than 75 % (iv) RCPT (Rapid Chloride Permeability Test): The Evaluation of permeability of concrete to chloride ions is an essential step for concrete in marine atmosphere, as this parameter indicate the quality f concrete in terms “durability” briefly the ingress and built of chloride in the vicinity of the reinforcing bar in concrete initiate and accelerate the corrosion process. Hence concrete with low chloride ions permeability is specified for concrete in a structure wherever chloride is present in environment..The RCP Test essentially consists in subjecting a concrete specimen, in the form of “Disc” (95mm diam and 51mm thick) to a direct current (DC) of 60 volts across its two faces. The specimen is placed in between two chambers one with Sodium Hydroxide (0.3N) and the other with sodium chloride (3%) solutions. The current passing through the specimen, the specimen is monitored regularly over six hours. The total charge that has passed through the specimen is calculated an is the value of product of time in seconds and current in amperes and the unit is “Coulomb”.Quality of concrete samples can be evaluated easily by Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT). The test involves application of an electrical field across specimen and the measurement of parameters considered to be related to the diffusion coefficient of ions. ASTM (Electrical indication of Concrete‟s ability to Resist Chloride ion Penetration) and AASHTOT277 has such tests widely adopted. It has been found that there is a good correlation between coulombs thus obtained, the averages of the chloride concentration, when tested accordingly to AASHTO designation. T-277 (Resistance of concrete to chloride ion penetration). Thus AASHTO, T-277 (ASTM-C-1202) classifies the chloride permeability of concrete in five classes from “High “to “Negligible” on the basis of the value of the coulomb. Table 2. Limiting value for RCPT Charge Passed (Coulombs)
Chloride Ion Penetration
>4000 2000 - 40000 1000-20000 100-1000 <100
High Moderate Low Very Low Negligible
(v) Water Permeability Test: The durability of concrete is closely related to its permeability. The permeability indicate the rate at which aggressive agent can penetrate to attack the concrete and the steel reinforcement. Permeability of concrete field of study, since concrete is heterogeneous blends of materials. Furthermore the concrete properties change with the age. Permeability is the ability to transport different fluids and gases, likes water, chlorides sulphates or oxygen. There is a good relationship between permeability and water cement ratio. A concrete structure is considered to be of adequate durability if it performs in accordance with its intended level of functionality and serviceability over an expected or predicted life cycle. Durable concrete must have the ability to withstand the potentially deteriorative conditions to which it can reasonably be expected to be exposed. The water permeability limit should be less than equal to 25mm.
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International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 37-41
Fig 3. Water Permeability apparatus Table 3. Limiting value for water permeability Water Permeability Wt. of cube (Kg)
Water penetration Depth (mm) (average of three reading)
Sample A
Sample B
Sample C
ID Marks
MORT and H Limit
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (i) For Cube test – Sample achieved more than 100% strength in 28 days (ii) UPV test - Before injection grouting.
After injection grouting.
(iii) Core test
Core Strength(N/mm2)
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International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 37-41
RCPT value (Coulomb)
Water Penetration (mm)
(v) Water Permeability test
6. CONCLUSIONS After conducting all the relevant tests on concrete specimen by visiting the construction sites it was found that the Vacuum technique by injection grouting method is useful for strengthening of concrete, because this method is most commonly used for preparing work. As per its working speed, it is most suitable for all structural elements with faster result and consumes less time for excavation. It also gives equivalent strength to the structure as compared to the conventional method and enhances durability. So without breaking the structural elements or patching, the vacuum technique by injection grouting helps in filling the voids, cracks (micro, hair, major) and makes them strong and durable. It is cost effective and convenient method of repairing and restoration, which requires less but skilled personnel for operation. 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Data collection and analysis of all testing results is done at Contech lab (CCRL) ltd in airoli. For injection grouting also chemicals are given by Krishna conchem. I am very fortunate to work under the guidance of Mr. Vikram tambvekar and Mr. M.K. kamat and Mr. Milind Kamat. I am also thankful for Mr. Narendra Potnis for allowing me for numerous site visits and give me more practical knowledge regarding grouting work. Last but not least I would also like to thank my guide Dr. Abhaykumar S Wayal, who guided me throughout the entire period of my project work. REFERENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Dr. Wahby, W.S., Boyd J.L,(1998) “The Versatility and Superiority of Negative Force Vacuum Situation of Modern Repair Resins for In-Situ Structural/Non-Structural Repairs of Concrete, Masonry and Stone.” Boyd J.S., (2000) “Restoration of concrete structures using vacuum technology.” Mesri. G, Khan A.Q., “Ground improvement using vacuum loading together with vertical drains.”(ASCE,2012) Lopez-Anido Roberto, Mihael P. Antonis, Sandford C. Thomas, Goodell Barry,“Repair of wood piles using prefabricated fibrereinforced polymer composite shells.”(ASCE, Feb 2005) Allen R.T.L, Edwards S. C., Shaw J.D.N., “The Repair of concrete structures.”(Second Edition) M. K. Kamat., “Restoration of machine foundations with thermost polymer grout”(ICJ, Feb 2002) R.G.Limaye, A.K. Sopori, “Experimental investigation on strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with epoxy grouting.”(ICI Bulletin, No- 37 Dec 1991)
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International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan – Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 26-28
VIRTUAL KEYBOARD PROJECTION Nirav Shah, Saumya Lahera Department of Computer Science, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai, India nrvshah10@gmail.com, saumyanyca@yahoo.com Abstract Input to small devices is becoming an increasingly crucial factor in development for the ever-more powerful embedded market. Speech input promises to become a feasible alternative to tiny keypads, yet its limited reliability, robustness, and flexibility render it unsuitable for certain tasks and/or environments. This paper surveys technology for alphanumeric input devices using virtual keyboard projection with a strong focus on touch-typing. Keywords: Sensors, Template Projection, Illumination, Interpretation, Communication 1. INTRODUCTION Virtual keyboard is just another example of today’s computer trend of ‘smaller and faster’. Computing is now not limited to desktops and laptops, it has found way into mobile device also. But what is not changed is the input device, the good old QWERTY keyboard. The virtual keyboard technology is a tabletop unit that projects a laser image of a keyboard on any flat surface. They are not the electronic device they are just the set of lights that look likes the keyboard and works like a keyboard. In this technique we use a device that produces the LASER light on the flat surface. This LASER light produced is the keyboard. It creates detectable surface on which user don’t need to press the key like normal keyboard, when a user touches the surface covered by an image of a key, the device records the corresponding keystroke. Full size keyboard can be projected on any flat surface. It can be useful in place where low noise is essential. The typing does not require a lot of force and hence easing the strain on wrists and hands. The Virtual Laser Keyboard uses a fixed image i.e., the projected image never changes. It uses an IR detector to sense your hand movements. The usability of the keyboard entirely depends on the surface on which it is placed. It works best on smooth, flat, dull surfaces such as a wooden table. Shiny surfaces such as glass or marble tend to not work as well, if at all. A virtual keyboard system based on a true-3D optical range camera is presented. Keystroke events are accurately tracked independently on the user. No training is required by the system that automatically adapts itself to the background conditions when turned on. No specific hardware must be worn and in principle no dedicated goggles are necessary to view the keyboard since it is projected onto an arbitrary surface by optical means. The feedback text and/or graphics may be integrated with such projector, thus enabling truly virtual working area. Experiments have shown the suitability of the approach which achieves high accuracy and speed. People with bigger fingers may find the keyboards on smart phones and PDAs too small. To make up for this, some manufactures have developed special virtual laser keyboards to accompany handheld devices. Instead of having to poke lightly around your phone's keyboard, a virtual laser keyboard connects to the phone and projects a full-sized virtual keyboard onto any flat surface. 2. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Figure 1 shows the physical setup of the system. The 3D range camera is placed several centimetres over the input surface, with a well-defined angle facing the working area. The size of the working area, limited by the spatial resolution of the camera, is 15 cm × 25 cm, which is comparable to a full-size laptop-computer keyboard. The display projector is mounted on the camera, facing the same area, which would generate the visual feedback for the keyboard and input information. The proposed system consists of three main hardware modules. A. Sensor module The sensor module serves a eye of keyboard perception technology. The sensor module operates but locating user’s fingers in 3-D space and tracking the intended keystrokes. Keystroke information is processed and can then be output to host device via a USB or Bluetooth. B. IR Source(illumination module) The infrared light source emits a beam of infrared light. This light beam is designed to overlap the area on which the keyboard pattern projector. This is done so as illuminate the user’s fingers by infra-red light beam. This helps in recognizing the hand movements and pressing of keys. The light beam facilitates in scanning the image. Accordingly information is passed on sensor module which decodes information. An invisible infra-red beam is projected above the virtual keyboard. Finger makes keystroke on virtual keyboard. This breaks infra-red beam and infrared light is reflected back to projector, reflected infrared beam passed through infrared filter to camera. The camera photographs angle of incoming infrared light. The sensor chip in
International Journal of Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 26-28
sensor module determines where the infrared was broken. Detected co-ordinates determine character or actions to be generated. C. Pattern projector The pattern projector presents the image of keyboard. Thus image can be projected on any flat surfaces. This projected image is that of standard QWERTY keyboard, with all the keys and control functions as in the keyboard. The projector features a wide-angle lens so that large pattern can be projected from relatively low elevations. In some type of virtual keyboard, a second infra-red beam is not necessary. Here the projector itself takes the input, providing dual functionally. A sensor or camera in projector picks up finger movements, and passes the information on sensor modules. 3. WORKING OF VIRTUAL KEYBOARD The projection is realized in main 4 steps.fig.1 shows working of it.
Figure 1: Virtual Keyboard Architecture A. Template projection A template produced by a specially designed and highly efficient projection element with a red diode laser is projected onto the adjacent interface surface. The template is not however involved in the detection process and it is only used as a reference for the user. In a fixed environment, the template can just as easily be printed onto the interface surface. Figure 2 shows projection of template (keyboard).Various types of projection elements are available in market.
Figure 2: Projection of Template B. Reference plane illuminations An infra-red plane of light is generated on the interface surface. The plane is however situated just above and parallel to the surface. The light is invisible to the user and hovers a few millimetres above the surface. When a key position is touched on the surface interface, the light is reflected from the infra-red plane in the vicinity of the key and directed towards the sensor module. C. Map reflection coordinates The reflected light user interactions with the interface surface is passed through an infra-red filter and imaged on to a CMOS image sensor in the sensor module. The sensor chip has a custom hardware embedded such as the Virtual Interface Processing Core and it is capable of making a real-time determination of the location from where the light was reflected. The processing core may track not only one, but multiple light reflections at the same time and it can support multiple keystrokes and overlapping cursor control inputs.
International Journal of Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (01), Jan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Feb 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 26-28
D. Interpretation and communication The micro-controller in the sensor module receives the positional information corresponding to the light flashes from the sensor processing core, interprets the events and then communicates them through the appropriate interface to external devices. By events it is understood any key stroke, mouse or touchpad control. Most projection keyboards use a red diode laser as a light source and may project a full size QWERTY keyboard. The projected keyboard size is usually 295 mm x 95 mm and it is projected at a distance of 60 mm from the virtual keyboard unit. The projection keyboard detects up to 400 characters per minute. The keyboard unit works on lithium-ion batteries and offers at least 120 minutes of continuous typing. The projection unit size varies but normally is not bigger than 35 mm x 92 mm x 25 mm. 4. i. ii.
CONNECTIVITY Projection keyboards connect to the computer either through Bluetooth or USB. Bluetooth dongle technology enables the projection keyboard for point to multi-point connectivity with other Bluetooth devices, such as PCs, PDAs and mobile phone. iii. How the Bluetooth projection keyboard connects to devices depends on the specific tablet, phone or computer. iv. The connection between the USB keyboard and the device is made through a USB port which is available on every computer and (via an adapter) other devices. 5. i.
APPLICATIONS It is good to be used by Business men/ women, Suppliers/ Invoice keepers, Students/ teachers, Tourists/ trekkers, High-tech employees, Lawyers/ accountants, Architects, Land surveyors, Field engineers. ii. Used with smart phones, PDAs, email, word processing and spreadsheet tasks. iii. Operation theatres. iv. Most systems can function as a virtual mouse or even as a virtual piano. 6. i.
DISADVANTAGES The users who use laser keyboards with tablets and other such devices often suffer from ergonomic issues because the device must be kept at the correct angle and the user has to be present in a proper sitting position so that he can type comfortably on the set. To some folks, these keyboards do not provide that comfort which is required for typing. Nevertheless, a majority of folks are happy with this part. ii. Virtual keyboard is hard to get used to. Since it involves typing in thin air, it requires little practice. iii. Not good enough for good gaming experience. iv. It is very costly ranging from 150 to 200 dollars. 7. CONCLUSIONS We first gave an overview of the technology. We then had a closer look at how the technology actually works. This was followed by application of virtual keyboard projection technology and its difficulties or disadvantages. Our conclusions are that while the keyboard is often regarded as an antique method that is unsuitable to modern computing devices, a number of characteristics are inherent in the way it that make it preferable over alternative methods. Input with keyboards is and will be an important user interface modality for computers for decades to come. ACKNOWLEDGMENT WE WOULD LIKE TO THANKS FALGUNI SHAH FOR HELPFUL REFERENCES AND VALUABLE CONTENTS. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/travel/virtual-laser-keyboards.htm http://1000projects.org/research-paper-on-virtual-keyboard.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projection_keyboard http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/travel/virtual-laser-keyboards2.htm http://translate.google.com/translate?act=url&depth=1&hl=zhCN&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com.hk&sl=zhCN&tl=en&u=http://www.csksoft.net/blog/post/lowcost.laserkbd_part1.html http://www.ebay.in/itm/Celluon-Magic-Cube-Laser-Projection-Virtual-Keyboard-Bluetooth-/190603277940 http://www.amazon.com/Celluon-Magic-Projection-Keyboard-Touchpad/dp/B005ES6E6W/ref=pd_sim_sbs_pc_1/1864554609-4119862 Spring, T. 2001. Virtual Keyboards Let You Type in Air, PCWorld article, http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,0568,tk,dnWknd 1117, 00.asp.