Ijsrtm vol 2 (6) october december 2014

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Vol 2 (6) December 2014

International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management (IJSRTM)

International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 203-206

Content List 1. URINE AS AN ENERGY SOURCE Sugato Hajra, Debshree Chowdhury 2. OPENCV BASED VIRTUAL TOUCH SCREEN FOR ROBOTIC NAVIGATION Karan Patel, Suraj Panigrahiya, Amit Pawar, Akash Survase 3. DEMAND CAPACITY AND ANTENNA SYSTEM PLANNING FOR IN-BUILDING GSM NETWORKS Archit Jain, Ashwin Shenoy, Pallav Mittal and Pratik Nawani 4. AUTONOMOUS CARS: THE FUTURE OF ROADWAYS Shreya Sule, Kritak Gupta, Viraj Desai 5. AUTOMATIC CONTROL IN VEHICLES Ishita Raina, Rasika Subramanian, Anagha Shinkar, Chintan Shah



International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 192-195



International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 192-195



International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 192-195

URINE AS AN ENERGY SOURCE Sugato Hajra*1, Debshree Chowdhury#2 *Institute of technical education and research, Jagamara; Bhubaneswar # Kalinga Institute of Technology, KIIT Square, Bhubaneswar 1 2



Abstract— Since urine is produced everywhere, and a lot of it too humans alone are estimated to produce 6.4 trillion litres a year this idea has a strong local flavour. The ability to produce energy locally could give this technology an edge against other renewable energies such as solar and wind that are only costeffective in certain areas. In this topic we generate electricity from urine this nothing but from urine. This is also called as pee powered generator. Here in this topic the main fuel is urine. Generally the urine has majorly water in addition to other chemicals like ammonia, sulphate, uric acid, urea etc. here the urine is passed to the electrolytic cell and from which hydrogen gas is evolved after electrolysis which is main component for generation. Here in urine urea is also a major component after water generally urea is chemical formula is CH4N2O here the four hydrogen molecules is weakly bonded with the other components. Thus this hydrogen gas is passed through various components this purified gas is given to the generator which generates the electricity.

I. INTRODUCTION In all over world the fossil fuels like coal are being exhausted day by day. And due to this we are going for alternate sources like solar, wind, Biomass, geothermal energy. All this generations require high capital cost. So because of that there are some many research is going on for low-cost energy generation. Some scientist found a fuel which is called as the fuel of future that is nothing but urine. With the help of urine we can generate electricity in very simple manner as we all consider pee as waste from our body but we don’t know that is going to rule the world in future. Here in the below pie chart we can see how much of electricity is generated from our energy resources.

FIG. 1. Production of electricity from different Sources (Wikipedia)


A. Characteristics of Urine 1) Quantity: The quantity averages 1500 to 2000 ml in an adult man daily. It may vary with the amount of fluid taken. In fact it is linked with the protein metabolism higher is the protein intake higher will be the urinary output, the urea produced from the protein needs to be flushed out from the body. Higher is the urea production in the body, the higher is the volume of urine to excrete it. 2) Colour: The colour should be clear pale amber without any deposits. However, a light flocculent cloud of mucus may sometimes be seen floating in the normal urine. 3) Specific gravity: It varies from 1.010 to 1.025 specific gravity is determined with urinometer. 4) Odour: The odour is aromatic. 5) Reaction: The reaction of normal urine is slightly acidic with an average pH of 6.0. B. Composition of Urine Urine is mainly composed of water, urea and sodium chloride. I an adult taking about 100 g protein in 24 hours, the composition of urine is likely to be as follows: 1) Water: Near about 96% 2) Solids: About 4% (urea 2% and other metabolic products 2%. Other metabolic products include: uric acid, Creatinine, electrolytes or salts such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride and bicarbonate). Urea is one of the end products of protein metabolism. It is prepared from the deaminated amino-acid in the liver and reaches the kidneys through blood circulation (The normal blood urea level is 20-40 mg/dl). About 30 gram urea is excreted by the kidneys daily. 3) Uric Acid: The normal level of uric acid in blood is 2 to 6 mg/dl and about 1.5 to 2 gram is excreted daily in urine. 4) Creatinine: Creatinine is the metabolic waste of creatin in muscle. Purine bodies, oxalates, phosphates, sulphates and urates are the other metabolic products. Electrolytes or salts such as sodium chloride and potassium chloride are also excreted in the urine to maintain the normal level in blood. These are the salts which are the part of our daily diet are always taken in excess and need to be excreted to maintain normal physiological balance.




International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 192-195

Thus the hydrogen pushed out from the liquid borax cylinder is then given to generator. This generator uses the hydrogen gas as the fuel and it produces the electricity.

Fig. 2 Chemical composition of urine (Google urine components)

III. COMPONENTS REQUIRED The main components required for the generation of electricity is as follows: 1. Electrolytic Cell 2. Water filter 3. Gas cylinder 4. Liquid Borax Cylinder 5. Generator A. Electrolytic Cell An electrolytic cell is an electrochemical cell that undergoes a red ox reaction when electrical energy is applied. It is most often used to decompose chemical compounds, in a process called electrolysis. When electrical energy is added to the system, the chemical energy in increased.Similar to a galvanic cell, electrolytic cells usually consists of two half cells. An electrolytic cell ha three component parts: an electrolyte and two electrodes (a cathode and an anode). In this the raw urine contains urea. The chemical formula of urea is CH4N2O. By this electrolytic cell we can produce the hydrogen gas by applying the electrical energy to the electrolytic cell.

IV. WORKING PRINCIPLE It works on the main principle of Electrolysis. Urine’s major constituent is urea, which incorporates four hydrogen atoms per molecule – importantly, less tightly bonded than the hydrogen atoms in water molecules. Bottle used electrolysis to break the molecule apart, developing an new nickel-based electrode to selectively and efficiently oxidise the urea. To break the molecule down, a voltage of 0.37V needs to be applied across the cell – much less than the 1.23V needed to split water. During the electrochemical process the urea gets adsorbed on to the nickel electrode surface, which passes the electrons needed to break up the molecule, Pure hydrogen is evolved at the cathode, while nitrogen plus a trace of oxygen and hydrogen were collected at the anode. While carbon dioxide is generated during the reaction, none is found in the collected gasses as it reacts with the potassium hydroxide in the solution to form potassium carbonate. Urea has an enthalpy of formation of -45.9KJ/mol. So it takes +45.9KJ/mol to split it into constitutes elements, including 2H2. This hydrogen can be used to form two moles of H2O: 2 x dH (f) H20 = 2 x -241.8kJ/mol = 483.KJThis net process produces -483.KJ/mol + 45.9KJ/mol = - 437.7KJ/mol urea Each litter of Urine contains about 9.3g of urea, and urea weighs 60.06g/mol. So each liter contains 0.155mol of urea. So a litter can theoretically produce 0.155mol/l * 437.7KJ/mol = -67.8 KJ/L.

B. Water Filter When the hydrogen gas is pushed into the Water filter in the water filter the hydrogen gets purified and thus from this we can get the pure hydrogen gas. C. Gas Cylinder This purified hydrogen gas is then passed to the gas cylinder where this hydrogen gas is stored in form of liquid hydrogen under high pressures at a very low temperature. And this given to the borax gas cylinder. D. Liquid Borax Cylinder When the hydrogen gas is passed into the liquid borax cylinder, this liquid borax cylinder removes the moisture in the hydrogen gas thus this hydrogen is given to the generator. E. Generator


Fig 3. Fuel cell (Electrolysis process of urine)

V. WORKING PROCEDURE The working of this generator as shown Experimental arrangement set of urine (green power from renewable energy sources by using urine).


International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 192-195

Urine ↓ Electrolytic cell ↓ (Hydrogen gas) ↓ Water filter ↓ Gas cylinder ↓ Cylinder of liquid borax ↓ Generator ↓ Electricity 1.

Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which cracks the urea into nitrogen, water, and hydrogen.


The hydrogen goes into a water filter for purification, which then gets pushed into the gas cylinder.


The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen gas.


This purified hydrogen gas is pushed into the generator.


One litre of urine can produce enough hydrogen gas to run an electrical generator. A gasoline fuelled generator needs about seven litres of that fuel to run for the same length of time.


The installation cost is low for the urine generator when compared with the other generators.


It is pollution less and it does not produce the harmful gases.

VII. ELECTRICITY GENERATED From one litre of urine we can get enough amount of six hours of electricity. That is from one liter of urine we can produce 8.64KW of electricity which is sufficient for house hold purpose. VIII.


In different countries the production of electricity from urine can be obtained in different methods: A. Brazil In Brazil Afro reggae placed special urinals that convert urine into electricity in crowded areas of the city. The special urinal uses a process similar to that of a hydroelectric plant. The flow of urine is used to generate energy that is then stored in a battery. The energy produced was then used to power Afro reggae’s Carnival truck. Ricardo John, Chief Creative Officer of JWT, was quoted as saying, “We thought we’d turn a sore subject, which generated much controversy, into something lighter and fun. We will reward with lots of music those who can hold it in a little longer and pee in the right place. It is educational and has a strong built-in social nature.” And in case you’re thinking this all sounds like a one-off type of idea, consider that the guardian reported last November that British scientists had declared, “pee power is possible.” B. England Spending a penny could soon provide enough power to send a text message or make a call, after scientists discovered a way of recharging a mobile phone with urine. Researchers at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory harnessed an electrical charge by passing urine through a stack of microbial cells, which reacted to compounds including chloride, sodium and potassium. The resultant charge was enough to make a brief call on a Samsung phone, send a text message or browse the web, the Royal Society of Chemistry journal reported. Dr Ioannis Ieropoulos, from the University of the West of England, said: “It’s an exciting discovery. “Using the ultimate waste product as a source of power to produce electricity is about as eco as it gets. “Making a call on a mobile phone takes up the most energy but we will get to the place where we can charge a battery for longer periods.” The microbial fuel cells convert energy, which turns organic matter directly into electricity, via the metabolism of live micro-organisms.


IX. ADVANTAGES There is no cost of fuel.


There is no evolution of green house gases.


It is pollution free equipment.


Maintenance cost is very low


It is an ecofriendly product.


It is non toxic with the nature.

7. It generates more electricity when compared to other generators by consuming less amount of fuel.



International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 192-195



1. The major disadvantage is hydrogen posses’ explosive risk.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to encourge Prof. Jyoti Ranjan Panda for his support for the project. I also shares my credits to e resource center ITER, Bhubaneswar.

2. The installation of this complete equipment is a little bit cost. 3. Before generation some external electricity is required for electrolysis process.





House hold purpose.


In the public toilets.


In the cinema halls, bus-stops and railway stations

XII. CONCLUSION Now a day the power generation from diesel, petrol, coal, water decreases day by day so we need to produce electricity from other type of power plants. When compared with the other generators it is pollution less and it does not affect the environment. It produces much electricity compared with other types of power plants (effectively) and mainly the waste Urea is used (it is cost less). In present generation this is the best way to produce power from this type of pee powered generator.


[4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

http://makerfaireafrica.com/2012/11/06/a-urine-poweredgenerator/ http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/people-are-suspicious-aboutthis-pee-powered-generator http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2365856/Britishscientists-unveil-worlds-mobile-phone-powered-URINE.html http://makerfaireafrica.com/2012/11/06/a-urine-poweredgenerator http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/people-are-suspicious-aboutthis-pee-powered-generator http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2365856/Britishscientists-unveil-worlds-mobile-phone-powered-URINE. http://womennewsnetwork.net/2013/08/12/nigeria-girl-engineersurine-power http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/08/urine-powered-generator http://www.engineerlive.com/content/23815 http://www.girleffect.org/news/2013/02/girl-power-nigerianteens-invent-urine-powered-generator http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/09/african-teenagersdevelop-pee-powered- generator_n_2101778.html http://www.inspirationgreen.com/urine-powered-generator.html http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/boffins-discover-waypower-mobile-2057756


International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 196-198

OPENCV BASED VIRTUAL TOUCH SCREEN FOR ROBOTIC NAVIGATION Karan Patel1, Suraj Panigrahiya2, Amit Pawar3, Akash Survase 4 Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering Mumbai University, India 1karanpatel125@gmail.com, 2

b4.suraj.panigrahiya@gmail.com 3 4



Abstract— Touch-screens have emerged as a very popular technology. The major advantage of virtual touch screens is its low cost as compared to its counterparts and their up gradation also involves minimal changes to hardware. In areas where there is no necessity of slim touch-screens, image processing touch screens are of a great asset. This paper presents very new and innovative method of robotic Navigation. In this paper we attempt to address the various problems, by focusing on achieving a high level of Accuracy at low costs, utilizing GUI techniques, all the while keeping the process simple and fast.

A. Existing System

By using web camera at PC side we have controlled robot and the communication range is also increased as the very new technology i.e. Zigbee have been introduced here.

In all the above mentioned system there is no visual intelligence in the robot which can help it for understanding the gesture based commands given by human being.

Keywords— Webcam communication

C. Proposed System





I. INTRODUCTION Touch-screen technology has soon passed out of its infancy and is now becoming a choice interactive mechanism for all devices, especially mobile phones. The reason for its popularity is not only its ease of use, but also the wide scope of functionalities it offers, including writingto-text, multi-touch, and most importantly, providing a virtual interface between the device and the user which makes the user feel that he/she is interacting directly with the device rather than interacting through an intermediate device (such as mouse, keyboard etc). Virtual Touch Screen i.e. without using any type of Touch Screen Device thus any surface will act as a Touch Screen like desk of table. The proposed system will use a web camera connected with the PC user has to just move fingers on the surface (within the visibility range of the web camera) and the PC side software will interpret the movements as various navigational commands viz. forward, backward, right, left and stop. These commands will be then transferred to the robot using radio link.

    

PC Based Wired Robotic Navigation, PC Based Wireless Robotic Navigation, SMS Based Robotic Navigation, Bluetooth Based Wireless Robotic Navigation, RF Based Remote Controlled Robotic Navigation

B. Drawbacks of Existing System

This paper consists of a robot that can directly understand the navigation or any other commands given by moving the fingers in front of its vision. To demonstrate this we have taken small initiative by developing a prototype. In this system there will be a web camera connected to the PC. And the view range of the camera on the desk will act as a touch screen. When the user will move his finger in any direction on the said Touch Screen, the Robot will also take a movement in the same direction. Say for example if the user moves his finger in forward direction then the wireless robot at a far place will also move forward. And so on for the rest. III. THE PROPOSED SYSTEM A. System Overview The above proposed system will be divided into the following sub modules or sections. B. Robot Architecture Design In the design of robot body, it aims to allow the robot to move around all positions.

The following are some existing methods of Robotic Navigation. II. BACKGROUND OVERVIEW



International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 196-198 Embedded System

H/W 8051










TX and




Fig 2. CP2102 USB

The movements of the robot is shown in Fig. 2, the arrow inside the indicates the moving direction;

D. Features The Following are the prominent features of the above discussed system.    

Zigbee Wireless Link at 1200 bps, Up to 100 m. range Visual studio based GUI, Finger movement based ROBOT controlling. TABLE 1 WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY COMPARISON Bluetooth 3 Mbps


3 US$

2 US$

5~10 US$

Power Consumption




IEEE Standard

Serial Com muni cation

Imag e Proce ssing

30~300 m 30~70 m


915 MHz 2.4 GHz

2.4/5 GHz




868 MHz

E. Technology & Programming Languages

Com mand Gene ration

C. Pc side serial communication integration The CP2102 is a highly-integrated USB-to-UART Bridge Controller providing a simple solution for updating RS-232 designs to USB using a minimum of components and PCB space. The CP2102 includes a USB 2.0 full-speed function controller, USB transceiver, oscillator, EEPROM, and asynchronous serialdata bus (UART).


20~250 kbps 54 Mbps

10~100 m

Fig 1. Movement of the Robot

The Main GUI



Distance frequency range

PC softw are


As microcontrollers are the core of these days digital circuit design in industry, this system uses it for the centralized operation and digital processing. The technology used here is embedded technology which is the future of today’s modern electronics. The followings are the various Programming Languages & Technologies that are going to be used in the proposed system. 1) For Embedded System:    

Embedded Technology 8051 Family Based Controller Embedded C - Keil Compiler and universal programmer Eagle Software for PCB Designing


International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 196-198

2) For PC System  

Visual Studio 2010 ultimate Serial Communication Protocol IV. SCOPE & APPLICATIONS

Only the imagination can limit the applications of the above proposed system


Dogan Ibrahim, Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051, Newnes, Page:29-161.


Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller architecture, programming and applications, west publishing company, Page:131-197.


Michael J. Pont, Embedded C, Edition 2002, Addison Wesley, Page: 57-87,217.





Though the following are some examples.



     


Ramakant A. Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, Circuit Theory, 10th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Page:342, 417, 455.

Robotic vision development, Exploration robots, Can be used for spy robot, Fire fighting robot, Various military applications Gaming….etc REFERENCES

[10] R.P.Jain, Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill [11] www.electronic-circuits-diagrams.com [12] www.circuitstoday.com [13] www.circuitlake.com [14] Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, The C programming Language, First Edition 1988, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-110370-9


Myke Predko, Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller, Edition 1999, Tata McGraw-Hill, Page:157167.

[15] www.mathworks.com, Learning MATLAB 7, Fourth printing, Prentice- Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-9755787-090000


Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Prentice-Hall, Page:183-193, 236, 243.

[17] www.wikipedia.org

[16] www.alldatasheets.com [18] www.keil.com

[19] www.hobbyprojects.com



International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 199-202

DEMAND CAPACITY AND ANTENNA SYSTEM PLANNING FOR IN-BUILDING GSM NETWORKS Archit Jain1, Ashwin Shenoy2, Pallav Mittal3 and Pratik Nawani4 Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering, NMIMS University Mumbai, India 1 jainarchit1793@gmail.com, 2 ashwinshenoy93@gmail.com, 3 pallavmittal43@gmail.com 4 nawani.pratik@gmail.com Abstract—Due to growth of indoor mobile traffic, there is a growing focus on In-building solutions. This paper explains the requirement for quick development in IBS (In-Building Solutions) with a major focus on demand capacity planning and traffic planning which is carried out independently for general and business applications to differentiate common and intensive applications. It equally concentrates on accomplishing a more cost effective low grade of service (GoS) while having high quality of service (QoS). This paper additionally highlights the utilization of Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) which is a novel solution for coverage improvement. The incorporated DAS implementation reduces the expenses that are required for enabling cellular coverage to the customers of wireless service providers in vast open locations. The paper additionally elucidates Radio Base Station (RBS) skeleton that aides in establishing connections for these DAS frameworks. Index Terms—IBS, DAS, Demand Planning, RBS, Antenna planning, Traffic planning, Donor cell.

I. INTRODUCTION In the world of networking, telecommunication sector is on the rise. There is a growing demand in economic, cultural and political spheres towards mobile and telecommunication technology. Due to rapid growth in technology, suppliers too are into improving the efficiency. Thus, growth is an amalgamation of “demand-pull” or “supply-push” activities [1]. Customers today are witnessing an extraordinary rush in data and voice traffic. This is largely due to the growing usage of smart devices and new bandwidth-hungry applications and services. Nevertheless, subscribers around the world demand better experiences from the network in terms of faster data speed, higher bandwidth & better coverage wherever they are moving or inside home or office [2]. Mobile connections rely on coverage from macro cells which are deployed on masts or high buildings to provide coverage to an area. When a mobile subscriber is inside a building, radio wave propagation involves wall penetration; there are radio wave energy absorption losses by furniture and presence of people in the surrounding area. In addition, indoor propagation is subjected to fast multipath fading and diffracted waves due to corners, presence of people, furniture and moving objects [3].


According to research, statistics show that 80 % of mobile use occurs inside buildings. 85% of data traffic and 70% of voice traffic is generated indoors being the revenue generation centre for communication service providers (CSPs). 81% of employees use personal smart phones at work. 87% of companies would switch providers for better indoor service. 72% of businesses are interested in enterprise cells boosting performance on their premises. 87% of businesses believe it is important for mobile network operators to offer enterprise cells. 5x growth of in-building wireless market is expected by 2018 [4]. But, it has been observed that it is very costly to increase the indoor location probability by outdoor sites which is greater than 90% [5]. The best way is to improve in-building coverage by using pico-cells in the interior of the building. This paper explains the need for rapid growth in In-Building Solutions with a key focus on demand capacity planning and traffic planning which is done separately for general and business applications to demarcate light and heavy users. It also focuses on achieving a low grade of service but at the same time having a high quality of service. This paper also highlights the use of Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) which is an integrated solution for coverage enhancement. The integrated DAS solution reduces the cost of providing cellular coverage to the clients of wireless service providers in large public venues. It also explains Radio Base Station (RBS) framework that helps connect DAS systems. II. IN-BUILDING SOLUTIONS PLANNING The following are sequential steps involved in the planning of an In-Building network: A. Need For Network Solutions Inside The Building About 70% of voice traffic occurs inside buildings [6]. There is limited network coverage in areas such as basement and lifts of shopping malls, hospitals, commercial complexes and business houses. The drop call rate is high because the density is higher and there is a need for higher capacity in an indoor area. A concentrated number of users in such areas give rise to the need of deploying in-building solutions. In areas that lack dedicated in-building coverage, path loss to different users within can vary depending on location of the

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International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 199-202

user i.e. whether the user is located indoors or not. This variation in path loss means that capacity of the system fluctuates according to user distribution. Operators need to take this factor into account and allocate sufficient margins while planning their RF networks. But if indoor users are served via dedicated indoor cells, there will be less fluctuation in capacity, and operators can allocate smaller margins.

Fig. 1.

IBS Framework

B. Demand capacity planning Capacity planning is typically done for the first time during the dimensioning phase and a second time in parallel with the coverage planning. When dimensioning the capacity of an indoor cell, one must consider its application. Two different categories of indoor cells can be identified: 1) General Application: The indoor cells which cover public buildings such as shopping centers, airport terminals and hospitals are referred to as public indoor cells. The user distribution varies depending on the time of the day and hence requires planning of these areas with bigger capacity margins. 2) Business Application: The indoor cells covering areas such as business houses and commercial complexes are termed as business indoor cells. They require higher capacity and quality demands than in public indoor cells. The number of users generally remains constant and thus operators can plan with smaller margins with higher Quality of service to users. They are installed in order to improve the performance of the existing radio network, or as an alternative for the fixed telephone network. The precise need for capacity can be determined based on the real information about traffic in the radio network depending on the performance management reports and outage reports. Costs incurred due to the proposed capacity plan are also made to check the feasibility. a) Traffic Planning: Traffic planning of business indoor cells is particularly important since the number of users is more and requires higher quality of service. Thus, determining the number of subscribers in a concentrated area is the first step of this procedure.


The second step involves identifying their usage behavior. Subscribers may be broadly classified as heavy users and light users depending on the number of calls per hour or the amount of cellular data usage and network occupancy. So, if the network usage and user density is higher, the antennas must be planned in such a way that they get full coverage and do not encounter the problem of call drops. Finally, the most critical step is determining the busy hour traffic as a percentage of the total traffic. Busy hour, as the name suggests is a 60 minute window in a day that experiences maximum traffic load [7]. From a business application perspective, the busy hour accounts for 15-20% of the traffic of that day. Whereas, the busy hour report for a public indoor cell will be around 10-12% of a particular day. b) Grade of service: The ability to make a call during the busiest time or is typically defined as the probability that a call is blocked or the likelihood of a call experiencing a delay for more than a specified interval [8]. This is always with respect to the busy hour when the traffic intensity is the greatest. Grade of service can be represented from the point of view of incoming versus outgoing calls. The demand on network accessibility is likely to be higher in business indoor cells than in public indoor cells. Since the business indoor cell is to be used as a substitute to the fixed telephone network, the performance must be similar to it and thus grade of service must be very low, not more than 0.5% for a business application and 1% for public indoor cells. C. Cell Division A way to increase the overall capacity is to make cells small. This is achieved by splitting the building which is considered as “one cell” into at least three cells. This should be done when the building is huge and the demand is high. It enables power distribution from the antennas which can be adjusted depending upon the obstacles, distance to be covered and capacity demand in that respective cell. It must be split into three cells to allow frequency reuse between the floors of the building. Cell division technique is widely deployed to:  Cater uneven and peaky demands on capacity using indoor small cells. But, the traffic demand on every small cell must be taken into consideration when dimensioning the system  Extend coverage at cell edges [9]  Target on high value business users  Provide High quality and secured service

Fig. 2.

Cell Splitting

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International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 199-202

D. Distributed Antenna System A distributed antenna system (DAS) is made of a network of antennas connected to a common source using a transport medium that provides wireless service within a geographic area. DAS components are designed to deal with spots of poor coverage inside a large building and improve the coverage with highest performance. The antennas used in DAS are small discrete antenna elements designed specifically for indoor use. In DAS implementation, signal is transferred from base station by network of feeder cables, connected by splitters and couplers. The idea is to split the transmitted power among several antennas, separated in space to provide coverage over the same area as a single antenna but with reduced total power, i.e., a single antenna radiating at high power is replaced by a group of low-power antennas to cover the same area [10]. The antenna elevations in this kind of antenna system are generally at or below the clutter level. Typically, the two most commonly used antenna types are omnidirectional and directional antennas. The two types of omnidirectional antennas are the Mexican hat antenna and the tubular mast antenna. But, the Mexican hat is preferred because of its stable construction. A DAS is used in large tall buildings, underground parking, train stations, hotels, resorts, conference centers, airports, stadiums, government offices etc. a) Passive In-Building cellular enhancement system Passive systems are the systems that use coaxial cable (1/2” to 7/8” in diameter) to distribute the wireless signal from a repeater or base station to a set of distributed antennas. These systems use coaxial couplers and splitters for distribution of cabling. The coaxial cable used to distribute radio signals is intrinsically capable of supporting multiple carrier frequencies. These systems are referred as “broadband” systems because the DAS itself supports any wireless frequency delivered to the coax system [11].

A passive system is less expensive to install and is best suited for smaller buildings where one or possibly two mobile network operators need to be enhanced within the building and are not usually installed in spaces over 100,000 square feet area. These require the RF power to be balanced among all the coverage antennas so there is uniform signal strength throughout the building. Developing a passive system after the initial establishment could require a re-engineering of the entire system to ensure proper operation throughout the building. The number of antennas and coverage area of such a system is dependent on the output power of the signal source. TABLE I.


Cable Type 1/4 inch 1/2 inch 7/8 inch

900 MHz 13 7 4

Passive DAS


2100 MHz 20 11 6.5

b) Active In-Building cellular enhancement system The fundamental difference between active and passive system is the digital distribution of signals as well as low feeder losses. These systems have a LAN like topology [6]. Rather than relying on transport cabling from the RF source to the antennas, these systems use optical fiber and Cat-5 cabling. To distribute the signal from the RF source through the DAS, these systems use managed hubs and Remote Access Units (RAUs) that amplify the signal.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 3.

1800 MHz 19 10 6

Active DAS

An active system can be deployed in large buildings and within a campus of buildings by converting and transporting the radio frequency over optical fiber. Many active systems have been deployed covering areas of 1,000,000 square feet and larger. These systems are best suited when there is a need to support multiple mobile network operators or large single buildings or campuses with multiple buildings. Improvement of an active system is usually in the form of adding more active equipment to increase the number of coverage antennas within the building, to increase the number of mobile network operators, or to increase the service offerings of a mobile network operator such as adding 3G or 4G services. In a properly designed system, no reengineering of the original

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International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 199-202

system is required when the system is expanded. Optical fiber systems can provide coverage in areas up to 2 km from the signal source making them ideal for campus environments. These will always be more expensive than a passive system. For a more cost effective and performance oriented utilization of distributed antenna systems, a combination of passive and active, i.e., hybrid system is used. Radio Base Stations prove a backbone for validating connections between DAS systems. III. RADIO BASE STATION SYSTEMS Radio Base Station (RBS) is a name given to a significant part of the radio access network. It is synonymous to the base transceiver station and has varied hardware configurations. The radio wire framework could be joined with a base station in one of the accompanying ways: A. RF-repeater An RF-repeater offers an easy and simple to-introduce option to give coverage in a building. The macro cell encompassing the building, defined as donor cell, should however have the save limit. At the point when the demand request in the building expands and gets to be higher than what the donor cell can offer, the RF-repeater may be supplanted by a customary RBS (in addition to transmission). The indoor reception apparatus framework, initially intended for the RFrepeater, ought to in substantial parts be conceivable to keep. The RF-repeater can therefore halfway be seen as a brief answer case in point when there is uncertainty if the potential activity in a building will motivate a conventional indoor framework.

Fig. 5.

Radio Base Station

B. Single and Multiple RBS configurations A solitary RBS is the most direct approach to design the RBS framework in an indoor application. It is more trunking efficient than utilizing numerous RBSs [13]. In any case, in substantial structures where extensive regions are to be secured, high feeder losses confine the pertinence of a solitary RBS. For this situation, various RBSs, adopted over the building is a better decision. The evident reason for this is that in a various RBS framework the RBSs may be set closer to the receiving antennas as contrasted with a solitary RBS framework, and subsequently the feeder losses are decreased [14].


IV. CONCLUSION We have discussed the various factors which should be focused on while considering utilization and expansion of In Building Solutions to improve network coverage at indoor locations. Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) are an encompassing solution to facilitate different degrees of demand and traffic requirements that are faced by wireless subscribers. IBS have become a crucial requirement in all phases of everyday life. This paper presented a range of options that may be utilized to plan the implementation of these solutions to achieve the most logical demand based results. These possibilities should be further complemented with power budget parameters, cost parameters and hardware options for successful execution of any such systems. V. REFERENCES [1] International Telecommunication Union, “Trends and developments in the telecommunication environment,” 2004. [Online]. Available: https://www.itu.int/aboutitu/strategic_plans /99-03/trends.html. [2] Nokia Siemens Network, “In Building Solutions - Executive Summary,” 2011. [3] Nokia Networks Oy, “Radio Network Planning Introduction Training Document,” 2014. [4] Alcatel Lucent, “In-Building Solutions,” 2014. [Online]. Available: http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/solutions/in-building. [5] Metro Telworks, “In-Building Solutions,” 2012. [Online]. Available: http://www.metrotelworks.com/in-building-solutions. html. [6] BICSI, "The Fundamentals of In-Building Wireless Solutions," [Online]. Available: https://www.bicsi.org/pdf/presentations/ northcentral10/The%20Fundamentals%20of%20In-Building% 20Wireless%20Solutions%20-%20ADC.pdf. [7] Cisco, "Traffic Analysis," [Online]. Available: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios/solutions_docs/voip_s olutions/TA_ISD.html. [8] M. A. F. Ali, M. S. A. Hmadi and V. K. Gupta, "Grade of Service in End-To-End Service Quality of Service," IJARCSSE, vol. 2, no. 12, 2012. [9] Dr. Y. Q. Bian, D. Rao, "Small Cells Big Opportunities," Huawei, 2014. [10] A. J. Rustako, R. S. Roman and A. M. Saleh, "Distributed Antennas for Indoor Radio Communications," IEEE Transactions on Commun., vol. 35, no. Dec. 1987, pp. 12451251. [11] Connected Planet, "InFocus: Passive, active and hybrid solutions for in-building wireless," [Online]. Available: http://connectedplanetonline.com/wireless/technology/inbuildin g_wireless_solutions_032806/. [12] RFI, "Coaxial Cable Attenuation Chart," [Online]. Available: http://www.hawaiirepeaters.net/CoaxLossChart.pdf. [13] K. Hasan, "Study on Indoor Building Solution For Gsm Networks," Dhaka, 2011. [14] M. Tolstrup, Indoor Radio Planning - A Practical Guide for GSM, DCS, UMTS and HSPA, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2008.

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International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 203-206

AUTONOMOUS CARS: THE FUTURE OF ROADWAYS Shreya Sule1, Kritak Gupta2, Viraj Desai3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mumbai University RGIT Andheri, Mumbai 400053, India 1

shreyasule14@gmail.com 2




Abstract— The autonomous car or the driverless car can be referred to as a robotic car in simple language. This car is capable of sensing the environment, navigating and fulfilling the human transportation capabilities without any human input. It is a big step in the advancing future technology. Autonomous cars sense their surroundings with cameras, radar, lidar, GPS and navigational paths. Advanced control systems interpret sensory information to keep track of their position even though the conditions change. The advantages of autonomous cars, such as fewer traffic collisions, increased reliability, increased roadway capacity, reduced traffic congestion as well as reduction of traffic police and care insurance, are compulsive for the development of autonomous car even though we have to overcome the issues of cyber security, software reliability, liability of damage and loss of driver related jobs. Autonomous cruise control or the Lane departure warning system and the Anti lock braking system (ABS) are the early steps. These steps though small are conclusive towards the progress in the direction of making the autonomous car. Companies such as Google, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz and Audi are the fore runners in making the autonomous car a reality. The development and expansion of the sector in Indian conditions is also worth considering. We strongly believe that the autonomous car will be a reality soon and be a necessity of life by overcoming the current obstacles, as human life needs to be secured by safe, efficient, cost effective and comfortable means of transport.

I. INTRODUCTION It is a known fact that even if humans have the capability to think unlike machines still they also commit errors unlike machines. A machine performs the assigned task without errors or without feeling the slightest fatigue. Similar is the case while driving automobiles. Humans tend to cause undesired errors while driving which leads to accidents, injuries, risk & damage to life and property. Thus a way to overcome these problems is having automation in the field of automobiles. Steps have been taken towards automation since the last century which have now turned out to be fruitful in the form of the AUTONOMOUS CAR. II. A DREAM A REALITY


We have often seen in movies and read in fiction about flying cars and cars having a mind of their own. But can this become a reality we often wondered. Today in the 21st century this dream has become a reality. Such a car exists in the world today. But it wasn‟t a direct leap to the autonomous car. There were various intermediate steps involved in the making. III. THE MAKING A. Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS) The first step towards driverless cars came in the 1980s with the invent of Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS). When a car is braking hard and doesn‟t have anti lock brakes, the wheels can lock up, sending the car into an outof-control skid. In a car without ABS the driver has to pump the brake pedal to keep the wheels from locking up. But due to ABS and the speed sensors in the wheels, the car does the pumping for you. B. Traction and Stability Control These systems are a step-up sophistication ladder from ABS. They use the sensors at the wheels to detect when a car might go into an out-of-control skid or roll-over. These systems can increase or decrease power to individual wheels which is often better than brakes or power being applied on all four wheels. C. Emergency Brake System Emergency brake assist (EBA) or Brake Assist (BA or BAS) is a generic term for automobile braking technology that increases braking pressure in an emergency situation. By interpreting the speed and force with which the brake pedal is pushed, the system detects if the driver is trying to execute an emergency stop, and if the brake pedal is not fully applied, the system overrides and fully applies the brakes until the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) takes over to stop the wheels locking up. D. Detecting traffic lights „Actinometer‟ is a sensor used to detect the intensity of


International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 203-206

radiation. If the detected intensity is of red or yellow colour, then the controller will send a command to immediately stop the vehicle. The command will act as an input to the mechanical system thereby stopping the vehicle.

     

Adaptive headlamps Advanced Automatic Collision Notification Blind spot monitoring Driver Monitoring System Pre-crash system Distance control assist IV. THE CAR

With these various steps towards automation finally evolved the autonomous car. The autonomous car can completely drive itself without any driver input except in case of emergencies.

E. Automated Night Vision An automotive night vision system is a system to increase a vehicle driver's perception and seeing distance in darkness or poor weather beyond the reach of the vehicle's headlights. Active systems use an infrared light source built into the car to illuminate the road ahead with light that is invisible to humans. Passive systems do not use an infrared light source, instead they capture thermal radiation already emitted by the objects, using athermographic camera.

V. WORKING AND COMPONENTS The above image shows how the autonomous car would see its surrounding. An autonomous car detects using techniques such as lidar, radar, sensors, cameras, GPS etc.

F. Intelligent Cruise Control Cruise control are used for maintaining constant speed set by the driver and thus can be of great comfort in steady traffic conditions like highways. This can be achieved by the use of sensors or radar setup that detects the approaching vehicle and thereby reduces the speed and accelerates again to the preset value when the traffic allows. G. Lane Support System In order to reduce the collisions due to driving errors , distraction, talking on cell phones etc. lane support system was developed . It is a mechanism designed in such a way that the driver gets warning whenever the vehicle begins to move out of its lane. „AutoVue‟-an embedded camera based lane marking recognition and warning system, monitors the visual line markings on the road and signals the driver with an audible or tactical warning. H. Self Parking Self parking system includes sensors all around the car to guide it to the allotted parking space. The driver has to first find a position for parking and then use the in-cabin navigation screen to tell the car where to go.

The heart of the system is a laser range finder mounted on the roof of the car. The device generates a 3D map of the environment. The car then combines the laser measurements with the high resolution maps, producing different types of data models that allow the car to drive it while avoiding obstacles and respecting traffic laws. In addition to the laser, the car also has various other sensors, including four radars, mounted on the front and rear bumpers to view the front and rear traffic; a camera positioned near the rear view mirror to detect traffic lights; a GPS system; wheel encoder , that determines wheel‟s location and keeps the track of its movement. The various technologies used in the components of the car are:

A few other topics under automation include:



International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 203-206



Lidar (Light + Radar) is a remote sensing technology that measures distance by illuminating a target with a laser and analyzing the reflected light. Autonomous vehicles use lidar for obstacle detection and avoidance to navigate safely through environments. B. SLAM Simultaneous Localization and Mapping is a technique used by autonomous vehicle to build up a map within an unknown environment (without a prior knowledge) or to update a map within a known environment (with prior knowledge) while at the same time keeping track of their current location. C. Computer Vision It is field that includes methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing and understanding images and in general high dimensional data from the real world in order to produce numerical or symbolic information in the form of decisions. A theme in the development of this field has been to duplicate the abilities of human vision by electronically perceiving and understanding an image. D. Sensors 1) Blind spot monitor: It is a vehicle-based sensor device that detects other vehicles located on the driver and rear side. Warnings can be visual, audible, vibrating or tactile. 2) Oxygen sensors: They are installed in the exhaust system of the vehicle, attached to the engine‟s exhaust manifold; the sensor measures the ratio of air-fuel mixture. 3) Air-fuel ratio monitor: An Air-fuel ratio meter monitors the air fuel ratio of an internal combustion engine. It reads the voltage output of an oxygen sensor, sometimes also called as lambda sensor, whether it is from a narrow band or wide band oxygen sensors. Other sensors used are Video Sensors in the visual domain mounted behind the windshield, Laser Sensors mounted on the front of the vehicle, Infrared Sensors mounted either behind the windshield or under the vehicle. E. GPS The Global Positioning System is used to locate the position of the car using preloaded maps. GPS data is obtained from the GPS receiver through the serial port of a Personal Digital Assistant which is then sent to the PC via a wireless network card. This data is then interpreted and used by the PC to send a signal to the Remote Control via a Digital-to-Analog Converter in order to navigate a vehicle from initial to a destination point, executing a specified formation. F. Cameras The entire car is equipped with cameras so that it can detect its surroundings.


VI. AUTONOMOUS INDIA Vijay Ratnaparkhe, Managing Director, Robert Bosch Engineering said, “In around 10 years from now, we will have serial cars which will run semi autonomous in dense cities but on highways they will definitely be fully autonomous.” There are some positive as well as negative points when considering the impact of driverless cars in Indian conditions. A. The People of India Indians would definitely love to have the autonomous car. We surely know that Indians will not be far behind in owning or developing this car indigenously. India being a populated country, poses some challenges to the smooth running of the autonomous cars. There needs to be a fundamental change in the discipline area where we need to follow and implement the traffic and other rules stringently. It is not difficult to get this implemented as we Indians follow all the rules when we are abroad so why should it be different here. In any case we are seeing the change happening and being adapted. After all we are incredible India. Our traffic system and infra structure will need certain improvements and that is the change which is in and around us. The benefits of the autonomous car will certainly also amuse the Indian people. VII. ADVANTAGES      

These cars increase comfort and ease. These cars can be more accurate and safe. It saves time. It reduces human-induced accidents. It reduces driving errors. Due to sensors in the autonomous cars, they will be able drive closer, allowing more cars on the roads therefore shorting traffic times. VIII. DISADVANTAGES

Largely the disadvantages of a autonomous cars are minimal, in fact the only drawback we thought was the over dependency on various systems for its smooth running such as the sensors, GPS, Radar etc. The very fact that the car is built by utilizing these systems necessitates its robustness and hence negates disadvantages. The other factor being a need to change various legislations and to adapt insurance policies to suit the changing needs. Loss of driver-related jobs.[45] Reduced demand for parking services and for accident related services assuming increased vehicle safety. IX. CARS TO COME


International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 203-206

Audi developed the car with help from Stanford University at Volkswagen‟s Electronics Research Lab. The developers have taken a ride in this car and can tell you it almost certainly drives at least as well as you do and probably better.

Mercedes- Benz became the first motor manufacturer to demonstrate the feasibility of autonomous driving both on urban and inter-urban roads. X. CONCLUSION The autonomous cars have become a reality and will soon be the necessity of life by overcoming the current obstacles, as human life needs to be secured by safe, efficient, cost effective and comfortable means of transport. REFERENCES

Volvo‟s long been interested in autonomous technology to improve safety. It started testing autonomous cars in 2011, and hopes to have self-driving cars capable of reaching 30 mph before long. It also has unveiled the Drive Me program, which promises to have 100 autonomous cars on the roads of Gothenburg by 2017.


Ashley, Steven. "Smart Cars and Automated Highways." Mechanical Engineering Magazine. May 1998. (Oct. 2, 2013) http://www.memagazine.org/backissues/membersonly/may98/fe atures/smarter/smarter.html


Del-Colle, Andrew. "The 12 Most Important Questions About Self-Driving Cars." Popular Mechanics. (Oct. 8, 2013) http://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/news/industry/the-12most-important-questions-about-self-driving-cars-16016418


Fischer, Adam. "Inside Google's Quest to Popularize SelfDriving Cars." Popular Science. Sept. 19, 2013. (Oct. 2, 2013) http://www.popsci.com/cars/article/2013-09/google-self-drivingcar


Greene, Kate. "Stanford's New Driverless Car." Technology Review. June 15, 2007. (Oct. 2, 2013) http://www.technologyreview.com/news/408059/stanfords-newdriverless-car/


Markoff, John. "At High Speed, on the Road to a Driverless Future." The New York Times. May 27, 2013. (Oct. 2, 2013) http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/28/science/on-the-road-inmobileyes-self-driving-car.html


Tierney, John. "In the Future, Smart People Will Let Their Cars Take Control." The New York Times. Dec. 4, 2007. (Oct. 2, 2013) Audi annual report Mercedes- Benz reports


Trillan, Calvin. "Park, He Said." The New York Times. Jan. 26, 2007. (Oct. 2, 2013)

[8] The New York Times, 26th January‟2007.



International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 207-210

AUTOMATIC CONTROL IN VEHICLES Ishita Raina, Rasika Subramanian, Anagha Shinkar, Chintan Shah K.J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering & IT, Sion Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Mumbai University, India Abstract— “Automatic control in vehicles” is a unique speed governor for vehicles at specified zones. This system ensures that the car will travel at or below the speed limit specified at designated areas. Transmitters are installed at the entry point of specified zones, primarily on the speed sign boards to reduce project implementation cost. The Transmitter consists of an encoder and a RF transmitter module with 433 MHz carrier frequency and ASK modulation which transmits the speed limit of that area. The Receivers are installed in all vehicles. A Receiver consists of a decoder, RF receiver module and a micro controller „89S51‟ along with sensors viz. Alcohol sensor, collision sensor and theft sensor. Upon the detection of drunken driving or collision the car decelerates to a stop. The Receiver has a GSM module which sends the message to the respected mobile user upon the event of collision, theft and drunk driving. In the microcontroller, the speed of the vehicle is compared to the speed limit of that area and the speed is then accordingly controlled.

curved roads where the speeds of the vehicles have to be lowered to avoid the accidents. Later curve warning systems (CWS) have been developed to detect the curved roads by using Global Positioning System (GPS) and the digital maps obtained from the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) [4] to assess threat levels for driver if approaching the curved road quickly. But these maps need to be updated regularly and are not useful if there are unexpected road diversions or extensions etc. Here we propose a dynamic model where the system controls the speed of the vehicle according to the data in the frame that is transmitted by the RF transmitter fixed to the nearby poles as shown in Figure 2.

Keywords— RF module (Radio Frequency), ECU (Engine Control Unit), GSM (Global System Mobile Communication)

I. INTRODUCTION Road accidents are rampant nowadays. Most of these road accidents are caused because the vehicles are driven at high speeds even in the places where sharp turnings and junctions exist. Reduction of number of such accidents is the main step needed to be taken. Many systems have been developed to prevent these road accidents. Fig 1.1: Traffic Signal posts equipped with RF transmitter (left side) Automobile equipped with the RF receiver (right side)

II. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS To have a theoretical study on our design, we consider an Atmel’s AVR microcontroller [6] with an operating frequency range of 16MHz and wireless module as AT86RF230.

Fig 1.1: Newspaper cut-out of article on road deaths

One of them is Cruise control system (CC) that is capable of maintaining speed defined by the driver and its later evolution version Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) [3] that keeps the vehicle at safer distance from the preceding vehicle. But these systems have no capability to detect the


AT86RF230 [6] is a 2.45GHz radio transceiver. It can operate in the temperature range of -40 degree centigrade to 85 degree centigrade. AT86RF230 in the transmitter section will be either in the transmission state or sleep state and theAT86RF230 in receiver section will be in the Receiving state. Let the vehicle equipped with our architecture is moving at100 km/hr. Let the receiver can detect the frame at 30m away from the transmitter .From the above considerations, the vehicle will be in the range of transmitter for minimum time period of 1080milliseconds. This can be deduced from the formula Distance = speed * time.


International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 207-210

during the Active mode, the receiver made to transit into sleep state so that the it does not receive the same multiple frames and at the same time power is also optimized. III. IMPLEMENTATION

Fig. 3. Time for which the vehicle will in the range of transmitter for different ranges of Transmitter

Figure 3 shows time (milliseconds) for which the vehicle will be in the range of transmitter at two different speeds. Datasheets of AT86RF230 shows that transition time from transmission state to sleep state takes 1.1milliseconds and from the sleep state to transmission state takes 48 micro seconds. It takes 224 micro seconds to transmit a frame of 1 byte. Since the frame size in the proposed design is 7 bytes it takes 1.792 milliseconds to transmit the frame. Now the time for which the transmitter can be in the sleep state is calculated by subtracting the sum of transmission time for the frame, transition times from transmission state to the sleep state and vice versa from the time for which vehicle will be in the range of transmitter. Here, 1080 * 10 exp 3 – (1.1 + 1.792 + 0.048) = 1077.06 milliseconds. That is, the transmitter can be in the sleep state for minimum period of 1077.06 milliseconds. If the transmitter is in sleep state for more time then, there are more chances of optimizing the power.

Fig. 5. Block dig of present circuit

In general, the speed of the vehicle varies according to the accelerator’s Pedal position. The variation in the Pedal position is fed to the Electronic Control Unit (ECU).ECU determines the position of the throttle based on the accelerators pedal position and the inputs received from the other sensors [3]. Adjustment of throttle position causes the change in the variation of vehicles speed. Whereas in the proposed automatic vehicle speed controller model accelerator pedal position is specified in the data packet given to the microcontroller unit and then it is fed to the Electronic Control Unit. If the vehicle is in the active mode, microcontroller[1],[2] transfers the manipulated pedal position to the ECU that will not increase the vehicle speed greater than the maximum speed This model is shown in above figure. Sensor MQ3 is used for sensing alcohol and push buttons are used for sensing collision and theft. These sensors are interfaced with the microcontroller. On the reception of a signal from the above sensors, the microcontroller uses the GSM module to send a signal to the RTO and stops the car.

Fig. 4. Sleep times of the RF transmitter for its different ranges.

Figure 4 shows the time (milliseconds) for which the transmitter can be in sleep state for different ranges of transmitter at two different speeds of vehicle. Whenever the receiver receives the frame, it switches from receiving state to sleep state and the vehicle enters in to active mode


Fig. 6. Alcohol sensor


International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 207-210

The Receiver consists of a decoder HT12D, a RF receiver module and a micro controller ‘89S51’ along with sensors viz. Alcohol sensor, collision sensor and theft sensor. The Receiver has a GSM module which sends the message to the respected mobile user upon the event of collision, theft and drunk driving. In the microcontroller, the speed of the vehicle is compared to the speed limit of that area and the speed is then accordingly controlled. Upon the event of drunken driving and collision the car decelerates to a stop. Fig. 7. Theft Sensor

IV. FLOWCHART Switch the receiver to sleep

Start timer

Get the speed of the automobile

Display the speed, Max speed allowed time left on LCD

Fig. 8. Collision Sensor


no Time out

Switch to receiving state

Get the Pedal

Estimate the speed if pedal position is transferred

Normal Mode

speed <max Send it to ECU

>max Decrement pedal position by one step

Fig. 9. Transmitter circuit

The Transmitter consists of an encoder and a RF transmitter module with 433 MHz carrier frequency and ASK modulation which is connected to an encoder HT12E. The Transmitter transmits the speed limit of that area by sending a start bit, stop bit, 8 address bits and 4 data bits. All signals are defined in the microcontroller at the Receiver.

Fig. 11. Flowchart schematic of operation in Active mode

In Active mode of operation microcontroller unit continuously studies the speed of the vehicle. To control the speed of the bike according to the limits we have developed the fuzzy logic [4][5]. If the speed of the vehicle is above the Maximum speed limit, then it sends the digital signal to the ECU such that speed of the vehicle will be decreased. When the accelerator pedal is moved to increment the speed, microcontroller calculates the speed that would be reached on the new pedal position. If the speed is greater than the maximum speed limit then it denies excess speed and gives appropriate signal to the ECU. See figure 4 for Flow Chart in Active Model. V. CONCLUSION This projects main aim is to bring more safety for pedestrian and drivers by introducing a system by which the speed of a vehicle can be controlled. We have introduced a miniature model of speed a controlled car which can be further improved upon by doing more research on a viable

Fig. 10. Receiver Circuit



International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management Vol 2 (06), October 2014, ISSN 2321-2543, pg 207-210

model wherein the above system can be used in an electric as well as fuel car at a very cost effective price.


http://www.aa1car.com/ this website contains technical articles, books and manuals that help us find what’s wrong with our vehicle and what needed to fix it.



Sugeno, M.; Nishida, M. Fuzzy Control of Model Car. Fuzzy Sets system. 1985, 16, 103-113.


http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc 8154.pdf this documents contains the description of atmelmega16A microcontroller.


http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc 5131.pdf this document contains the details of AT86RF230 wireless module.


International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887) Volume 35-No.9, December 2011 by U.Jyothi Kameshwari (Research scholar) K.L University, M.Satwik (student), A. Lokesh(student), G.Venkateshwara Reddy(student) K.L University, India.


White paper-‘European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to decade’: European Commission : Brussels, Belgium, December 9,2001.


Ioannou, P. A; Chien, C.C. Autonomus Intelligent Cruise Control. IEEE Trans . Veh. Technol. 1993, 42, 657-672.

A project such as this is difficult task for undergraduate students like us without proper guiding. The faculty of EXTC department of K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Engineering And Information Technology has made this task quite easy for us. We would like to thank our Prof. Prashant Upadhay and Head Of Department Prof. Milind Nemade and all other professor for helping us in making our project successful. It was their patience and motivation that has driven us this stage. REFERENCES [1]

Embedded systems, Rajkamal, TaTa McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2003.


An embedded software premier, David E.simon, Pearson Education, 1999.


[10] Milanes,V.: Onieva, E.; Perez, J. ; de Pedro, T; Gonzalez, C. Control de Velocidad Adaptivo Para Entornos Urbanos Congestionados, Rev.


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