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1-800-SWEEPER at NPE Charlotte

1-800-SWEEPER was on display at NPE, February 23-25 in Charlotte. Though crowds were less than in previous years, it was a very successful show for the national brand.

Mike Lucht, President and Ben Steyer, Executive Director from 1-800-SWEEPER were facilitators of a roundtable during the NAPSA sponsored Best Practices for Sweepers session Thursday morning. The session was led by 1-800-SWEEPER Partner, Chris Dick. Their presentation focused on driving organizational excellence by developing a culture of leadership.

A lot was going on in the 1-800-SWEEPER booth too! Attendees visiting the booth registered to win a $200 NAPA gift card; our winner was Michael Bocchino of Unlimited Contracting in Brick, NJ. On Thursday afternoon, complimentary beverages and snacks were served to those that visited the booth. Two new Sweeper Man service videos were launched during the show as well. These videos were produced by one of the leading creative agencies in the world and are available for 1-800-SWEEPER Partners to use in their digital marketing campaigns. On Thursday evening, 1-800-SWEEPER was, once again, a co-sponsor of NAPSA’s annual Sweeper’s Night Out event, which was held at Southbound restaurant in Downtown Charlotte. 1-800-SWEEPER continues to grow and evolve with new and exciting marketing tools and tactics that promote the brand and our partner companies. If you’re interested in learning more about the many benefits of becoming a partner, contact Ben Steyer at bsteyer@1800sweeper.com


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