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CORNER Embracing Technology: Digital Tools Every Small Business Needs
Owning a small business can feel like juggling multiple plates simultaneously — managing multiple projects while trying to grow. Introducing a new IT system into the mix might initially seem daunting, but choose the correct tool, and you could find yourself free to concentrate on growing the business.
Let’s explore the digital systems available that might just be the answer to your concerns.
Picking The Right Tools
Only some tools will be relevant for you and your business. We assume you’re using either Google or Microsoft. These are easy to use, free and reasonably priced. We are also assuming that you are using accountancy software.
Let’s focus on tools you might not be so familiar with.
All the tools we mention in this article are cloud-based, meaning they generally can be accessed online through your cell phone. They are easy to use and have reasonably priced options, meaning that if you are small or new to the tool, starting with them should be a manageable prospect.
Sales And Customer Management
CRMs (customer relationship management systems) can help you ensure you never miss a sales call opportunity or a follow-up call ever again. CRMs help you track your business leads through your sales and bidding process, allowing you to keep track of customers, vendors and other contacts. The best CRMs will easily integrate into your existing systems making administration of your crucial sales and bidding processes easy and helping support your growth efforts.
Examples of affordable CRMs: Bigin, Pipeline
Project Management
Managing complex customer projects requires attention to detail and accurate task tracking. If you have staff involved, you’ll need a system that will accommodate tasks and people so that you can easily understand who is responsible for which project and, at a glance, know each project’s status. Many project management tools are available, but the best is simple to set up, can be accessed on a cell phone (because you’ll often be out on customer calls) and fits your budget.
Examples of Project Management Tools: Asana, ClickUp or Monday.com
Email Marketing Tools
Email marketing is still one of the best ways to find new customers and keep your existing ones. Separate from continued on page 30
Gmail or Outlook, an automated email system should have several functions essential to a small business:
4 Be easy to automate.
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4 Have access to email templates.
4 Analytics so you can monitor your campaigns.
4 Have data management tools and be legally compliant with data laws.
Examples of Email Marketing Tools: MailChimp, ConvertKit
Social Media is often a necessary evil that can become time-consuming if not managed carefully. These tools allow you to manage multiple accounts at once, schedule posts days or weeks ahead of time, and give you statistics on which of your posts proved popular.
Examples of Social Media Tools: Buffer, Planable
These tools are dependent on the services or products you offer. But these might be worth exploring for those who sell goods and services.

Examples of Sales Gateway Tools: Shopify, WooCommerce
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Spotlight Index
If your budget is tight or you like to get stuck in and build something, these tools might be the right ones for you. These tools can be used in a note-taking or project management capacity but are incredibly flexible. With some time, they can be used to build complex systems that support your business. All have project and data management functionality and are easy to start using.
Central Hub Tools: Notion, Trello, AirTable
This was a very quick tour through the digital tools available to small businesses. It’s well worth setting aside some time to explore them and see what works for your business.
In your journey of exploration, you may find that you don’t need any more tools, and that’s ok. Make sure whatever decision you take it’s the right one for you and your business. Whatever tool you choose to invest in must serve your business and support you and your staff in growing your company.
When you choose to take on new digital tools, support your staff with the right training and enough time to get used to the change. Don’t underestimate how disruptive new IT systems can sometimes be to the everyday workflow of a business.
New digital tools can be the making of your business but if they are chosen with care and consideration.
Sources https://rewind.com/blog/tech-tools-small-business/ https://connecteam.com/the-14-must-have-free-tools-to-runyour-small-business/ https://www.caflou.com/10-essential-management-toolsevery-small-business-needs, https://asana.com/ https://monday.com/, https://pipelinecrm.com/ https://bigin.com/, https://clickup.com/ https://convertkit.com/, https://buffer.com https://planable.io, https://mailchimp.com https://shopify.com, https://woocommerce.com/ https://notion.so, https://trello.com https://www.airtable.com