finance courses nt, e m e g a n a m Financial finance, e corporat on to ti Introduc market financial
lobal Risk Management Group Ltd offers a range of practically focused finance courses designed to equip you with
the skills and knowledge needed for a successful career as well as the qualifications to lift you above other candidates in the job market. We have developed an extensive range of high quality and finance training courses. Thorough these courses the participants are introduced to various types of financial management, corporate finance, Introduction to financial market. Please find below the details of the courses:
Analysis of Financial Statements Figures and Finance for sales professional Finance for non financial managers Finance for non financial staff Finance for project manager Introduction to Equity Market Introduction to Financial Market Introduction to Repo Markets Corporate Finance Finance For Non Financial Manager Finance for Personal Assistant (PA) Introduction to Bond Markets Introduction to finance for managers Introduction to Money Market
finance courses
Analysis of Financial Statements 1. Course Overview This 1-day course aims to provide a thorough insight into the meaning and analysis of financial statements. 2. Who will gain from the course This course will be of benefit to those who need to read, understand and analyse financial statements on a regular basis. The course is ideally suited to both graduates and non-graduates recently joining the financial services industry, particularly within banking, stockbroking, equity sales and research, corporate finance, business valuation and fund management. 3. Prerequisite Knowledge Required A basic knowledge of accounting formats and jargon is assumed. 4. Structure of the Course Overview: Topics covered on this course will include: • Accounting Fundamentals • Brief recap on the key financial statements and concepts: Accounting equation, format of financial statements, accounting principles, accounting regulation and Contents of published accounts • Tangible Fixed Assets: Tangible fixed assets, Depreciation, Disposals, Revaluations, Impairment, Investment properties. • Intangible Fixed Assets: Goodwill, Amortisation, Other intangibles; Brands, patents and licences • Research and Development Costs • Working Capital • Provisions • Financing; Debt versus equity, Types of share, Share issues, Share buy-backs, Basic debt finance, Analysis of financing structure. • Performance Measurement: Acquisitions and disposals, Key profitability measures,
Investors' ratios • Cash Flow Statements • Group Accounting • The Analysis Framework: Profitability; Liquidity, Efficiency, Financial risk. • Concluding on financial performance and position. 5. Course Delivery Teaching will take place in dedicated seminar rooms. Courses will normally be delivered to small groups of up to 15 participants to facilitate learning. 6. Benefits This course will introduce you to some fundamental tools for understanding and interpreting financial statements. Duration: 1 day Price: £399
Figures and Finance for sales professional In order for excellent sales people to have maximum impact on the performance of their business it is important that they have the right skills and knowledge of finance and figures. This highly practical course has been designed to provide sales professionals with an introduction to the financial skills required to forecast accurately, negotiate profitably, manage targets effectively and report efficiently. Course Objectives: • The impact of sales figures on the whole business. • The effects of different pricing strategies. • Developing accurate and realistic forecasts. • The importance of understanding costs of sales • Reporting sales results Who should attend? Sales professionals who need to set, manage and report on sales forecasts and targets Course content: • Financial teminology
finance courses • Financial statements • Importance of working capital • Financial ratio analysis • Key Performance Indicators • Mark up and margin • Pricing strategies • Developing realistic forcasts • Cost behaviour • Break even analysis • Reporting against budget Duration: 1 day Price: £550
Finance for non financial managers This course has been specifically designed to demystify the jargon of finance and provide delegates an insight into the pivotal role finance plays within their organisation. The course will serve as an ideal introduction to managers and executives who have had little education in the field of finance. erstanding and using financial information are essential skills for all managers. this course aims to de-mystify, and to explain how financial information can be used in the decision making process. Course content • Purpose and use of accounts. • Common financial terms. • Interpreting financial accounts: Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Source and Application of Funds. • Accounting conventions. • Budgetary and variance analysis. • Costing and pricing. • Financial and management accounting. • Importance of cash flow. Duration: 1 daycourse Price: £500
Finance for nonfinancial staff Understand profit & loss accounts, balance sheets, cash flow statements and operating budgets. Read, understand and interpret financial information. Remove the myths and fears that surround finance. Understand
the financial implications of your plans and decisions. Who Will Benefit Anyone who requires knowledge of business finance. Course content: • Accounting and the Law: business entities; accounting principles; accounting policies; terminology. • Profit & Loss Account: types of profit; layout of the profit & loss account; use of the profit & loss account; terminology. • The Balance Sheet: what capital and liabilities are; what fixed and current assets are; layout of a balance sheet; use of a balance sheet; terminology. • Cash Flow Statements: importance of cash flow; impact of credit and credit control; problems affecting cash flow; factoring; layout of cash flow statement. • Interpreting Reports and Accounts: types of report; layout of reports; legal requirements; how to use profit & loss accounts and balance sheets to interpret accounts; use of accounting ratios to assess a company’s performance; stock market indexes and reports. • Costs: cost types; cost behaviours; impact of decisions. • Budgetary Construction: types of budget; terminology; budget guidelines; budget periods; budget manuals; formats. • Budgetary Control: use as a management tool; variance analysis; forecasting. • Action Plan: participants plan and discuss what they will do on return to work. Duration: 2 days course Price: £950
Finance for project manager This program will lead delegates thorough the complete financial life cycle of project from inception to project close. Each state will provide project managers with the understanding, skills and techniques for the successful financial management of their projects. Objectives • Prepare and present the business case and financial plans for the project.
• Gain assistance from company financial management staff • Effectively control project spend and cash flow • Monitor and report on project status in financial terms • Employ effective techniques to manage overspends • Plan to ensure that intended project benefits are realised in financial terms • Successfully manage projects with tight budgetary constraints • Assess the financial impact of planned or under planned changes to the project Who Should Attend Project managers, project directors and others who play a role in the financial management of projects, including accountants and finance professionals. Course content Day 1 • Projects And Project Management Within A Financial Context • The financial and business drivers behind projects • Projects in the context of company finances and financial management • The roles and responsibilities within project financial management – financial managers, senior managers/directors, the project manager and the team • Financial accountability within the project organisation • Identifying project “stakeholders” and their financial interest in the project • Preparing The Business Case And The Project Proposal • How to prepare and present an business case for the project • Understanding investment, cash flow and budgets • Financial quantification of project benefits and pay back • Using different financial models for capital or resource intensive projects, and for short and long term projects • Working with finance staff to assess and plan project funding options • Operating within financial and budgetary constraints • Financial value assessment of project
requirements • Understanding an quantifying hidden and indirect project costs • High level cost, cash flow, risk and contingency planning • Presenting the proposal and gaining approval for the project Day 2 • Financial Planning For Projects • Using the business case, the project plans and the Work Breakdown Structure to build a detailed plan • Defining the financial planning horizon • Financial milestone planning – linking financial inputs and outputs to key project deliverables • Developing cost estimates into a cost budget • Re-assessing the business case against the detailed plan • Identifying key cost control and financial reporting measures • Financial planning beyond the planning horizon: cost and budget forecasting • Financial Control Of Projects • Understanding the key project measures in financial terms • Understanding earned value, budgeted cost, budgeted costs of work performed and actual cost of work performed • Periodic project financial reporting • Key status indicators • Reporting actual spend • Defining new forecasts • Re-assessing risk contingency • Financial change control: impact assessment of changes to project requirements • Minimising the variances to the financial plan • Controlling overspend by value management: re-assessing requirement against actual cost • Project Completion And Financial Appraisal Conducting a pre and post implementation financial appraisal • The financial close of the project • Creating an action plan for realisation of project benefit • Managing the realisation of benefit • Operational hand-over from a financial perspective Duration: 2 day course Price: £1100
finance courses
Introduction to Equity Market Course Overview This two-day introductory course provides a comprehensive understanding of the role played by equity in the global capital markets. It also gives a broad ranging insight into how the markets actually work. 2. Who will gain from the course The course is ideally suited to both graduates and non-graduates recently joining the financial services industry. It would also be applicable for private investors and students of the Securities Institute and IFA’s. It is an essential introduction for those involved with equity markets who are seeking to broaden and deepen their knowledge. It will be of particular benefit to delegates from investment and commercial banking, fund management and international corporates, as well as those who provide services to the market. 3. Prerequisite Knowledge Required None 4. Structure of the Course Overview: Topics covered on this course will include: Day 1: • Equity: What is it? Types of equity; The power and flexibility of equity finance. Contrast with bond finance and different investment
appetite • Main players: Issuers – the corporates; Intermediaries – the investment banks; Investors; What governs their relationship? • The Investment Bank; Key roles in the equity division • The Primary Market; Issuing equity – the IPO process; Pricing and trading new issues • The Secondary Market: Managing institutional customers: Types of equity trade Day 2: • Trading Equity: Types of features of equity markets; Handling institutional business; The importance of ''flow'' • Valuing Equity: Why do share prices move? Main valuation techniques summarised; Sector and industry analysis • UK Stock Markets • The Major Global Stock Markets: Key developments in Europe, the US and Asia • Future market change • Global Custody and Settlement: Process and definitions; Drivers of change. 5. Course Delivery Teaching will take place in dedicated seminar rooms, IT labs and the Bloomberg Research and Trading Room. Courses will normally be delivered to small groups of up to 15 participants to facilitate learning. 6. Benefits This course will extend your knowledge and introduce you to some fundamental tools so that you will be able to: • Understand how and why equities are used • Appreciate the institutional background and operation of equity markets • Perform basic financial calculations. Duration: 2 days Price: £945
Introduction to Financial Market Course Overview This two-day programme has been specifically designed for delegates who need a rapid understanding of the structure and operation of global financial markets and an appreciation of the major instruments traded on those markets. The programme will be practical and will make use of spreadsheets and the Academy’s
Bloomberg™ terminals. The programme will provide a comprehensive background to the world of modern finance. Delegates will be guided through the wide range of instruments on offer, how they are traded, why they are traded and by whom they are traded. 2. Who will gain from the course The course is ideally suited to both graduates and non-graduates recently joining the financial services industry. Most participants will be graduates but will have little knowledge of financial markets and financial products. The course will be especially relevant to those with jobs in back office and support staff, staff in HR, graduate trainees and new entrants, IT and IT support staff, financial recruitment staff, public relations staff, legal staff and assistants. 3. Prerequisite Knowledge Required GCSE Mathematics A-C, or equivalent, and a basic knowledge of Excel. 4. Structure of the Course Day 1 • Introduction: The role and purpose of financial markets. • The role of the Bank of England and the FSA • Financial Institutions: Banking and insurance • Money markets: functions and main instruments • Spot and forward interest rates • Foreign Exchange: development of the market place. How FX is quoted. The linkage between interest rates and FX forward quotes • Stock Exchanges: Historical perspective. Recent developments and mergers • Debt markets: Medium and long dated government securities in the UK, Europe, Japan and the US. Debt markets: The yield curve. The Repo market • Debt markets: Corporate bonds and floating rate notes • The time value of money and fixed income security pricing. Day 2 Financial markets and products • Derivatives Exchanges: History and functions. Derivatives trading open outcry versus electronic trading. LME, IPE, Euronext.liffe, etc.
• Futures markets: CBOT, CME, SGX, Eurex, Euronext.liffe. Instruments traded, uses and margin accounts • Exchange Traded Options: Option terminlogy. Types of options available. Who uses them? Why and how? • Clearing and Settlement: The role of the Clearing House • Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market and Instruments: Forward markets, swap markets, credit derivatives, hybrid instruments. 5. Course Delivery Teaching will take place in dedicated seminar rooms, IT labs and the Bloomberg™ Research and Trading Room. Courses will normally be delivered to small groups of up to 15 participants to facilitate learning. 6. Benefits This course will extend your knowledge and introduce you to some fundamental tools so that you will be able to: • Understand how and why financial instruments are used • Understand the rational behind the major instruments traded in today's global markets • Appreciate the linkages between financial markets • Appreciate the institutional background and operation of financial markets • Perform basic financial market calculations • Construct simple option strategies Duration: 2 days Price: £900
Introduction to Repo Markets Course Overview This one-day programme has been specifically designed for delegates who need an understanding of the structure and operation of Repo markets and an appreciation of the major instruments traded on those markets. The programme will be practical and will make use of spreadsheets and the Academy’s Bloomberg Terminals™. The programme will provide a comprehensive background to the reasons and application of the Repo Market. Delegates will be guided through the liquidity process, leverage possibilities and pricing mechanics combined with the legal implications of where the credit
risk resides. Financing of investment trading positions through the Repo process is a key liquidity driver for banks and hedge funds and a revenue producer for the Fund Management Business. 2. Who will gain from the course The course is ideally suited to both graduates and non-graduates recently joining the financial services industry. Most participants will be graduates and could be employed within banks, fund managers, hedge funds and corporates. The course is relevant to those with jobs in both the front and back office. 3. Prerequisite Knowledge Required None 4. Structure of the Course Topics will include: • The role and purpose of Repo markets • Clean and Dirty Prices • Calculation of Repo (with Bloomberg examples) • Available Repo Instruments • Definition of 'Haircut' (margin taken subject to asset credit quality and liquidity) • Legal ramifications
• Gearing possibilities • Tenor of Repo market • How quoted and traded • Major participants. 5. Course Delivery Teaching will take place in dedicated seminar rooms, IT labs and the Bloomberg Research and Trading Room. Courses will normally be delivered to small groups of up to 15 participants to facilitate learning. 6. Benefits This course will extend your knowledge and introduce you to some fundamental tools so that you will be able to: • Understand how and why Repo's are used • Understand the rationale behind the major Repo instruments traded in today's global markets • Appreciate the linkages between financial market returns and the Repo process • Appreciate the institutional background and liquidity of financial markets • Perform basic financial market calculations • Construct simple Repo strategies. Duration: 1 day Price: £495
Corporate Finance 1. Course Overview This two-day course is designed to provide an comprehensive overview of corporate finance and covers the main areas: public equity, private equity, raising debt and mergers and acquisitions. 2. Who will gain from the course The course is ideally suited to both graduates and non-graduates recently joining the financial services industry. The course will be of specific benefit to those who are commencing work in a corporate finance role or wishing to gain an understanding of what is involved in corporate finance work. 3. Prerequisite Knowledge Required No previous corporate finance experience is required, but a familiarity with financial statements is assumed. 4. Structure of the Course Overview: • Introduction: What is corporate finance? Main activities involved in corporate finance>
• Raising Capital: Sources of capital: debt and equity: Raising debt: Types of debt: Raising equity: Types of equity, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), rights issues, other secondary issues, the private equity market: Funding options in practice • Mergers and Acquisitions: Why merge or acquire? Business disposals: Rationale, processes; Public versus private deals; Structuring an offer: pricing and consideration; Overview of regulatory considerations (City Code (Blue Book), bid timetable, competition rules); • Tactics during a bid: Defence strategies, attack tactics 5. Course Delivery Teaching will take place in dedicated seminar rooms and IT labs. Courses will normally be delivered to small groups of up to 15 participants to facilitate learning. 6. Benefits This course will introduce you to some fundamental concepts, tools and analysis for understanding corporate finance. Duration: 2 days Price: £945
Finance For Non Financial Manager You are an effective manager, skilled in your own area of expertise. Only two things stop you from becoming an all-round high performer a sure grasp of how finance works and the confidence to use that knowledge to make better business decisions. This programme is designed specifically for you. It demystifies finance. It explains simply and clearly what the key financial statements mean, how they work and relate to each other and how your actions as a manager affect them and your business. Key benefits: • Explain financial jargon and techniques in layman’s terms • Improve your confidence when dealing with financial matters • Break down the barriers between yourself and your finance and accounting colleagues • Radically improve your planning and budgeting skills • Help you to make better decisions based on a
finance courses
clearer understanding of financial data • Keep you focused on the bottom-line implications of the way you run your business • Increase your contribution to your organisation and boost your career development Who should attend? This seminar is relevant to all managers. Previous delegates have included: project managers, marketing managers, technical managers, solicitors, general managers, office services managers, manufacturing managers, contracts managers, engineers, sales managers, business development managers, research managers and many, many others – even managing directors and finance directors.
Course content The first day of the programme concentrates on balance sheets and P&L accounts what use they can be to you. Cash and cash management is then studied short term working capital management and funding for the long term what gearing is appropriate. Accounting and accountants What types of accountant are there? What do they do? Financial accounting Management accounting Treasury function Activities and terms Understanding the basis of accounting records Basic balance sheet and profit & loss accounts Accounting records Assets/liabilities Income/expenditure General/nominal ledgers Getting to grips with financial statements Balance sheet and profit & loss accounts terminology Fundamental accounting concepts going concerns and accruals Other concerns Depreciation EU legislation format of accounts Cash flow and cash management Working capital cash cycle Just in time Flow of funds/cash flow statements Current and liquidity ratios Gearing Treasury management Foreign currency and cash management
finance courses
The second day covers budgeting best practice. The content of published accounts is explained – what you can get out of them. This is followed by ratio analysis of financial statements with a final case study that aims to consolidate your skills in financial statement interpretation. Tips and techniques for planning and budgets Corporate plan financial Planning the budget The budget cycle Links with company culture Budgeting methods Zero/priority based budgets Reviewing budgets Responding to the figures The need for an appropriate accounting system Management accounting costing methods and their uses Cost definitions Full/absorption costing Overheads Overhead allocation or absorption Activity based costing Marginal costing/break-even use in planning Costing for control standard costing What the figures reveal understanding and interpreting accounts (a comprehensive case study) Analytical review (ratio analysis) Return on capital employed Net profit % Asset turnover Fixed asset, debtor and stock turnover Responding to figures An introduction to other key issues Creative accounting Accounting policies/group situations Intangible assets brand names Company valuations Fixed assets leased assets Duration: 2 days Price: £1050
Finance for Personal Assistant Understand financial terminology and financial management so that you can work alongside management as opposed to working purely in a supportive role. Benefits: Assist the management team by understanding the needs for financial controls. Keep in control of spending by learning the importance of budgets. Use financial statements as a source of information by understanding the basic concepts and jargon Who should attend? Personnel working in the role of PA or administrative functions where there is a requirement to understand financial jargon and contribute to financial management. Course Content: • The jargon – what it means • An introduction to basic concepts – profit/ cash/revenue/capital • The financial statements explained – the trading & profit and loss account • The balance sheet • An introduction to Value Added Tax • Financial controls and their importance • Budgets – planning and control • Cash flow forecast Duration: 2 days Price: £495
Introduction to Bond Markets Course Overview Bonds are a vital source of funding for governments, corporates and institutional borrowers such as banks. This one-day course provides a useful overview to bond markets and gives delegates the opportunity to use Bloomberg analytics to undertake bond analysis, futures based hedging and asset swaps. 2. Who will gain from the course This course will appeal to a wide audience including fund managers, sales staff, IT staff and compliance staff seeking to broaden their knowledge in an area new to them.
3. Prerequisite Knowledge Required None. 4. Structure of the Course Topics to be covered include: • Market quoting conventions • Yield conversions and construction of yield curves • The time value of money • Bond valuation, duration, convexity • Basis point valuation • Futures based hedging and asset swaps • Calculating swap rates. 5. Course Delivery Teaching will take place in dedicated seminar rooms, IT labs and the Bloomberg Research and Trading Room. Courses will normally be delivered to small groups of up to 15 participants to facilitate learning. 6. Benefits By the end of the course, participants will have a thorough understanding of bond markets and analysis, futures based hedging and asset swaps. Duration: 1 day Price: £495
Introduction to finance for managers Managers today are assessed on ‘bottom line’ impact and consequently need to understand finance. This course meets that need starting from the basic principles, clearly explaining the main areas of both financial accounting and management accounting. You will be pleasantly surprised at how interesting, entertaining and uncomplicated finance can be when presented without the jargon! Who attend: Delegates need not have had any previous financial training. Course content • Read Profit Statements and Balance Sheets – understand the headings and learn why items are accounted for in different ways • Compare yourself with your competitors – improve your Return on Investment • Analyse reports – learn how to use the information they contain
• Clarify your management decisions – recognise the different costing methods • Prepare meaningful budgets and forecast profitability – don’t just pluck numbers out of the air • Make full use of all management information Duration: 3 days Price: £1450
Introduction to Money Market Course Overview This one-day course makes use of market convention calculations and the Academy Bloomberg Terminals™ to develop a sound practical understanding of money market products. 2. Who will gain from the course This course will appeal to a wide audience including fund managers, sales staff, IT staff and compliance staff seeking to broaden their knowledge in an area new to them. 3. Prerequisite Knowledge Required None. 4. Structure of the Course Topics to be covered include: • The role of money market products and their place in the global financial markets • Major contract types and contract specifications • Clearing and settlement • Cash markets • The Euro Commercial Paper • Certificates of deposit • Forward rate agreements • Short-term interest rate futures • Speculative and hedging strategies 5. Course Delivery Teaching will take place in dedicated seminar rooms, IT labs and the Bloomberg Research and Trading Room. Courses will normally be delivered to small groups of up to 15 participants to facilitate learning. 6. Benefits By the end of the course, participants will have a thorough understanding of exchange-traded and over-the-counter money market products. Duration: 2 days Price: £945