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Islamic Finance Magazine Islamic Finance Magazine Media Pack 2011
Islamic Finance
Islamic finance is an area that has grown to become an increasingly important segment within the global financial market
Today size of the Islamic finance market is estimated to be over 1 trillion globally
It’s forecast to grow at rate of 12 to 15% per annum
1% of share of global market, however it’s predicted to grow rapidly
Why to think about Islamic Finance? •
A growing demand on Shari’a compatible forms of financing and banking products amongst Muslim and non-Muslim communities
Economic development in the region giving rise to infrastructure
Rising incomes amongst Arab population, resulting in the need for Islamic consumer finance and
banking products
The emergence of an international market in Sukuk (Shari’a compliant) bonds
Did you know? 1. That the UK had the largest and most well developed Islamic Finance industry in all of Europe 2. 18 Billion of the UK’s annual income is generated by Islamic Finance 3. Two very unique features about Islamic Finance are is the lack of interest riba and the inclusion of corporate social responsibility the (Zagat) charitable aspects of financing 4. Global Islamic Finance magazine facilitate the growth of the Islamic Finical industry by raising awareness of Islamic Finance and the profile of Islamic Finance 5. Governments around the globe are restructuring their regulations sin order to make Islamic Finance readily available
About us About us
Global Islamic Finance Magazine (GIF) was firmly established in 2007 as the leading Islamic Finance title for bankers, business professionals, brokers, insurers, corporate, advisors and providers of financial services. It focuses on rapidly growing Islamic Banking, Finance, Economy and Business. Through close contact with those active in the Islamic finance sector, Global Islamic Finance magazine is able to bring you critical news not found elsewhere. Market intelligence which will assist you with your business and in depth independently-written feature articles provide potential leads and other resource information. Turn our news, knowledge and insight into your advantage, with essential information and details on the Islamic finance field. The Magazine was founded on the basis that good financial judgement is a skill which requires a blend of economic, market, legal and product knowledge. GIF’s mix of content provides senior business finance decision-makers with balanced market intelligence and sources of business finance. The magazine has an enviable track record in promoting, repositioning and sustaining brands within the sector. We pride ourselves on our close working relationships with both advertisers and agencies to specifically tailor promotional campaigns to meet exact marketing needs. Our aim is to provide the latest articles and news from the Islamic Financial Sector and help to increase the qualifications and skills of our readers. For advertisers we provide a professional and seamless experience, whether contributing to reports or promoting services, our team will go that extra mile to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your business’ exposure to an audience that is unrivalled. In other words, our aim is to continuously improve our advertisers’ penetration of a targeted market by enabling them to reach a captive and highly-focused audience. Our extended “shelf life” provides long-term brand and product placement opportunities as well as initial responses. Each month, we pledge to provide our readers with the best writing, reporting, thinking and images. Islamic Banking has the same purpose as conventional banking except that it claims to operate in accordance with the rules of shariah, known as Fiqh al-Muamalat (“Islamic rules” on transactions). The basic principle of Islamic banking is sharing of profit and loss and the prohibition of riba’ (interest). Amongst the common Islamic concepts used in Islamic banking are profit sharing (Mudharabah), safekeeping (Wadiah), joint venture (Musharakah), cost plus (Murabahah), and leasing (Ijarah).
Global Islamic Finance Magazine’s objectives: •
Support fast growing Islamic banking
Support fast growing Islamic trade finance
Deliver high quality information on Islamic Project Financing
Provide high quality Islamic finance and business coverage
Support network connection between Islamic Finance institutions in Islamic countries and rest of the world
Broaden Islamic Business awareness and raise the level of Islamic financial knowledge
Help to increase our readers’ qualification and skills.
Global Islamic Finance Magazine provides:
Islamic business and finance Articles and News
Islamic Economic Analyses
Information about Islamic Banking & Finance events and courses all around the world
Islamic Investment Opportunities
Introducing Islamic Money Market Instruments
Introducing Islamic Capital Market Instruments
Information about Ijarah Thumma Al Bai’ (Hire Purchase)
Information about Mudarabah (Profit Loss Sharing)
Information about Murabahah (Cost Plus)
Information about Musharakah (Joint Venture)
Information about Takaful (Islamic Insurance)
Information about Wadiah (Safekeeping)
Stories of successful Islamic Businessmen
Knowledge and insight into Islamic Finance details
Possibilities of advertising banking and financial services
Circulation Strategy
Circulation by Country
Our strategy is based on exhaustive research into market size and structure as well as the latest trends affecting this fast-moving and lucrative sector.
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates 15%
Saudi Arabia
(Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Canada,
GIF Magazine’s commitment to circulation excellence is manifest in constant investment in its comprehensive database. Continuous monitoring and updating of our database further ensures that each copy of Global Islamic Finance Magazine is persion targeted to meet you business needs.
Facts •
Executive distribution in five start hotels like the Hilton, the Marriot, the Intercon-
20% 11%
Kuwait, Russia, Algeria, Nigeria)
Distribution Breakdown 2010/2011 5% USA
3% Others
5% Bahrain 5% Iran
15% UAE
6% Qatar
tinental, the Dubai Palm and, on private
11% Malaysia
Jets. Our prestigious forms of distribution ensure that the our reader and your mar-
7% Germany
kets are identical •
Distributed through the Institute of Directors
Distributed at the London Stock Exchange
Available globally in newsstand sale
20% United Kingdom
7% switzerland
8% Farance 8% Saudi Arabia
Subscribers Newstand sale Distribiuted at Finance and Business Conferences Banks and Law Firms Five star hotels worldwide Corporate Subscriptions Online Selling Universities and Libraries Business Clubs & Chambers of commerce CEO and Chief Executives PhD Studensts Finance and Business Seminars Professors, Authors and Advertisers Academic Subscription Islamic Finance Scholars Media Agencies Archive Total
2000 2000 1000 1000 700 500 500 500 400 300 250 200 200 150 100 100 100 10000
Distribution breakdown by recipients 3%
1%1% 2% 2%
3% 4% 5% 5% 20%
5% 7% 10%
Subdscribers 20% 1% Distributed at Finance and Business Conferences 10% Five star hotels worldwide 7% Online Selling 5% Business Clubs & Chambers of Commerce 4% PhD Students 3% Professors, Authors and Advertisers 2% Islamic Finance Scholars 1%
Newstand sale 20% Banks and Law Firms 10% Corporate Subscriptions 5% Universities and Libraries 5% CEO and Chief Executives 3% Finance and Business Seminars 2% Academic Subscription 2% Media Agencies 1%
About us Global Islamic Finance Magazine is read by professionals in all sectors of the Islamic Finance Industry including the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Islamic banks Conventional banks Investment banks Major law firms specialising in Islamic finance Accounting firms specialising in Islamic finance Compliance officers Islamic finance consultants Brokerage Houses Government departments Investment bankers and corporate financiers Financial analysts Takaful companies Mutual funds Securities firms Financial markets regulators Stock Exchange Investment Companies Investment Trust Leasing Companies specialising in Islamic Finance Forfeiting companies specialising in Islamic Finance Trade Finance Companies specialising in Islamic finance Business Clubs Researchers Students at Universities PhD thesis Equity Sector 7
Each month Global Islamic Finance magazine reaches thousands of industry’s decision-makers, thus offering the advertiser access to the market’s most extensively researched database in a high quality editorial environment. Ebay
Global Islamic Finance Magazine in numbers: • • •
10 000 recipients of the magazine every month Over 50 000 readership rate Over 1,000,000 recipients of our monthly newsletter
Our target Readers
• Chairman/ Board members of publicly listed companies and private companies • Chief Executives • Managing Directors • CFO, COO, CTO • Head of Department • Senior Managers • Chief Financial Officers • Chief Information Officers • General Managers • Government Officers • Risk Managers • Operation Managers • University Lecturers • Students • Brokers • Others
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Online Distribution & Promotion
Digital version at Yudu
Subscription website – Magazine Group
Subscription website – Lets Subscribe
About us Events
GIF facilitates networking and connects together different industries and sectors through media patronage to generate new and influential contacts that will bolster our customers business.
GIF Magazine specialises in providing Media Patronage of the following types of events: • • • •
Business Seminars and Workshops for corporate and individual audience Courses on Islamic and traditional finance and investment matters Business-oriented Conferences around the world Meetings and corporate Networking Events
GlF in 2010 is a media patron of over 50 conferences and finance exibitions, supporting organisers as Euromony Seminars, Mega Events, Fleming Gulf, IIR Middle East and many more. In November 2010 Global Islamic Finance Magazine will introduce first annual Global Islamic Finance Awards that will take place in London.
facts • • • • • •
patronage of over 50 events in located in over 20 countries including UK, USA, France, Germany, UAE, Bahrain, Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Poland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Iran, Africa, the USA, meet in person over 5000 Chief Executives at the events and conferences cooperate with many Business Clubs, Associations and Chamber of Commerce based globally connect many key players within the industry with our own interactive converge of events deliver pertinent insight and discussion of events by inviting our editorial team to analyse, gather notes and quotes and join press conferences As part our media patronage we also include Signage when we give away corporate gifts as well as including competition prize draws as a way to giving something back to our readers and delegates.
Inside the magazine
Landmark Articles
GIF’s mix of content provides senior business finance decision-makers with balanced market intelligence and sources of business finance. Our aim is to provide the latest articles and news from the Islamic Financial Sector and help to increase the qualifications and skills of our readers.
The articles that shaping and inspiring the industry
An academic study shows 3 UAE banks have been outperforming 3 of their conventional rivals; HSBC predict that the current value of the worldwide sukuk market will double next year and a recent survey by The Banker calculates the Islamic finance industry to be worth US$800 billion.
Trade Finance
Principles of Islamic Finance
Financial Authority Guideline
Ethical Investment
World Islamic Finance Review
Market Reports
Islamic banking
Instruments of Islamic finance
Industry Expert views
Leadership in Islamic banking
Case Study
Risk Management
Project Financing
Success stories in Islamic finance
Events reports
Expert views
The Entrance of Islamic Finance into the Mainstream
Through Janus’ Eyes: Islamic Finance Looks Back and Forth
It’s been a year of contrasts for Islamic Finance. Its integration into the international financial landscape has been heralded as a success, yet one catch is its consequent exposure to a global financial crisis created by the conventional systems’ flaws.
Risk management in Islamic finance: what are the banks doing? In our previous article on risk management, we examined the nature and extent of the risks facing the Islamic banking industry. In this follow-up piece, we will ask what Islamic banks are doing to minimise these risks, and whether their measures go far enough.
Ethical Investing Guide: The Practice
Ethical investors in the UK are growing in number, especially in the light of the global financial crisis, which exposed some aspects of the world’s traditional finance system as irresponsible at best, corrupt at worst. In the second part Global Islamic Finance magazine shows the way how to in practice make an ethical investment.
Time for Islamic finance to really come of age
Notwithstanding the recent controversy surrounding Dubai World, Islamic finance is enjoying a golden period at the moment; even the most conservative researchers estimate that the industry is growing by around 15% a year, fuelled by investor interest and a surging global demand for Sharia’ah compliant products from Muslim financiers and but eagle-eyed investors.
Trading Places: A Revival for Islamic Trade Finance?
Trade finance and leasing trends tend to follow overall trends in international trade. Given developed markets are increasingly trading with their emerging counterparts, it stands to reason that we will soon be seeing more trade financing transactions between the established and emerging financial worlds.
About us Inside GlobalIslamicFinanceMagazine.com Global Islamic Finance Portal is the daily destination for emerging and established leaders seeking development ideas, strategies, and tactics to get an edge in Islamic finance and banking.
Features News: GIF delivers daily the most current and up to date news, market reviews and
analysis. We have found a way to combine the all the key sectors in the industry and link the views a of industry decision makers with the corporations that induce change.
Articles: GIF provides articles that deliver! When it comes to subject matter no stone
is left unturned as we discuss, review and dissect the markets so you do not have to. Our wide range of articles and formidable panel of experts mean choice and ever left out of the loop.
Sponsor Article: is an genius way to promote the inner workings of your business. Global Islamic Finance Magazine use creative journalistic insight and savvy business analysis to produce sponsored articles that bolster both the businesses things feature them in GIF and our readers knowledge and insight. Article Collection: is a refuge for our readers. Essentially, the collection is an online catalogue of key resources in Islamic Finance and could be the ideal aid for anyone that is interested in a particular field. The store contains everything from about the Islamic Financial Market from Risk Management, to Asset Management and Capital Gains. Events: One of the best updated Events Calendar in the Islamic Finance industry.
Our constant presences at events not only strengthened GIF magazine and the companies that are connected with us; it also means that we can gives a personalised touch to our sales patter. This events allow us to make pertinent connections in a social way and raise awareness about Islamic Finance to key industry decision makers.
Inside GlobalIslamicFinanceMagazine.com Book Review: behind every writer is a story and GIF’s book reviews recommend the most insightful, useful and relevant texts that will help our readers to increase their knowledge and understanding about the meaning behind the words.
Digital Version: means that GIF is accessible to our readers wherever they may be. GIF
have found a way to transcend the barriers of space and time. So no matter where you are, or how you are getting there you can have read access to GIF to reference and to read.
150 000 pages views monthly
30 000 unique viewers
1,000,000 subscribers to our monthly newsletter are global decision makers
Market reviews, analysis and evaluation are provided for our readers
GIF articles and reviews are used by universities as an online resource
Interactive communication portal, that allows our clients to log in
The only daily updated website about Islamic Finance, banking and business
Intellectual Property: knowledge is a powerful engine that fuels any business. We have
GIF is a source of all leading conferences and events
Strong position in Google – 1st page position for terms Islamic finance, Islamic bank-
an extensive team of expertise and specialist in Islamic Finance ads well as panel discussion from experts in the field that extend their knowledge of to our readers.
Interactivity with Social Networking Websites: GIF recognises the importance of so-
cial media and online projection. We have fans from all over the globe we use our social media as a way to interact with each other and impart knowledge and vital connections. We use the channels of Linked In, Facebook, and Twitter, to keep our fans up to date and entertained with all of the latest Islamic Finance news and events.
Candidates and Careers: GIF have our own in house careers network who ensure that candidates have their own specialise access to the right roles and positions, and that corporations can pinpoint the right staff that work not only hard but smart to help their businesses grow.
markets. The directory in short and simple terms allows investors and thinkers to access the right companies and allows corporations to be recognised as experts in their fields.
Business Directory: is a way to connecting industry decision makers with their target
ing, Islamic investment bank, Islamic finance events, Islamic finance awards, Islamic finance magazine, finance magazine and more •
An active online and educational resources
In house creative media team, that also do photography, copywriting and editing
In-house design team that care of all of your creative and design needs
About us Advertisement Visualisation
Advertising opportunities
With efficient advertising methods as a creative way in attracting new customers, it is essential that the businesses use the correct media partner to take their message to the potential customers. Whilst every magazine claims to be a market-leader according to its own chosen criteria, Global Islamic Finance Magazine concentrates on producing a marketing vehicle, which directly supports your business objectives, every month of the year.
You have global advertising opportunities including: • • • • • • •
Islamic Banking Islamic Financial Services Takaful (insurance) companies Islamic Law firms Islamic finance consultant Islamic Investment many others
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