Gifty's Portfolio 2022

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Process of Learning by Gifty Anjani

Selected Artwork 2016 - 2020










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Masterpiece : Selected Artwork Mujiono Cycling Caps X Elsycho - Kraken


PT Hood Digital Asia Project Handle : 2016 - 2018

PT Hood Digital Asia Kufed X DFW SG Urbanstory

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003. PT Hood Digital Asia - Website and Social Media

As fashion e-commerce, Kufed believes in the power of designers and their ability to shape the fashion’s future. Here, Kufed acts as both the facilitator for designer’s products to be enjoyed by enthusiasts around the world, and as a connector to Asia’s leading marketing platform, Digital Fashion Week (DFW). Our aim is to continuously explore and expose independent and emerging contemporary talents worldwide, connecting them to audiences without boundary. As part of our commitment to Kufed’s family of designers, is that they will have front-row access to be a part of DFW’s offline marketing events, presenting them with the opportunity to be showcased internationally at various fashion events. Not only Kufed and DFW, here there are several sub jobs, one of which is urbanstory, namely e-commerce which sells various kinds of streetwear and shoes. We make everything including promotional banners, social media, newsletters and so on .

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003. PT Hood Digital Asia - Kufed X DFW Web Design

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003. PT Hood Digital Asia - Urban Story Weekly Newsletter

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004. Artotel Group ABC, TIki Bar & Kupu Kupu Lounge

I had the opportunity to join the Artotel

Tthe play of colors and characters in

Group, because I lived in Bali at that time I

each event that makes me excited to

was placed at the Artotel Beach Club.

pour my ideas into visuals. every week

Inside the Artotel Beach Club, there are

there are always many events with differ-

other restaurants, namely the Tiki Bar

ent character events.

and Kupu Kupu Kontemporer Lounge. We also don't do all digital designs. We I am trusted to handle the Kupu Kupu

also do some crafting for event purpos-

Kontemporer Lounge but I also do some

es. so that our creativity is encouraged to

work at the Tiki Bar and Artotel Beach

continue to grow.

Club. Their characters are different so that it makes me excited to work on other projects. A comfortable work environment also makes me excited to work. I do a lot of promotional banners and branding for Kupu Kupu Kontemporer Lounge.

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005. Gifty’s Selected Artwork Sekar Djagad Illustration

Of all my portfolios, this is the work that I

The process of coloring, and the process

really like. I learned a lot about Indone-

of providing details. I really like making

sian culture, especially the traditional

patterns and ornaments, because I can

fabrics of the archipelago. What makes

pour all my feelings into beautiful works.

me love it is the philosophy that is presented is very diverse and there are

Like on the page after this, that is one of

many stories that have extraordinary

my life stories that I visualized with a

meaning for life.

touch of garuda batik, the things that happened in 2019 in my life are all

I've been studying fabric for almost 2-3

described there, mixed emotions, happy,

years, I'm very interested in Garuda batik.

sad, upset all I inscribed in lines and

because of its unique shape. I really


enjoyed the process. the process of drawing with a pencil, sketched in illustrator to make it a vector.

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004. Artotel Group ABC, TIki Bar & Kupu Kupu Lounge

After returning from Bali I took some

The colors I chose were varied, because

freelance jobs, but to fill my spare time I

Yume was all stamped, so the basic

set up a small cake shop at my house

colors were black and white. but for all

called Yume. I made a fat little boy char-

digital and print work I added lots of red

acter named Yumeko.

and pink. no particular reason but I want to add "youth" access in yume.

I designed Yumeko in a cute and not too serious style. I enjoy working on packag-

Don't forget social media posts, which

ing, branding and promotional items,

must always keep up with the times.

plus all the illustrations I do myself.

because my target market is teenagers who really follow the trend.

At first, Yume sold Japanese desserts, but because there are so many brownies

I'm also very happy if I have to design a

fans, I sell brownies too. The packaging I

seasonal greeting card. I can make cute

use is ecofriendly with very strong Yume

illustrations to give to customers.



Thank you for staying untill the last page and taking a journey of my works. I’m looking forward to continue my journey in your comany where i can met new inspiring people, improve my knowledge , skill and create something together. I will be very happy to hear a good news from you !

CONTACT ME! Email Phone +62 87877243669 LET’S CONNECT ! Instagram @peachysatanxx Issue Gifty Anjani Linkedin Gifty Anjani Spotify Peachysatanxx

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