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As the IoT has grown and the volume of data generated has increased, edge computing has become increasingly important. We look at the edge computing trends to look out for in 2023.

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Edge spending to continue According to research by ReportLinker, the edge computing market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.6% between 2022 and 2028 to hit an estimated $132.11 million. The "2022 Global Edge Computing Market report" put future growth even higher, estimating the market will hit $90 billion by 2030.

The rise of 5G 5G will deliver the ultra-low latency required for many edge computing applications. Improvements in networking speeds open possibilities for far-away sensors to instantly give updates about the connected devices. That increase in real-time processing will require new equipment with enhanced capabilities.

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Market and consumer data firm Statista estimated the number of IoT devices worldwide will jump from 15.1 billion in 2023 to 29.4 billion in 2030. IDC put the figures even higher, estimating that by 2025 there will be 55.7 billion IoT devices, generating nearly 80 zettabytes of data.

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Containers to be key

Containers and Kubernetes make an ideal platform for the edge, and hyperscale cloud providers are taking note. Containers and container-native storage can provide core services, persistent storage, high availability, and durability. It also can enable seamless migration between the cloud and edge with minimal effort.

Edge is a target

With the growing number of IoT devices and edge computing use cases, threat actors are increasingly seeing them as prime targets. The AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: Securing the Edge found that 74% of the security, IT and lineof-business leaders they surveyed said the likelihood of their organisation being compromised was likely.

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6G on the horizon

Sixth-generation wireless, or 6G, networks will leverage higher frequencies and higher capacity than 5G. And just as 5G provided capabilities that boosted edge computing and supported new use cases involving edge computing, 6G will offer new possibilities, with distributed computing to play a major role.

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