THE ADULT WISH LIST Ahhh... the holiday wish lists. As children, we would add every shiny toy, bike and video game that we would see in those pretty glossy ads to our wish lists. We wait agerly until the morning so we could tear through the wrapping and unveil its secret contents. However, as adults, our wish lists aren’t as simple, are they? I mean, can we really ask “I would like my next months car payment paid” or “I’d like a membership to Sam's club.” But, if kids can add a new, shiny red bike, why can’t we add “a new red sports car” to our lists or “for our kids to eat all their dinner.” I mean, it is a wish list after all. So, go ahead and add what you REALLY wish for on that list. Need some ideas… we've got you covered!
1. My kid to s Wh o doesn tart to ea t pasta. ’t love past a? 2. For my d og to sto p wa the do t, on the weekenking me up a t 6 a.m. on ds 3. For airpla nes to brin g f riendly sk ies in gene back meals...or just th ral e 4. A blackhe a d remover ! 5. Electric t oo thbrush hea d replac ements 6. A vac uum 7. A blende r th a t act u ally crushes 8. A ff ord ab my ic e le health in s uranc e 9. A new ro of 10. For my k ids being askedto put away the dish es with o ut 11. For some on market wo e to explain to me h o rks w the stoc k 12. To f ind a ll the socks the dryer a 13. For the te toilet sea t to just ma g ically go do 14. For 24 m wn ore h o urs in t h e d a y 15. For grav ity to rever se, but only 16. J ust a bit on my body e o f the Se Frrrozen H r aute Ch oc oendipity 3's $25,000 la te ic e cre am s und ae 17. For all f r uits and ve ge a t the groc ery store (atables to be sold ch o pped nd f or chea 18. A li fetim p) e s upply o f the good to 19. To be able ilet paper to take a va cation, and 20. To ea t really relax! a sala d and act u ally fee l joy