2 minute read

Important Information and Tips

Helpful VIDeO!

Scan this QR code to view a video of helpful tips for using and flying your camera drone.


Dear parents and adults,

Children want to explore, understand, and create new things. They want to try new things and they want to do this on their own. They want to gain knowledge! They can do all of this with Gigo experiment kits. With every single experiment, they grow smarter and more knowledgeable.

With this experiment kit, you and your child can work together to build an experimental robotic drone and other camera-enabled robotic devices. Flying toys and drones have a unique set of safety precautions that you must follow to ensure that no harm comes to people and animals — and nothing else is damaged — during use. Before building and experimenting, read the instructions together with your child and discuss the safety instructions. Support your child with advice and a helping hand, especially during tricky assembly steps. You absolutely must supervise your child during all drone flights. Before flying, make sure the model is securely assembled and that you have chosen a suitable location for flying, in which drone flying is allowed. The drone is primarily meant for indoor use, but if you do fly it outside, make sure that it’s not windy. We hope you and your child have a lot of fun building and experimenting with the drone and other robotic models in this kit.

GenEral Tips

Use the PEG REMOVER to separate parts that are difficult to separate with just your fingers. The smaller gray tool is used to remove the mini gears and propellers from the motor shafts. The Larger yellow tool is used to pry apart larger parts, like short pegs and rods. When plugging the cables into the sockets, pay close attention to the direction of the pins inside the sockets.

The plugs can only be inserted in one direction.

Say Cheese!

A R obotic Eye in the Sky

A quadcopter is a helicopter with four rotors. A rotor is a propeller that is spun around by a motor on a shaft. The four rotors in a quadcopter work together to allow it to hover and move through the air. By increasing or decreasing the speed of some or all of the rotors, the quadcopter can move in any direction. A quadcopter is a robotic device because it requires a central processing unit and sensors to control the speed of its motors to stay balanced and move through the air. Because they can hover in one spot and move around in a precise way, quadcopters are perfect for carrying cameras to take aerial photos and videos.

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