By Joe Williams
© G.I Joe Personal Training 2014.
Before you start any of these workouts, please remember that you need to be adequately warmed up prior to starting AND will need to cool down/stretch off appropriately. IF by some miracle you manage to injure yourself, it is NOT our fault :p Also ensure you know the exercises you are going to perform; if you’re not sure you can google them.
Workout One Circuit 1 45sec each Squats Lunges Mountain Climbers Alt Leg Raise Bicycle Crunches *Rest for 1 minute then repeat twice more.
Circuit 2 45sec each Press Ups Bench Dips Crunch Sit Ups Wall Sits *Rest for 1 minute then repeat twice more.
Workout Two EXERCISE Plank ---superset--Squat with Rear Lunge Squat Jumps in & out feet ---superset--Side 2 Side Shuffle Jump Tabletop Dip ---superset--V Sit-ups/Crunches
SETS x REPS 3 x max
3 x 45sec 3 x 20 XX 3 x 45sec 3 x 20 XX 3 x 45sec
© G.I Joe Personal Training 2014.
Workout Three Lamp Post Session Use a road with lamp posts spaced out along the route. *Warm up for 10 minutes prior. Using the lamp posts jog from the first to the third, run from the third to the next, and repeat. Use the jog as a recovery period.
Workout Four EXERCISE Sit Ups (with Kettlebell) ---superset--Mountain Climbers Side Crunches (on back) ---superset--Lunges Leg Raises ---superset--Plank
SETS X REPS 3 x max 3 x 45sec 3 x 20 3 x 45sec 3 x 20 3 x 45sec
Workout Five Pyramid Session Perform each exercise back to back, no rest until the end! 1. Burpies 2. Squat thrust 3. Press up Beginner: 3 > 10 Intermediate: 3 > 13 Advanced: 5 > 15 Example - perform 3 burpies, 3 squat thrust, 3 press ups then perform 4 of each, 5 of each, etc until you reach your end number. *Time yourself and try to beat that time next time.
Š G.I Joe Personal Training 2014.
Workout Six Resistance Band Session This can also be turned into a circuit to increase intensity… EXERCISE Shoulder raise (standing or laying on floor) Hip Thrusts Band Squats (band over shoulders) Laying Leg Curl (lay on front) Tricep Push Downs Standing Abdominal Crunch
60sec on each exercise 15sec rest between sets Complete 3-5 sets 180sec rest at end of each exercise
>>As a circuit<<
60sec on each exercise 15sec rest between exercise 180sec rest at end of circuit Repeat
© G.I Joe Personal Training 2014.