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BESBRODE PIANOS BESBRODE 琴行 Specialist Antique and Art Cased Piano Dealer and Wholesaler

独一无二的欧洲钢琴 施坦威古董艺术品钢琴

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Company Profile

Since 1979, Besbrode Pianos has been a specialist piano dealer and wholesaler based in Leeds, UK.

Besbrode琴行是一家来自英 国利兹的琴行,它自1979年成 立以来就一直从事各种钢琴的 零售和批发业务。

Our extensive showrooms occupy three premises including four floors of a Victorian mill on the edge of Leeds city centre. This makes us one of the UK’s largest retailers.

我们是整个英国最大的钢琴零 售商之一,我们的展厅分布在 一栋四层的维多利亚时期建筑 内,这里长期摆放着超过250 架欧洲知名品牌的钢琴,四层 展厅的其中的一层为施坦威钢 琴的专属展厅。这意味着,我 们有能力向任何一位顾客提供 一台适合他的钢琴。同样,我 们也有着十分丰富的船运与包 装经验,在过去的三十年间, 我们的顾客几乎涵盖了全世界 的每一处地方。

We permanently display more than 250 new and pre-owned pianos from leading brands with an entire floor dedicated to the Steinway family of pianos. This impressive inventory offers pianists an unrivalled opportunity to play and compare pianos side by side. We are experts in packing and shipping and have been selling pianos individually and by wholesale across the globe for the last thirty years.

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Besbrode Pianos is an authorised agent for Steinway & Sons and offers the full range of Steinway, Boston and Essex pianos for retail. Besbrode琴行是施坦威钢琴 的官方指定代理商之一,我们 的施坦威钢琴涵盖施坦威家族 的所有型号和品牌,包括波士 顿钢琴和艾塞克斯钢琴。

For last six years Besbrode Pianos has been official partner to the Leeds International Piano Competition, providing pianos for the competitor’s rehearsals. This year, alongside the competition we held an art cased piano exhibition showcasing a range of unique, pianos of cultural and historical interest. Our showrooms were featured in the BBC footage of the Leeds International Piano Competition 2012. 在过去的六年前,Besbrode 琴行一直是利兹国际钢琴大赛 的官方合作伙伴,我们为选手 的练习和演出提供最优质的钢 琴,我们的琴行也是BBC《利 兹国际钢琴大赛2012》的拍摄 取景地之一。就在去年大赛举 办之际,我们还举办了一场艺 术钢琴展览,展出了一系列全 世界独一无二饱含历史与文化 元素的钢琴。

We maintain an active interest in the region’s art scene and regularly hold musical events in support many national and local charities including Kidney Research Fund, Friends of University Art and Music, Marie Curie Care, Cancer research, Red Cross and Diabetes UK. 我们同样热衷于各种地区或 国际音乐艺术活动和慈善演 出,所得的善款用于捐助许 多当地或国际的慈善机构, 如,Kidney调研基金会,红十 字会,各个大学的艺术和音乐 学院,玛丽·居里癌症护理基 金会,癌症调查基金会等。

Art Cased Pianos 艺术外壳钢琴:

“The Golden Age of Pianos” An exhibition of unique, art cased pianos from the height of European piano making. As official partners of “the Leeds 2012”, Besbrode Pianos transported a collection of 21 pianos from across Europe to feature exclusively in The Golden Age of Pianos exhibition, each of artistic and cultural interest. The collection included a piano designed by Peter Behrens (a leading Art Nouveau German artist), Oskar Kaufmann (A Hungarian-Jewish architect), a Broadwood designed by T G Jackson and made for Athelstan Riley’s Music Gallery and pianos designed for the Great Exhibitions. 这个展览展出了很多世界上独一无二的钢琴,这些钢琴代表了欧 洲钢琴制造史上最辉煌的时刻。作为《The Leeds 2012》的官 方合作伙伴,我们把从欧洲各地收集到的21架名贵钢琴带到了我 们的展厅,每一架钢琴都具有独特的艺术和文化特色。这其中包 括了建筑史上的伟大艺术家彼得·贝伦斯(德国现代设计之父) 设计的一台希尔德梅耶;著名犹太建筑师Oskar Kaufmann设计 的施坦威;为Athelstan Riley的音乐展厅所造,由T G Jackson 设计的布洛德伍德;以及其他很多为当时著名展会设计的艺术钢 琴。

Around the turn of the twentieth century a period of prosperity inspired an interest in culture and the arts. As the only source of music in the home, the domestic importance of the piano was at its peak. At this time the wealthy commissioned bespoke, art cased pianos as visible status symbols to stand as centrepieces in a room. Technical innovation of the instrument had reached its maturity prompting a flourish in custom made, luxurious cases. The breathtaking craftsmanship illustrated by these pianos reflect a climactic time in piano making and stand as monuments to the position of the piano in social history. By 1905, gramophone and disc recordings were available allowing the passive enjoyment of music. 20世纪初期,是欧洲文化与艺术发展的一个巅峰,作为家用乐 器的首选,钢琴制造业也达到了前所未有的程度。而一些达官贵 人则会选择特殊订制一款独特的艺术钢琴来作为其社会地位的象 征。以下的这些钢琴则成为那一历史特殊时刻的见证,每一处精 美的手工制作都显现出了欧洲艺术曾经的辉煌时刻。

This collection of luxurious pianos is available for sale exclusively from Besbrode Pianos 这些奢华钢琴仅在 Besbrode Pianos 出售



Ref no 1742: An 1895, Bechstein Model C Grand Piano with an Intricately Carved Walnut Case : 参考编号 1742:贝西斯坦 型号 C,1895年,精美雕刻的胡桃木外壳

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An 1895, Bechstein Model C grand piano with an ornately carved, walnut case. Cabinet features carvings of two swans on the water on piano cheeks. Twisted around the rear piano leg is a two-headed serpent dragon. The front legs have elaborate feather scrolling. A serpentine, carved stretcher attaches the legs. The piano lyre features carved shell detail with brass shell pedals and a filigree style music desk with a flower and foliage design. Cabinet also features intricate brass hinges and name plate again echoing foliage. Amazingly the matching duet stool has survived. 这是一架拥有华丽雕刻胡桃木外壳的贝西 斯坦 型号 C 艺术钢琴,钢琴的两个侧面 雕刻有两只在水面上的天鹅。在钢琴的后 琴腿上,雕刻有一只颈部相互缠绕的双头 龙,钢琴的前腿则是呈卷轴装的雕刻。圆 弧状的底部支架蜿蜒至琴腿之间。贝壳状 的踏板放置于竖琴形状的支撑上,金银丝 细工风格的琴谱架上雕刻有花瓣和植物茎 叶。琴壳连接处的折叶同样式繁复与其他 部分相互呼应。配套的琴凳同样奇迹般地 保存了下来。

In the last quarter of the 19th century, the Berlin musical instrument industry was at a boom. In 1895 around 320 companies produced pianos in this city alone. At the Berlin Trade Exhibition of 1898 there were more than 120 exhibitors of grand and upright pianos and amongst these C. Bechstein had pride of place. This Bechstein Model C stood adjacent to the famous “Rheingold” Bechstein on the Bechstein stand at the Berlin Trade Exhibition of 1896 and was available for the public to try. This is the only piano of this design in existence.

在19世纪末,德国柏林的乐器制造行业的 产量出现了爆炸式的增长。在1895年,仅 仅在柏林一个城市,就有大约320家钢琴制 造公司。在1898年的柏林贸易展览会上, 有超过120家的展商展示了不同品牌的立式 或三角钢琴,在这之中,贝西斯坦无疑傲 视群雄。这架贝西斯坦 型号 C 就和另一架 著名的“Rheingold Bechstein”一起被 放置在贝西斯坦公司最显眼的展位上,并 且让公众尝试演奏,这是全世界仅存的独 一无二的设计。 照片显示的是1898年在德国贸易展览 会上的另一架著名的钢琴“Rheingold Bechstein”

Professor Max Koch created the design for the “Rheingold” Bechstein based on themes found in Richard Wagner’s great Ring Cycle works. The Ring cycle is comprised of four operas. Taking themes from the first opera, The “Rheingold” Bechstein features three nymphs sitting at its feet; Woglinde, Wellgunde, and Flosshilde who protect the Rhein gold. The Rhein gold can be made into a magic ring which will let its bearer rule the world. The Rheingold Bechstein case work also feature swans and waves. The brass hinges are made in the form of aquatic plants. Inside the lid the Rhine maidens are again hand-painted. The Bechstein model C in this exhibition also depicts themes from the Ring Cycle. Again swans and waves feature on the case work along with shells and reeds. Twisting around the back leg is a twoheaded serpent dragon climbing up a tree. A serpent dragon appears in the third opera “Siegfried” perhaps inspiration for this design. The Rhein gold has been stolen and forged into a ring by Alberich, a Nibelung dwarf and guarded in a cave by a dragon, Fafner. Alberich’s brother Mime plots to obtain the Ring for himself. He has raised a human boy Siegfried as a foster child, to kill the dragon.

“Rheingold”贝西斯坦钢琴是由Max Koch 教授基于著名作曲家理查德·瓦 格纳的伟大作品《尼伯龙根的指环》 所创作的。《尼伯龙根的指环》由四 幕。“Rheingold”贝西斯坦的设计取材 于第一幕剧,剧中“莱茵的黄金”可以用 来打造一枚统治世界的戒指,而这架钢 琴上则雕刻了守护“莱茵的黄金”的3位 站立的仙女 Woglinde, Wellgunde, 和 Flosshilde。“Rheingold”贝西斯坦上同 样还雕刻了碧波之上的天鹅。黄铜的折叶 被设计成古老的植物形状。琴盖下绘有莱 茵河的少女。这架贝西斯坦 型号 C 的设 计同样取材于《尼伯龙根的指环》,琴身 上雕刻有芦苇、贝壳以及水波上的天鹅。 后琴腿上则雕有一条栖落于一颗树上双头 龙,两只龙头相互缠绕。在《尼伯龙根的 指环》的第三幕剧中,出现的蛇头龙正式 此处设计的灵感来源。“莱茵的黄金”后 来被名为 Alberich 的 Nibelung矮人 盗取 并被打造成了一枚戒指,被藏于一个洞穴 之中由一头名为 Fafner 的巨龙守护。最 终,Alberich 的兄弟 Mine 为了偷取这枚 指环,指示他领养的男孩 Siegfried 杀死了 守护洞穴的巨龙。



Ref No 1743: An 1891, Broadwood Grand Piano, Inlaid with Mother of Pearl, Tortoiseshell and a Variety of Woods: 参考编号 1743:架 1891年的布洛德伍 德,镶嵌有珍珠母, 玳瑁和多种珍稀木材

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Arne, GF Handel, O Gibbons, W Byrde and H Purcell. Stand is American walnut with triplet pillars and carved scrolls. Keyboard has thick ivory fronts with turned arcading. Sharps inlaid with ebony and ivory. Framework is signed by John Broadwood. 这是一架有着精美镶嵌的布 洛德伍德三角钢琴,由T G Jackson设计,镶嵌部分由C H Bessant Faber完成。这架钢 琴是为了1892年在伦敦的肯辛 顿2号庭院所举办的Athelstan Riley 音乐展所设计。多以卷叶 为镶嵌样式,在盾牌形状的镶 嵌上会有6组来自分别来自JS Bach, Thos Augustine Arne, GF Handel, O Gibbons, W Byrde 和 H Purcell的乐谱。 琴腿是三根卷轴装的圆柱,由 美国胡桃木所制。琴键前端是 雕有同心圆装饰的象牙所制。 琴身同样还有黑檀木和象牙的 镶嵌,钢琴的钢架上有John Broadwood的签名。 There is a description of No 2 Kensington court in “In a Survey of London: Volume 42: Kensington Square to Earl’s Court: Hermione Hobhouse 1986”: “This the most striking house to be built at Kensington Court, was designed by T. G. Jackson and raised in 1883-4. The contractor was Albert Estcourt of Gloucester, who built widely for Jackson at this time, and Robert Edwards was clerk of works. It is Jackson’s only London town house. The client was John Athelstan Laurie Riley (1858-1945), a twenty-five year old bachelor at the time of building.”

在《伦敦调查:第42卷:肯辛 顿广场到公爵阁:赫尔迈厄尼 霍布豪斯 1986》中有一段对肯 辛顿2号庭院的描述: 这是在肯辛顿庭院里最惹人 注目的一栋建筑,由T. G. Jackson所设计,在1883年 4月开始施工,建筑商是在 当时为Jackson完成很多其 设计作品的Albert Estcourt of Gloucester,罗伯特爱 德华是当时的监工。这是 Jackson在伦敦的唯一作品。 当时建筑的主人是一位25岁 名叫John Athelstan Laurie Riley(1858-1945)的单身男 士。 In “The Recollections of T.G. Jackson, 1835 to 1924”, there is a description of the interior decoration of No 2 Kensington Court and this Broadwood piano is mentioned;”...But the pièce de resistance was a Broadwood grand pianoforte, with a case designed by Jackson in 1890 and inlaid by C. H. Bessant with satinwood, ebony, tortoiseshell and mother of pearl. This stood in the drawing-room and remains in the possession of the Riley family.” 在《T.G. Jackson 1835-1924 的回忆录》中有一段对肯辛顿2 号庭院内部装饰的描述,这架 钢琴就被提及:“...但是这栋 建筑中最重要的一件作品莫过 于这架布洛德伍德钢琴,琴壳 由Jackson在1890年所设计, 珍珠母、玳瑁、缎木、黑檀木 的镶嵌工作是由C. H. Bessant 所完成。钢琴坐落于建筑的客 厅中,至此仍被Riley 家族所 拥有。”

No 2 Kensington Court Photo Credit: 肯辛顿2号庭院 图片来源:



Ref No 1763: An 1910, Blüthner Grand Piano with an Intricately Inlaid, Jacaranda case: 参考编号 1763:这是一款1910年的博兰斯勒三角钢琴,外壳选用了配有华丽镶嵌的蓝花楹木

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A 1910 Blüthner grand piano with a Jacaranda case with intricate, marquetry inlay all over case in a variety of designs and woods. Case shows tessellated marquetry panels in walnut, ebony, mahogany, fiddleback mahogany and boxwood. Lyre stands on two square pillars and attatched to leg stretcher. Cabinet features unusual piano cheeks with carved egg and dart detail. Filigree music desk. Oval piano legs feature ornate filigree bronze panels. There is a reference to this Blüthner piano in “the magazine for musical instruments 1910-1911” describing a visit to the Blüthner showroom in Leipzig, stopping to describe each piano: The showroom of Julius Blüthner in Leipzig, divided into two parts by a staircase.. the walls were made of wood panels, with a yellow and gray tint and decorated with floral ornaments made of metal.... A very nice and interesting piano in Jacaranda, illustrating diligent and distinguished inlay work. This elegant piano is original in design right to the feet showing oval filigree ornament made of metal. There is a harmony in the lines of colour. This Blüthner model was on display at the Brussel’s 1910 World Fair and features in the Exhibition catalogue.

ulius Blüthner started the Julius Blüthner Pianofortefabrik in Leipzig, Germany in 1853. He lived from 1824 to 1910. The factory was burned to the ground during World War II. It was rebuilt and opened in the same location in Leipzig (which was East Germany). Today the company is being run by the great-great-grandson of Julius. Blüthner pianos are known around the world for their extremely high quality and degree of workmanship. Blüthner pianos are still mostly handmade instruments, and it is estimated that the total number of Blüthners ever manufactured is around 150,000 instruments. Julius Blüthner(1824-1910)在1853年与德国的莱比锡城开立 了这家名为“Blüthner Pianofortefabrik”的工厂。 工厂在二战期间被焚毁,战后又在莱比锡城同样的地点被重建( 当时的东德)。如今,这家公司由 Julius 的曾曾曾孙所经营。博 兰斯勒钢琴一直因其高超的制作工艺享誉世界,如今的博兰斯勒 依旧维持了它手工制作的传统,据统计,博兰斯勒钢琴总共的产 量约在150,000左右。

这款产于1910年的博兰斯勒,选用多种木材在琴身上做了大 量的镶嵌。琴壳上有胡桃木、黑檀木、桃花心木(还有一种 fiddleback mahogany)、黄杨木等棋盘格状的镶嵌。七弦竖 琴状的华丽雕刻镶嵌于两侧的琴腿之中。琴身两侧则是椭圆形 与盾形交错的镶嵌。在1910-1911年出版的一本介绍乐器的杂志 中,介绍了一位作者在造访莱比锡城的博兰斯勒展厅时时看到的 这架钢琴。展厅被一个楼梯分隔为两部分,展厅的墙面上镶嵌有 各种黄色和灰色的木制花纹和鲜花与植物形态的金属。照片中的 钢琴展示出了它与整个展厅相称的非凡镶嵌工艺,琴腿处的椭圆 形金银丝细工展现了其独一无二的设计。在1910年布鲁塞尔的 世界博览会上,同样出现了这架钢琴的身影,同时它也被当时的 《Exhibition》手册所收录记载。

Catalogue featuring Blüthner design Photo Credit: “Weltausstellung Brussel 1910 - Deutsches Reich Amtlicher Katalog” 记录博兰斯勒的手册 照片来源:“Weltausstellung Brussel 1910 - Deutsches Reich Amtlicher Katalog”



Ref No 585: A Pleyel Grand Piano with a Hand-Painted Case and Carved Walnut Frame. Signed G. Meunier: 参考编号 585:架拥有手绘雕刻胡桃木外壳,由 G. Meunier 签名的普莱耶

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An 1893, Pleyel grand piano beautifully hand-painted with a fairies, satyrs, nudes, monkeys, mythical creatures, birds, flowers and crested composers names. Signed by G. Meunier. Interesting carved fish on piano cheeks. Carved lions head on lid lock. Carved bevelled edge on lid. Piano case sits on ornately carved french walnut frame, carved with foliage and flowers. Piano has six cabriole legs with scroll feet. 一架产于1893年的普莱耶,绘有精美的 神话人物像、半兽人像、猴子、鸟、鲜 花等,并在外壳上由画家 G. Meunier 签 名。侧面雕刻有精美的鱼形纹理,琴键两 侧雕刻有狮子头。钢琴底座是由法国胡桃 木制成,雕刻有植物和鲜花的纹理,钢琴 有六只弯曲的琴腿。

Georges Meunier (1869 - 1942) was an eminent french poster artist. He worked under Cheret at the Chaix print house in Paris where he produced more than 50 original posters advertising products and parisian events. His works are now considered iconic and reflect a golden era of french poster art. Georges Meunier (1869-1942) 是一位杰 出的法国海报设计艺术家。他曾法国巴黎 的 Chaix 印刷厂工作,并在那期间创作了 超过50件广告和巴黎大型活动的海报,他 的作品代表了法国海报黄金时代的超高艺 术水准。

Front Cover of “L’Assiette au Beurre”, No 58, 10 May 1902 图为“L’Assiette au Beurre”的封面, 1902年10月。

Georges Meunier signature Georges Meunier 的签名

Meunier was born in Saint-Cloud, France in 1869. As a young man he moved to Paris and studied at the National School of Fine Arts and studied under JosephRobert Fleury. Later he attended The School for the Decorative Arts where he trained in both classical and modern design. Meunier started work at the Chaix print house in 1894 working under Cheret, the founder of the advertising poster movement. He drew his posters directly onto lithographic plates. He stayed until 1898. During his time there he designed 44 to 56 dated posters. Meunier became well known in Paris, his posters were exhibited in salons across the city. Meunier 1869年出生于法国圣克鲁,在 他很年轻的时候他就前往巴黎求学,并在 巴黎国际美术学院师从 Joseph-Robert Fleury 学习艺术创作,他在巴黎生活 了29年并在此期间创作了大约50件作 品,Meunier 自此声名鹊起,他的作品被 展览与在城市的各大艺术沙龙中。

Ignace Pleyel (b. Ignaz, 1757-1831), Austrian of birth, set up as a piano manufacturer in 1807, aged 50. His early career was as a pianist and composer. He was Haydn’s pupil at Eisenstadt, Austria. In 1795, he moved to Paris and set up a music publishing firm Maison Pleyel that published thousands of works. In 1805, Ignace Pleyel joined forces with Charles Lemme, a well-known piano builder. Pleyel lacked the skills in piano building but had the money to invest. Their partnership lasted only a few years. After the split, Pleyel took on foreign workers, and set up his own business building square pianos and harps. It was a time of economic decline and his business suffered. By 1822, when Ignace formed a partnership with his son Camille and Pleyel had only sold approximately 600 pianos. In the late 1820’s Pleyel became associated with the famous teacher Kalkbrenner which brought in fresh money and clients. The company received its first gold medal at the 1827 expo (followed by 1827, 1834, 1839 and 1844). In 1832, Chopin gave his first concert at the Salons Pleyel, rue Cadet. This proved to be the best marketing for the company and its success went from strength to strength. Ignace Pleyel (1757-1831),生于奥地 利,在1807年设立了一家钢琴制造厂, 他早年是一位钢琴家以及作家,在奥地利 的艾森斯塔德师从于 Haydn。1795年, 他来到巴黎并开立了一家名为“Maison Pleyel”的出版公司并出版了上千份刊 物。1805年,他和 Charles Lemme,一 位著名的钢琴制作技师成为了合伙人。但 是在当时,尽管普莱耶拥有雄厚的资金, 但仍然缺乏钢琴制作方面的经验。Ignace 和 Charles 的合作在持续了几年后就结 束了。之后,Pleyel 继续尝试和一些人 合作,并开始尝试制作方形琴和竖琴, 但是公司的经营状况却并不乐观。直到 1822年 Ignace 和他的儿子 Camille 仅 仅售出了大约600台钢琴。在大约1830年 的时候,Pleyel开始和当时著名的教育家 Kalkbrenner 合作,他为 Pleyel 带来了一 笔资金和几位重要的客户。在1827年的世 界博览会上,普莱耶获得了它的第一个金 奖,并在后续的展会上(1827年,1834 年,1839年和1844年)都继续荣获这一荣 誉。1832年,肖邦的第一次演奏会上使用 的就是普莱耶钢琴。这直接为普莱耶带来 了巨大的市场效益



Ref No 1669: Bechstein Model C Grand Piano with a Mahogany Case Inlaid with an Art Nouveau Design: 参考编号 1669:贝西斯坦 型号 C 三角钢琴,桃花心木外壳配以法国新艺术派主题的镶嵌

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随后钢琴就被送入 Julius Gutermann’s 的宅邸。贝西斯坦的出厂记录(这是贝 西斯坦公司唯一留存的出厂记录,其他记 录均在二战中损毁了)这样写着:“编 号为61262的钢琴于1902年11月30日出 厂。”钢琴被送往 Julius Gutermann’s 的宅邸 Vila Orehta,该房子是用 Julius 的6个孩子的名字(Oskar, Richard, Erich, Hedwig, Thea 和 Annie)命名 的。Gutermann & Co. 公司于1864

A 1902, Bechstein Model C grand piano with a mahogany case, inlaid with a variety of woods in an Art Nouveau design of flowers and tendrils. This piano had one previous owner Julius Gutermann, a wealthy victorian industrialist. 这架钢琴产于1902年,琴壳上镶嵌有法国 新艺术派主题的鲜花和蔓茎。在维多利亚 时期,这架钢琴曾经属于一位名叫 Julius Gutermann 的富有实业家。 Professor Dr. Sonja Günther, an Art Nouveau specialist wrote in a description of the piano “Der Flügel ist etwas streng in der Kontur; die Ornamentik symmetrisch. Sie deutet in ihrer Herkunft auf Darmstadt hin.” The piano is somewhat severe in outline, the ornamentation symmetrical. That points its origin back to Darmstadt, Germany?

Dr. Sonja Günther 是一位在法国新艺术派方面颇有建树的学 着,他曾经这样描述这架钢琴 “Der Flügel ist etwas streng in der Kontur; die Ornamentik symmetrisch. Sie deutet in ihrer Herkunft auf Darmstadt hin.” 这架钢琴镶嵌处的线条非常严谨,对称, 旁边的图片显示了这架来自德国达姆施塔 特城的钢琴曾经的出场纪录。

Julius Gutermann’s residence Vila Orehta, Gutach, Breisgau. 照片显示的是 Julius Gutermann’s 的宅邸 Vila Orehta

The piano was delivered to Julius Gutermann to the town of Gutach / Breisgau. Bechstein sending journal (the only written paper that made it through the ww in Berlin), states: Serial Number 61262 was sent on 30th of November 1902. The Gutermann family is renowned for its manufacture of stitching silks. The piano was delivered to the Villa Orehta, named after his 6 children: Oskar, Richard, Erich, Hedwig, Thea and Annie. The Gutermann family is renowned for its manufacture of stitching silks. Gutermann & Co. was founded in Vienna in 1864 by Max Gutermann specailising in the production of silk threads from raw silk. At the age of 36 in 1864, Max Gutermann founded the company Gutermann & Co. in Vienna, at that time the largest transshipment point for silk. At first he purchased already-spun and twisted yarn spun from silk waste and had it dyed, wound onto cards and bobbins before selling it on. Three years after the foundation of the company in 1867, Max Gutermann purchased a site in Gutach in what was then the Grand Duchy of Baden and moved the company headquarters into the Elztal. This was a path-breaking decision because the company headquarters is still located here today. At the fi fth world exhibition in Vienna in 1873, Max Gutermann presents a revolutionary innovation: the sale of sewing silks in units of length - instead of, as previously, according to weight.

年成立于维也纳,36岁的创始人 Max Gutermann 致力于研发一种全新的丝绸 缝制技术。公司很快成为了当时最大的丝 绸转运点。公司成立三年后,Max 在当时 西德大公国购置了一块土地并把公司的总 部迁至 Elztal。公司的总部至今仍在此处。 在1873年的第五届世界博览会上, 由于 Max 的建议,从那以后丝绸的交易价格由 从前的以重量作为参考变为长度。

Bechstein Company Records. Gutermann piano entry 30th of November, 1902. 贝西斯坦公司的钢琴出厂记录,记录了 Gutermann 在1902年11月30日的购买记录。



Ref No 2020: An art case, 1886, Steinway Model B grand piano with a hand-painted, gold case . 参考编号 2020:施坦威(Steinway)型号 B 艺术外 壳三角钢琴,产于1886年

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An art case, 1886, Steinway Model B grand piano with a gold case. Entire cabinet features hand paintings of cherubs and rural scenes of people playing musical instruments. Piano has ornately carved gate legs with four,ornately carved Corinthian pillars. Music desk has a beautiful scrolling filligree design with a central hand painted plaque. New Soundboard fitted by Steinway. 施坦威(Steinway)型号 B 艺术外壳三角钢琴,产于1886 年,金色外壳,外壳有精美的 宫廷风格油画,门形琴腿,每 个琴腿拥有四 根洛可可风格的 雕花脚轮,琴谱架同样拥有非 常精致的卷轴式油画. 这架钢 琴的音板是全新的,由施坦威 (Steinway)公司更换 Full description to come



Ref No 1998: A 1914, Steinway Model O Grand Piano with a Mahogany and Ebony Case 参考编号 1998:施坦威 (Steinway)型号 O 三 角钢琴,产于1914年 桃 花心木外壳

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A 1914, Steinway model O grand piano with a mahogany and ebony case. Cabinet features a trompe L’oeil effect in inlaid geometric shapes.

施坦威(Steinway)型号 O 三角钢琴,产于1914年,桃花 心木外壳,纹理镶嵌

Inlay creates effect of an optical illusion. The mahogany catches light to emphasise circles and squares in design. Unique, simplistic, geometric gate legs in mahogany attached with a serpentine ebony stretcher following line of piano case. Contrasting coloured woods for a bold design.

独特,简单的几何图形的桃花 心木门形琴腿,配有和钢琴同 样形状的乌木弯曲造型。尝试 运用对比色的大胆设计。琴谱 架的设计模仿了运用方形与圆 形的钢琴钢琴本身的设计。

镶嵌会产生一种视觉上的错 觉,桃花心木会在光线下使得 圆形与方形的图案更加突出。

这种延伸的设计,施坦威至今 仍在使用。

Music desk mimics design on piano cabinet utilising cut-out squares and interplaying circles. The original sketches for this Steinway design still exist.



Ref No 2049: Full description to come 参考编号 2049:

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Description to come A Neoclassical style, Bechstein grand piano with an ornately carved, Pear and Ebony case.



Ref No 1254: A 1907, Bechstein Model E Grand with a polished, fiddleback mahogany case. Cabinet features satinwood and boxwood stringing inlay. Corinthian style turned, fluted gate legs carved with acanthus leaf detail. Stamped with Trollope & Colls Ltd. 参考编号 1254:这架琴制于1907年,桃花心 木与缎木的光亮外壳成小提琴形状,镶嵌以黄 杨木的装饰。科林斯柱式的圆柱形琴腿,配以 叶形的雕刻。印有“Trollope & Cols”的标 志。

Trollope & Colls, 5 Coleman Street, London was once one of the United Kingdom’s largest construction companies. Trollope & Colls 位于伦敦的科尔曼大街5号, 曾是英国最大的承建公司之一。

Major projects include: Claridges completed in 1897, Debenhams, Wigmore Street 19051908, Lloyds Bank, Head Office, Lombard Street, 1931, Interior work for Queen Mary (Cunard liner) 1936 and the Titanic. 公司曾经的工程包括:1897年完成的克拉瑞芝 酒店;1905-1908年间完成的Wigmore 街上的 Debenhams 百货公司;1931年Lombard 街 的莱斯银行总部;1936年皇后玛丽号游轮上的 内部装饰;泰坦尼克号游轮上的内部装饰。

Ref No 1279: A 1916, German Arts and Crafts, Ibach grand piano with a mahogany case and carved panel detail. Rectangular lyre with 3 circular columns. Rectangular style and columns continued on legs with carved foliage detail at top. Piano cheeks feature square cut indents. Music desk features twisted brass spindles. 参考编号 1279:这架钢琴拥有桃花心木的外壳 配以非常精细的雕刻,琴腿与踏板支架的造型 都非常独特,琴腿的顶部雕刻有精美的图样。 钢琴的侧面是长方形的木雕,琴谱架则是简约 的镂空配有青铜的装饰。

This Ibach piano serial number 49571 is one of four ever made. It was designed by a Dutch architect, Theodorus Joannes Josephus (Joseph) Cuypers (Roermond, June 10, 1861 - Meerssen, January 20, 1949). Cuypers is predominantly noted as the architect of many Catholic churches.

Photo of this Ibach piano at the Ibach Piano Museum Photo credit: 照片来自伊巴赫钢琴博物馆的相册:

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这架钢琴的编号为49571,同款的钢琴仅制造 了4台。由荷兰建筑师 Pierre Joseph Hubert Cuypers (1861.06.10-1949.01.20)所设 计。Cuypers 曾经是多所天主教堂的设计者。 他是 Order of the Dutch Lion and Knight 中 的一位骑士。

Ref No 1974: A 1958, Steinway Model M grand piano with a gloss black and matt white case. Piano has square cheeks, minimal geometric music stand and lyre and octagonal facetted, tapered legs. Design emphasizes its planar qualities. Piano designed by Swedish Architect Ivar Tengbom, representative of Swedish Neoclassical architecture, designer of the Stockholm Concert Hall (1923 - 26) where the Nobel Peace Prize takes place. 参考编号 1974:这架琴制造于1958年,黑 色外壳。外形多用矩形的设计。设计师 Ivar Tengbom 是瑞典新古典主义建筑家的代表人 物,曾设计了 Stockholm Concert Hall,这 里是诺贝尔颁奖典礼的场所。

The concert hall is probably Tengbom’s bestknown building and, together with Gunnar Asplund’s Stockholm Public Library, the most widely recognized example of the neoclassical architecture of the Swedish 1920s, in English referred to as Swedish Grace. 同样,由他所设计的 Gunnar Asplund’s Stockholm Public Library 也被认为是一件能 够代表20年代瑞典杰出新古典主义的伟大杰 作。

Ref No 1761: A colonial style, 1926, Steinway Model M grand piano with a French polished, mahogany case and stringing inlay. Piano has five baluster legs. Design based on the first piano made by Heinrich Steinweg in 1836. The piano has high cheeks with a folding lid with the appearance of a square piano from a front view. 参考编号 1761:这架 M 型号的殖 民地风格施坦威制作与1926年, 桃花心木外壳,法式抛光,木纹镶 嵌。钢琴拥有5条琴腿,设计原型为 Heinrich Steinweg 在1836年为施 坦威所制造的第一架钢琴。这架琴 的键盘盖与众不同,采取了和方形 琴类似的设计。



Ref N0 1999: A 1919, Steinway Model O grand piano for sale with an Empire style, mahogany case. Cabinet features ornate brass ormolu in Neoclassical and Egyptian motifs such as wreaths, winged lions and cabuchons. Legs feature cylindrical columns and female figures of victory on the capital

The Empire style, the second phase of Neoclassicism, is an early-19th-century design movement that flourished between 1804 and 1814 during the First French Empire, although its life span lasted until the late 1820s (or more depending on each country). From France it spread into much of Europe and America.

参考编号 1999:施坦威 (Steinway)型号 O 三角钢 琴,产于1919年,桃花心木外 壳,帝政风格,新古典主义的 配饰,琴腿衔接处拥有维多利 亚风格女性雕像

The style originated in and takes its name from the rule of Napoleon I in the First French Empire, where it was intended to idealize Napoleon’s leadership and the French state.

帝政风格,产生于19世纪早期 的新古典主义的第二个发展时 期,尽管这种风格在法国仅仅 延续至19世纪20年代后期,它 却在在1804到1814年间第一法 兰西帝国建立时被发扬光大, 并且由法国流传至欧洲和美洲 的大部分地区

这种风格发源于第一法兰西帝 国时期的拿破仑一世时期,为 了体现当时皇室统治的风格。

Ref No 1854: An Arts and Crafts Lipp grand piano for sale with a mahogany case inlaid in geometric designs. Case features ornate brass hinges 参考编号 1854:利普(Lipp) 艺术外壳三角钢琴,桃花心木 外壳,几何几何纹理镶嵌,华 丽的黄铜配饰 The mahogany cabinet is polished in matt to emphasize the quality of the wood used. Cabinet features a simple geometric cross stretcher supporting the gate legs. The Arts and Crafts period championed the simplicity of form whilst revealing the construction of the object

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by traditional craftsmanship. Here, the brass hinges are accentuated with twotone brass and stamped geometric designs. 桃花心木的外壳使用一种非光 滑的抛光手法,旨在突出所使 用的木材的特别质地。 外壳使用一种简单交错的几何 图形,门形琴腿同样采用简洁 的设计理念。 这种设计突显了工艺美术风格 时期崇尚简洁的设计理念,使 用两种颜色的黄铜折叶上铭刻 有几何图案的设计同样强调了 同一主题的设计理念

Ref No 1945: This Zimmermann piano reflects all aspects of the 1950’s modernist aesthetic. This style period was influenced by America (diners, jukeboxes, huge fridges), modernism and scientific research. The bubblegum yellow “Marble Effect formica used for the piano cabinet reminds us of an American diner. The asymmetrical music desk with geometric cut-outs is modernist in design. The chrome rods on the piano lyre are modernist in their geometric simplicity and echo the design influence of scientific inventions of the age here the rods and lyre give nod to the Sputnik satellite with its trailing antennas, first launched in the 1950’s.

参考编号 1945:齐默曼 (Zimmermann)三角钢琴, 产于1950年,拥有非常前卫的 设计,黄色与黑色相间的外壳 线条。简洁的琴谱架设计突出 体现了钢琴的现代主义风格。 这架齐默曼(Zimmermann) 三角钢琴在各个方面体现了20 世纪50年代的现代主义建筑风 格,这种风格发源于美国(路 边小饭馆,点唱机,巨大的冰 箱)对现代化和科技化生活的 探索。这种泡泡糖一样的黄色 设计,结合大理石一般的纹理 很容易让人们联想到曾经遍布 美国的路边餐厅。以几何图案 设计的非对称的琴谱架也是现 代主义风格的体现。使用简单 铬棒连接的踏板同样表现了一 种简约的几何美感,并再一次 折射出当时科技发明对实物设 计所带来的影响,踏板和铬棒 的设计正是以20世纪50年代前 苏联所设计的 Sputnik 人造卫 星拖曳天线为模型。

Ref No 1466: A 1959, Rippen grand piano with an aluminium case. This Rippen piano has a beautiful elegant outline. Piano features a reverse crown soundboard and tapered legs

参考编号 1466:瑞本 (Rippen)三角钢琴,产于 1959年,拥有非常美丽的外 壳,方形琴腿 铝制外壳钢琴 的音板为反向皇冠状



Ref No 1952: An 1899, Schiedmayer grand piano for sale with a satinwood case. Cabinet features crossbanding and boxwood stringing accents and is hand painted in Romanesque designs with cherubs, soldiers and dancing ladies. Piano has gate legs and an elegant serpentine cross stretcher 参考编号 1952:希德梅耶尔 (Schiedmayer)三角钢琴, 产于1899年,缎木外壳,黄杨 木镶嵌,罗马风格油绘,绘有 罗马士兵和参加舞会的女士, 门形琴腿. 钢琴底部是独特的交 错曲折形设计

Ref No 2047: A 1910, Bluthner Grand Piano with a Chippendale Style Case. Cabinet Features Flame Mahogany Panels within carved mouldings. Cabinet features intricately pierced, cut out fretwork around entire case. The gothic arch features in the design of the cut out music desk. Chippendale influence is seen in preference of carving over inlay, wood detailing rather than attaching ormolu mounts. As with finest Chippendale style pieces, this piano is made from mahogany. 参考编号 2047:这是一 架产于1910年的博兰斯勒 (Bluthner)三角钢琴,钢琴 采用齐本德尔式的设计,琴身 为暗红色的桃花心木,两侧配 有板条型雕刻和镶嵌纹理。华 丽的浮雕细工遍布整个琴身。 琴谱架可以看到哥特式的拱形

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结构。齐本德尔式的风格在钢 琴的雕刻、镶嵌和木纹设计上 随处可见,镀金的配饰同样采 用了精美的设计,桃花心木一 直都是体现齐本德尔式设计的 最佳选择。 Thomas Chippendale probably born at Otley, West Riding of Yorkshire, (baptised at Otley 16 June 1718 – November 1779) was a London cabinet-maker and furniture designer in the midGeorgian, English Rococo, and Neoclassical styles. In 1754 he published a book of his designs, titled The Gentleman and Cabinet Maker’s Director. The designs are regarded as reflecting the current London fashion for furniture for that period and were used by other cabinet makers outside London. 托马斯·齐本德尔(Thomas Chippendale),出生于西约克郡的 Otley,于1718年6月16日受洗,从事中 乔治王风格、洛可可风格以及新古典主 义风格的室内以及家具设计工作。 在1754年曾出版过一本罗列其设计产品 的刊物,名叫《The Gentleman and Cabinet Maker’s Director》。这些 设计被认为是反映当时伦敦时尚家具风 格的作品,这种风格曾风靡整个英国。

Ref No 2045: A 1926, Schiedmayer Model 7a Upright Piano with an Empire Style, Mahogany Case. Cabinet Features Marquetry Panels and Bronze Ornament. 参考编号 2045:希德梅耶尔(Schiedmayer)型号 7a 立 式古董钢琴,产于1926年,帝政风格桃花心木外壳镶嵌细 工与精美黄铜配饰

Ref No 2044: An 1863, Bechstein Upright Piano with an Neoclassical Style Oak Case. Entire Cabinet is Covered with Ornate, High Relief Carvings of Scrolls, Acanthus and Intertwining Strapwork. 参考编号 2044:贝西斯坦(Bechstein)立式钢琴, 产于1863年,新古典主义橡木外壳,整个琴身都拥 有非常细致精美的雕刻,叶型装饰与对称的带型纹理 装饰

Ref No 1819: A 1903, Ibach upright piano with a white, rococo style case and gilt detail and ornate brass candlesticks 参考编号 1819:依巴赫(Ibach)立式钢琴,产于 1903年,白色洛可可风格外壳,镀金装饰,精美黄 铜烛台



Ref No 1975: A 1901, Arts and Crafts Bechstein upright piano with a mahogany case. Case features sculptural candlesticks, a fretwork panel and ornate brass hinges. Designed by Walter Cave, English Architect and Interior Designer. 参考编号 1975:贝西斯坦(Bechstein)立 式钢琴,产于1901年,工艺美术风格桃花心 木外壳,精美雕刻烛台,华丽的镶嵌与黄铜折 叶,由英国设计师 Walter Cave 设计

Ref No 2022: An art cased, 1894, Steinway Upright Piano For Sale with a Rosewood Case. Cabinet Features Inlaid Panels of Swags, Dancing Ladies and Cherubs. 参考编号 2022:施坦威(Steinway)艺术外 壳立式古董钢琴,产于1894年,红木外壳,外 壳镶嵌有天鹅、舞女、天使等图案

Ref No 2010: An 1890, Bechstein Model III upright piano with a walnut case and claw foot legs 参考编号 2010:贝西斯坦(Bechstein)型 号 III 立式钢琴,产于1890年,胡桃木外壳, 兽爪形琴腿

26 | Besbrode Pianos

Ref No 1893: A 1903, Bechstein upright piano with an Arts and Crafts oak case. Case features inlaid panels of “Glasgow style” stylised flowers in pewter and fruit woods. Ornate silver hinges on keyboard lid. Casework by J. S. Henry 参考编号 1893:贝西斯坦 (Bechstein)立式钢琴,产 于1903年,工艺美术风格橡木 外壳,配有格拉斯哥风格的镶 嵌图案,键盘盖上配有银质折 叶,由 J. S. Henry 设计

Ref No 1970: Art Nouveau, Knauss Upright Piano with a Mahogany Case, Carved with Flowers and Tendrils 参考编号 1970:这是一架艺术 外壳的 Knauss 诺恩斯立式钢 琴,外壳为桃花心木,雕刻有 精美的花朵和植物茎叶

Ref No 415: A 1910, Allison exhibition upright piano with a polished, mahogany case and elaborate bronze mountings. Art nouveau style music stand 参考编号 415:艾立信(Allison)展会立式钢 琴,产于1910年,抛光桃花心木外壳,精美的 青铜配饰,新艺术派风格琴谱架



Ref No 1066: An 1880, Debain et Cie upright piano with an ebonised case. Intricately inlaid with ivory. Case covered with brass ormulu mounts. Instrument restored 参考编号 1066:迪本 (Debain et Cie)立式钢 琴,产于1880年,这是一架极 具法国皇室特色的艺术钢琴, 黑色外壳上镶嵌有纷繁的象牙 雕刻,绘有埃及风格图案外壳 上配有青铜的配饰,华丽的踏 板与烛台都极具洛可可风格。 钢琴已翻新。

Ref No 826: Otto upright piano beautifully handpainted in Adams style with swags and urns 参考编号 826:奥特(Otto) 立式钢琴,琴壳有亚当斯风格 手绘缀饰与水壶

Ref No 1396: A rare, Morley upright grand piano with a polished, mahogany case and gate legs 参考编号 1396:莫利 (Morley)立式钢琴,拥有非 常罕见的三角钢琴骨架,抛光 桃花心木外壳,门形琴腿

28 | Besbrode Pianos

QUALITY BRANDED, EUROPEAN ANTIQUE AND MODERN GRAND PIANOS 著名欧洲品牌的古董与现 代三角钢琴 Steinway Steinway & Sons was founded in 1853 by German immigrant Henry Engelhard Steinway. Over the next thirty years, Henry and his four sons developed the modern piano. They built their pianos one at a time, applying skills that were handed down from master to apprentice, generation after generation. Today, Steinway still build their pianos this way. Each Steinway grand piano takes nearly a year to create. Nothing is hurried. Even the carefully selected woods employed in the rims, tops, soundboards, and actions cure for months in Steinway’s own yard, kilns and

conditioning rooms, until they stabilise at a rigidly specified moisture content. Steinway is dedicated to the ideal of making the finest pianos in the world. The result is instruments renowned for their unsurpassed quality. Pianos with such superior sound and responsive touch that they enchant the most demanding pianists.

1853年,德国移民亨利·恩 格尔哈特·施坦威( Henry Engelhard Steinway)在纽 约曼哈顿Varick街的一个小阁 楼里成立了Steinway & Sons 施坦威公司。在接下来的30 年里,亨利和他的儿子们, 即西奥多(C. F. Theodore) 、查尔斯(Charles)、 小亨利(Henry Jr.)、威廉 姆(William)和艾尔伯特 (Albert)一起揭开了现代钢 琴制造业的新篇章。他们运用 代代相传的手工技艺,一架一 架地制造钢琴。 比方说,制造一架施坦威三角 钢琴需要将近一年的时间,从 不仓促行事。时至今日,他们 依然采用这种方式制造钢琴。 即使是经过精心挑选用来制作 琴壳、琴盖、音板和击弦机的

木材,也要在专门的木材场、 干燥室和控温室里置放数年, 才能使湿度稳定保持在严格规 定的水平上。

Below are examples of Steinway piano models Besbrode Pianos can supply to you. Simply contact us with your requirements. Please note all Steinway parts are used in our restoration. 以下是Besbrode琴行所能为 您提供的钢琴型号,如果您有 任何需求,请及时与我们联 系。注:由于区域代理限制, 我们所为您提供的钢琴全部是 由欧洲最顶尖翻新技术翻新过 的二手钢琴。

The following options are available for all Models of Steinway Pianos.Available Finishes: Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut, Black 琴壳:红木,桃花心木,胡桃木, 黑色

Available Leg Styles: Elephant leg, Square leg 琴腿:象腿型琴腿,方形琴腿

Ref No 1604: An 1870, Steinway concert grand piano with a rosewood case. This Steinway concert grand piano has a new soundboard, bridges and wrestplank. Work carried out by Steinway, Hamburg 参考编号:1604 这是一架华丽的施坦威(Steinway)音乐会三角钢琴,红 木外壳,巨大的圆柱琴腿。这架钢琴拥有全新的音板,琴 桥和扣弦版。翻新工作由德国汉堡施坦威公司完成。 Besbrode琴行


Steinway Model A Dimensions: Length: 186cm

Steinway Model A

Ref No 1937: A rebuilt, 1925, Steinway Model A grand piano with a black case and spade legs


参考编号 1937:施坦威(Steinway)型号 A 三角钢琴, 产 于1925年,黑色外壳,方形琴腿

ef No 1888: A restored, 1900, Steinway Model A grand piano with an inlaid, rosewood case. 参考编号 1888:施坦威 (Steinway)型号 A 三 角钢琴(已翻新),产于 1900年,镶嵌红木外壳

Ref No 1959: An, 1899 Steinway Model A grand piano with a stunning burr walnut case, elegant filigree music desk and elephant legs. 参考编号 1959:施坦威 (Steinway)型号 A 三 角钢琴,产于1899年, 精美的伯尔胡桃木外 壳,圆柱琴腿 30 | Besbrode Pianos

Steinway Model B Dimensions: Length: 210cm

Ref No 1969: An antique, Steinway Model A grand piano with a fiddleback mahogany case and turned, fluted legs with carved, acanthus detail.

Steinway Model B 长度:210cm

参考编号 1969:施坦威(Steinway)型号 A 三角钢琴, 产于1898年,桃花心木外壳,圆形琴腿配以叶形的雕刻

Ref No 2026: A 1901, Steinway Model A grand piano with a satin, black case and spade legs. 参考编号 2026:施坦威 (Steinway)型号 A 三 角钢琴,产于1901年,缎 木与黑色外壳,方形琴腿

Ref No 1863: A rebuilt, 1914 Steinway Model B grand piano with a black case. 参考编号 1863:施坦威 (Steinway)型号 B 三角 钢琴(已翻新),产于1914 年,黑色外壳,方形琴腿 Besbrode琴行


Steinway Model B Dimensions: Length: 210cm

Steinway Model B

Ref No 1499: An 1889, Steinway Model B grand piano with a polished, rosewood case and elephant legs.


参考编号 1499:施坦威(Steinway)型号 B 三角钢琴, 产于1889年,抛光红木外壳,圆柱琴腿

Ref No 1993: A 1900, Steinway Model B grand piano with a satinwood case with boxwood stringing detail. 参考编号 1993:施坦威 (Steinway)型号 B 三 角钢琴,产于1900年,缎 木外壳,黄杨木镶嵌

Ref No 1587: An 1898, Steinway Model B grand piano with an exquisite rosewood case and elephant legs. 参考编号 1587:施坦 威(Steinway)型号 B 三角钢琴,产于1898 年,抛光红木外壳,圆 柱琴腿

32 | Besbrode Pianos

Steinway Model C

Steinway Model D

Dimensions: Length: 228cm

Dimensions: Length: 274cm

Steinway Model C

Steinway Model D

Ref No 1961: An 1882, Steinway Model C grand piano with a black case and turned, fluted legs. This piano belonged to Russian Princess Olga Romanov from the House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov. The piano was originally delivered to the Russian embassy in Finland.

Ref No 1648: A Steinway Model D concert grand piano with a black case. This beautiful instrument is the preferred choice of the world’s greatest pianists.


参考编号 1961:施坦威(Steinway)型号 C 三角钢 琴,产于1882年,黑色外壳,圆形琴腿,这架钢琴曾经 属于沙皇俄国的公主 Olga Romanov,钢琴来自名叫 Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov 的宅邸,钢琴曾经自芬兰 送至沙皇俄国


参考编号 1648:施坦威(Steinway)型号 D 音乐会三角 钢琴,黑色外壳,全世界钢琴家的首选



Steinway Model O Dimensions: Length: 180cm

Steinway Model O 长度:180cm

Ref No 1741: A 1921, Steinway Model O grand piano with a rosewood case and spade legs

Ref No 2032: A 1905, Steinway Model O grand piano with an ebonised case and carved, turned legs

参考编号 1741:施坦威(Steinway)型号 O 三角钢琴( 已翻新),产于1921年,红木外壳,镂空琴谱架

参考编号 2032:施坦威(Steinway)型号 O 三角钢琴, 产于1905年,黑色外壳,圆形琴腿配以叶形的雕刻

Ref No 1824: A 1910, Steinway Model O baby grand piano with a black case and spade legs

Ref No 2011: A 1907, Steinway Model O grand piano with a mahogany case and spade legs

参考编号 1824:施坦威(Steinway)型号 O 三角钢琴, 产于1910年,黑色外壳,方形琴腿

参考编号 2011:施坦威(Steinway)型号 O 三角钢琴, 产于1907年,桃花心木外壳,方形琴腿

34 | Besbrode Pianos

Steinway Model S Dimensions: Length: 158cm

Steinway Model S 长度:158cm Ref No 2036: A 1928, Steinway Model O grand piano with a black case and spade legs

Ref No 1960: A stunning, Crown Jewels Steinway Model S baby grand piano with a yew case and spade legs

参考编号 2036:施坦威(Steinway)型号 O 三角钢琴, 产于1928年,黑色外壳,方形琴腿

参考编号 1960:施坦威(Steinway)型号 S 三角钢琴, 产于1994年,紫衫木外壳,方形琴腿

Ref No 2015: A 1938, Steinway Model S baby grand piano with a black case and spade legs 参考编号 2015:施坦威(Steinway)型号 S 三角钢琴, 产于1938年,黑色外壳,方形琴腿



QUALITY BRANDED, EUROPEAN ANTIQUE AND MODERN GRAND PIANOS 著名欧洲品牌的古董与现 代三角钢琴 Bechstein In 1853, Carl Bechstein opened a factory in Berlin and developed the C. Bechstein principle of sound and technique. Bechstein instruments are distinguished by eminent freshness and freedom of tone, pleasantness of touch and balance of various registers and can resist even

the strongest treatment. Piano making is an extremely complex art, if it is to ensure the best results. Bechstein are concerned with the best materials, best workmanship, and above all the smallest details of know-how. Bechstein are concerned about precision and implementing piano-

research results. Each instrument is individually prepared by master piano makers. 1853年,Carl Bechstein在柏 林开设了一家工厂,并从此开 始了贝西斯坦钢琴的制作。贝 西斯坦钢琴因其自由的音色, 完美的触感而独树一帜。

术,为了制造出最好的钢琴, 贝西斯坦从选材到加工中的每 一个细节都十分注重。贝西斯 坦钢琴在表现力方面也是精细 到了极致。每一台钢琴都是一 位钢琴制造大师独一无二的艺 术作品。


Below are examples of Bechstein piano models Besbrode Pianos can supply to you. Simply contact us with your requirements. 以下是Besbrode琴行所能为您提供的钢琴型号,如果您有任何 需求,请及时与我们联系。注:由于区域代理限制,我们所为您 提供的钢琴全部是由欧洲最顶尖翻新技术翻新过的二手钢琴。 The following styling options are available for all models of Bechstein grand piano. Available Finishes: Black, Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut 琴壳:红木,桃花心木,胡桃木, 黑色

Available Leg Styles: Turned Leg, Square Leg, Gate Leg 琴腿:方形琴腿,古典型琴腿,门型琴腿

Bechstein Model A Dimensions: Length: 185cm

Bechstein Model A 长度:185cm

Ref No 1684: A restored, 1911, Bechstein Model A grand piano with a polished, black case and turned legs 参考编号 1684:贝西斯坦(Bechstein)型号 A 三角钢 琴(已翻新),产于1911年,黑色外壳,圆形琴腿 36 | Besbrode Pianos

Bechstein Model B Dimensions: Length: 204cm

Bechstein Model B 长度:204cm

Ref No 2000: A 1903, Bechstein Model A grand piano with a black, satin case and turned legs

Ref No 1814: A restored, 1893, Bechstein Model A grand piano with a polished, mahogany case and gate legs.

参考编号 2000:贝西 斯坦(Bechstein) 型号 A 三角钢琴,产 于1903年,缎木黑色 外壳,圆形琴腿

参考编号 1814:贝西斯 坦(Bechstein)型号 A 三角钢琴,产于1893 年,高亮抛光桃花心木外 壳,门形琴腿 Ref No 1645: A restored, 1893, Bechstein Model B grand piano with an inlaid, mahogany case and gate legs 参考编号 1645:贝西斯坦(Bechstein)型号 B 三角钢琴(已翻 新),产于1893年,桃花心木外壳,门形琴腿



Bechstein Model B

Bechstein Model C

Dimensions: Length: 204cm

Dimensions: Length: 222cm

Bechstein Model B

Bechstein Model C



Ref No 1981: A restored, 1908, Bechstein Model B Grand Piano For Sale with a Rosewood Case, Cut Out Music Desk in a Sunset Design and Turned Legs 参考编号 1981:贝西斯坦(Bechstein)型号 B 三角钢琴 (已翻新),产于1908年,红木外壳,镂空雕刻琴谱架, 圆形琴腿

Ref No 1789: An 1888, Bechstein Model C grand piano with an exquisite, burr walnut case and Turned Legs 参考编号 1789:贝西斯坦(Bechstein)型号 C 三角钢 琴,产于1888年,精美的伯尔胡桃木外壳,圆形琴腿

Ref No 2046: An 1897, Bechstein Model B Grand Piano For Sale with a Mahogany Case with Stringing Inlay. Piano Formerly Belonged to British Music Hall Singer Ronnie Ronalde. Ronnie Ronalde (born Ronald Charles Waldron, 1923, London) is a British music hall singer and siffleur. Ronalde is famous for his voice, whistling, yodelling, imitations of bird song and stage personality. 参考编号 2046:贝西斯坦(Bechstein)型号 B 三角钢琴,桃 花心木外壳,产于1897年,纹理镶嵌。钢琴曾经属于英国音乐 厅歌手 Singer Ronnie Ronalde(出生于1923年,曾叫 Ronald Charles Waldron),Ronald也是一名吹哨手,因其独特的声 音、哨音、真假嗓音,模仿鸟鸣和舞台魅力红极一时 38 | Besbrode Pianos

Bechstein Model V

Bechstein Model D Dimensions: Length: 240cm

Dimensions: Length: 200cm

Bechstein Model D

Bechstein Model V 长度:200cm


Ref No 1744: A 1912, Bechstein Model D grand piano with a polished, mahogany case and gate legs. 参考编号 1744:贝西 斯坦(Bechstein) 型号 D 三角钢琴( 已翻新),产于1912 年,桃花心木外壳, 门形琴腿

Ref No 1756: An 1885, Bechstein Model D grand piano with a polished, rosewood case and turned legs 参考编号 1756:贝西斯 坦(Bechstein)型号 D 三角钢琴,产于1885 年,红木外壳,圆形琴腿

Ref No 1700: An 1888, Bechstein Model V grand piano with a polished, burr walnut case and turned legs 参考编号 1700:贝西斯坦 (Bechstein)型号 V 三角 钢琴,产于1888年,精美的 伯尔胡桃木外壳,圆形琴腿

Ref No 1835: An antique, Bechstein Model V grand piano with a polished, black case, filigree music desk and turned legs 参考编号 1835:贝西斯坦 (Bechstein)型号 V 三角 钢琴(已翻新),产于1896 年,黑色外壳,雕花琴谱 架,圆形琴腿



QUALITY BRANDED, EUROPEAN ANTIQUE AND MODERN GRAND PIANOS 著名欧洲品牌的古董与现 代三角钢琴 Bluthner Julius Blüthner started piano production in 1853 in Leipzig, Germany. Historically Bluthner were appointed as official suppliers to the royal court of many European countries including German Kaiser, Queen Victoria and the Russian Tsar. The

beautiful tonal character of their instruments and the excellence of their handcrafted manufacturing, makes Blüthner one of the top master piano makers in the world.

1853年,Julius Blüthner在德 国莱比锡开始了他的钢琴制造 产业,历史上,博兰斯勒钢琴 是许多欧洲皇家宫的首选,如 罗马帝国皇帝凯撒,英国女王 维多利亚,俄国沙皇等。博兰 斯勒钢琴因其优美的音色和精 湛的手工制作工艺使其成为世 界上最顶尖的钢琴之一。

Below are examples of Blüthner piano models Besbrode Pianos can supply to you. Simply contact us with your requirements. 以下是Besbrode琴行所能为您提供的钢琴型号,如果您有任何 需求,请及时与我们联系。注:由于区域代理限制,我们所为您 提供的钢琴全部是由欧洲最顶尖翻新技术翻新过的二手钢琴。 The following styling options are available for all models of Blüthner piano. Available Finishes: Black, Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut 琴壳:黑色,红木,桃花心木,胡桃木

Bluthner Model 6 Dimensions: Length: 191m

Bluthner Model 6 长度:191cm

Ref No 1976: An 1892, Bluthner Model 6 grand piano with a black case and square, tapered legs 参考编号 1976:博兰斯勒(Bluthner)三角钢琴,产于 1892年,黑色外壳,方形琴腿 40 | Besbrode Pianos

Ref No 1541: An 1895, Bluthner model 6 grand piano with a black case, ornate music desk and turned legs 参考编号 1541:博兰斯勒(Bluthner)三角钢琴,产于 1895年,黑色外壳,圆形琴腿

Ref No 1825: An 1931, Bluthner model 10 grand piano with a black case, slatted music desk and square, tapered legs 参考编号 1825:博兰斯勒(Bluthner)三角钢琴,产于 1931年,黑色外壳,方形琴腿




The Bösendorfer piano company was established in 1828, when Ignaz Bösendorfer registered his business as a piano maker in Vienna. Bösendorfer set about (constantly) improving its handmade pianos. The primary aspiration was to retain the character of the Viennese instrument, which is oriented toward a mellow string sound with increased volume. At the close of the 19th century, Bösendorfer pianos were built for the imperial court, for Empress Elisabeth, the emperor of Japan and the czar of Russia. Bösendorfers are still painstakingly created in Austria today using many of the extraordinary designs and same handcrafted techniques developed by its founders.

贝森朵夫钢琴公司于1828年由Ignaz Bösendorfer在维也纳成 立。贝森朵夫钢琴一直秉承着维也纳乐器制造业的优良传统,坚 持提高其手工制作工艺,其钢琴因醇厚的音色而享誉世界。在18 世纪末,贝森朵夫钢琴一直是宫廷乐队的首选,如当时的伊丽莎 白女王,日本天王和俄国沙皇。 现如今,在奥地利,贝森朵夫仍旧毅然坚持着用其无与伦比的设 计理念和传承于其创始人的手工制作工艺在钢琴制造行业占据着 举足轻重的地位。 Below are examples of Bösendorfer pianos Besbrode Pianos can supply to you. Simply contact us with your requirements. 以下是Besbrode琴行所能为您提供的钢琴型号,如果您有任何 需求,请及时与我们联系。注:由于区域代理限制,我们所为您 提供的钢琴全部是由欧洲最顶尖翻新技术翻新过的二手钢琴

Ref No 2043: A 1935, Bosendorfer grand piano with a polished, black case and tapered, square legs

Ref No 1833: A 1936, Bosendorfer baby grand piano with a polished, black case and tapered, square legs

参考编号 2043:贝森朵夫(Bosendorfer)三角钢琴,产 于1935年,抛光黑色外壳,板条琴谱架,锥形方琴腿

参考编号 1833:贝森朵夫(Bosendorfer)三角钢琴(已 翻新),产于1936年,黑色外壳,方形琴腿

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Broadwood and Sons is an English piano manufacturer, founded in 1728 by Burkat Shudi and continued after his death in 1773 by John Broadwood. Broadwood, a Scottish cabinetmaker, came to London in 1761 and began to work for the Swiss harpsichord manufacturer Burkat Shudi. He married Shudi’s daughter and became a partner in the firm in 1770. As the popularity of the harpsichord declined, the firm concentrated increasingly on the manufacture of pianos. Broadwood produced his first square piano in 1771 and extended the range of his grand piano beyond five octaves and again to six full octaves in 1794. The improved instruments became popular with musicians such as Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Frédéric Chopin.


布罗德伍德钢琴是一家由Burkat Shudi和John Broadwood共 同成立的英国钢琴生产商,成 立于1728年。1761年一个细工 木匠来到伦敦为Shudi制造瑞士 羽管琴,之后他取了Shudi的女 儿为妻并且在1770年成为了公 司的合伙人。随着羽管琴知名 度的下降,公司开始增加钢琴 的产量。Broadwood于1771 年制造出了他的第一台方形钢 琴,1794年他制作的钢琴,音 域由5个八度提高到了6个,改 良后的钢琴为当时的各种名家, 如海顿,贝多芬,肖邦所青睐。 Below are examples of Broadwood pianos Besbrode Pianos can supply to you. Simply contact us with your requirements. 以下是Besbrode琴行所能为您 提供的钢琴型号,如果您有任何 需求,请及时与我们联系。注: 由于区域代理限制,我们所为您 提供的钢琴全部是由欧洲最顶尖 翻新技术翻新过的二手钢琴。

Below are examples of pianos by quality, English makers that Besbrode Pianos can supply to you. Simply contact us with your requirements. Other makers to look out for are Allison, Bentley, Challen, Chappell, Eavestaff, Hopkinson, Kemble, Knight, Rogers and Squire. 以下是我们可以为您提供的英国制造商所生产的钢琴,如果您想 了解更多,请直接与我们联系 我们也提供一些其他品牌,如艾立信(Allison),本特利 (Bentley),查伦(Challen),夏贝尔(Chappell), 伊夫斯塔夫(Eavestaff),霍普金森(Hopkinson),肯博 (Kemble),骑士(Knight),罗吉斯(Rogers),斯奎尔 (Squire)

Ref No 1886: An 1899, Broadwood grand piano with a polished, rosewood case, turned legs and elegant, filigree music desk.

Ref No 2041: An Art Deco style, Strohmenger baby grand piano with a walnut case. Piano Legs and lyre feature strong geometric styling

参考编号 1833:布洛德伍德(Broadwood)三角钢琴, 产于1899年,红木外壳,圆形琴腿,雕花琴谱架

参考编号 1833:司卓曼歌(Strohmenger)三角钢琴, 胡桃木外壳,艺术装饰风格,琴腿拥有非常精美的纹理 Besbrode琴行



Ref No 1990: Antique, restored, 1894, Steinweg Nachf upright piano with a burr walnut case and floral inlaid panel. Cabinet features ornate brass candlesticks. 参考编号 1990:施坦威(Steinway)Nachf 立 式古董钢琴(已翻新),产于1894年,伯尔胡桃 木外壳,华丽镶嵌图案,精美黄铜烛台

Ref No 2003: A 1912, Bechstein Model III upright piano with a rosewood case and floral inlaid panels in an Art Nouveau style 参考编号 2003:贝西斯坦(Bechstein)型号 III 立式钢琴,产于1912年,红木外壳,新艺术派 风格的精美镶嵌图案

Ref No 2034: An 1884, Challen upright piano with a black case. Cabinet features spindles and floral decoration on panels 参考编号 2034:查伦(Challen)立式钢 琴,产于1884年,黑色外壳,镶嵌有纺锤 与茎叶状装饰

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Ref No 2002: Antique, Clementi pianoforte with an inlaid, rosewood case and brass ormolu detail. Cabinet features pleated fabric panel 参考编号 2002:克莱门蒂 (Clementi)古董钢琴,镶嵌 红木外壳,黄铜烛台,琴壳有 褶皱织布镶嵌版

Ref No 961: An 1874, Collard & Collard upright piano in french polished rosewood. Genuine antique period piano with a “Piano Disc” Quiet Time GT-2 system fitted 参考编号 961:科勒&科勒(Collard & Collard)立 式古董钢琴,产于1874年,法国抛光红木外壳,装 有“Piano Disc”静音自动演奏系统

Ref No 2027: An art cased, Ehret upright piano with an ornately carved, rosewood and walnut case. Cabinet features carved heads on piano cheeks and brass candlesticks 参考编号 2027:艾瑞特(Ehret)艺术外壳立式古董 钢琴,精美雕刻红木与胡桃木外壳,黄铜烛台,钢琴 侧面雕刻有人物头像



Ref No 1840: A restored, antique, Glass upright piano with an ornate, walnut case and carved detail 参考编号 1840:格拉斯(Glass)立式古董钢琴(已翻 新),精美胡桃木雕花外壳

Ref No 1977: An 1845, Hopkinson upright piano with a burr walnut case. Cabinet features ornate fretwork panels and carved, cabriole legs with scroll feet. A wonderful piece of antique furniture 参考编号 1977:霍普金森(Hopkinson)立 式古董钢琴,产于1845年,胡桃木外壳,华 丽的浮雕细工面板,琴腿与圆形琴腿均由精 美的雕刻,值得收藏的古董家具

Ref No 1997: A 1900, Steingraeber upright piano with an ornately carved, walnut case. Piano features ornately carved pilasters, legs and panels 参考编号 1997:施坦葛瑞伯(Steingraeber) 立式古董钢琴,精美雕刻胡桃木外壳,琴腿立柱 与琴身均有精美雕刻

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This catalogue shows examples of pianos we stock in our UK showrooms. The pianos illustrated were built to the highest standards by leading piano manufacturers during the height of European piano making. After buying and selling pianos for 33 years, we have gathered many contacts within the UK and internationally. We are able to supply pianos by these leading brands in any model shown on request. Simply contact us with your requirements.

这本手册展示了我们琴行在英国展厅所陈列的钢琴, 这些钢琴都是由欧洲最著名的钢琴制造商所生产, 在过往的三十三年间,我们的声誉受到了国际的认可,我们可以 为您提供这本手册上所展示的任何钢琴。欢迎您的任何要求,期 待您的联络。 +44 (0)113 2448344 +44 (0)113 2448344 Unit A, Holbeck New Mills, Braithwaite Street, Leeds, LS119XE 关注我们的微博: Unit A, Hobeck New Mills, Braithwaite Street, Leeds, LS119XE Weibo: Facebook: Twitter: 关注我们的 Facebook: 关注我们的Twitter: 关注我们的YouTube:




BESBRODE PIANOS BESBRODE 琴行 Specialist Antique and Art Cased Piano Dealer and Wholesaler

独一无二的欧洲钢琴 施坦威古董艺术品钢琴

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