Gill & Macmillan Autumn-Winter 2014

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homegrown ideas

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autumn 2014

N e w B oo k s C alen d ar

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Francis Brennan

catalogue o f ne w boo k s

September It’s the Little Things

978 0 7171 6365 6

Paddy Machiavelli

978 0 7171 5810 2

The Nation’s Favourite Food Fast!

978 0 7171 6220 8


978 0 7171 6229 1

Food for the Fast Lane

978 0 7171 6288 8

Bake Like an Italian

978 0 7171 6463 9

Forgotten Beauty

978 0 7171 5779 2

Tony Ryan

978 0 7171 6552 0

The Guarding of Ireland

978 0 7171 5936 9

Keeping Hope

978 0 7171 6353 3


978 0 7171 4771 7

John Drennan Neven Maguire Domini Kemp

Derval O’ Rourke Catherine Fulvio Brian Lalor

Richard Aldous

Conor Brady

Michel Quoist

John McKenna

OCTOBER Love Your Home

978 0 7171 6448 6

The Glorious Madness

978 0 7171 6234 5

Turtle Bunbury

Conduct Unbecoming

978 0 7171 6226 0

Desmond O’Malley

Medium Sized Town, Fairly Big Story

978 0 7171 6201 7

Ronan Casey

A Simply Delicious Christmas

978 0 7171 5964 2

Darina Allen

ICA Book of Tea and Company

978 0 7171 6397 7

The Irish Countrywomen’s Association

Dancehall Days

978 0 7171 6460 8

After the Titanic

978 0 7171 6441 7

Stephen Enniss

Lugs Branigan

978 0 7171 5939 0

Kevin Kearns

The Meaning of Life 2

978 0 7171 6492 9

Gay Byrne

The Money Doctor 2015

978 0 7171 6231 4

The Christmas Story

978 0 7171 5859 1

Overheard in Dublin (#LOL)

978 0 7171 6435 6

Hugh Lane Diary

978 0 7171 65711

Dermot Bannon

Michael O’Reilly

John Lowe

• • •

Gerard Kelly

Here is our autumn harvest of homegrown ideas. 25 books of every variety, shape and size – all lovingly produced. Every book starts as an idea, a seed which is nurtured by its author into something wonderful. We hope you’ll agree there are many wonderful gems in this season’s bounty. Highlights include: National treasure FRANCIS BRENNAN’s debut, It’s the Little Things in which he shares with us his philosophy for living. Champion athlete DERVAL O’ROURKE’s Food for the Fast Lane in which she explains the undeniable and powerful link between nourishment and performance. And DESMOND O’MALLEY’s memoir, Conduct Unbecoming – a rare political memoir that is eloquent, honest and deeply thoughtful. Along with the authors, we work with many creative people whose love, patience and care have helped each book come to life. So thank you to all the editors, photographers, stylists, proof-readers, indexers, printers and designers who continue to inspire us. If you’d like to work with us, drop us a line at And don’t forget, the third series of Finishing School. We’ve been overwhelmed by how much you love these evenings of enlightenment, so keep in touch with us online where we’ll be announcing the lineup very soon. Follow us on Until then, we hope there’s something this season you’ll love.





208 PP

224 PP

247 x 189 MM

240 x 170 MM



978 0 7171 6448 6

978 0 7171 6365 6

€22.99 / £19.99

€14.99 / £12.99

Love Your Home

It’s the Little Things

Dermot Bannon

Francis Brennan

au t h o r

Dermot Bannon is the leading voice in modern Irish architectural design. He has hosted the RTÉ TV series ‘Room to Improve’ for eight seasons, and has helped transform the homes and lives of hundreds of clients. He lives in Drumcondra with his wife and three children.

Au t h o r

M a k e t h e mo s t o f yo u r hom e w i t h t h e h e l p o f I r e l a n d ’ s favo u r i t e a r c h i t e c t

Whether you’re moving house or trying to make the most of the space you’ve got, let Ireland’s favourite architect give you a helping hand. Here he shares his practical solutions and insider tips so you can avoid expensive mistakes, improve your house and love your home. Dermot Bannon is passionate about good design. He knows it can change your life. Taking you through each room in the house, he shows how lighting, functionality, proportions and connectivity can improve your living space so your home can become your haven.

Francis Brennan is the co-owner of the five-star Park Hotel Kenmare, Co. Kerry. Together with his brother John he has been showing hospitality businesses how to thrive as part of the RTÉ series ‘At Your Service’ since 2008.

Th e i n i m i ta b l e F r a n c i s B r e n n a n s h a r e s h i s p h i lo s o p hy fo r l i f e

Francis Brennan believes it’s the little things in life that count the most. And by following this philosophy, he has built an extremely successful business and a very happy life. With his signature charm and wit, Frances gives you his code for living – which includes the correct way to position a toilet roll and the direction your pillowcase should face! Full of fun and personal memories, Francis will motivate you to pay attention to the small things that make a big difference. ‘You get the feeling that if he ever called over to your house you’d have a totally delightful evening drinking tea with him, and although he might rearrange the cushions on your sofa and criticise your choice of hand soap, he’d do it so nicely you’d end up offering him all the fancy biscuits.’



H i s t o ry

B i o gr a p h y



352 PP

256 PP

234 x 156 MM

234 x 156 MM



978 0 7171 6234 5

978 0 7171 6226 0

€29.99 / £26.99

€24.99 / £22.99

The Glorious Madness

Conduct Unbecoming

Turtle Bunbury

Desmond O’Malley


The co-author of the best-selling Vanishing Ireland series and voice of Newstalk’s ‘Hidden History’, Turtle Bunbury is one of Ireland’s most popular historians. He lives in Tullow, Co. Carlow with his wife and children.

Au t h o r

F r om t r a g i c g e n e r a l s t o n u n s o n t h e r u n – t h e e xt r a o r d i n a r y s t o r i e s o f t h e I r i s h f r om t h e f r o n t l i n e s

Based on first-hand accounts of the First World War, The Glorious Madness brings to life the hopes, fears and ambitions that defined Ireland’s lost generation. From the dramatic story of the nuns of Ypres and their escape to Ireland to found Kylemore Abbey, to the multiple-escapist who became the one-legged nemesis of Michael Collins, and the five tragic, rugby-loving pals from the same Dublin team massacred at Gallipoli, these stories are by turns poignant, whimsical and touching. This is history as it should be – free-wheeling and finely tuned to the rhythms of the human heart.


Desmond O’Malley was born in Limerick in 1939. He served as a Fianna Fáil TD between 1969 and 1985, during which time he occupied three ministerial positions and served as government chief whip. He departed Fianna Fáil to found the Progressive Democrats, a party he led until 1993. He retired from politics in 2002.

A R a r e Pol i t i ca l M e mo i r F r om a K e y Pol i t i ca l F i g u r e o f t h e l a s t 5 0 y e a r s

Desmond O’Malley leapt to prominence in 1970 as Jack Lynch’s young and fiercely principled Minister for Justice. He will be best remembered for his role in the Arms Crisis, a role that earned him the enduring enmity of Charles Haughey, and for founding the Progressive Democrats. Candid, combative and entertaining, Conduct Unbecoming is a compelling account of an extraordinary career.


C u rr e n t A f f a i r s




224 PP

240 PP

234 x 156 MM

197 x 129 MM



978 0 7171 5810 2

978 0 7171 6201 7

€16.99 / £14.99

€10.99 / £9.99

Paddy Machiavelli

Medium Sized Town, Fairly Big Story

John Drennan Au t h o r

John Drennan is a Sunday Independent political columnist, occasional broadcast pundit and the author of two books on Irish political life, Cute Hoors and Pious Protestors and Standing by the Republic: 50 Dáil Debates That Shaped the Republic.

Ronan Casey AU T H OR

Th e g ood, t h e b a d a n d t h e c y n i ca l – how t o g e t a h e a d i n I r i s h p ol i t i c s

It’s been 500 years since Niccolò Machiavelli wrote The Prince, but as this tongue-in-cheek look at Irish political life makes only too clear, the gap between the Renaissance palazzo and the parish pump is a narrow one indeed. In fact, observe the Irish body politic for long enough and the lines between the Florentine’s faceless hero and our own Dáil aristocrats begin to blur ever so slightly. In this wildly entertaining book, celebrated Sunday Independent columnist John Drennan is at his best.

Ronan Casey brings the most ludicrous stories from Ireland’s local newspapers to air every Friday morning on TV3’s ‘Ireland AM’. As a journalist he has written for many national and local newspapers and currently works for The Topic group. He is the author of a critically acclaimed, bestselling biography of the late Joe Dolan. He lives in Mullingar with his wife and two children.

O n ly i n I r e l a n d – t h e f u n n i e s t, w i ld e s t a n d mo s t a b s u r d s t o r i e s f r om yo u r lo ca l n e ws pa p e r s

For anyone with a sense of humour and a taste for the absurd, here are the stories from the length and breadth of the country that make it big in the local newspapers … and nowhere else. Read all about the dogs in Mountmellick forced to wear nappies, the Kerry boat builder who travelled 23 minutes back in time, the pub thieves who escaped through Limerick prison, the Corkman whose most treasured possession is his bucket from the Pope’s 1979 visit, and many, many more.

‘Drennan’s storytelling style is stage Irish, and like a culchie Cicero, he laces his brilliance with bile. It is the politics of Paddy and in the tradition of Hall’s Pictorial Weekly via Craggy Island’, The Sunday Times.

This book is a window on the real soul of Ireland, a snapshot of the way we were, the way we are and, hopefully, the way we’ll always be.



‘Open this book on any page and you’ll smile. This book will sit proudly in my toilet for many years to come’, Hector Ó hEochagáin

C o o k e ry

C o o k e ry



272 PP

352 PP

247 x 189 MM

247 x 189 MM



978 0 7171 6220 8

978 0 7171 5964 2

€22.99 / £19.99

€27.99 / £24.99

The Nation’s Favourite Food Fast!

A Simply Delicious Christmas

Neven Maguire

Darina Allen

Au t h o r

Neven Maguire is Ireland’s best-loved, most trusted chef. After training at some of the highest-profile restaurants in the world he took over the family business, MacNean House and Restaurant, turning a local establishment into a national phenomenon. Among his bestselling, highly acclaimed cookbooks are The MacNean Restaurant Cookbook and The Nation’s Favourite Food. He lives in Blacklion, Co. Cavan with his wife Amelda and their twins Connor and Lucia.

Au t h o r

N e v e n i s b a c k t o s h a r e w i t h yo u h i s u lt i m at e fa s t a n d e a sy fa m i ly r e c i p e s

Neven Maguire’s hugely popular book The Nation’s Favourite Food gave us his 100 favourite dishes that the people of Ireland love to cook. Now Neven is back with his top 100 recipes for when time is tight. Every recipe in this book is devised to fit in with your busy life. These are the recipes that Neven turns to when he and his family are tired and hungry and want to eat … now! So get ready to enjoy a cookbook that’s designed around your schedule – leaving you time to relax at last.


Darina Allen is Ireland’s best-known food ambassador and runs the world-renowned cookery school at Ballymaloe in Co. Cork. She is tireless in her promotion of local Irish produce and has won many awards including for her outstanding contribution to the Irish culinary sector. Her latest book, 30 Years at Ballymaloe, won Cookbook of the Year at the Irish Book Awards.

Th e q u e e n o f I r i s h c oo k i n g r e v i s e s a Ch r i s t m a s c l a s s i c fo r t h e mod e r n pa l e t t e

It is 25 years since A Simply Delicious Christmas was first published in 1989 to accompany Darina Allen’s hugely popular RTÉ television series. Since then it has gone on to sell over 100,000 copies and continues to be used every year in homes all over the country. In this beautiful new 25th-anniversary edition you will find photographs to accompany many of the recipes, classics just as you remember them, updates to a number of the dishes and the addition of many new recipes that have since become favourites at Ballymaloe.


C o o k e ry

C o o k e ry / F i t n e s s



324 PP

224 PP

277 x 219 MM

230 x 189 MM


paperBACK and ebook

978 0 7171 6229 1

978 0 7171 6288 8

€24.99 / £22.99

€22.99 / £19.99

Dinner Domini Kemp

Food for the Fast Lane

Au t h o r

Derval O’ Rourke

Domini Kemp’s food column appears weekly in the Irish Times Magazine and she has been hailed as ‘easily the best food writer in Ireland by The Sunday Times. She is the author of the bestselling itsa Cookbook and Domini at Home. After training as a chef at Leiths in London she opened the hugely popular itsa chain with her sister, Peaches. She lives in Sandymount with her husband and two children.

Au t h o r

Wh at ’ s fo r d i n n e r ? L e t D om i n i d e c i d e w i t h 1 6 6 r e c i p e s t o s olv e yo u r d a i ly d i n n e r d i l e mm a

Don’t you find dinner is the most troublesome meal of the day? If you know how it feels to arrive home tired and hungry, lacking inspiration for the evening meal, then this is the book for you. Consisting of the best of Domini’s dinner recipes from her popular Irish Times column, you’ll find an array of quick, easy and accessible recipes that will please everyone. With sections on meat, poultry, fish and a wide range of vegetarian recipes, this book has something for every diner and every dinner.


Derval O’ Rourke is one of Ireland’s greatest ever athletes. She has held the title of World Champion in sprint hurdles and competed for Ireland in three Olympic Games. Derval recently announced she was hanging up her spikes for good after 12 amazing years competing at the highest level in world athletics.

E at l i k e a n at hl e t e , p e r fo r m fo r yo u r l i f e

A healthy balanced diet helped Derval O’Rourke achieve her goals as a professional athlete. Here she shares the tasty and nutritious recipes that prove her theory: goodness in = greatness out. A food lover and fitness fanatic, Derval’s cookbook contains 100 recipes for main meals and snacks as well as nutritional advice, motivational encouragement and training tips to be used every day to power your body and mind – on and off the track.


G i f t / C o o k e ry

C o o k e ry



240 PP

272 PP

245 x 175 MM

247 x 189 MM


HARDBACK 978 0 7171 6463 9

978 0 7171 6397 7

€22.99 / £19.99

€22.99 / £19.99

Bake Like an Italian

The ICA Book of Tea and Company

Catherine Fulvio

The Irish Countrywomen’s Association au t h o r

The ICA was founded in May 1910 with the aim ‘to improve the standard of life in rural Ireland through education and co-operative effort’. Today the ICA has 700 local Guilds throughout Ireland. They continue to offer support and fun as well as opportunities to make friends, learn new skills and contribute to the wider community. The ICA Cookbook and The ICA Book of Home and Family were both bestsellers and shortlisted for an Irish Book Award.

Au t h o r

A u n i q u e m i x o f c oo k e r y a n d c om fo rt – i t ’ s l i k e a h u g i n a b oo k

Like the Angelus, teatime has long been a source of comfort to punctuate the day. It picks you up when things are down and warms you when a neighbour visits. It accompanies many precious moments with family and consoles in times of difficulty. Now the women of the ICA recreate those experiences in their fantastic new book by sharing their favourite recipes and reflections for every type of day. Enjoy their favourite recipes for homemade scones, cakes, biscuits and bread – together with much-loved lines from poetry, prayer, or simple sayings passed down the generations. Whether it’s a busy day, a quiet day, a difficult day or a day of celebration, a kind word and a cuppa always make it better.


Catherine Fulvio is the proprietor of the Ballyknocken House & Cookery School, Co Wicklow. Her previous books Catherine’s Italian Kitchen, Catherine’s Family Kitchen, Eat Like an Italian and The Weekend Chef were all bestsellers. Born and raised in Ireland and married to an Italian, Catherine’s books always reflect this match made in heaven by using easily accessible Irish ingredients assembled with Italian flair. Catherine is now a regular guest on BBC1’s ‘Saturday Kitchen’.

E n joy mo r e r e c i p e s fo r t h e g ood l i f e – a n d l e a r n t o b a k e t h e I ta l i a n way

Italian baking is famous the world over for its wonderful flavours. Whether you’re looking for something savoury or sweet, there’s something in Catherine’s fantastic new book to tickle your taste buds and make you feel like you’re on a Roman holiday. Catherine has gathered over 100 of the most popular Italian recipes to enable you to bake with style, so get out the mixing bowl and enjoy la dolce vita! Recipes include Pizza alla Siciliana, Honey and Apricot Whole Wheat Loaf, Hazelnut Chocolate Torte and Catherine’s Tiramisu Torte.


G i f t / P o e t ry

G i f t / P h o t o gr a p h y



224 PP

320 PP

235 x 235 MM

294 x 294 MM



978 0 7171 5779 2

978 0 7171 6460 8

€16.99 / £14.99

€29.99 / £26.99

Forgotten Beauty

Dancehall Days

Brian Lalor

Michael O’Reilly

Au t h o r

Au t h o r

Brian Lalor is a writer and print maker. He has edited two previous poetry selections for Gill & Macmillan and was the general editor of the Encyclopaedia of Ireland. He lives in Ballydehob, Co. Cork.

A s t u n n i n g b oo k t o g i v e , t o k e e p, t o t r e a s u r e fo r e v e r

Of all poetic themes, love is the most enduring. Spanning the twelfth to the twenty-first century, Forgotten Beauty includes love poems from Seán Ó Riada, Nuala Ní Dhómhnaill, Eavan Boland, Rosita Boland, Patrick Kavanagh, W.B. Yeats, Jonathan Swift and Frank O’Connor. Each poem is accompanied by a painting by some of Ireland’s most celebrated artists, among them Pauline Bewick, Jack B. Yeats, William Orpen, Sarah Purser and Harry Clarke. A book to treasure forever.


Michael O’Reilly is one of Ireland’s most experienced press photographers. As a photographer for Spotlight Magazine, he saw the very best of the Sixties, documenting the hysteria the showbands inspired and witnessing the emergence of the Irish folk and rock scenes.

A r e m a r ka b l e p r i vat e c oll e c t i o n o f p ho t o g r a p h s c e l e b r at i n g t h e l e g e n d a r y Show b a n d e r a

Blending dynamic live shots with intimate portraits of an entire generation of Irish performers and now legendary international stars, Dancehall Days contains over 300 stunning black-and-white photographs from the author’s personal archive. Includes rare and unseen images of music legends, among them The Dubliners, David Bowie, Thin Lizzy, Tom Jones, Everly Brothers, Sandie Shaw, Lulu and Cliff Richard, Dancehall Days captures the Sixties as it deserves to be remembered.


B i o gr a p h y

B i o gr a p h y



352 PP

384 PP

234 x 156 MM

234 x 156 MM



978 0 7171 6441 7

978 0 7171 5939 0

€29.99 / £26.99

€24.99 / £22.99

After the Titanic

The Legendary ‘Lugs’ Branigan

Stephen Enniss

Kevin C. Kearns Au t h o r

Stephen Enniss is Director of the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas in Austin. His academic career includes previous posts as Head Librarian at the Folger Shakespeare Library and Director of Emory University’s Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library where he had curatorial responsibility for the archives of many of Ireland’s finest contemporary poets.

Au t h o r

Th e r e l at i o n s h i p s , m e mo r i e s a n d p r i vat e t u r mo i l t h at fo r g e d I r e l a n d ’ s g r e at e s t l i v i n g p o e t, D e r e k M a ho n

In the first comprehensive biography of Derek Mahon, Stephen Enniss uncovers a remarkable personal story. Here he establishes the life circumstances which stimulated or provoked Derek Mahon into poetic response, detailing for the first time his troubled upbringing in Belfast, his youthful suicide attempt and his decades-long struggle with alcoholism. Based on extensive archival research, interviews with Mahon himself, his family members, classmates, colleagues and others he is closely associated with, After the Titanic sheds new light on some of Ireland’s best-loved poetry.


Kevin C. Kearns, Ph.D., is a social historian and Professor Emeritus at the University of Northern Colorado. He has written more than ten books on Dublin, most notably Dublin Tenement Life and Ireland’s Arctic Siege. He now resides in Maine.

G a r d a a n d g ua r d i a n. P r o t e c t o r a n d p u n i s h e r . Th i s i s Lu g s B r a n i g a n

‘Lugs’ Branigan was a shy, scrawny ‘sissy’ as a boy. But he went on to become a heavyweight boxing champion and earned a reputation for being Ireland’s toughest garda, becoming a legend in his own time. Joining the Garda in 1931, he took on the vicious ‘Animal Gangs’, breaking their reign of fear although he refused to carry a baton and relied upon his fists. During the 1950s he quelled the ‘Rock n’ Roll’ riots and tamed the ruffian Teddy Boys. Ironically, for all his fame as a tough, fearless garda, he was most beloved for his great humanity and compassion for the downtrodden souls of the city. The Legendary ‘Lugs’ Branigan is a tale of extraordinary courage and compassion.


H i s t o ry / C u rr e n t A f f a i r s

B i o gr a p h y



272 PP

352 PP

197 x 129 MM

234 x 156 MM

PAPERBACK and ebook


978 0 7171 6552 0

978 0 7171 5936 9

€14.99 / £12.99

€24.99 / £22.99

Tony Ryan

The Guarding of Ireland

Richard Aldous

Conor Brady Au t h o r

Richard Aldous holds the Eugene Meyer Chair at Bard College, New York, having previously taught for fifteen years at UCD. He is the bestselling author of numerous books, including Great Irish Speeches, Reagan and Thatcher and The Lion and the Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli.

Au t h o r

N e w pa p e r b a c k e d i t i o n o f t h e No. 1 b e s t s e ll i n g b i o g r a p hy o f I r e l a n d ’ s ‘o r i g i n a l C e lt i c T i g e r ’

Born in a railwayman’s cottage in Co. Tipperary, Tony Ryan rose to enormous success, with the foundation of the airline leasing company, Guinness Peat Aviation (GPA) and later, Ryanair, transforming the aviation industry in the process. But his career trajectory was not all high flying. The infamous botched floatation of GPA failed spectacularly, with Ryan losing almost everything. But Ryan remade his fortune, lived lavishly and elegantly and was in every respect larger than life. Richard Aldous’s critically acclaimed biography reveals the machinations of the man who epitomised what it means to be an entrepreneur.


Conor Brady was the editor of The Irish Times from 1986 to 2002, the culmination of a long, successful career in print and broadcast journalism. His memoir Up with The Times was published by Gill & Macmillan in 2005. Brady was also editor of the Garda Review for a time and in 1974 published a history of the Garda Síochána from its foundation to 1972, Guardians of the Peace.

T i m e ly a n a lys i s a s t h e G a r d a í n av i g at e o n e o f t h e mo s t d i f f i c u lt y e a r s s i n c e t h e i r fo u n d at i o n

Conor Brady, widely recognised as the most authoritative historian of Irish policing, explores some of the biggest challenges the Gardaí have faced since 1960. Acknowledged as one of the successes of the independent Irish State, the Garda Síochána has not, however, been without its flaws and its failings. Brady looks at how the security of the Irish State was maintained during the Northern crisis, chronicles the emergence of guns in Irish criminal life, the rapid expansion of the domestic drug trade and comprehensively covers the recent spate of crisis that have rocked the force to its very core.


C u rr e n t A f f a i r s




208 PP

320 PP

197 x 129 MM

234 x 156 MM



978 0 7171 6353 3

978 0 7171 6492 9

€14.99 / £12.99

€22.99 / £19.99

Keeping Hope

The Meaning of Life 2

Michel Quoist

Gay Byrne

Au t h o r

Au t h o r

A French priest and theologian, Michel Quoist (1918-97) leapt to prominence in the 1960s with his ground-breaking collection of prayers and meditations, Prayers of Life. Quoist gained a worldwide following with his innovative approach to prayer. He published twelve books over a forty-year career and his work remains widely read, having been translated into twenty-seven languages.

Gay Byrne is a veteran presenter of radio and television. Described by The Irish Times as ‘unquestionably the most influential radio and television man in the history of the Irish State’, he continues in his ‘retirement’ to be a much loved Irish broadcaster. His most notable role was host of RTÉ’s ‘The Late Late Show’ over a 37-year period spanning 1962 until 1999. He has presented ‘The Meaning of Life’ since 2009.

Th e m u lt i m i ll i o n b e s t s e ll i n g p u b l i s h i n g p h e n om e n o n

The prayers of Michel Quoist are not prayers in the usual sense, but meditations on life. Rooted in the modern world and in the thoughts and feelings that define our everyday experience, they celebrate our small victories and offer support as we struggle with universal themes – among them selfacceptance, loneliness, despair, ageing, loss and grief. Quoist’s prayers encourage us to celebrate and harness the tools and talents we have at our disposal to make the best of what we have.

M o r e b i g q u e s t i o n s – a n d mo r e i n t e r e s t i n g a n sw e r s – f r om G ay By r n e ’ s p o p u l a r RT É TV s how

Following last year’s popular The Meaning of Life, Gay Byrne once again recollects the most insightful discussions on the big themes that bind us all: childhood, love, faith, disbelief, morality, grief. Based on his popular RTÉ TV show, the book explores the big questions with an array of fascinating public figures, among them Imelda May, Eamon Dunphy, Deepak Chopra, Edna O’Brien, Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh and Mary Robinson.

‘His greatest strength is that he shows humanity as an asset rather than a liability’, The Catholic Herald.







400 PP

224 PP

245 x 175 MM

216 x 135 MM



978 0 7171 6231 4

978 0 7171 4771 7

€10.99 / £9.99

€14.99 / £12.99

The Money Doctor 2015

ANTI-biotics John McKenna

John Lowe Au t h o r Au t h o r

John Lowe has over 30 years’ experience in the finance sector. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Bankers, has successfully completed the Chartered Director programme through the Institute of Directors and is a member of the Life Insurance Association.

I n s i d e r t i p s t o s av e a n d m a k e yo u mo n e y a s w e ll a s t i p s o n m a k i n g t h e mo s t e f f i c i e n t u s e o f yo u r wat e r !

The Money Doctor has been Ireland’s No.1 guide to organising your finances and making your money go further for ten years. John Lowe’s finance annual, always up to date with how the latest budget adjustments affect your pocket, helps thousands of people get to grips with the basics of budgeting and learn how to save cash in all areas of their life. This year he’ll also be looking ahead to the new water charges we’ll all be paying in 2015, advising how we can keep this new bill to a minimum. Whether you buy this book every year or you’re just in need of a fresh perspective on your finances, you can trust the Money Doctor to give independent, straight-talking advice.


John McKenna is a scientist and a retired medical doctor who has been practising natural medicine for 25 years. He is the bestselling author of Good Food, Hard to Stomach, Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics and Alternatives to Tranquilisers. He lives in Wexford.

ANTI - b i o t i c s : A r e t h e y c u r i n g u s o r k i ll i n g u s ?

‘Without urgent, co-ordinated action by many stakeholders, the world is headed for a post-antibiotic era, in which common infections and minor injuries which have been treatable for decades can once again kill.’ Dr Keiji Fukuda, World Health Organization There is no doubt that there is a massive overuse of antibiotics. This book is for anyone who wants to do something about it. John McKenna explains, in layman’s terms, the science of how different antibiotics affect different parts of the immune system and his advice will help you take control of your health with practical tips to boost your immunity.


A n o s ta lg i c r e t e ll i n g o f t h e Ch r i s t m a s s t o r y – w i t h a b r e at h -ta k i n g s u r p r i s e at t h e e n d !

G i f t /Ch i ldre n s

October 10 PP 225 x 310 MM

Nostalgic, gentle and charming, this story of Christmas will delight wide-eyed children as they await December 25th. Parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts will also enjoy using this beautiful book to read the story of Christmas to the little ones in their lives.

HARDBACK 978 0 7171 5859 1 €9.99 / £8.99

The Christmas Story

The book ends with a wonderful pop-up Nativity which can be placed on your child’s bedside table, to be gazed at in wonder as they drift off to sleep.

120 PP 215 x 185 MM

E v e r yo n e ’ s Favo u r i t e S t o c k i n g - F i ll e r I s B a c k !


Overheard in Dublin is back with another riot of wit, wisdom and suspect logic. This time many of the contributions have been drawn from the site’s wildly popular Twitter account.

192 PP 178 x 110 MM paperBACK AND EBOOK 978 0 7171 6435 6 €6.99 / £5.99

Overheard in Dublin #LOL

Overheard at McDonald’s drive-thru in Naas road. The cashier shouts to his manager: ‘Are we allowed to serve customers on horses?’ Overheard by Caroline A man queuing for a late snack in Leo Burdock’s excitedly explains to the staff that his pregnant wife is overdue: ‘Ah it’s great. We’re having her sectioned tonight.’ Overheard by Hannah.

This beautifully illustrated diary contains some of the finest paintings from the National Gallery’s permanent collection. Featuring 56 carefully reproduced paintings in a week-to-view format, this diary highlights some of the finest Irish and European works on view in the Gallery.

HARDBACK 978 0 7171 6225 3 €19.99 / £17.99

National Gallery of Ireland Diary 2015

A magical book to be enjoyed year after year.

h u m o ur

A stunning desk diary s howca s i n g t h e f i n e s t treasures of our N at i o n a l G a ll e r y

Refe renc e


Following the format and style of the popular 2014 edition, The National Gallery of Ireland Diary 2015 promises to be the must-have desk diary of the year.

B e au t i f u lly h i l dr ’sed diary iCllu s ternat c o n ta i n i n g s om e o f t h e f i n e s t pa i n t i n g s f r om t h e H u g h L a n e G a ll e r y

Refe r enc e

October 121 PP 216 x 185 MM HARDBACK

Featuring 56 carefully reproduced works in a week-to-view format, The Hugh Lane Diary highlights the best of twentieth-century art and artists, alongside contemporary works.

978 0 7171 6655 1 19.99 / £17.99

Hugh Lane Diary 2015

This diary is a must-have for any lover of art with paintings from Harry Clarke, Jack B. Yeats, Louis le Brocquy and Francis Bacon alongside European masters such as Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Auguste Rodin. N

You’ll be LOLing in the aisles!



Gill & Macmillan Bestsellers DR EVA ORSMOND’S 10 LB DIET A FAST PLAN, A SLOW PLAN, A NEW YOU Dr Eva Orsmond



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Paperback | ebook A POCKET HISTORY OF IRELAND Joseph McCullough

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Just Mary Mary O’Rourke Paperback | ebook


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Hardback 26



‘ A house to w hich the best o f I rish

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authors can bring their m anu -

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When Michael Gill founded Gill & Macmillan in 1968, The Irish Times described it as ‘a welcome enterprise’ and hoped it would become a home for the best of Irish authors.

The Publishers

Since then we’ve been honoured to publish the works of great writers such as Noël Browne, Garret FitzGerald, Tom Garvin, Éamon de Buitléar, Darina Allen, Professor Jim Lucey and Richard Aldous. We’ve been there in good times and bad, publishing books you choose to read on every aspect of Irish life: from the 1960s bestsellers Prayers of Life to How Stormont Fell; from Rachel’s Favourite Food to The Encyclopaedia of Ireland; from the heady high of The Pope’s Children to the popular reissuing of Soundings in 2010 when perhaps we all needed a bit more poetry in our lives; and recent bestsellers like Just Mary, Coming Through Depression, Tom Gilmartin and The Extra Virgin Kitchen. Each book, in its own way, captures a slice of life, a slice of the times we live in. But it was really Michael’s great-great-grandfather who started our story. In 1856, Michael Henry Gill, then the printer to Dublin University, purchased the publishing and bookselling business of James McGlashan, forming McGlashan & Gill, which then became M.H. Gill & Son. The bookshop, popularly known as Gills, was located on Dublin’s O’Connell Street for 123 years until it closed in 1979. Whether it’s printing, publishing or bookselling, we believe reading matters. We’ve always believed in Irish talent and we’ve always believed in the curious mind of the Irish reader. If we’ve managed to help produce something from one to satisfy that of the other, then it’s been a good day at the office. Thanks for reading.

N ic k i H o w ar d , Deir d re N olan an d C onor N agle

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Printed in Ireland

autumn 2014

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