Sponsorship Opportunities Feb 2012

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Sponsorship opportunities in 2012

Contents Cost per year Introduction Previous/current sponsors

Page no. 4 5-9

Core corporate responsibility opportunities Key Awards sponsor 10 £15k Awards category sponsors 11 £5k Knowledge Networks series 12 £5k Seeing is Believing series 13 £6k Ministerial dinners/lunches 14 £1k CR Journey interactive tool 15 £4.5k 2011 Review of CR 16 £800 - £3k NI’s 1st CR Benchmark 17 £10k (three years) 2012 Responsible Business Conference 18 £5-10k CR Matters/e-zines 19 £2.5k Marketplace research 20 £1.5k People opportunities Employability champion Workplace Excellence event Wellbeing Wallplanner Confidence Building for Women Thought Leadership piece Workplace 20:20 champions

£35-£45k £1,300 (for one) £2.5k £15k £1.5k £10k

21 22 23 24 25 26

Contents Cost per year

Page no.

£2.5k Measurement & metrics publication 27 £3k Workplace 20:20 Case study publication 28 £5k Cares Apprentice/Team Challenge programme 29 £5k Cares volunteering champion 30 Planet opportunities £10k NI Environmental Benchmarking Survey 31 £10k Mayday Network sponsor 32 £6k Business biodiversity programme 33 £20k Sustainable Communities programme 34 £20k Start programme 35 Place opportunities £20k Time to Read programme 36 £30k Work Inspiration programme 37 £20k Boardmatch Northern Ireland 38 £20k Renewing communities programme 39

Introduction Platforms, partnerships and profile to help your corporate responsibility journey Business in the Community offers a wide range of opportunities for members to engage through sponsorship of programmes, events or publications. These opportunities provide valuable profile, platforms on corporate responsibility and the potential to develop a partnership on a key issue.

Where appropriate, these are themed by People, Planet and Place to link in with the key areas of our work and your corporate responsibility agenda.

This booklet details the current sponsorship opportunities across Business in the Community. To register your interest for any of the opportunities featured in this document, contact Gilian McKee, Marketing & Communications Director, Business in the Community T (028) 9046 0606 E gillian.mckee@bitcni.org.uk

Key Event 4



Previous/current sponsors By sponsoring one of our events/programmes or publications, you will be joining a like-minded group of companies that are committed to doing business responsibly and keen to demonstrate this in order to inspire and encourage other companies to do the same. The following companies have either been or still are sponsors of various initiatives, events or publications:

Key Awards sponsor 2010 – 2013

Gala Awards dinner at Waterfront Hall to recognise and celebrate the best of corporate responsibility in NI

Awards category Sponsorship of one of nine award sponsorship 2011 categories as part of Business in the Community’s annual awards process


Previous/current sponsors


Core Business in the Community display materials

New suite of marketing materials to align with new strategy for 2010 – 2013 including information pack and promotional display materials

CR Matters newsletter and monthly e-zines, 2009 – 2011

Twice yearly hard copy newsletter promoting CR to all Business in the Community stakeholders plus monthly, themed e-zines for members only

Annual Review 2010

Annual review of corporate responsibility in Northern Ireland. Published in partnership with Ulster Business magazine

Seeing is Believing series 2008-2010

Series of visits by groups of business people to learn more about the problems facing local communities or more about a particular social issue

Previous/current sponsors Ministerial Dinners 2011

Series of Chatham House rules dinners for up to 15 senior business leaders with key Ministers in DETI, DEL, DSD, DE, DoJ, DoE and DHSSPS

Business Action on Health sponsors 2009 – 2011

A three year campaign to encourage employers to invest in the health and wellbeing of employees through the workplace

Cares Volunteering programme 2010 and 2011 Employers’ Forum

Sponsorship of a calendar of team volunteering action days

Initiative in West Belfast and Greater Shankill to improve the employment prospects of local people and also increase the available pool of potential workers for companies


Previous/current sponsors


Building on Talent programme

Programme providing tailored individual development for managers in partnership with local charities and voluntary organisations

Healthy Lunchbreaks publication

Pocket-sized resource for employees to help them make the most of their lunchbreak and improve their wellbeing and health in the process

Healthy Workplace publication (in-kind)

Printing of case study publication highlighting company good practice in relation to employee health & wellbeing

Workplace Conference 2010 and 2011

Annual conference for HR professionals and senior managers exploring the latest issues in workplace responsibility

Previous/current sponsors Business Biodiversity programme

Encouraging businesses to protect the natural biodiversity on their sites and in their local area

Environmental Benchmarking Survey 2008 - 2010

Annual survey of top 200 companies plus leading public sector organisations, benchmarking on environmental management and performance

Connections Programme 2009 - 2012

Major investment in mentoring, support and advice to encourage the responsible growth and development of small firms


Core CR opportunities Key Awards sponsor (post 2013) Electric Ireland signed up to a three year sponsorship deal as key sponsor from 2010 and they hope to extend it to cover 2013, so impressed have they been with the event. Since we started the Awards in 2006, we’ve inspired closed to 500 entries from a range of companies who deserve recognition for the responsible way they manage their business, with a year on year increase in participation.

What would you get? Platform and Profile – you’d be involved as a judge for the NI Responsible Co of the Year, copresenting the Regional Awards on the night and up front and prominent in all the PR and marketing in the run up to the awards. You also get a table for 10 at the event.

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Business in the Community’s Awards is undoubtedly the highlight of the corporate calendar here and the opportunity to lead as sponsor on this prestigious Awards platform is not to be missed. 10

Cost: £20k per year or £50k for three years.

Core CR opportunities Awards category sponsorship Most of these are taken from year to year and it’s rare for any to become available, but with a review of our categories for 2012, we have a couple of categories up for grabs.

NI Responsible Co of the Year Environmental Improvement Employer of Choice Local Community Impact

Platform and profile – you’d be involved in judging the category, presenting the award on the night and in all the PR and marketing in the run up to the awards. You also get a table for 10 at the event.

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Business in the Community’s Awards is undoubtedly the highlight of the corporate calendar here and the opportunity to share the prestigious Awards platform is not to be missed. 2012 sponsors

What would you get?

Cost: £5k per year.

Education Partner Most Responsible Small Firm Sustained Impact Community Leader Mark Pollock Award for Hope


Core CR opportunities Knowledge Networks series Our Knowledge Networks series provides three practical events focused on different aspects of corporate responsibility and is aimed at practitioners.

eat too much into people’s busy working days.

What would you get?

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Featuring two speakers with a practical case study approach, Knowledge Networks events offer networking and practical support for NI companies and deal with a range of issues from Responsible Supply Chain Management to Corporate Governance to Benchmarking on Corporate Responsibility.

Events are aimed at around 30 people, last for two hours and include lunch, meaning they don’t 12

Platform and Profile – Our sponsor has a slot to introduce each event and is recognised prominently in all PR and in all marketing. There may also be an opportunity for the sponsor to provide the case study presentation at one of the events in the series. Cost: £5k for the 2012 series which would run February, April and June.

Core CR opportunities Seeing is Believing series Business in the Community’s Seeing is Believing (SIB) visits were introduced in the 1990s as a way of demonstrating at first hand to companies just what issues were facing the groups and communities on their doorstep.

In 2012, Business in the Community would aim to run threefour SIBs covering the People, Planet and Place agendas.

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What would you get?

n o p c Visits generally take a half day s d i y t l g and involve up to 20 people s L u to threerate rd being taken (by minibus) o i t vto learn more a projects/groups e S o r aboutP a particular areay or theme. B b t This is followed by a discussionn e over lunch about how businesses m Cost: £6k to sponsor the series. tand can use their expertise s e resources to help tackle the issues v n I uncovered during the visit.

Platform and Profile – you’d be as involved as you want in each of the events, leading at least one and being well profiled in all PR and marketing of the series. Your involvement would offer a valuable platform on the issues being profiled.


Core CR opportunities Ministerial dinners/lunches Each year, Business in the Community organises a series of briefing dinners with Ministers in the following departments: Employment & Learning, Social Development, Education, Enterprise, Trade & Development, Health & Social Services, Environment, Justice. Each event is held under Chatham House Rules and involves a maximum of 15 senior business people including the Minister.

What would you get? Platform – a guaranteed audience with a Minister on a topic which is close to your company’s heart. The chance to discuss key issues with other leading businesses and government and to be a key part of any proposed actions or solutions.

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As sponsor, you would chair the discussion, pick up the tab for the food and possibly host it at your premises if they are suitable.


Cost: The cost usually comes in around ÂŁ1,000 and is paid direct to the caterers/venue.

Core CR opportunities CR Journey interactive tool This one’s for an industry leader in corporate responsibility (CR) – someone who sees themselves as being at the leading edge and wants to help us push the responsibility agenda forward. We’re developing a CR Journey interactive online tool to effectively visualise the key stages of CR. This will be used to inspire existing Business in the Community members to progress further, as well as encouraging new members to commit to doing business in a responsible way.

What would you get? Profile – Branding on the tool, which will be used extensively to inform and engage companies on the responsibility agenda. Cost: £4.5k – one off cost.


Core CR opportunities 2011 Review of corporate responsibility Published annually in conjunction with Ulster Business magazine (in its January issue), this is a showcase for the best of responsible business in Northern Ireland and a great way to profile what your company is most passionate about alongside the best of the rest.

What would you get? Platform and profile – a profile of 100 – 500 words plus pics depending on the package you choose, plus logo Cost: from £800 to £3k

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Circulation of 8,000+ copies over a year, with readership in excess of 30,000.


Core CR opportunities Corporate responsibility benchmark Measurement and vital are imperatives in most areas of business and should be too where corporate responsibility is concerned. In response to demand from our members, we have committed to developing a CR Benchmark for NI companies that fits with the scale and focus of companies here. Sponsors of this Benchmark will already be leaders in CR and willing to sign up for three yrs.

What would you get? Partnership and/or platform – we would be open to developing the Benchmark in partnership with sponsoring companies. Cost: £10k per year for three years - one company or split across twothree


Core CR opportunities 2012 Responsible Business Conference: The Furture for Good Business For the first time in 2012, Business in the Community is planning a high profile, large scale conference covering all aspects of what it means to be a responsible business now and in the future.

There are a range of sponsorship opportunities, from overall sponsor to theme sponsor, marketplace sponsor etc.

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Being held on 17 October 2012 at the amazing new Titanic Signature Project, the event will feature a ‘responsibility marketplace’ to showcase the best of responsible business in Northern Ireland and allow companies to learn from each other, as well as a wide range of workshops and plenary sessions on all aspects of corporate responsibility.


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What would you get? You could get the whole package - platform, profile and partnership if you come in before the end of 2011 and help us shape the event. Cost: Ranging from £5k to sponsor a theme to £10k for the overall, named sponsor.

Core CR opportunities CR Matters/e-zines In an attempt to ensure we reach our audience through both digital and traditional media, we produce a monthly, themed e-zine which goes to our members and a biannual magazine which is mailed to almost 2,000 key contacts.

What would you get?

Profile – your logo would appear on the front cover of each issue of CR Matters and at the top of each e-zine alongside the words “supported by”.

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In both outlets we focus on profiling examples of good practice in corporate responsibility and providing news, features, advice and inspiration to help companies act responsibly as well as details of forthcoming events.

Cost: £2.5k per year to cover print and distribution costs or £6k for a three year partnership. We would be happy to consider part of this sponsorship being in-kind if printing were offered as part of the arrangement.


Core CR opportunities Marketplace research The very heart of being a responsible company is making responsible commercial decisions about your business. At Business in the Community we categorise this as Marketplace and we are in the process of bringing Marketplace support and expertise to Northern Ireland. Before we do though, there’s a piece of research to discover what the key issues are for companies here and what companies are already doing in this arena. We have employed a graduate intern to carry out a piece of research and develop case studies to help inspire people about marketplace responsibility. 20

What would you get? Partnership and platforms – the opportunity to help shape and develop this new area of work for Business in the Community in Northern Ireland and to be seen as a leader in emerging responsible business issues. Cost: We’re hoping to get six companies to each put forward £1,500 to cover the costs of the research and the publication, which is due out in mid 2012.

People opportunities Employability champion (Belfast) The population of Belfast has a large proportion of unskilled labour, and high numbers of the workforce are registered as economically inactive. Business in the Community’s Employers’ Forum initiative targets the longterm unemployed (> 12 months), with a view to up-skilling them and moving them into jobs.

making a life-changing difference to people who want to join the employment market.

What would you get?

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Our current focus is on the Greater Shankill and West Belfast area, but with enough resources, we would develop the Forum to be Belfast-wide. Bombardier Aerospace, Northstone and Lagan Construction are current supporters, but there are opportunities to join them in

Partnership – your support would enable us to get more long-term unemployed into work (we’ve helped over 1,000 so far) and to make a difference on this hugely important issue. Cost: £35-£45k per year.


People opportunities Workplace conference 2011 Our Annual Workplace Conference is a key date in the business calendar, particularly for HR professionals. The 2011 theme is “Engage to Innovate”, focusing on employee engagement and sharing good practice on this issue with like-minded firms.

What would you get? Platform and Profile – as well as an opportunity to speak at the event, you would receive prominent recognition on all materials associated with the event, from pre-event marketing to on the day itself.


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The conference will take place at W5 and attracts around 150 key professionals each year to discuss pertinent responsibility issues surrounding the current workforce. This is an ideal opportunity to position your company as committed to being a good employer and investing in workplace excellence.



Cost: £4.5k one-off cost.

People opportunities Wellbeing Wallplanner Our fourth annual Wellbeing Wallplanner will once again guide employers towards wellbeing events, campaigns and themes to help them organise and promote employee wellbeing in 2012.

What would you get? Profile – companies use this as a practical and visible planning tool and your brand and key messages would be visible to a wide range of employers throughout 2012.

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This popular publication offers the sponsor profile through branding on the wallplanner that is mailed to Business in the Community’s members and beyond – reaching over 300 leading employers.

Cost: £2,500 for sole sponsorship to cover design, print and distribution.

There is also additional space in the publication to promote the sponsor’s products and services and there’s an opportunity to shape the concept and design in a complementary way.


People opportunities Confidence building for women programme Following a one year pilot funded through the Big Lottery, we aim to roll out a confidence programme for vulnerable women including young women, those from socially deprived areas and those leaving the justice system. The funding will support three programmes that includes training, delivery and coaching for three groups with 15 women in each.


What would you get? Profile and platform – there is an opportunity for a sponsor to help shape the programme and take a leadership role on this important issue. Cost: £15k for one year - either as a sole sponsorship or £5k each for three companies.

People opportunities Thought leadership piece on engagement and innovation In line with our 2012 CR Conference, we plan to produce thought-leadership pieces to raise awareness of CR issues and leading attitudes towards them. One of these is a 3,000 word piece on the most recent evidence around the link between engagement and innovation.

What would you get? Profile and platform – the piece would be branded with the sponsor’s logo and would feature a foreword from its CEO. It would be distributed through Business in the Community’s extensive distribution channels and media placement also sought. Cost: £1,500 - one off cost for sole sponsor.


People opportunities Workplace 20:20 champions Our new Workplace 20:20 campaign offers an invaluable platform for companies who are focused on being excellent employers. We’re seeking three joint campaign sponsors, who would receive prominent branding on all events material as well as inclusion in leadership teams and steering groups. As a Champion, you will be seen as a leader in developing employer excellence in Northern Ireland and will be paving the way for others on the Employer of Choice journey.


What would you get? Platform, profile and partnership – as one of a small group of ’champions’, you would help shape the direction of the Workplace 20:20 campaign, as well as receiving valuable profile through opportunities to feature in professional journals, press articles and radio/tv coverage and also public platforms at events. Cost: £10k per company per year.

People opportunities Measurement and Metrics publication This piece of work will be pulled together by a team of leading professionals to identify key measurements and metrics for employee engagement. The publication will offer employers – large or small – pointers and ideas to underpin successful engagement frameworks and help demonstrate return on investment.

What would you get? Platform – a chance to take a lead in this increasingly important and visible aspect of business as sole sponsor of the publication which will be widely distributed to Business in the Community members and beyond. Cost: £2.5k - one off cost.


People opportunities Workplace 20:20 case study publication This will be a full colour publication showcasing up to 15 leading businesses and outlining their success stories. It will feature practical case studies and company information that is invaluable to any responsible organisation that invests in success through people. It may also feature an optional DVD that includes stories told by leading professionals in up to five of the showcase organisations.


What would you get? Platform and profile – you would be featured in the publication (and dvd if this option were funded) and branded on the cover as sponsor. With wide distribution both in hard copy and online, you would be positioned as a leading employer. Cost: £3k (publication only) or £5k (inlcuding DVD)

People opportunities Cares Apprentice/team challenge programme Employer supported volunteering is a fantastic way to engage and motivate employees while putting something back into society. We’d like to develop an Apprenticestyle competition for companies interested in getting teams of volunteers together in a friendly but competitive spirit for community benefit.

What would you get? Platform and profile – as sponsor (either sole or joint) of the initiative, you would participate and take a lead in all marketing and promotion of the initiative. Cost: £5k

It is envisaged that up to 10 companies would participate in Apprentice-style competitions twice per year, with significant media coverage of this innovative method of engaging companies with local communities. 29

People opportunities Cares volunteering champion Our Cares programme provides structured, well-thought out opportunities for teams to engage in volunteering activity to help with team-building or simply to allow them to ‘put something back’ into their local community.

Our volunteering champion is associated with the calendar of action days each year and given opportunities to clearly communicate their commitment to volunteering

Each year, in addition to a range of customised challenges organised for companies that subscribe to Cares, we arrange a number of ‘Action Days’ to act as tasters for companies who want to try some volunteering before committing to a fuller programme or who are only looking for one or two opportunities during the year.

Platform and Profile – you would be recognised on both the website and hard copy versions of the Cares calendar which is widely distributed each year to all Business in the Community contacts. There would also be platform opportunities on key Action Days and in promotion of the days in local media.

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What would you get?

Cost: £4.5k per year or £12k for a three year partnership.

Planet opportunities NI Environmental Benchmarking Survey Our flagship environmental initiative benchmarks the top 200 companies and leading public sector organisations on environmental performance. This is widely recognised as the only tool of its kind in NI and sponsors would have a valuable platform as taking the lead in NI on responsible business action on the environment. The Benchmarking survey generates extensive interest from business, government and the public sector as well as wide media coverage.

What would you get? Platform and profile - as one of a small number of high level sponsors, you would be demonstrating environmental leadership and encouraging companies to improve their environmental performance year on year. Cost: ÂŁ10k per year for three years per sponsor (two or three spaces available).


Planet opportunities Mayday Network sponsor The Mayday Network is the UK’s leading business-led movement taking positive action on climate change and resource efficiency. Over 1,000 companies across the UK are signed up and it’s time to get Northern Ireland companies taking a more active role by rolling the campaign out more aggressively here.


What would you get? Platform and Profile – as one of a small number of high level sponsors, you would be recognised as taking the lead on climate change in Northern Ireland and setting a positive example among the business community, with government and in the media. Cost: £10k per year for three years per sponsor (two to three spaces available).

Planet opportunities Business Biodiversity programme This innovative programme is supported by the NI Environment Agency and its NI Biodiversity Group as well as AES Ballylumford, but there’s an opportunity for one further private sector sponsor to partner with us.

What would you get? Platform and profile – you would be putting your company forward as one that cares about protecting the environment and encouraging other businesses to do the same

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Our aim through the Business Biodiversity programme is to highlight the economic importance of biodiversity and our natural resources and assist businesses to identify opportunities to take action to protect and enhance wildlife and habitats within their premises and in their local area.

Cost: ÂŁ6k for one year (until Oct 2012).


Planet opportunities Sustainable Communities programme This programme enables businesses to use their expertise to support and empower disadvantaged communities to take positive local action to protect their local environment. It also helps the groups involved save money on energy, food and transport. The programme will engage leaders from ten community groups and equip them with the information and skills to influence the wider community to take action.


What would you get? Partnership and profile – as sole sponsor, you would be building valuable profile in local communities and helping provide valuable support to local communities to assist them in becoming more sustainable and to save money. Cost: £20k for one year (sole sponsor) or £50k over three (with 30 groups assisted in that time, across a range of communities).

Planet opportunities Start programme Start will engage the power of business to influence consumers to adopt more sustainable lifestyles by making simple positive changes to their behaviour and choices. Start is a positive way to engage your key customers and help them to save money and make a difference. The programme will include events and workshops to share best practice, as well as key messages delivered online and through traditional media and social media.

What would you get? Platform and Profile – as a consumer facing campaign, Start is ideal for consumer facing companies and would position your business as forward-thinking and strategically involved in addressing the sustainability challenge facing everyone in society. Cost: £20k per year – either as sole sponsor or split between two sponsors.


Place opportunities Time to Read programme This is an opportunity to lead on championing literacy in primary schools and optimising links between business and education. Our award-winning Time to Read programme has almost 500 employee volunteers out each week in local primary schools doing paired reading with 1,000 children aged 8-10. As well as improving literacy, Time to Read has been proven to build confidence and self-esteem and helps children from disadvantaged backgrounds with aspirations for the future.


What would you get? Profile and Platform – you would be showing leadership in relation to raising the aspirations of young people and as one of our flagship programmes, there are good opportunities for coverage and profile on related issues. Cost: £20k per year as sole sponsor or split between two companies.

Place opportunities Work Inspiration programme This is an opportunity to improve employability skills for young people, raise aspirations and make work experience more meaningful while underpinning a pipeline of new recruits for employers in Northern Ireland. As well as organising work placements for schoolchildren and helping employers make these more inspirational, we also offer a range of innovative ways for young people to find out about potential career options open to them.

What would you get? Profile and Platform – you would be showing leadership in relation to raising the aspirations of young people and transforming work experience and would set your company apart as dynamic and inspirational. Cost: £30k per year – either as sole sponsor or split between two companies.


Place opportunities Boardmatch Northern Ireland Business in the Community is bringing the Boardmatch Ireland model to the North to support the development of the community and voluntary sectors by strengthening boards and management committees with expertise from the private sector. We are developing a web-based matching service where people can register their interest in volunteering on not-for-profit boards. These candidates will then be matched, based on location, skills and preferred area of interest, to not-forprofit organisations who have also registered their board opportunities. 38

What would you get? Partnership and platform – you would be investing in the strengthening of the third sector in Northern Ireland and demonstrating leadership in building strategic partnerships. Cost: £20k for launch and setup for the first year.

Place opportunities Renewing Communities This programme enables business to use their expertise to support disadvantage communities to fulfil their potential. The pilot would focus on 5 neighbourhood renewal areas and would empower local communities A partnership based approach would be developed, aimed at enhancing the long term sustainability of participant communities. Activates would include: review of current business plans, business mentors to support and guide on operational management issues, financial planning workshops and pro-bono support on employment and human resources issues and practical challenges co-ordinated by the Cares team

What would you get? Profile - building valuable profile in local communities, brand awareness, staff development opportunities and above all assisting communities to become more sustainable. Cost: ÂŁ20k for one year.


Business in the Community Bridge House Paulett Avenue Belfast, BT5 4HD T (028) 9046 0606 F 0870 460 1731 North West office BEAM Social Enterprise Centre Invista House Maydown Works Derry/Londonderry BT47 6TH T (028) 7186 1550 F 0870 460 1731

To register your interest for any of the opportunities featured in this document, contact: Gilian McKee Marketing & Communications Director Business in the Community T (028) 9046 0606 E gillian.mckee@bitcni.org.uk

Registered Details 137 Sheperdess Walk, London N1 7RQ. Registered Charity No: 297716. Company Limited by Guarantee No: 1619253

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