prospectus REUK
Supporting best practice and achieving improved outcomes into the future
Introduction Respiratory Education UK Over the last 14 years, Respiratory Education UK (REUK) have provided an increasing portfolio of programmes, courses and events to support clinicians in practice. Our aim to enhance the delivery of care and improve outcomes for people with respiratory conditions, via the development of highly skilled and competent staff, remains unchanged and our new provision has been designed with this and you in mind. Collaborative working with our new university partner means that we now have fresh academic provision available at all levels. Our multi-professional programmes and modules have all been reviewed and re-developed to ensure that they are fit for purpose and meet the changing needs of the NHS workforce.They all offer the same high quality and standards as before, with some amendments to their focus, title, approach and/or assessment strategy. Core subjects continue to be offered while some new modules like oxygen therapy and paediatric asthma have been added to the provision. Listening to our stakeholders, we recognise that academic programmes and modules are important in staff development but we are also aware that continuing professional development and competencebased education play a crucial role when building the capacity and capability of the NHS workforce. As a result, our provision in both these areas has grown, generating their own portfolio which should be used in conjunction with the prospectus. Students are the central focus of our work so we know the difficulties you can sometimes experience when undertaking study. We already offer flexible and adaptable study routes and pathways, but we want to take this further so have included ‘live chat’ on the website, help@ and info@ addresses to contact us, plus we are investing in IT so that we can make study more accessible to you. This prospectus offers you an overview of our academic programmes which I hope you will find useful. If there are areas which do not appear in the prospectus or you want to find out more information please contact me or the team for help. We welcome enquiries about any aspect of our work and will be pleased to assist you. Our contact details are listed on the inside back cover or, alternatively, you could visit our website to find out more or request a copy of the ‘Portfolio’. Details of how to access the website are also included on the inside back cover. We look forward to hearing from you and supporting you in the near future.
Gill Hall Chief Executive
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14,000 wor ldw ide alumni
37.5% of postgraduate students up to 2012 were awarded a Distinction at MSc level
Offer s full resp ir focused ator y academ ic pathway s as we ll as stand alon module e s
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Our Partner University
We are one of the country’s largest providers of health and social work education
The University of Hertfordshire is one of the largest universities in the United Kingdom, with over 27,200 full and part-time students including 2,800 international students from over 85 different countries and a global network of over 165,000 alumni. Vision Innovation, creativity and an enterprising mindset will be the defining characteristics of our partner university. We will provide flexible, transformational learning and commit to adding value to our partners while delivering positive engagements with business, industry and the professions. Mission An innovative and enterprising university, challenging individuals and organisations to excel.The University of Hertfordshire was awarded ‘Entrepreneurial University of the Year 2010’ by the Times Higher Education (THE) and ranks in the top 100 universities in the world under 50 years old, according to the new Times Higher Education ‘100 under 50’ rankings 2012. The focus of the university’s strategic drivers (particularly ‘student experience, learning and teaching’ and ‘employability and entrepreneurship’) reflects the importance of learning and teaching to the university with an emphasis on lifelong learning, flexible learning, employability and entrepreneurial skills. The School of Health and Social Work is one of the country’s largest providers of health and social work education. It offers world class teaching and learning facilities and develops competent and subjectfocused professionals. Its key strength lies in the fact that we have twenty years of experience in educating health professionals such as diagnostic radiographers, midwives, nurses, paramedics, radiotherapists and physiotherapists.
Academic Programmes The academic programmes provided by Respiratory Education UK are accredited by the University of Hertfordshire. The named awards and the modules within them are all respiratory related and are offered at levels 5, 6 and 7. The Post Qualification Undergraduate programme ultimately leads to the achievement of a BSc (Hons) Respiratory Practice. Practitioners are able to select subjects from the suite of modules available which, when combined with compulsory elements, create a pathway which specifically meets their needs. Everyone studying at Post Qualification Undergraduate level will automatically register for the BSc (Hons) route, however, we do recognise that not everyone will be able to complete this full award and may opt to leave the programme with a Dip HE Respiratory Practice at level 5 or a non-honours degree at level 6. Alternatively, many practitioners may wish to enter directly onto level 6 study.This is arranged on an individual basis and subject to the regulations of the university. Modules remain available to be studied on a stand alone basis. The programme is offered part-time and the modules and awards are all delivered using blended learning approaches.This allows students to study at their own pace supported by structured study days, the number of which vary according to the credit rating of the module. Comprehensive course materials are provided via USB sticks or CDs, so access to computer facilities is a must. Attendance on each study day is expected. IT forms part of the programme and students will be assisted to gain the necessary skills to enable them to search for data, utilise and access electronic journals, network via electronic means as well as submitting their assignments. Written guidance is provided, but each student commencing on a module and/or pathway will be invited to attend a Briefing Day to help prepare them for study.The team of administration staff, educators and an IT technician will be available to provide additional help. Student support is of prime importance to us and systems and processes are in place to ensure an effective student experience. Programme Leaders will work with the student to negotiate their pathway, while a personal tutor provides an ongoing link throughout their student journey. Module Co-ordinators play a key role within the course and provide guidance and support to complete modular assessment components. and offer vital links with the administration and education team while direct lines provide telephone help and support during working hours. All our programmes are multi-professional in nature and open to individuals who work within health-related areas. Individuals who have already studied modules at undergraduate level may be able to APEL into the programme. This is a formal process and advice and support is available from REUK. The teaching strategies adopted within the academic programmes encourage individuals to critically review evidence and challenge practice.The aim is always to equip practitioners with the necessary skills to utilise evidence and literature, and apply it appropriately to enhance practice and improve patient care.
BSc (Hons) Respiratory Practice Introduction to Respiratory Assessment
Fundamental Spirometry
Principles of COPD Management
Introduction to Health and Social Care Research
15 Credits
15 Credits
Level 5 Compulsory 5FHH1194
Level 5 Compulsory 5FHH1190
Principles of Asthma Management
Respiratory Failure including the Use of NIV
Negotiated Learning 1
Negotiated Learning 2
15 Credits
30 Credits
30 Credits
30 Credits
15 Credits
30 Credits
Level 5 Optional 5FHH1187
Level 5 Optional 5FHH1186
Level 5 Optional 5FHH1188
Level 5 Optional 5FHH1189
Level 5 Optional 5FHH1191
Level 5 Optional 5FHH1193
Two compulsory modules plus 90 credits from optional modules for interim award Exit - Interim Award Dip HE Respiratory Practice Principles of Respiratory Assessment
Research Methodology 15 Credits
15 Credits
Asthma – An Evidence Based Approach
COPD – An Evidence Based Approach
30 Credits
30 Credits
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1151
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1150
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Level 6 Compulsory 6FHH1148
Level 6 Compulsory 6FHH1159
Management of Respiratory Failure and NIV: An Evidence Based Approach
Managing Acute Respiratory Episodes in the Community Setting 15 Credits
30 Credits
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1149
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1152
Spirometry: Critical Interpretation
15 Credits
15 Credits
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1154
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1155
Supportive and Palliative Care – A Respiratory Perspective 15 Credits
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1153
Paediatric Asthma
Oxygen Therapy
15 Credits
15 Credits
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1156
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1157
Negotiated Learning 1
Negotiated Learning 2
15 Credits
30 Credits
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1162
Level 6 Optional 6FHH1161
Two compulsory modules plus up to 45 credits from optional modules for interim award Exit - Interim Award BSc Respiratory Practice Advancing Respiratory Practice 15 Credits
Level 6 Compulsory
Dissertation 30 Credits
Level 6 Compulsory REUK
Exit BSc (Hons) Respiratory Practice 5
BSc (Hons) Respiratory Practice 5FHH1189 - Respiratory Failure including the use of NonInvasive Ventilation 30 credits - Optional Module Level 5
Compulsory Modules Level 5 5FHH1194 - An Introduction to Respiratory Assessment 15 credits - Compulsory Module Level 5
This module aims to enable students to acquire and develop the knowledge and skills required to provide effective care to patients with respiratory failure who need non-invasive respiratory support (NIV). Students will evaluate current practice and illustrate a variety of strategies to ensure management is evidence-based.
The aim of this module is to equip healthcare professionals with high quality assessment and monitoring skills for respiratory patients regardless of the setting in which they are encountered. 5FHH1190 - An Introduction to Health and Social Care Research 15 credits - Compulsory Module Level 5
5FHH1191 - Negotiated Learning 1 15 credits - Optional Module Level 5
This module aims to enable students to identify an area of practice as a focus for further study.The student will demonstrate skills of critical reflection and self appraisal in identifying and selecting their chosen issue. Exploring the issue in detail using relevant literature and evidence, the student will be able to analyse and apply appropriate knowledge and skills to suggest a possible solution. Students may select only one negotiated learning module within their chosen pathway.
This module aims to introduce students to health and social care research with an emphasis throughout the module being on the application of research into the practice arena.This practical application, embraces the concept of evidencebased practice and the move towards greater efficacy for the delivery of care. Optional Modules 5FHH1186 - Principles of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Management 30 credits - Optional Module Level 5
5FHH1193 - Negotiated Learning 2 30 credits - Optional Module Level 5
This module aims to enable students to identify an area of practice as a focus for further study.The student will demonstrate skills of critical reflection and self appraisal in identifying and selecting their chosen issue. Exploring the issue in detail using relevant literature and evidence, the student will be able to analyse and apply appropriate knowledge and skills to suggest a possible solution. Students may select only one negotiated learning module within their chosen pathway.
This module aims to enable students to effectively care for patients with COPD within a variety of health care settings. The student will gain knowledge and skills to evaluate methods of assessment, planning and implementing individualised patient care. 5FHH1187 - Fundamental Spirometry 15 credits - Optional Module Level 5
This module aims to introduce students to perform spirometry effectively to obtain reproducible and acceptable reports and to gain an understanding of how spirometry impacts upon the assessment and diagnosis of an individual within respiratory practice. Additional successful completion of a portfolio will also result in ARTP Foundation Certification. 5FHH1188 - Principles of Asthma Management 30 credits - Optional Module Level 5
This module aims to enable students to develop knowledge, competence and confidence in key areas of asthma management with particular reference to inhaler devices and asthma action plans. 6
BSc (Hons) Respiratory Practice Compulsory Modules Level 6 Entry
Optional Modules
6FHH1148 - Principles of Respiratory Assessment 15 credits - Compulsory Module Level 6
6FHH1149 - Managing Acute Respiratory Episodes in the Community Setting 15 credits - Optional Module Level 6
The aim of this module is to enable students to equip themselves, as healthcare professionals, with high quality assessment and monitoring skills for respiratory patients regardless of the setting in which they are encountered, utilising an evidence-based approach.
This module will provide healthcare workers within the community setting with the knowledge and skills to assess triage and give first line treatment to acutely ill respiratory patients with a pre-existing chronic respiratory disease. It will enable learners to develop approaches to assessment, planning and delivery of individualised programmes of care, underpinned by current evidence base.
6FHH1159 - Research Methodology 15 credits - Compulsory Module Level 6
This module aims to enable students to develop an understanding of the research process and the need for an evidence base to guide decision making in clinical practice.
6FHH1150 - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): An Evidence-Based Approach 30 credits - Optional Module Level 6
6FHH1158 - Advancing Respiratory Practice 15 credits - Compulsory Module Level 6
This module will enable students to develop approaches to assessment, planning and delivery of individualised care and treatment underpinned by current evidence.
This module will enable students to influence future developments in respiratory practice to improve patient outcome and develop the capacity for enhancing professional practice through critical reflection. By enabling students to develop enhanced skills of analysis, this module provides a platform for the dissertation module.
6FHH1151 - Asthma: An Evidence-Based Approach 30 credits - Optional Module Level 6
This module will enable students to develop their knowledge in respect of one aspect of asthma management then apply this knowledge to their professional practice.The student will also be able to make appropriate recommendations for enhancement of practice locally.
6FHH1160 - Dissertation 30 credits - Compulsory Module Level 6
This module will enable students to engage in an individual, extended, investigative inquiry in a work-related subject of their choice, which can have specific relevance to their own clinical practice and which can inform and influence respiratory care.
BSc (Hons) Respiratory Practice 6FHH1152 - The Management of Respiratory Failure and Non-Invasive Ventilation: An Evidence-Based Approach 30 credits - Optional Module Level 6
6FHH1157 - Oxygen Therapy 15 credits - Optional Module Level 6
This module will enable students to demonstrate a sound understanding of issues pertaining to the use of oxygen therapy in respiratory disease and apply this to their own role.
This module will enable students to examine current practice for those patients in respiratory failure who require noninvasive ventilation, ensuring the provision of individualised needs-based and justified clinical management.
6FHH1162 - Negotiated Learning 1 15 credits - Optional Module Level 6
6FHH1153 - Supportive and Palliative Care: A Respiratory Perspective 15 credits - Optional Module Level 6
The aim of this module is to enable students to autonomously explore a topic or work-related issue. It involves students identifying the chosen area for study, developing and negotiating a learning contract which will outline the what, how, when, where and why of the study period as well as the means of assessment to showcase the acquired learning. Students may select only one negotiated learning module within their chosen pathway.
This module will enable students to identify key aspects of palliative care in relation to respiratory practice.To understand the complex principles associated with palliative care and critically analyse them as they apply to the support and care for individuals within their area of practice. 6FHH1154 - Pulmonary Rehabilitation 15 credits - Optional Module Level 6
6FHH1161 - Negotiated Learning 2 30 credits - Optional Module Level 6
This module will enable students to utilise in-depth knowledge and skills to deliver a pulmonary rehabilitation programme, underpinned by current evidence; ensuring the provision of an individualised programme for those who have been diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
The aim of this module is to enable students to autonomously explore a topic or work-related issue. It involves students identifying the chosen area for study, developing and negotiating a learning contract which will outline the what, how, when, where and why of the study period as well as the means of assessment to showcase the acquired learning. Students may select only one negotiated learning module within their chosen pathway.
6FHH1155 - Spirometry: Critical Interpretation 15 credits - Optional Module Level 6
This module will enable students to utilise knowledge and skills, through an evidence-based approach, to perform, interpret and critically analyse issues pertaining to spirometry as a tool for screening, diagnosing and assessing respiratory disease. Additional successful completion of a portfolio will also result in ARTP Full Certification. 6FHH1156 - Paediatric Asthma 15 credits - Optional Module Level 6
This module will enable students to acquire evidence-based knowledge and skills to meet the respiratory care needs of children with asthma.
MSc Respiratory Practice recognise that not everyone will want or be able to complete this full award and may leave the programme with a postgraduate certificate or a postgraduate diploma at level 7. Modules remain available to be studied on a stand-alone basis.
This unique inter-professional programme relates specifically to respiratory practice. It is based upon our previous two postgraduate respiratory programmes and is designed to meet the needs of a diverse range of practitioners who have to adapt to a changing evidence base within a dynamic political and economic climate.
The programme is offered part-time using blended learning approaches. Students are provided with comprehensive course materials supported by structured study events.The study events vary in number according to the subject and credit rating but each adopts various delivery methods and encourage discussion, debate and sharing of best practice. Attendance on each study day is expected although further opportunities for networking, peer discussion and peer support are also provided electronically via student study groups.
Within the context of rapid development and change, practitioners working in the respiratory field are often required to work in new and evolving ways. A blurring of boundaries between roles has resulted in the development of different relationships and created partnerships through which the needs of individuals with respiratory disorders and diseases are met. Recognising this, the programme provides opportunities for shared learning within a range of modules enabling individuals to focus upon respiratory practice from an interdisciplinary perspective.Throughout the programme, practitioners are facilitated to gain an increased awareness of respective roles and develop a greater understanding of how they can contribute to the holistic management of patients within respiratory practice.
Briefing days to introduce students to our IT will be held four times a year, students will be invited and dates for these are included on the website. An IT technician is also available to provide additional help and support, as necessary. Supporting our students is key to our work, and systems and processes are in place to ensure an effective student experience. Programme leaders will work with the student to negotiate their pathway, while a personal tutor provides an ongoing link throughout their student journey.
The programme ultimately leads to the achievement of the MSc Respiratory Practice award with practitioners able to select modules, as part of a negotiated pathway, to suit their own specific needs. Compulsory modules are included within the programme which form the mainstay of respiratory practice at this academic level of study. Students joining this programme would register for the MSc, however, we do
Module co-ordinators play an important role within the course through which students can receive support and guidance to complete their module assessments. and offer a link through to the administration and education team while direct lines provide telephone help and support during working hours. Our programmes are open to individuals who work within health related areas. Practitioners accessing the programme would normally be required to have a Degree at a minimum of 2:2. APEL onto the programme is also available and is considered on an individual basis. More help and of 37.5% support relating aduate to this is available postgr to 2012 p from REUK staff. dents u a
stu warded a e r e w tion at Distinc vel MSc le
MSc Respiratory Practice Respiratory Assessment
Respiratory Examination
15 Credits
15 Credits
Level 7 Compulsory 7FHH1082
Level 7 Compulsory 7FHH1084
Respiratory Diagnostics or 30 credit optional module
30 compulsory credits plus 30 optional credits
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1083
Exit Postgraduate Certificate
60 credits
Plus further 60 credits from optional modules
Optimising Asthma Management
Optimising the Management of COPD
Non-Invasive Ventilation and Respiratory Failure
30 Credits
30 Credits
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1085
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1086
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1089
Management of Acute Respiratory Illness
Interstitial Lung Disease
Ethical Issues in Respiratory Practice
30 Credits
15 Credits
15 Credits
15 Credits
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1111
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1090
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1087
120 credits
Exit Postgraduate Diploma Respiratory Palliation and End-of-Life Care
Respiratory Physiology
Negotiated Learning 1
15 Credits
15 Credits
15 Credits
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1088
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1091
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1093
Negotiated Learning 2 30 Credits
Level 7 Optional 7FHH1094
Exit - Interim Award
Research – Applied to Respiratory Practice*
Respiratory Practice Dissertation
15 Credits
45 Credits
Level 7 Compulsory 7FHH1092
Level 7 Compulsory 7FHH1096
MSc Respiratory Practice
180 credits
*N.B. Research – Applied to Respiratory Practice can be taken as an option module within the PGD but is compulsory within the MSC
MSc Respiratory Practice 7FHH1096 - Respiratory Practice Dissertation 45 credits - Compulsory Module Level 7
Students commencing on the programme would normally register for the MSc but could exit with either a Postgraduate Certificate or a Postgraduate Diploma.
This module will enable students to focus upon the conceptualisation of a significant piece of enquiry relating to a particular area of respiratory practice, developing a proposal that will demonstrate their abilities to either plan a small-scale empirical study or bring about an improvement in respiratory practice.
To complete the Postgraduate Certificate students would need to successfully complete the two compulsory modules; Respiratory Assessment and Respiratory Examination.They could also complete the Respiratory Diagnostics module as an option or select alternative modules relevant to clinical practice to complete a further 30 credits in order to exit with 60 credits and the Postgraduate Certificate.To complete the Postgraduate Diploma students would need to successfully complete a further 60 optional credits.
Optional Modules 7FHH1083 - Respiratory Diagnostics 30 credits - Optional Module Level 7
This module will enable students to develop proficiency in the interpretation of common respiratory investigations and critically analyse factors impinging upon the validity and accuracy of these investigations.
Compulsory Modules 7FHH1082 - Respiratory Assessment 15 credits - Compulsory Module Level 7
This module will enable students to critically analyse the principles of assessment as part of the investigative process and demonstrate a conceptual understanding of its application to, and interpretation within, respiratory practice.
7FHH1085 - Optimising Asthma Management 30 credits - Optional Module Level 7
This module will enable students to critically appraise reasons for sub-optimal asthma control from diagnostic, therapeutic and psychological standpoints.
7FHH1084 - Respiratory Examination 15 credits - Compulsory Module Level 7
7FHH1086 - Optimising the Management of COPD 30 credits - Optional Module Level 7
This module will enable students to advance their knowledge relating to clinical examination and develop an understanding of the role it performs in the formulation of a differential diagnosis.The practical application demonstrates systematic enquiry and facilitates students to creatively gain competence in their skills of examination and confidence in their ability to exercise their initiative and autonomously make appropriate clinical decisions relating to respiratory practice.
This module will enable students to enhance their understanding of the complex nature of COPD, including respiratory and systemic effects, and critically analyse one intervention employed in COPD management. 7FHH1087 - Ethical Issues in Respiratory Practice 15 credits - Optional Module Level 7
7FHH1092 - Research Applied to Respiratory Practice 15 credits - Compulsory Module Level 7
This module will enable students to critically evaluate some of the key elements/concepts in the field of ethical theory such as deontology and utilitarianism in relation to health care. Students will be facilitated to critique and apply these theories to a range of common respiratory care such as truth telling, killing and letting die, and de-prioritising certain patients because of lifestyle.
This module will enable students to focus upon the identification, translation and interpretation of respiratoryrelated research and evidence-based practice. Emphasis throughout the module will be placed upon various approaches to research and research-related methodologies, and their application in a range of disciplines and in practice-related settings.The student will consider the philosophical principles underpinning some of the more widely used methodologies within healthcare, conceptualising the evidence to critically evaluate its relevance, validity and applicability to their own area of practice. 11
MSc Respiratory Practice 7FHH1088 - Respiratory Palliation and End-of-Life Care 15 credits - Optional Module Level 7
7FHH1093 - Negotiated Learning 1 15 credits - Optional Module Level 7
7FHH1089 - Non-Invasive Ventilation and Respiratory Failure 30 credits - Optional Module Level 7
7FHH1094 - Negotiated Learning 2 30 credits - Optional Module Level 7
This module will enable students to develop an appreciation of the increasing relevance and importance of palliative care within the respiratory disease setting and critically compare the notions of palliative and end-of-life care.
The aim of this module is to enable students to develop their knowledge and critically reflect on an issue within their own sphere of practice. Students may select only one negotiated learning module within their chosen pathway.
This module will enable students to critically examine the pathophysiological changes that can lead to respiratory failure and articulate when non-invasive ventilation should be used as a treatment modality. Additionally, students should critically analyse the complexities involved in non-invasive ventilation and focus on one aspect of this intervention.
The aim of this module is to enable students to develop their knowledge and critically reflect on an issue within their own sphere of practice. Students may select only one negotiated learning module within their chosen pathway. 7FHH1111 - Management of Acute Respiratory Illness 15 credits - Optional Module Level 7
7FHH1090 - Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) 15 credits - Optional Module Level 7
The aim of this module is to enable students to develop a critical understanding of aspects of assessment, triage, treatment and management of patients experiencing acute episodes of their illness, particularly within the community.
This module will enable students to increase their knowledge of Interstitial Lung Disease and develop a greater understanding of these complex and often poorly understood diseases in order to improve a patient’s initial diagnosis and overall outcome and care. 7FHH1091 - Respiratory Physiology 15 credits - Optional Module Level 7
This module will enable students to build upon their existing knowledge and skills relating to anatomy and physiology and develop these further both in terms of depth of knowledge and application to respiratory disease.
Contact Details Respiratory Education UK Unit 45 Sixth Avenue University Hospital Aintree Lower Lane Aintree Liverpool L9 7AL Tel: 0151 529 2598 Fax: 0151 529 3943 Chief Executive Gill Hall Tel: 0151 529 6231 E-Mail:
Marketing Manager/MSc Enquiries Gill Butler Tel: 0151 529 6254 E-Mail: Business Development Manager Ian Jackson Tel: 0151 529 6232 E-Mail: Account Enquiries Tracey Haigh Finance Officer Tel: 0151 529 6229 E-Mail:
Head of Education,Training and University Relations Jo Misell Tel: 0151 529 6234 E-Mail:
Education Administration Tel: 0151 529 2599/8180 E-Mail:
General Student Admin
Programme Leads MSc Dave Burns Senior Lecturer and MSc Lead Tel: 0151 529 2598 E-Mail: BSc Anne Riches Senior Lecturer and BSc Lead Tel: 0151 529 2598 E-Mail:
Potential Student and New Business Enquiries
Respiratory Education UK Unit 45 Sixth Avenue University Hospital Aintree Lower Lane Aintree Liverpool L9 7AL Tel: 0151 529 2598 Fax: 0151 529 3943